With unresolved doubts and simmering anger, Chu Yufei changed into his clothes and ‘led’ the two guards to the interrogation room.

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As soon as he entered the door, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

A room full of unfamiliar faces.

There was still an uneasy aura floating in the air. It was a pheromone from an alpha, strong and domineering, deep and intense.

Chu Yufei shrank his shoulders uncomfortably.

Really, how can alphas who can’t control their own pheromones these days walk around like this! Their character must be terrible!

He looked around and suddenly had an ominous feeling in his heart.

It can’t be that he offended those guys again, so they brought guards over and planned to kill him secretly here??

As the faces of his mother and sister flashed in the boy’s mind, there was a trace of panic in his eyes, but he still pretended to be calm and asked: “Why are you looking for me?”

At the same time, Xu Xinghe also said: “Are you A Fei? I…”

The two spoke almost together, and the young man’s clear and gentle voice was interrupted by the boy’s irritable tone.

Chu Yufei was stunned for a while, turned his eyes to the young man who appeared to be concerned about him from the beginning, and asked, “Who are you? Do we know each other?”

The teenager has a pair of big and round almond eyes. His brows and eyes are not as gentle as his mother’s, but there is still a bit of resemblance when he moves his eyes.

And Xu Xinghe, he has a pair of deer eyes that are 80% similar to his mother.

This resemblance caused them to have an inexplicable familiarity the moment their eyes met.

However, this touch did not make Chu Yufei’s tone any better. His voice was still brash and arrogant, and his eyes were still full of vigilance and hostility.

And when this kind of hostile gaze stayed on Xu Xinghe for more than five seconds, another thing Xu Xinghe was worried about finally happened…

Ling Changfeng, who was standing quietly behind him, suddenly stretched out his hand and rested it on his shoulder, then slowly raised his eyes to look at the young man in front of him.

At that moment, all the cold hairs on Chu Yufei’s body stood up.

His senses have been more sensitive than ordinary people for as long as he could remember. At this moment, it was like he was thrust in a cage. Every pore received a sudden shock and threat, forcing him to take a step back subconsciously.

And all of this came from just one look.

Chu Yufei turned his head stiffly and looked at the owner of that gaze.

A tall alpha stood there, with a pair of golden and blue eyes that were particularly eye-catching.

Those eyes were sharp, tough, and deep, making it almost impossible to look him directly in the eyes.

Frankly speaking, Ling Changfeng’s eyes did not contain any malice or hostility, and he would not be angry with a sixteen-year-old child.

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What happened is more like a natural suppression, and can also be regarded as a mild warning.

The boy thought he had concealed his nervousness and fear well. But whether it was his pretentious calm posture, stern questioning, or arrogant provocation, it was all just naive posturing in Marshal Ling’s eyes.

He didn’t want to pay attention to this young and ignorant little guy. He’s still suffering from being in the susceptible period, and has no time to take care of wayward children right now.

But he was still instinctively unable to tolerate someone staring at his little mate with hostile eyes – as if they were staring at his prey in his territory.

“Changfeng? Are you okay?”

Feeling the change in his mood, Xu Xinghe didn’t care about the people in this room. He turned sideways directly, reached out and put his hand on Ling Changfeng’s hand, and then patted it lightly.

Ling Changfeng took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to suppress the riot in his heart.

He couldn’t scare his little spouse at a time like this; they were going back to the capital together tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Ling Changfeng nodded silently, using his eyes to signal Xu Xinghe not to worry.

He released a little kind and peaceful pheromone, like a gentle trickle, which gently stuck to the back of Xu Xinghe’s neck.

Trying to tell his omega in the most blunt way possible: “I’m fine”.

His silent appeasement and sincerity was indeed effective, but because the location of touch was too sensitive, it gave off a slight flirtatious meaning.

And in plain sight.

Xu Xinghe’s face turned slightly red.

Even though he knew that ordinary people couldn’t capture this pheromone, he still felt that his love was being spied on, so he released his hand and said in a very light and helpless voice, “Don’t make trouble.”

On the opposite side, Chu Yufei’s eyes blew wide open.

It is true that ordinary people cannot capture this pheromone, but he is not an ordinary person.

He was born with keen senses and has a strong ability to perceive and control pheromones.

Even the weakest pheromones that others can’t help emanating will conjure up shapes and images in his mind.

For example, in school, when others see the monitor and the study committee members walking on the playground side by side, what he sees is the pheromones of the two people lingering together, turning into a pair of lovers holding hands and kissing.

He can clearly sense the interaction between pheromones and even complete corresponding ideas in his mind.

This kind of ability is a kind of talent, but when combined with his unpredictable behavior, it will inevitably become a burden at times, and may even lead to disaster.

Back to the topic, he also captured the ripples floating in the air at that moment.

Gentle and delicate, ambiguous and charming.

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It is hard to imagine that such an aura actually emanated from that terrifying man with mismatched pupils!

A moment ago, his pheromones were still surging like a tsunami, with a sense of destruction, but the next moment suddenly it rained, ice melted, and the stream gurgled.

Not only that, the teenager also saw a very magical picture.

A mighty, bewildered tiger, reluctantly opened its mouth wide and bared its fangs, as if it wanted to bite the back of its prey’s neck.

But in the end, it just carefully put away its sharp claws, and lightly touched the dewy flowers under the twilight with its fleshly paw.

