Name: Chu Yufei

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Age: 16

Gender: Male

Attribute: Alpha

Birthplace: Pelpa Star, Suker City

Gene Level: S

Student Status Record:

“He’s been in the juvenile detention center twice before because of fighting. In other words, intentionally fighting?”

On the way to the juvenile detention center, Xu Xinghe read through his brother’s electronic file with a slight frown. When he saw the “criminal record” column, his temples throbbed suddenly.

“This time too.” Marshal Ling, who was leaning on the seat with his eyes closed, added indifferently.

Xu Xinghe suddenly felt he was really unlucky to have to deal with such things.

He grew up in the Capital Star Welfare Institute as a child. Although his grades in various subjects were excellent, there was a period of time when everyone also thought he was a “problem student”.

There are many reasons, such as he punched an alpha and broke his nose when the other party tried to mark him. He tried to explain, but no one listened in the face of the villain’s complaint.

Looking at the “evil deeds” on his brother’s file, Xu Xinghe’s only thought was that his problems growing up were nothing compared to this younger brother.

At least, he never sent people to the hospital.

“What about this time?” Xu Xinghe asked.

“It hasn’t been updated yet, and it may not be in the database yet.” Ling Changfeng replied. “Pelpa’s administrative system is very inefficient, and—”

He slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes swept across the electronic file in Xu Xinghe’s hand. “The violent crime rate in Suker City is quite high. Fights and scuffles are not uncommon. Most of the time, the police turn a blind eye. Your brother is still underage, but got in trouble because of this kind of thing three times—”

Xu Xinghe replied: “Does that mean that he is very popular with the police?”

Ling Changfeng glanced at him. “It means that he has offended someone.”

Xu Xinghe turned his head when he heard this. “Then…”

“Let’s go over and take a look first.” Ling Changfeng said calmly.

“Oh.” Xu Xinghe put down the optical brain in his hand, rested for a while on the seat, and then looked sideways at Ling Changfeng who was sitting beside him.

Unlike his unscrupulousness in the isolation room, Marshal Ling became more human-like as soon as he went out, as if his susceptible period was over.

——If it wasn’t for the fact that the pheromones in his body were still manic, Xu Xinghe would almost have been deceived by his calm appearance.

Xu Xinghe didn’t know whether it was better to stay away from him obediently and not provoke him at this time, or it was better to get close to him and give him some comfort.

He felt an undercurrent surging under the calm sea, and lacked the experience to deal with it.

Xu Xinghe leaned forward slightly and asked, “How are you feeling now?”

“No problem, I’m fine.” Marshal Ling replied without looking sideways.

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Xu Xinghe: “…”

He looked at Ling Changfeng speechlessly, as if he was watching an active volcano that could erupt at any time.

The violent and chaotic pheromone in the air told him that Ling Changfeng’s current state was definitely not “fine”.

But in the end, he decided not to expose him.

Team Leader Xu lowered his head and turned his attention back to his younger brother’s electronic file.

“A little S-class Alpha…” He sighed softly, looking at the picture of the boy on the screen, half helplessly and half jokingly. “He looks quite handsome.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a sudden chill swept across the back of his neck, numbing, icy, making him shudder.

Startled, Xu Xinghe turned his head to look at Ling Changfeng in confusion. “What’s wrong?”

The vehicle was quiet for a while.

Under the doubtful gaze of his spouse, Marshal Ling maintained his upright sitting posture, continuing to face forward. “It’s nothing.”

Xu Xinghe was worried. Leaning over slightly, he asked Ling Changfeng in a low voice, “Are you still uncomfortable?”

Before he could say anything, Marshal Ling suddenly froze—

Xu Xinghe took his hand.

A soft touch came from the palm of his hand, making his heart tremble.

“Do you feel better this way?” Xu Xinghe asked softly, frowning slightly.

Ling Changfeng: “…”

His fingertips trembled slightly, and there was no further movement.

After a long silence, he nodded calmly. But the words that left his mouth were: “It’s still a little uncomfortable.”

The voice was low and faint, very different from usual.

