Heavy rain beat on the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, blurring the world outside the window into a haze.

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The bedroom was dark. The only source of light was a small lamp by the bedside flickering faintly, illuminating the faces of the two people.

Ling Changfeng’s heavy breathing echoed in Xu Xinghe’s ears, making the surroundings feel even quieter.

The red-eyed alpha pinned his prey to the bed like a hunter, but did not take the next step. He just stared at the prone omega, with eyes of forbearance and madness.

Xu Xinghe fell on the bed on his back, his right wrist was caught, and he instinctively struggled twice.

But the more he struggled, the tighter his hand was held, as if he was afraid of escaping.

Xu Xinghe raised his head, his eyes turned to Ling Changfeng.

The moment their eyes met, both of them trembled.

Xu Xinghe stopped struggling.

He suddenly remembered what Qin Yuan had said to himself before leaving –

“In case he really enters the susceptible period, my suggestion is to stay away from him for the time being.”

“Don’t take chances and feel that because you were safe last time, that it’ll definitely be okay next time. You can’t expect yourself to have such good luck every time. Alphas with delayed or prolonged susceptibility periods, when it erupts, are often more at the mercy of the animal nature in our blood than human rationality.”

However, at this moment, staring blankly at Ling Changfeng’s red eyes, all Xu Xinghe could blurt out was, “Is it painful?”

Ling Changfeng rolled his throat and did not answer.

Xu Xinghe suddenly felt a little sad when he looked at the manic hunter in front of him.

After getting along day and night, they’ve become extremely sensitive to each other’s pheromones.

So at this moment, through the pheromones one was born with, he could clearly perceive the oppression and hesitation, pain and anxiety of the other party…

Like a trapped beast at the end of the road, trapped in mud and unable to escape.

Previously, they described Ling Changfeng’s irritability, fierceness, and madness during the susceptible period, to him.

But no one had told him that Ling Changfeng, who was in the susceptible period, would be in pain.

Xu Xinghe tried his best to relax himself, and said softly: “Don’t be afraid.”

Squinting down at him like a dangerous lion, Ling Changfeng looked down at him. His voice low and hoarse as he said: “Haven’t you recognized the situation yet? Are you sure I’m the one that should be afraid?”

Xu Xinghe stretched out his hand that was not held down, and squeezed Ling Changfeng’s arm as if in reassurance, and didn’t speak any more.

Ling Changfeng froze.

Only then did he realize that his arms were shaking slightly.

His posture was so forceful, but his arms were shaking.

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Suffering from its susceptibility period, the alpha was originally violent and manic. At this moment, as if the secret in its heart was discovered, it finally became angry.1I purposely kept this line in 3rd person as it felt a little more story-like

He grabbed Xu Xinghe’s outstretched left hand, and pressed both of his hands to the head of the bed. Such actions could almost be called rude.

Trying to hide his unease with anger.

Ling Changfeng didn’t want to admit it, but he did feel scared.

Fearing he would not be able to hold back those bad thoughts that came naturally.

Afraid that things will lead to something irreversible.

Scared that his little spouse will leave.

Furthermore, he was scared that his little spouse would stay, and he would hurt him.

Xu Xinghe shouldn’t be here.

But he didn’t want to let him go.

“Why did you want to come here?” Ling Changfeng clamped Xu Xinghe’s hands tightly, and asked fiercely, as if he could control the other party. “Didn’t you know what will happen after stepping in here?”

The pain made Xu Xinghe frown slightly.

He could feel Ling Changfeng’s incomparably powerful pheromone envelope the room and surround him.

As if he was about to be swallowed up in the next moment.

Xu Xinghe took a few deep breaths before slowly replying: “I came here originally to thank you, thank you for what you have done for me…”

His voice was very low, very slow, and contained a rare gentleness. “It was only after arriving at this place, that I found out that you entered the susceptible period. I remember they said that your reaction during the susceptible period will be very strong.”

Xu Xinghe looked at Ling Changfeng’s red eyes, sighed inaudibly: “Although I didn’t expect it to be so strong, but fortunately… um!”

Before he finished speaking, the “iron pliers” on his wrist tightened again.

“I said it before, it’s too late for you to go back now!” Ling Changfeng’s voice was hoarse, with a kind of desperate determination.

His head was splitting as the hot blood and shaky sanity on the edge of the abyss tore at each other.

“Who said I regretted it?” In the tense atmosphere, Xu Xinghe suddenly gave birth to a hint of helplessness.

His legal husband always seemed to feel like he was going to leave at any moment.

Actually, how is that possible.

“I won’t leave, and I don’t regret it. I just wanted to say—fortunately, I’m not too late.”

Xu Xinghe looked at Ling Changfeng with infinite tenderness in his black eyes. “I can’t let you stay uncomfortable for so long.”

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Ling Changfeng’s movements froze.

He looked into those mismatched eyes, full of anger and desire, that suddenly didn’t know how to vent, and a daze flashed through them.

Xu Xinghe rarely saw such emotions in those eyes.

After a moment of stalemate, he suddenly lowered his eyes and covered his long eyelashes with trembling, concealing the emotion in his black eyes.

“I’m here to help you.” The young omega said. “You’ve helped me so many times, so this time, if I can help you, I’d be happy to–“

Xu Xinghe turned his head slightly after he finished speaking.

The white and slender neck like a swan was exposed to Ling Changfeng’s sight.

The pupils shrank sharply.

