Qin Yuan wanted to say something else, but the encrypted communication on his phone rang.

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Adjutant Qin froze, looked up and said to Xu Xinghe: “Sorry, I still have things to do…”

Xu Xinghe came back to his senses. “No worries, I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll go talk to him about the rest.”

Qin Yuan wanted to hang up, but before pressing down the button to hang up, he paused for a moment. “Wait a few more days first.”

After that, he hung up the video call without giving Xu Xinghe the chance to ask any follow-up questions.

Xu Xinghe vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Ling Changfeng will not really have anything wrong, right?

Following this line of thought, he rolled over and got out of bed. After quickly cleaning, he walked out of the door, and went to find Colonel Lewis, the captain of Marshal Ling’s personal guard.

“Take me to see him.”

Colonel Lewis looked embarrassed about this request. He kept trying to dissuade him, but was powerless to refuse.

Xu Xinghe asked calmly: “Your marshal ordered you not to let me see him?”

Lewis quickly shook his head. “No, no, why do you think so…”

“Then did he say that I am not allowed to go to him?”

Embarrassed, Lewis replied, “No, but…”

“Then take me to see him,” Xu Xinghe said. “I’ll take care of it if something goes wrong. Since he didn’t say he wouldn’t see me, then I’ll go find him myself. Is there any problem?”

Marshal Ling was far away from the city, on the outskirts of Suker City.

When Colonel Lewis personally helped him open the car door, Xu Xinghe thought he had arrived at some military base.

“He lives here?” Xu Xinghe looked at the large metal building in front of him, becoming more and more suspicious.

Colonel Lewis lowered his eyes and said, “Yes.”

Xu Xinghe took a deep breath and followed Colonel Lewis in.

He passed through three gates successively before arriving at the living quarters.

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When the last silver metal door opened, Xu Xinghe’s body froze suddenly, and even his breathing stopped for half a beat.

The breath of the sea contaminated every inch.

An overwhelming turbulence swept over the sky, causing his hands and feet to become cold and weak, while a tingling electric current flashed through his spine.

Ling Changfeng’s pheromone.

“This… what’s going on?” Xu Xinghe’s face was a little bad.

Colonel Lewis lowered his head and replied: “It’s exactly what you feel. The marshal won’t let us say anything to you. I told the marshal that you were coming, and he didn’t refuse. But are you sure you want to move on? Will… “

Before he finished speaking, the person next to him rushed towards the bedroom like a gust of wind.

Lewis: “…”

He wanted to follow, but he was afraid that he would be silenced if he saw something he shouldn’t.

Having been the captain of Marshal Ling’s personal guard for more than ten years, he knew too well how dangerous, manic, and aggressive Ling Changfeng was when he’s in the susceptibility period.

Powerful and cold-blooded, but irrational. A super lethal weapon.

In the past, if there was an emergency in the war, Ling Changfeng would let the military doctor give himself an overdose of powerful and self-harming inhibitors to delay his susceptibility period.

When the situation is not urgent or settles down, he will set aside three to five days to self-isolate and get through those difficult days alone.

Colonel Lewis knew that yesterday afternoon, Ling Changfeng originally planned to delay the susceptibility period by injecting inhibitors.

But no one knew why, the inhibitor didn’t work.

He had to start isolating so as not to cause harm to those around him.

Thinking of this, Colonel Lewis suddenly recalled another incident.

Ling Changfeng’s last susceptibility period, which was caused by Xu Xinghe’s unexpected estrus period, seemed to have passed unexpectedly safely.

That was the most stable susceptibility period he had seen Ling Changfeng go through in the ten years he had followed the marshal.

In those days, Marshal Ling was not violent and irritable. On the contrary, he was as high-spirited as a contented lion…

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Colonel Lewis looked at the back of Xu Xinghe leaving, and suddenly thought–

Is it because he marked his beloved omega?

On the way to the bedroom, Xu Xinghe also thought that before coming to Pelpa Star, Qin Yuan told them how to cope if someone entered their estrus or susceptible period.

Timely injection of inhibitors is one aspect, but from Qin Yuan’s mouth, he learned that Ling Changfeng’s susceptibility period is longer than that of ordinary alphas, and his symptoms are much more severe than those of ordinary alphas.

