The location Gu Nai set was not far from his small villa. Xu Xinghe walked for a while after going out, and then called a taxi.

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Following the coordinates given by Gu Nai, the driver brought him to a large escape room entertainment venue.

When Xu Xinghe got out of the car and saw the “Escape Room” ads on the window, he was speechless.

He doesn’t understand why Gu Nai is so obsessed with escape rooms.

After a moment of silence, Xu Xinghe glanced at the electronic clock at the door, and entered when it was eight o’clock in the evening.

Surprisingly, there were quite a few young players waiting in line.

The waiter in charge of reception greeted him in fancy clothes and asked with a smile, “Hello, sir, do you have a reservation?”

“Yes, the show at 7:59.” Xu Xinghe said in a low voice.

The waiter was stunned for a while, and then his smile became brighter. “Okay, please come with me.”

Xu Xinghe was led into a small room, and as expected, there was no one inside.

There was only a set of clothes that looked like they were for circus performers, and a small note.

The small note reads: Put on the NPC’s clothes and go out through the passage at the north gate. There is a dark red bus waiting for you there.

Xu Xinghe smiled sarcastically, but followed the instructions.

He put on that strange suit, put on a mask, and got on the bus.

The engine started and the vehicle drove him all the way out of the city.

There was no one else on the bus except him.

Xu Xinghe looked out the window silently the whole time, watching the city buildings fade away bit by bit.

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Just as the front foot of the bus left the first traffic checkpoint in the city, a red light suddenly flashed in the sky.

The next moment, sirens sounded from all directions, exploding across the skies and piercing through the clouds!

Xu Xinghe’s pupils shrank, and he quickly stared up at the sky.

Countless patrol planes and military police were dispatched, rushing towards the center of Xingfu City.

The piercing warning sound echoed in the ears, and the red and white warning lights flickered in the air of the cold night.

What happened? Could it be that the people in the Marshal’s Mansion found out that he was missing so quickly?

Will Gu Nai think he called the police by himself?

No, no, this is a Level 1 Red Alert!

It is the highest alert issued only in the event of a catastrophic accident.

Xu Xinghe’s black eyes trembled slightly.

Even when he disappeared last time, Ling Changfeng ordered martial law on all routes in the northern hemisphere, and issued an orange alert.

To put it bluntly, the fact that he disappeared is not enough for a red alert.

Because it enforces high-altitude no-fly, traffic control, and regional blockades…

Issuing such warnings while high-level officials of the Lambda galaxy are still visiting requires even more caution.

So, what the hell is this red alert?

Staring at the flashing red lights in the sky, his black eyes couldn’t hide his worry.

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Is there something wrong in Xingfu City?

But no matter what was going on or how much he thought about it, the bus finally took him out of the city as scheduled.

After another secret car change, an inconspicuous black car slowly drove to a place that looked like an abandoned factory and put Xu Xinghe down.

Two burly men with guns escorted him into the factory.

Xu Xinghe followed them through the metal gates, and let the lasers sweep back and forth over him several times.

In the end, he was pushed into an elevator by the big man and came to the second underground floor.

Here, Xu Xinghe finally met Gu Nai.

After a few months, Gu Nai lost a lot of weight. His skin was tinged with green, and a layer of stubble spread across his chin.

He was standing in front of the console in a tattered plaid shirt, with eight huge ring-shaped brain screens behind him.

Not like a long-running outlaw, but like an overworked programmer.

Under the dim light, he smiled and greeted Xu Xinghe: “Team Leader Xu, long time no see.”

Finally, at this moment, Xu Xinghe was not so afraid.

He took off his ridiculous circus outfit and looked up at Gu Nai. “I’m already here, let go of my mother and younger siblings first.”

Gu Nai looked at him and suddenly “tsk” one sound.

Xu Xinghe’s heart sank, and he heard Gu Nai say, “Hey, Xiao Xu, you’ve been a team leader once, why don’t you have a long memory?”

He reached out on the console, entered a line of code, and then pressed Enter.

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“Brother!! Save me!!”

Lily’s voice echoed in the empty and gloomy basement.