Tail curling up contently, the tiger wrapped around the patch of flowers in its territory.

All the trees in the forest faded in the pair of gold and sapphire orbs; only this square inch of land needs to be guarded.

All this happened so quickly and suddenly, that the boy’s eyes widened speechlessly.

Everything is so weird tonight.

A few hours ago, when he was involuntarily tied to this hellish place, he thought he was unlucky enough for today. Why does he still see such a hot-eyed picture now??

The teenager looked at the two adults in front of him inexplicably, and didn’t understand at all what was happening.

But he was quite certain that the two had no ill will towards him.

So his tone became a little unscrupulous – or in other words, his original form was revealed.

“Sorry to interrupt… Can someone tell me what’s going on now?”

His cynical and almost provocative tone earlier made the person in charge of the juvenile detention center wipe away his sweat frantically. He almost wanted to go up to the teenager and kick him until he shut up.

But then again, it turns out that he doesn’t know these big men either? Then why did they come find him in person??

Hearing this, Xu Xinghe also turned his attention back to his younger brother, but in front of everyone, he didn’t directly clarify everything, and simply said, “I’m here to pick you up.”

After a pause, he added, “To find your mother.”

Hearing the word “mother”, a different emotion flashed through Chu Yufei’s eyes. It was loose and soft, but he immediately became vigilant again.

“Who are you? Do you know my mother? Why don’t I know you?”

Xu Xinghe sighed slightly and stepped forward, wanting to have a good talk with him.

Unexpectedly, the boy suddenly clenched his fists and made a defensive action subconsciously: “What are you doing? Do you want to fight??”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

He opened his mouth to explain, but before he made a sound, his eyes suddenly stopped. .

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As soon as he got close, he saw that there were faint streaks of red, scratches, and bruises on the boy’s arms and cheeks.

It’s just because the boy’s skin is dark, and with his colorful clothing and tattoos on his arm that these injuries were not noticeable at first.

“They did something to you?” Xu Xinghe’s voice was a little cold.

Chu Yufei was slightly taken aback.

“No, no.” The director on the side quickly waved his hand to deny it, but more cold sweat beaded on his forehead.

The young man also sneered, his expression showing a bit of coldness and disdain. “It’s not their hands, at least not this time. But what’s your business?”

Xu Xinghe pursed his lips and silently looked at the young man in front of him.

It can be seen that the teenager is extremely insecure, which is why he armed himself in an almost self-destructive way.

From beginning to end, he acted restless, planting the seeds, but when these seeds bloomed, only the word “scared” came out.

Xu Xinghe tried to keep his voice softer, and said earnestly: “It’s late. I’ll bring you back to your mother first, and I’ll explain the rest to you slowly on the way.”

The boy raised his chin. “Why should I believe you? What if you take me away to some black shop to sell organs?”

Xu Xinghe looked at the boy who was only sixteen years old, and about the same height as him, but a little thinner than himself, and suddenly felt a little sad.

He wasn’t sad for himself, but felt sorry the teenager had to live in such a terrible environment over the years.

He sighed silently, didn’t say any more, just raised his wrist, tapped the screen a few times, and called up the voice message Lily sent him half an hour ago—

“Brother Xinghe, have you found brother yet? When are you coming back? I have everything packed, and will wait for you to come back.” The girl’s tender voice sounded in the room.

Xu Xinghe raised his eyes and said to the surprised teenager: “Let’s go.”

Without giving the teenager time to react, he turned to Colonel Lewis and said, “Take him away first.”

After speaking, he gently took Ling Changfeng’s hand, planning to leave this place of right and wrong.

Marshal Ling glanced down, lingering on Xu Xinghe’s hand for a few seconds, and then followed his little spouse very cooperatively.

“Yes.” Colonel Lewis nodded slightly, picked up the boy from his back collar and followed.

“F*ck! What are you doing? Let go!!”

The young man was nearly 1.8 meters tall, but was carried by Colonel Lewis like a weak chicken, without any room for resistance.

Completely suppressed and out of breath, Chu Yufei’s scolding soared.

“You uncle! Hurry up and put me down!”

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Colonel Lewis continued to carry the boy forward dutifully without even frowning when he heard the words.

“F*ck! Can you understand people’s words? I #*(&%(@…”

Chu Yufei’s scolding on the way from the interrogation room to the side entrance was grating on the ears. Xu Xinghe frowned slightly at the foul words, unable to continue listening.

He suddenly stopped and turned around, “Don’t speak dirty words.”

“It’s none of your business!” Chu Yufei felt that this person was too inexplicable. “Who the hell are you? Why are you looking for me?”

“I’m your brother.”

“Then this old man is your ancestor!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt the hand tightening on his back collar.

The temperature in the air plummeted, as if freezing his blood solid.

Chu Yufei shrank his neck in cowardice.

But his face was still scrunched in dissatisfaction.

Xu Xinghe looked at him and suddenly asked: “Do you talk like that in front of your mother and Lily?”

Chu Yufei: “…”

He was stunned, and fell speechless.

Xu Xinghe continued to walk forward, and the boy followed behind him. When he spoke again, he didn’t curse, but his tone was still not good.

“Who are you?”

Xu Xinghe lifted his foot and got into the car: “I’m your brother.”

Chu Yufei: “…”


Even in Chu Yufei’s eyes LCF is a big tiger.

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