Xu Xinghe looked at him a little embarrassedly, “Then…”

As he spoke, he moved a little closer to Ling Changfeng.

“Like this?” Xu Xinghe asked.

Ling Changfeng looked sideways slightly.

His little spouse is now within reach.

The heart-tugging floral pheromone entwined around him, like a refreshing breeze.

Marshal Ling adjusted his breathing and silently retracted his gaze.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he also moved towards Xu Xinghe.

Finally filled the distance between them.

The chaotic and frantic aura in his body first hit his face like a tsunami, rushing forward like a raging wave.

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Then it quickly fell back, and finally turned into a clear spring, flowing seamlessly through one’s limbs and bones.

The pheromone of joy and contentment in the air was too obvious, and the young man who had just been overflowing with sympathy suddenly realized that he seemed to be fooled.

He was a little annoyed and wanted to withdraw his right hand, but Ling Changfeng squeezed it lightly and grabbed the fingertips that he was about to pull away.

Xu Xinghe said blankly, “Let go.”

Ling Changfeng looked at him for a moment, but he really let go.

He lowered his eyes lightly, and silently retreated back to the position he had just been in, like a desolate wolf king who was only driven out by the pack.

Xu Xinghe: “…”

He didn’t want to admit it, but his heart softened.

Xu Xinghe turned his head stiffly, and looked out the window as if fleeing.

Hidden behind the neon lights at night, Suker City’s chaotic and dilapidated scrap metal appearance looked beautiful.

The pure black car sped over the city, and the interior of the car was surprisingly quiet.

Just as the two passengers were seated silently, suddenly, Xu Xinghe moved.

He moved slightly and slowly to the right.

A little more.

In the silence, the young man still rigidly kept looking out of the window, but quietly put his right hand back into the older man’s palm.

“If you’ll be more comfortable like this…”

Xu Xinghe didn’t look back.


After a while, Ling Changfeng let out a faint nasal sound.

Then he clenched his palms contentedly.

He seemed to figure out how to get along right with his little mate.




Xu Xinghe and his party met Colonel Lewis almost the moment they stepped into the juvenile detention center.

This place is located in a remote neighborhood in the south of the city. The buildings are old and the facilities are very simple. Under the shroud of darkness, illuminated only by nighttime lights, the facility had an eerie atmosphere, almost like an abandoned prison.

The pure black car slowly landed at the entrance of the juvenile detention center, and the accompanying local officers personally opened the door for them.

The incident happened suddenly, and this was not something worth bringing up, so Ling Changfeng only brought two personal guards and a local officer with him.

The guards of the juvenile detention center did not know that the famous Alliance Marshal of the five major galaxies visited this small prison on such an ordinary night.

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However, even if they don’t know the specific identity of the person who came, they still knew from the respectful expression of their boss that it was someone very important.

Some alphas with better senses detected Ling Changfeng’s existence even before he got off the car – the overflowing pheromones were too overbearing, and the strong sense of oppression and deterrence that followed was enough to make them feel threatened and frightened.

Xu Xinghe and Ling Changfeng walked to the interrogation room together. At the time, the person in charge of the juvenile detention center was answering Colonel Lewis’s question with his head down, trembling.

Through the one-way glass, Xu Xinghe heard Lewis’ voice coming from the loudspeaker: “Why was he locked in this time?”

The person in charge had an uncomfortable greasy tone as he smiled and said, “Perhaps there was a little misunderstanding. This subordinate didn’t know he was your person, and will go release him right now.”

Colonel Lewis frowned. “Answer my question directly, Director.”

“He, he was picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and is suspected of intentionally hurting people…” The director replied while wiping away his sweat.

“The court didn’t make a verdict. There isn’t even an arrest document, so why did you shut him up here?” Colonel Lewis asked.

That’s why it took him so long to find out. The teenager has been locked here for more than six hours, but none of it was recorded in the system at all. He only found out when he personally went to the boarding school to pick him up.

This kind of serious violation of the case handling process is almost impossible in Capital Star, but in the chaotic planet of Pelpa, everyone seemed to be used to it.

