The black military vehicle galloped all the way to the southwest. After about half an hour, it left the boundary of Nebula City and drove towards the unknown destination.

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Xu Xinghe turned his head and glanced at Ling Changfeng in surprise.

When an officer of his level leaves Nebula City, he must prepare in advance and make corresponding security arrangements. It is impossible to make a temporary decision on a whim.

So, where is he taking them?

Speeding across the sky, passing through the snowy winter.

The further south they went, the warmer it was.

The white snow and ice slowly melted, Xu Xinghe looked out the window, and the green vibrancy of spring gradually entered his field of vision.

For the next two and a half hours, they flew over forests, fields, hillsides, and passed cities, bases, and countless roads.

The views along the way were amazing.

Xu Xinghe and Ling Changfeng chatted on and off. When they were tired, they rested on each other’s shoulders for a while.

At six o’clock in the evening, under a sky of sunshine and gilded red sun…

After the marshal’s car passed through the final long metal tunnel, it suddenly became dark and then bright…

Rolling over to sit up, Xu Xinghe’s black eyes widened upon seeing the scene outside the windows-

They finally stopped in the middle of a colorful, dream-like sea of ​​flowers.

As far as the eye can see, there are flowers everywhere.

Beautiful, gorgeous blooming flowers danced in the breeze. It was as if they had strayed into a fairyland.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the speeding car slowly landed in front of a huge crystal glass house in the center of the sea of ​​​flowers.

Everything was plated with a layer of warm gold.

Xu Xinghe got off the car, and a fragrance of spring flowers came to his nostrils.

Different kinds of flowers mixed together, condensing into a wondrous, harmonious fragrance.

Flocks of butterflies hovered in the air, dancing among the sea of ​​flowers.

“This is too beautiful…” Xu Xinghe couldn’t help exclaiming as he looked around. “There’s actually such a place on Capital Star? If it’s a tourist area, it must have been trampled by visitors long ago, right?”

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Standing behind him, Ling Changfeng explained, “This was originally an experimental field, and later it became an A-level nature reserve. It’s not open to the public…”

Before he finished speaking, he found that his little spouse had already disappeared, plunging into the center of the flowers.

Xu Xinghe opened his arms wide and embraced the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Everything was so pleasing to the eyes. The only fly in the ointment is…

He looked down at the sweater on his body, then turned to look at Ling Changfeng’s shirt and coat, and couldn’t help complaining slightly: “You should’ve warned me in advance. Dressed like this now, what should I do now that it’s warm?”

“It’s fine.” Ling Changfeng raised his chin towards the glass house in front of them. “There’s a room inside, you can go and change your clothes first.”

Xu Xinghe was stunned. “In my size?”

Ling Changfeng nodded.

A hint of surprise flashed in Xu Xinghe’s eyes, but before he could think about it, he heard Ling Changfeng continue: “It’s getting late, let’s go and change first, and have dinner after that.”

“Okay.” Xu Xinghe nodded. He raised his head and walked towards the glass house.

In the north is a translucent living room, and to the south is a crystal-clear hall, connected by a glass promenade in the middle.

In the southern hall surrounded by flowers, a candlelight dinner was arranged in the center.

There were no waiters at the table, only two serving robots.

Xu Xinghe quickly changed his clothes and took a seat with Ling Changfeng.

As the sun set in the west, colorful clouds filled the sky.

The new moon rose quietly, and the sky changed from a gorgeous orange-yellow blood-red into a hazy dark blue twilight.

Lights suspended in the air flew up. When the soft light hit the sea of flowers, a completely different beauty was revealed.

Perhaps because they had just a heavy lunch, the food for dinner was relatively light.

A simple four dishes and one soup, like ordinary home cooking.

However, the moment Xu Xinghe took a sip of the milky white fish soup that seemed unremarkable, he knew that it must have taken a lot of effort to prepare. Such soup is rarely found even in five-star hotels outside.

Halfway through the meal, Ling Changfeng fiddled with the food in his bowl, and casually suggested: “Let’s stay here tonight, and go back tomorrow?”

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“Okay, as long as it doesn’t delay your work.” Xu Xinghe was surprisingly easy to talk to.

He loves this place.

“How did you find this place?” Xu Xinghe asked while eating.

“Qin Yuan gave me a list, and I chose this place from the twenty or so options.” Ling Changfeng raised his eyes. “Do you know why?”

Xu Xinghe thought for a while.

“Because this place is beautiful?”

Marshal Ling looked at his little spouse, and a rare tenderness flashed in his eyes. “I mainly want you to experience the feeling of being surrounded by flowers.”

