“Long time no see.”

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The person on the other end of the phone smiled softly. “Team Leader Xu finally turned on his phone. It would be a pity if he missed the last call from his relatives because of work.”

Xu Xinghe’s hands trembled slightly as the cold wind blew towards his face with fine snow.

His legs suddenly felt as heavy as led as he walked towards the parking low.

His whole body was cold buffeted by the chilly wind.

Memories of being kidnapped a few months ago came flooding back.

This time, Gu Nai kidnapped Lily.

Not only Lily, but also his mother and younger brother.

Colleagues passed by one after another. When acquaintances saw him, they smiled and nodded in greeting: “Leader Xu is also off work.”

The usual tone of colleagues finally pulled Xu Xinghe back from his fear to reality. He twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled in return.

Then he took a deep breath, and while continuing to walk forward, he asked softly, “What do you want to talk about?”

“Marshal Ling has been guarding you very well recently, but unfortunately, your mother and the others do not enjoy this kind of treatment… Do you understand their current situation, Team Leader Xu?” Gu Nai said in a relaxed tone. “I just need to move a finger to get rid of them immediately.”

“What do you want?” Xu Xinghe said, voice trembling slightly. He tried to keep his composure, as he thought quickly.

“It’s very simple, I’m a little unhappy that the plan at the end of September didn’t work out.” Gu Nai’s tone was even polite, as if he was chatting with a friend. “After getting rid of Ling Changfeng’s guards, come meet me at the designated place and time later.”

“I…” Xu Xinghe opened his mouth, only to feel his teeth chattering, and a white cold mist emerged from his mouth.

“Don’t say you can’t.” Gu Nai interrupted him abruptly, and said with some regret: “I don’t want to send you a few fingers as a threat like those vicious gangsters in a kidnapper movie. But I am indeed desperate now. Right now. I can guarantee that if you do what I say, then your family can go back safely, Team Leader Xu. But if… If you dare to tell Ling Changfeng about this, even letting out a few clues – you know I’ve always been sharp in this area – I don’t mind if the fish die and the net breaks1fish = hostages; net = kidnapping plot. Trust me, my knife will fall before the police’s bullet arrives, and cut your mother’s and younger siblings’ necks.”

Walking alone in the wind and snow, each snowflake falling on his shoulder seemed to weigh him down.

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The parking lot is in sight, and the people from the Marshal’s Mansion will be there waiting for him.

Xu Xinghe slowed down, and coldness spread up his spine.

“Can you guarantee their safety?” Xu Xinghe whispered softly with a hint of determination. “If something happens to them, then you know, I don’t mind if the fish die and the net breaks.”2here XXH is referring to not worrying about himself

“Of course, I promise…” Gu Nai’s laughter came from the earphone. “My target is only you, so as long as I get you, I will not implicate innocent people.”

Time passed minute by minute, and the person on the other end of the phone urged impatiently. “Team Leader Xu?”

Xu Xinghe moved his stiff fingers to free himself from the torment. He nodded slowly: “Okay, where do you want to meet?”

Gu Nai smiled: “Don’t be in such a hurry to ask questions. Before that, I want to remind you – you’d better make sure to get rid of everyone, and come by yourself. Make sure you remove any and all electronic devices from your body. If I find out that you have any careful thoughts, even if you really forgot to take something off, even if Ling Changfeng secretly installed the positioning equipment without your knowledge, and I find out, then I’m sorry, I can only chop off your sister’s fingers one by one.”

His voice was cold at the end, but in the next moment Gu Nai returned to his usual gentle, amiable tone. “Besides, you don’t have to worry too much. Sneaking out tonight by yourself shouldn’t be difficult, because your family’s Marshal Ling will be very busy tonight. You’ll have plenty of time to prepare. I don’t care what method you use, but come to the appointed place alone tonight. Okay?”

Xu Xinghe’s brain gradually calmed down, and his heart also sank.

How can Gu Nai even know Ling Changfeng’s itinerary?

Moreover, he’s been wanted for so long, and is now blatantly hiding on Capital Star…

This is definitely not something that one person can do, even if he’s talented. There must be someone behind Gu Nai who is helping him.

Xu Xinghe suddenly asked, “Did your so-called ‘master’ send you here?”

With the kidnapping largely coming to an end, the mastermind of the matter gradually becomes clear.

He once thought that the kidnappers kidnapped him to blackmail Ling Changfeng, but thinking about it again, they clearly said that they wanted to “leave Ling Changfeng’s territory”. If so, where did they want to bring him?  Lambda galaxy?