“They said you might feel better that way.” The floral fragrance emanating from the slender neck was like the most charming scent in the world.

No one rejects the secret promise of a lover, let alone an alpha who is in a susceptible period.

Ling Changfeng couldn’t bear it any longer. A long-suppressed, unbearable groan came out of his throat, and then he leaned over and bit Xu Xinghe’s side neck.


Xu Xinghe shuddered, his moan like a gossamer flowing out of his mouth uncontrollably.

His body was tense, his face gradually paled, but he didn’t make any confrontational movements, just closed his eyes tightly.

Ling Changfeng buried his head on his neck, rubbing against him recklessly.

Like a beast protecting its food, wrapping his prey tightly in his arms, greedily sucking the other’s breath.

However, it wasn’t enough.

Because Xu Xinghe was lying flat on the bed, the glands at the back of his neck happened to be pressed down, causing Ling Changfeng to rub back and forth, but he could never touch the source of the aroma.

He lingered on the edge of bliss for a moment, and finally became furious like a lion whose meat reached its mouth but could not eat it.

Ling Changfeng shot violently, directly caught Xu Xinghe’s arm, and turned him over.

The gland that the scar had traversed was finally exposed.

Xu Xinghe’s face suddenly turned pale.

He was sure that he was here to help Ling Changfeng, not to deliberately make trouble.

But at this moment, he still couldn’t restrain his trembling.

It was from the fear deep in his memory, which was almost instinctive and could not be restrained.

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A scorching breath hit his delicate and sensitive skin.

Immediately afterwards, a kiss was branded on the back of his neck.

In an instant, the fragrance of flowers overflowed.

The alpha in the susceptible period is like a hungry and sleepy lion. At this moment, he finally encountered delicious food that can satisfy his stomach.

Ling Changfeng opened his mouth and bit into Xu Xinghe’s glands.

The moment the teeth touched the neck, Xu Xinghe suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth with a hoarse voice: “Changfeng…”

In the quiet and dim room, it was impossible to tell if the faint voice was whimpering or murmuring.

Ling Changfeng froze.

He raised his eyes blankly, maintaining the ridiculous gesture that he was about to mark his lover, but could no longer speak.

In the refreshing fragrance of flowers all over the house, the bloodshot look in his eyes seems to have faded a little.

Along with the clarity was a bit of helplessness.

Xu Xinghe’s eyes were tightly closed. The veins on the back of his hands were stretched, and his whole body was as stiff as a rock.

The person behind him didn’t move.

Xu Xinghe moved his fingers uneasily, and the next moment, he suddenly felt Ling Changfeng get up and get out of bed.

Then came the sound of rummaging through boxes.

The young man opened his eyes, and his black eyes were already dyed with a layer of water.

But as soon as his eyes became focal, he saw Ling Changfeng took out a dose of reagent from the medicine box at the bedside, and raised his hand to stab his arm.

Xu Xinghe suddenly woke up, he got up quickly, stepped forward and grabbed the hand holding the medicine Ling Changfeng was about to inject himself with.

“Still injecting? The doctor said that you have developed resistance over the years…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Ling Changfeng couldn’t bear it, and pushed him away.

Staggering backwards, Xu Xinghe fell directly back to the bed.

Seeing this, Ling Changfeng moved his arm slightly, as if he wanted to help him up, but in the end he just froze in place.

Chest heaving violently, he held the inhibitor tightly, and stabbed at his arm again…

Xu Xinghe had no choice but to rush forward and hug Ling Changfeng.

The latter’s body froze, and finally stopped.

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Alphas in the susceptible period are always extraordinarily powerful, but at this moment, Marshal Ling couldn’t break free from his lover’s embrace.

It was just a sweet, fluffy hug from his little spouse.

For a moment, a lingering warmth floated through the pheromones in the air.

It is like a clear spring watering the buds and blooming clusters of flowers.

The incomparably sweet smell emanating from it is enough to appease all the beasts in his heart.

Xu Xinghe’s two hands tightly wrapped around the alpha’s tall body. He didn’t dare to let go, for fear that if he did, Ling Changfeng would once again do that kind of self-harming behavior.

He could only hug and hold on, only to find that the other party did not move.

The frantic pheromones gradually calmed down, but Xu Xinghe is still worried.

Maintaining the posture of hugging, he couldn’t see Ling Changfeng’s expression clearly, so he could only whisper in his ear, “Are you okay?”

Ling Changfeng still didn’t respond.

Xu Xinghe frowned slightly, wanting to take a step back and look at the situation of the other party.

But as soon as he moved back half a point, his lower back buckled.

Ling Changfeng’s aura suddenly became fierce, as if he was dissatisfied with his attempt to step back.

But just when Xu Xinghe thought that he would threaten him again to leave, he heard Ling Changfeng’s muffled voice: “It’s uncomfortable.”

Xu Xinghe was stunned.

He couldn’t believe what emerged from the mouth of Marshal Ling.

And he couldn’t refuse Ling Changfeng like this-

it was like a ferocious beast suddenly turned into a big injured cat. He really had no other way other than to try to comfort him.

Xu Xinghe sighed helplessly, and then tightened the arm that was about to loosen again.

Outside the window, through the intermittent rain clouds outside was a touch of blue in the corner, peeking through the endless grey, revealing faint signs of a sunny day.

Inside the house, the two hugged each other quietly.

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

Turning the moment into an eternity.



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