“Impossible…” Xu Xinghe’s first reaction was not panic, but that Gu Nai was lying.

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That’s Ling Changfeng! He’s a man who can carry the sky even if it falls…

They clearly met last night.

Suddenly, death or life is uncertain? How is this possible!

“It’s the truth, but Team Leader Xu doesn’t believe me.” Gu Nai smiled, then shook his head and said, “Forget it, it doesn’t matter if you believe it. After such a big thing happens, the Lambda delegation will definitely end their visit early. We will go back to our home planet directly. We may have to leave tomorrow, and will have to trouble Team Leader Xu to spend the night here.”

Xu Xinghe stared at the arc of victory on Gu Nai’s mouth, feeling a little cold.

The dim lights in the basement flickered on and off, and the world seemed to flicker with it.

He did some tricks along the way, waiting for Ling Changfeng to receive the signal, and then came here to catch them all in one go.

However, the premise of all this is that Ling Changfeng is not in an accident, and can still receive his distress signal.

But if something really happens to Ling Changfeng…

Once this thought appeared, his mind went blank.

Xu Xinghe squeezed his palm tightly, forcing himself to calm down and not to think too much.

Ling Changfeng will be fine.

He took a deep breath and asked Gu Nai: “That means, I can see your master tomorrow?”

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“Yes.” Gu Nai nodded first, then shook his head. “What ‘my master’, don’t be so indifferent… trust me, you’ll be calling them ‘Master’ soon.”

“Bah!” Xu Xinghe scolded in his heart, but on the surface he just said indifferently: “I don’t have this special hobby.”

He stared at Gu Nai and began to think quickly.

Gu Nai’s explanation that the Lambda delegation’s visit will end ahead of schedule and we may leave tomorrow basically explained that the person behind all this was one of the visiting officials.

In Xu Xinghe’s original plan, the primary purpose of his trip was to rescue his family, and the secondary purpose was to lead the snakes out of their holes.

His family is now safe, but the mastermind behind the whole thing is still missing.

What if the man was more cautious than expected and doesn’t show up until he got on the ship?

If, in case, Ling Changfeng is really attacked…

Then, what should he do?

Xu Xinghe raised his head, turned his eyes back to Gu Nai, and suddenly asked, “You finally got a postgraduate degree at Capital University, and have a great future ahead of you. Why are you working for such a person?”

“Why did you come here knowing it’s a trap?” Gu Nai’s smile revealed a hint of sarcasm. “Every choice has it’s own reason. Whether it’s willing or involuntarily, a choice is a choice, there is no reason.”

“You are different, you can have better options.” Xu Xinghe took a step forward and said slowly, “When I went back to campus to see the teacher a few days ago, I heard Dr. Sowes mention your name. He still can’t believe that you’re on the wanted list. He told me you’re the smartest and hardest student he has ever brought, saying you’ll stay in the lab until two or three in the morning, and have a lot of unfinished projects. It can’t be that you’re working for that person for fun?”

“What’s Team Leader Xu’s purpose to say all this?” Gu Nai was unmoved, and shrugged. “It’s all in the past, I have no way back.”

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“You have.” Xu Xinghe looked into his eyes and said calmly, “You know you have.”

Gu Nai looked at him for a moment without saying a word, then suddenly smiled. “What’s Team Leader Xu’s idea? Do you still want me to go against the water? It’s useless. I won’t deny that I liked that so-called campus life, but this time, you really can’t escape.”

Xu Xinghe looked at him for a while, then suddenly asked, “Is it for your mother?”

Gu Nai’s face finally sank.

“The day you kidnapped me and tried to transport me, you were abandoned. The kidnapper said at that time, ‘Master will help you take care of your mother’.” When Xu Xinghe looked up at him, there was an emotion that Gu Nai couldn’t understand.

He sighed silently, and then said slowly: “But after you left, I heard their follow-up conversation. The should-be leader said that the reason why you can’t stay for a long time is because the chip controlling you is gone, and if you knew this, you would betray them sooner or later. So he suggested to your master to get rid of you directly, but your master said he’d keep you because you might be useful in the future…”

Something flashed across Gu Nai’s face.

After a long while, he let out a sneer. “Team Leader Xu’s lie is not clever. You are in my hands now, you should know what to say and what not to say.”

“Whether it’s a lie or not, you should have your own judgment.” Xu Xinghe accelerated his speech and said aggressively: “Have you seen your mother these days? Even if it’s just a video call or a handwritten letter? You should have had contact before, right? Haven’t you applied for it? Has your master agreed?”

“I’ve been on the run for more than two months, Communicating is not safe, so naturally I can’t talk to people at will.” Gu Nai stubbornly retorted, but his face became paler and paler. “Not to mention the master promised me. This time, after this is all done, he’ll let me go to see my mother.”

Xu Xinghe looked at him with a hint of pity in his eyes. “If he really said that, it means that after this matter is over, you will be completely useless. You’re a smart person, and should understand what I mean.”

Xu Xinghe took another step forward and whispered: “But you still have a way out! Leave here with me, expose him, identify him… …”

“Enough!” Gu Nai suddenly pressed the button at hand, and two big men with guns rushed in immediately.

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“Take him to the room and watch over him.” Gu Nai restrained his smile, and there was indifference under the lens.

He looked at Xu Xinghe and said with a blank expression: “We’ll have to trouble Team Leader Xu to stay here for one night. We will soon leave for the next planet.”

The second underground floor is empty, dark and cold. The so-called room was more like a large prison cell, with the surrounding walls made of metal, and only a single bed in the center.

Xu Xinghe was rudely pushed into the room, and before he could stand up straight, the door was locked.

Xu Xinghe looked up at the electronic clock on the wall. It’s 11:09 in the evening, and less than an hour before midnight.

However, after an hour, will everything really go as he wished?

Ling Changfeng… how is he now?

Xu Xinghe sat on the bed and wanted to close his eyes for a while, but as soon as he closed his eyes, his mind couldn’t help racing.

The pair of Persian cat-like eyes flashed in his mind, smiling, indifferent, surprised, gentle…

He believed that Ling Changfeng was not so easily tricked, but the restlessness in his heart could not be suppressed at all.

That’s his big cat, his lover, his husband.

He wants to go back immediately, and to personally confirm that he’s okay…

Xu Xinghe sighed and slowly opened his eyes.

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Tonight is doomed to be a sleepless night.

Just as the electronic clock skipped half past eleven, the cell door clanged.

Xu Xinghe turned his head vigilantly. After a guard pushed open the door, Gu Nai walked in.

He was wearing gloves and had a syringe in his hand.

“What do you want to do?” Xu Xinghe asked.

“As you can see—” Gu Nai closed the door with his backhand and slowly approached him.

He raised the needle and said, “Master thinks, considering that we’re about to travel far, before the situation really stabilizes, it is better for you to sleep first.”

Xu Xinghe gritted his teeth and asked, “You still believe his words? He doesn’t plan to take you with him, even plans to get rid of you! Now that you have a terminal in your hands, you can check everything I said! You only have this one chance, Gu Nai. If you miss this opportunity, you will regret it.”

“Shh.” Gu Nai gestured at him, then held the needle and continued to approach. “It won’t hurt, just make you sleep.”


Now for the super (2-3x) long chapters. We’re nearing the end (before extras) though!

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