“Shh—” Gu Nai’s gentle and delicate voice came from the earphones. “Be careful of the walls having ears,Team Leader Xu. From now on, for the safety and health of your family, don’t talk casually, okay?”

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Xu Xinghe bit his lip, fell silent.

Gu Nai smiled and said: “That’s right. Why are you still thinking about those old things at such a time? Why don’t you worry about your own and your family’s safety when you have time, Team Leader Xu. As for other questions… once you’re here, you’ll naturally know the truth.”

Hanging up the phone, Xu Xinghe recited in his mind the meeting place and password Gu Nai had just left.

He took a deep breath, controlled his slightly trembling hands, and tried to push the negative emotions aside.

He told himself to calm down and not let anyone see any flaws, then lifted his feet mechanically and continued walking towards the tarmac.

The special car from the Marshal’s Mansion has been waiting for a long time.

Xu Xinghe got into the car as if nothing had happened, and took a deep breath again.

Calm down and think again.

At this point, he has no choice.

First, he couldn’t gamble with the lives of his mother and younger siblings. Second, if the “master” behind Gu Nai is really the man in the white wolf mask two years ago, then this is an opportunity. An opportunity to confirm his identity, obtain evidence, and kill them all.

He’s willing to gamble with his life.

Compared with the danger in front of him, what frightened him even more were those nights of tossing and turning due to nightmares.

Therefore, the current danger can also be regarded as an opportunity for him.

It’s just… Xu Xinghe stared blankly at the neon lights passing by the window, and Ling Changfeng’s face suddenly flashed in his mind.

He feels sorry for him.

At lunch break today, he was still picking out birthday gifts for his lover. He really wants to spend their first birthday together with Ling Changfeng.

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But this time, he was destined to make the other party worried.

Xu Xinghe did not return to the Marshal’s Mansion. When he was halfway through the navigation, he pretended to receive a message, and then told the Marshal’s personal guard who came to pick him up that he was going back to his mother’s house.

The two guards looked at each other, and the order they received was to escort the marshal’s partner to and from get off work. But after all, it’s not like they’ll restrict his personal freedom or will.

After consulting Colonel Lewis, the two changed their destination, heading towards the 031 complex in Area 5, and finally landed slowly in front of Xu Xinghe’s small courtyard.

Xu Xinghe got out of the car and opened the door of the villa with his fingerprints.

“Please wait for me here.” He turned to the two guards.

“Yes, we’ll be waiting for you at the door. You can let us know at any time if you have any orders.” The two marshals and guards finished, and they stood at the door like a pair of security guards.

The light was still on in the living room, but no one was there.

Xu Xinghe walked from the first floor to the second floor, only to find a note that said “I’ll be waiting for you tonight”, pressed under the coaster of the coffee table in the living room, and the date was today.

As if he knew he would come back.

Xu Xinghe sighed. Gu Nai is indeed a smart person, and he doesn’t know what kind of character the “master” behind him will be.

With some hindsight, he discovered that since he had that long talk with Ling Changfeng some time ago, he seemed to be able to face that past.

At least, when he recalled the pervert with the flame pheromone, his face would no longer turn pale.

Now, he just wants that person to be punished as he deserves.

Xu Xinghe took off his smartphone, communicator, mobile headset…

Removing every piece of electronic equipment one by one, and placing them neatly on the coffee table.

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He knew that Gu Nai is also a computer expert. He can’t use ordinary means to hide things from him; they will only irritate him.

However, before taking off the smartwatch on his wrist, Xu Xinghe stared at the screen and hesitated for a while, but still called Ling Changfeng.

“Di-di–” the busy voice echoed in the quiet living room.

Every minute and every second made Xu Xinghe feel that time stretched out infinitely long.

After thirty seconds, the communication hung up automatically.

Ling Changfeng did not answer.

Xu Xinghe called Qin Yuan again, but the adjutant, who always answered in seconds, didn’t answer this time.

Xu Xinghe thought of Gu Nai’s words “Marshal Ling will be busy tonight” and finally gave up.

He opened his mailbox and wrote an email.

Scheduled delivery time – midnight tonight.

After dealing with all this, Xu Xinghe took off his coat, changed into a down jacket, put on a hat, took some cash that he had not used for many years, and then snuck out through the back door of the villa, disappearing into the night.


Let’s not bring up the loophole in XXH’s logic, okay?

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1fish = hostages; net = kidnapping plot2here XXH is referring to not worrying about himself

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