“This, this…because it’s not his first offense, so which is why we…” The director was still trying to explain, but his voice faded more and more.

He knew that his statement was unjustified, but… wasn’t that what they did before?

Damn it! Who knew that the fatherless boy had such a big backer?!

When he was brought in the first two times, why did no one look for him??

The eyes of the person in charge of the juvenile detention center were obviously dodgy, and Colonel Lewis also noticed this.

Past experience tells him that such evasive behavior isn’t because the other party fears him, but more out of a guilty conscience of trying to avoid the problem itself.

There must be some nasty tricks in there.

Lewis was about to ask something more when the metal door of the closed room suddenly opened.

A burst of fierce pheromone overflowed in an instant. Colonel Lewis was slightly startled, and immediately greeted the newcomers.

“Sir.” He saluted neatly, but avoided using the marshal’s title.

Ling Changfeng nodded and said nothing. He simply lifted his chin slightly in Xu Xinghe’s direction.

He has always had confidence in his self-control, but at this moment, he had to devote a considerable part of his energy to suppressing the rioting emotions in his body.

Only in this way can he endure the fact that his little spouse is exposed under many double eyelids, surrounded by several alphas.

Colonel Lewis understood, turned his head and asked Xu Xinghe, “What do you want to do?”

Xu Xinghe said, “Bring me to see him.”

The director froze. Naturally, he couldn’t bring Xu Xinghe directly to that kind of place, so under the watchful eyes of everyone, he had to bite the bullet and reply, “This subordinate will bring him here.”

After that, he trotted to pick him up.

Xu Xinghe leaned against the window and absently fiddled with the potted leaves on the windowsill.

He ran through what he was going to say in his head again, and then sighed softly, waiting for his brother to appear.

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Maybe the situation won’t be that bad.

Xu Xinghe comforted himself in this way.

Maybe he is just like Lily, a flexible and sensible child, and a little skinny.

Just thinking about this, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of footsteps.

The iron door was opened again, and two guards “escorted” a tall and thin teenager in.

For a time, everyone’s eyes were locked on the boy.

Except for Marshal Ling, who never said a word from beginning to end. His eyes were always glued to his little spouse, and he probably only glanced at the moment for a second when he entered the room.

The reason why only “escorted” could be used to describe their entrance is because the teenager was neither handcuffed nor wearing a prison uniform.

He was wearing his dirty short-sleeved t-shirt and ripped jeans, and colorful graffiti basketball shoes. A conspicuous silver skull necklace hung around his neck, and a punk-style leather belt with silver rivets was wrapped around his waist as he walked in swaggeringly.

It can be seen that the boy originally had short black hair, but the ends of his hair were dyed into dusty silver.

As in the photo, he has a young and handsome face, and his facial features are not offensive.

But in this moment, those pure black eyes were filled with undisguised anger, hostility, and provocation, like a little wolf cub who might rush up to bite anyone at any time.

As a big brother, Xu Xinghe raised his head again.

He first glanced over the teenager’s outfit, thinking that this might just be a popular dress for teenagers in Suker City, and it wasn’t necessarily related to words like “rebellious period” or “street gangster”, and he shouldn’t hold any prejudice in this regard.

Then he turned to the boy’s eyes again, thinking that he might just be frightened, like a small animal that’ll inevitably show hostility and aggression when frightened… perhaps?

Just as Xu Xinghe looked at the boy, the boy also noticed him.

He didn’t know why he was inexplicably allowed to go back this time.

Could it be that those black-hearted guys finally found a conscience? As if!

After kicking the metal fence of the cell and yelling at the guards for three minutes, what was waiting for him wasn’t a baton, but their smiling faces??

Until he changed back to his clothes, he still couldn’t believe what happened in front of him.

Oh, the other party also said that someone came to pick him up.

This is even more impossible!

Father is gone, and mother is on the hospital bed again. It’s impossible for little Lily to come with her doll, right?


Ahahah, XXH’s trying to think the best of his brother, trying to put the label of small animal on him.

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