Ling Changfeng turned his head slightly, looking at the teasing arc on his lover’s lips. He couldn’t stop his hand from moving up and rubbing his head before he said without changing his face: “Of course not. I won’t hug people randomly when I’m drunk, or even ask someone to accompany me to take a bath.”

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Xu Xinghe: “…”

He originally wanted to ridicule Ling Changfeng, but being ridiculed all of a sudden, an inexplicable desire to win came up.

So the corners of his eyes twitched, and he curled his lips and said, “Really? I don’t believe it. Unless you drink, and show me now.”

Ling Changfeng glanced sideways at him after hearing this somewhat meaningfully.

A slight tingling crawled up Xu Xinghe’s spine seeing him look at him like this.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, “The meat is ready!”

So the people who were chatting, joking, and drinking all stopped in unison, grabbing their chopsticks in a flurry, and dove into the hotpot.

“Brothers rush!”

“Got one one! Got the best spot!”

The first piece of meat in a hotpot is always the most fragrant, especially when eating this kind of multi-person hotpot.

Xu Xinghe didn’t hold back either. Rolling up his sleeves, he prepared to dive in.

Eating meat is the most important thing right now!

He picked up the chopsticks and was about to stretch out his hand when Marshal Ling silently handed over a colander.

Xu Xinghe was stunned for a while, then accepted the colander. Unceremoniously, he shoved it directly into the hotpot, and scooped up a big spoonful of marbled beef without much effort.

Suddenly, there were bursts of mourning at the dinner table—

“Ah, ah, Xiao Xu foul! Why are you using a colander from the start??”

“Stop howling, you don’t even look at who gave him the equipment.”

“Our combat equipment is not at the same level, what should we do? Rob him?”

Xu Xinghe replied calmly: “Learning to use tools is a major breakthrough in the history of human civilization, and hotpot tools are similar. How much everyone grabs depends on their ability.”

After speaking, he poured out some of the chili oil that was scooped up. But instead of pouring the meat directly into his bowl, he turned his wrist and handed the colander to Ling Changfeng. “Here, Shou Xing1term for the person who’s birthday is being celebrated, it’s for you.”

Ling Changfeng raised his eyes and bumped into Xu Xinghe’s little boy who was offering a treasure. His eyes, his heart suddenly moved slightly.

Those black eyes were sparkling, and the thick eyelashes were like the wings of a butterfly, trembling softly… It made him itchy.

Marshal Ling picked up his chopsticks, picked up two slices of beef from the colander, and put them into his mouth.

His sense of taste is not sharp, and everything he eats tastes the same.

But at this moment, the food has an undeniable fragrance, and even tastes a little sweet.

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“Delicious.” He glanced at Xu Xinghe, then put a piece of beef into his lover’s bowl. “You should also taste it while it’s hot.”

As the two looked at each other silently for a few seconds, the surrounding air seemed to slowly warm up.

The rest of the guests wordlessly looked away, and turned their attention to the remaining meat in the pot-

“Hey wait! The meat over there was just put in, why can’t you wait to fish it out after it’s cooked?”

“It’s cooked, it’s cooked!”

“F*ck! Isn’t this red part still raw?”

“Just watch me eat it.”

“F*ck! Have you never eaten hotpot in your life? That’s all the meat!!”

“Stop arguing, stop arguing, there are still more than a dozen plates.”

“No! I want the first plate of meat!”

“Let’s see if there’s any meat scraps left.”

Warm winter sun shone through the bulletproof glass on the roof.

Golden light shattered and sprinkled evenly on everyone.

Outside the glass window, the wind was cold and snowflakes fluttered.

The room was filled with laughter and a lively scene of drinking and talking.

In a trance, Ling Changfeng recalled that he hadn’t cooked hotpot with so many people for a long time.

He has never been a lively person, but at this moment, nothing was wrong with being a little rowdy.

During the meal, Marshal Ling’s old classmates shared everything from his 50 years of singleness to his glorious deeds when they were in the military academy.

Originally, they wanted to gossip whether Ling Changfeng had other peach blossoms when he was young, but were immediately silenced by Marshal Ling’s sharp eye knife, and turned to ridicule the only bachelor who was present – Adjutant Qin.

So, lunch was eaten from twelve o’clock in the afternoon to nearly three in the afternoon filled with the sound of your words and my words.

But this time, everyone’s drinking was more restrained. Probably because of how busy work was at the end of the year, they were afraid that drinking too much would delay proper business.

Except for Waite who contributed a bottle of century-old wine, and Lin Ting who ordered a bottle of vodka, no one ordered any other alcohol. Instead, they had a bunch of cocktails.

Xu Xinghe, who was full and satisfied, suddenly reached out his hand to hook his wine glass, and held it up. Shaking it in front of Ling Changfeng, he asked with a smile, “Let’s toast?”


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Full of curiosity, Xu Xinghe tilted the mouth of his glass, and touched Ling Changfeng’s glass like a rogue.

The glass made a crisp clanging sound, Xu Xinghe blinked: “Really not drinking?”

Facing the invitation of his lover’s bright smile, Ling Changfeng thought for a moment, picked up the glass and touched it back.

Then he slowly brought the cup to his mouth…

Under Xu Xinghe’s curious and expectant gaze, he pretended to take a sip.

Xu Xinghe: “…”

This guy’s adam’s apple didn’t even move. At first glance, his mouth was dipped in wine, but he didn’t open his mouth!

He couldn’t help but ask: “You really can’t drink a sip of wine?”