Normal alphas will enter a susceptible period every two or three months, during which they will become irritable and irrational. They will be more sensitive towards and thirsty for omega pheromones.

In comparison, Ling Changfeng will only usher in a susceptible period about half a year, and each episode is also much more intense.

He can be dangerous, tyrannical, manic, irritable…

And very very uncomfortable.

After taking a large number of inhibitors over the years, his body has long since developed drug resistance, making it difficult to relieve his symptoms with medicine alone.

Xu Xinghe came to the door of the bedroom, took a deep breath, and pushed open the door.

Unlike the imagined storms and messes, the bedroom is clean and tidy and quiet.

No headlights were turned on in the room, only a small orange light was lit on the bedside table. The color was warm, which was Xu Xinghe’s favorite mode to turn on at night.

Ling Changfeng sat quietly beside the bed, facing the floor-to-ceiling glass window outside the window, leaving only a view of his back to Xu Xinghe who pushed the door in.

The building and room should be specially constructed, blocking out pheromones to a certain extent, while also providing excellent sound insulation. Anyone inside cannot hear the sound of rain falling outside the window.

This was supposed to be a warm and peaceful rain-watching scene.

However, there was an oppressive pheromone aura wafting in all directions, making Xu Xinghe’s body tense, and even his breathing became a little heavier.

In particular, the moment he stepped into this place, he clearly felt that the sea-flavored pheromones in the air became manic.

But when he looked up, Ling Changfeng still quietly turned his back to him and sat on the bed.

His ears moved slightly at the sound, but he didn’t even turn his head back.

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Xu Xinghe pinched his palm uneasily, walked forward, and stopped behind Ling Changfeng across the bed.

“How are you?”

Xu Xinghe knew that his question was nonsense, but Ling Changfeng’s back was so calm while his pheromones were so chaotic, that he was a little unsure about the other party’s situation..

Ling Changfeng opened his mouth, but he didn’t turn around, didn’t look back, and didn’t answer his words. He simply asked, “Why are you here?”

His voice didn’t seem too abnormal, but it was deeper and more hoarse than usual.

Seeing that he was still rational, Xu Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief and asked, “Why didn’t you tell me you’re susceptible? Don’t you know…”

As soon as the words came out, they suddenly stopped.

Of course Ling Changfeng knew.

He knew that alpha’s difficult susceptibility period could be comforted by an omega’s pheromones.

He also knew that his own pheromone was the best medicine for him.

He just didn’t say it.

Probably because he can’t open his mouth.

Xu Xinghe was silent for a moment, then walked around the big bed and walked to Ling Changfeng’s side.

Reaching out his hand, lightly placed it on the other party’s shoulder.

“Let me help you?”

Xu Xinghe’s voice sounded in the dark and quiet room.

Ling Changfeng never turned his head to look at him, and Xu Xinghe couldn’t see his eyes either.

So he took the silence as tacit consent.

He released a trace of sweet pheromone and gently climbed up Ling Changfeng’s body.

Like a blossoming tree with soft branches, it gently entangled the other person.

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Ling Changfeng’s body suddenly moved slightly.

The violence in the air seemed to have diminished.

Xu Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Ling Changfeng was more comfortable.

But the next moment, his wrist suddenly hurt.

The world in front of his eyes spun. Before he could resist, or even exclaim, he was pushed down on the bed by a tremendous force.

The surrounding pheromones began to riot again, as if breaking through the last shackles of rationality, and turned completely unscrupulous.

Xu Xinghe raised his eyes in panic and met those terrifying eyes.

His body trembled, and only then did he see clearly that Ling Changfeng’s eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were almost dyed red.

Marshal Ling, who was in the susceptibility period, pressed the person on the bed. His right hand firmly pressed on Xu Xinghe’s wrist.

He opened his mouth and his voice was even more hoarse than before: “Why do you think I didn’t let you come over?”

He said, and stretched out his left hand, ignoring Xu Xinghe’s struggles, and gently rubbed the fragile and sensitive neck of the other party’s glands.

Those eyes that were almost dripping with blood were more frightening than ever.

Ling Changfeng leaned down and whispered in his ear, “It’s too late for you to regret it now.”



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