Xu Xinghe was stunned for a moment, then reacted with hindsight. He couldn’t help asking curiously: “Do I smell like this?”

Ling Changfeng thought for a while, then shook his head gently. “Your pheromones are very special and indescribable. But at first whiff, the surprise and reaction is probably the same as when you first got out of the car.”

After a pause, he added, “The impact of your pheromones may be stronger though.”

Xu Xinghe was startled at the description. “So I smell so good… I always thought I had no smell when I was a child.”

After a pause, he tilted his head and asked, “Isn’t it a disadvantage for others not to smell it?”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

He knew that the other party was just talking casually, but such a simple and unintentional remark suddenly gave him the feeling of someone encroaching on his territory.

Xu Xinghe’s unparalleled and wonderful pheromone is like a huge treasure to any alpha who has smelled it.

And he is like an evil dragon guarding such treasure. HIs heart was restless at the thought of his treasure being coveted by countless pairs of eyes.

Ling Changfeng lowered his eyes.

He didn’t know if this was the normal reaction of an alpha, or of his own paranoid thinking that bordered on selfishness.

Cherish and begrudge, monopolize and protect.

He was eager to cross the red line, but was afraid that he would hurt him if he crossed the line.

Just like tonight, he was full of anticipation yet hesitant to move forward.

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Ling Changfeng looked at Xu Xinghe for a moment without saying a word, and then gave a soft “um”.

Xu Xinghe smiled and said, “You’ve lucked out.”

After two seconds, he added with a chuckle, “Me too.”

When the meal came to an end, Ling Changfeng put down the cutlery and wiped his mouth. “Let’s go out for a walk?”

“We’re done eating? Where’s the cake?” Xu Xinghe was stunned.

Ling Changfeng looked up at him. “What cake?”

“Birthday cake, you haven’t blown the candles yet.”

Marshal Ling paused for a moment at the words.

The two stared at each other, silent for a while, before Xu Xinghe opened his mouth in surprise. “Did you not eat cake on your birthday before? You didn’t blow candles or make wishes?”

“I didn’t celebrate birthdays before.” Ling Changfeng shook his head.

Xu Xinghe: “…”

“That’s a bit of a waste. They say that making a wish on a birthday is very smart.” Xu Xinghe held his chin and smiled. “Although there’s no birthday cake right now, we have candles at least.”

Saying that, he hooked a decorative candle on the table, leaned slightly and said, “Close your eyes and make a wish, then blow out the candle. Maybe your wish will come true in the coming year.”

Under the huge crystal light, colorful rainbows reflected off the walls.

The flickering candles on the dining table together with the night light illuminated his young lover’s face.

Ling Changfeng didn’t believe in fate and never believed in gods or demons before. He was never superstitious about these claims used to deceive children.

But at this moment, seeing Xu Xinghe’s bright black eyes, his heart moved slightly.

In the beating firelight, he slowly closed his eyes…

It’s not that he didn’t believe him, but rather he preferred having nothing to wish for so that he would have nothing to yearn or ask for.

And now-

I want to win the heart of one person, and to live and die together in old age.

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Ling Changfeng opened his eyelids and blew out the candle.

Xu Xinghe asked curiously, “What wish did you make?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he shook his head at himself. “No! You can’t say it! It won’t work if you say it.”

“It won’t happen.” Marshal Ling would never wish such a thing to happen.

The bright moon, evening lights, and candles bounced off his eyes, making the gold and blue hues brighter than usual.

A faint smile flashed across Ling Changfeng’s lips, as he said calmly and earnestly, “This wish will come true.”

After dinner, the two of them went outside for a stroll.

Time faded away before the flowers and under the moon.

This day could have ended successfully under this harmonious atmosphere, but there was one thing that made Xu Xinghe very concerned and very guilty.

His guilty conscience peaked before he went to bed.

At 10:30 in the evening, Xu Xinghe, who had been tossing around for a day, finally finished washing up and lay down on the same bed with Ling Changfeng.

He opened his eyes and looked through the glass roof at the galaxy shining above them in the night sky.

After staring for a while, he suddenly stretched out his little finger and hooked Ling Changfeng’s sleeve.

“Are you asleep?” Xu Xinghe asked softly.

Ling Changfeng opened his eyes suddenly; his mind was fully lucid.

Xu Xinghe didn’t realize it, as he turned to face his lover and asked, “Don’t you think you’re missing something today?”

Ling Changfeng: “?”


XXH you’re digging a hole for yourself!!!

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