Then he played Chu Yufei’s version of “Brother, save me!”, and Mother Xu’s version of “Son, save me”.

Gu Nai smiled slightly, with a bit of twisted humor. “I didn’t kidnap them at all, it’s just a composite recording… Team Leader Xu should be very good at such tricks? I heard you did a lot of these pranks during your studies. What is it? Concern messed up your brain?”

Xu Xinghe clenched his fists and looked at Gu Nai expressionlessly. “But when I got home, there was no one at home, only the note you left behind.”

“Of course, they went to the playground tonight. Team Leader Xu has been busy dating recently, so he probably forgot to communicate more with his family. Don’t look at me like this. Isn’t it a good thing that they weren’t involved in such a terrible incident?”

Gu Nai kept smiling from beginning to end, even politely, “As for putting the note in, it is really difficult, but luckily your sister has two violin lessons a week and will invite the teacher to come home… You know, Ling Changfeng has not only sent more people to protect you recently, but also upgraded the security measures for your family, so it’s really difficult to carry out another kidnapping. It’s a pity that he didn’t seem to tell you, which is why you cooperated with this matter.”

Gu Nai shook his head and continued, “But it’s useless to say these things now.”

Xu Xinghe realized that he had been tricked.

But he didn’t feel angry because of it, and was even a little relieved.

At least mom and them are safe.

He calmed down the fear in his heart, took two steps forward, looked at Gu Nai and said, “You worked so hard to trick me here, what are you trying to do?”

Gu Nai shrugged: “Simple, continue the unfinished plan from the end of September.”

“Tie me back to the Lambda galaxy?” Xu Xinghe asked. At this moment, he found himself much calmer than he thought, “You can’t do this alone, right?, what about your so-called ‘master’? Let him come out to see me.”

Gu Nai looked at him playfully. “We haven’t met for more than two months, and Team Leader Xu has become more and more courageous. Are you still thinking for me at such a time?”

Ignoring his teasing, Xu Xinghe continued: “Your master is on the list of visiting officials from the Lambda galaxy this time, isn’t he? That’s why you have been dormant for so long, but chose to act at this time because you want to take advantage of them returning to take me back.”

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Gu Nai looked at him, but didn’t answer with a smile.

Xu Xinghe continued to ask: “He can’t come out to see me for the time being, because he is participating in activities in Xingfu City, and there are too many eyeliners around him, so he can’t get away, right? But I am really curious, Xingfu City is not better than Nanga, what do you guys want to do? Transporting a fully grown adult human like myself in a spaceship without being discovered?”

After he finished speaking, he turned his attention to the optical brain equipment behind Gu Nai. “X-101 supercomputer, equipped with the latest generation of intelligent optical brains and top processors. To be able to find such resources in Capital Star’s territory, it seems that your master has a lot of big friends here.”

Gu Nai shook his head: “It’s useless to guess anything now. When we leave this planet, you’ll naturally know the answer.”

“Leave?” Xu Xinghe chuckled, “Impossible, there is a level 1 red alert outside. No matter who is helping you, unless he can cancel the alert, don’t even think about flying out of the capital city.”

Gu Nai stared at him for a while, then suddenly laughed. “Team Leader Xu is so confident now, is it because he thinks Ling Changfeng will come to save you, just like last time?” He shook his head. “Not possible, at least not in the short term. Capital Star will soon fall into chaos without a leader. By the time it subsides… we’ll have already left.”

Xu Xinghe temple throbbed, and his heart slowly sank to the bottom.

He gritted his teeth and asked, “What do you mean?”

Gu Nai tilted his head and looked at him: “Don’t you know who the level 1 red alert is issued for? Oh, I forgot, all the electronic devices on your body have been removed, and you haven’t seen the news yet—”

Gu Nai smiled, walked away the console step by step. Standing in front of Xu Xinghe, he stared into his eyes, and said word by word, “Ling Changfeng was assassinated. His life and death are unknown at this time.”


What happened to the ML?!

Least Gu Nai (re: author) threw some plausible explanation at XXH’s questionable logic.

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