Marshal Ling raised his eyelids and looked at him. “Not drinking today, there are other things to do tonight.”

“I just want to clink glasses with you.” He generously admitted.

“…Well, you have the final say today.” Curiosity aside, Xu Xinghe didn’t intend to forcefully persuade him to drink, so he smiled and simply finished the wine in his own glass.

Marshal Ling has always been a person with strong principles.

The last time they toasted, he just pretended to touch the wall of the glass with his lips.

Xu Xinghe also drank very little, only finishing two glasses of wine over the course of the meal, and drinking watermelon juice the rest of the time.

Although Team Leader Xu’s alcohol intake is not good, it takes more than two or three drinks to get drunk. When the meal was wrapping up, he was still very sober, and his state of excitement from being slightly drunk didn’t even appear.

After all, there is still an evening show, Xu Xinghe thought to himself. Who knows where Ling Changfeng will take him tonight.

Before leaving, everyone sent beautifully packaged birthday gifts over.

Seeing this, Xu Xinghe petrified in place with a poof.

Sh*t! He almost forgot about it. What about the birthday present?!

Ling Changfeng thanked them in a low voice, waved someone to load the gifts into the car, and then turned to look at Xu Xinghe.

Turning to one’s partner was almost an unconscious reaction. However, under the current situation, Xu Xinghe suddenly felt guilty.

His classmates have given so many gifts, but he, the legal partner, is empty-handed. How can he justify it?

So, under the gaze of the pair of mismatched pupils, Xu Xinghe blurted out before he had time to think: “My present… for you is at night.”

He regretted the words as soon as he finished speaking.

This is completely digging a hole for himself!

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It’s already afternoon. Not to mention that for the rest of the day, there’s an 80% chance he won’t be able to get away at all. Where else can he get a ready-made birthday gift?

When Marshal Ling heard the word “night”, there was a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes that was difficult to detect.

Xu Xinghe easily caught the glimmer of anticipation. But there are bystanders present, and the confession he wanted to reveal was stuck in his throat.

What to do?

He suddenly panicked.

His big cat is looking forward to his birthday present…

Just as Xu Xinghe was frowning, Ling Changfeng had already stepped forward to take his lover’s hand and led him out.

Xu Xinghe followed him absentmindedly, walking robotically when he heard Parrish say, “The last time we had dinner here, was it at the end of June?”

“Yeah, at that time, Changfeng had no match. Well, in the blink of an eye, the old cow started to eat the young grass.”

“Speaking of which, didn’t we make a joke last time?” Lin Ting winked at the others while holding back a smile.

The crowd laughed tacitly.

Ling Changfeng walked in front with a blank face, ignoring the voices behind him.

Hearing this, Xu Xinghe finally turned his head curiously and asked, “What joke?”

Lin Ting didn’t expect him to suddenly ask, and he choked up, unable to explain.

Xu Xinghe became more and more suspicious, so he turned his eyes to Ling Changfeng and asked again, “What’s the joke?”

Gold and sapphire slanted and cast a faint glance.

Xu Xinghe suddenly had an ominous feeling.

Marshal Ling retracted his gaze and said as he walked, “As I mentioned to you before, I met an omega here who said he didn’t care if he was matched to the Alliance Marshal.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

His expression gradually cracked.

When the generals behind him heard him speak so calmly, they also began to joke.

“We were almost dying of laughter at the time, thinking how could our dignified Marshal Ling not receive the loving gaze of an omega?”

“True, true, isn’t there Xiao Xu now?”

“Yes! Thank god for Xiao Xu. Otherwise Lao Ling would still be PK-ing with Lao Qin over who’s the last single remaining.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

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He quietly raised his eyes to Ling Changfeng amid the crowd’s laughter, and suddenly said in a low voice: “That omega must not have known at the time how good you are.”

Ling Changfeng paused slightly.

Without answering, he just held Xu Xinghe’s hand tighter and continued to walk forward.

His pace seemed to be a little quicker than before.

Like a big cat whose fur was smoothed out, he threw off his tail in the warm winter sun, happily circled his little mate, and every cell on his body revealed a sense of joy and pride.

Xu Xinghe also smiled.

He found that his big cat was actually quite content.

He tightened his grip as well.

Everyone waved goodbye at the exit of the passage, and discussed making an appointment after the New Year.

Xu Xinghe got into the car, but found that the car did not return along the route it came from.

He asked Ling Changfeng, “Where are we going?”

“To dinner.”

“…” Didn’t lunch just end??

Xu Xinghe raised his hand and glanced at the time. “It’s only half past three.”

Ling Changfeng replied, “The place is far away, so it’ll be dinner time when we arrive.”

Xu Xinghe was stunned: “How far? Your car can reach 300mph or more, won’t we circle Nebula City in a little over an hour?”

Ling Changfeng still said, “You’ll know when we get there.”

Xu Xinghe tilted his head and looked at him for a while, then suddenly raised his head to say: “You being so vague makes me suspect that you want to bring me to a ravine and do something unspeakable.”


Ling Changfeng suddenly turned his eyes away without saying a word, and turned to look outside the window.

Xu Xinghe didn’t say anything else. Turning his chin, he stared outside in a daze, worrying about the missing birthday present again.

As a result, he did not notice Marshal Ling, who always maintains the steady demeanor of Mount Tai without changing face, rubbing his suspiciously red ear from tip to base.


Huh, an unusually short chapter.

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1term for the person who’s birthday is being celebrated

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