Chu Yufei pursed his lips and stood there, silently looking at the obviously modified luxury business car in front of him.

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Before his father’s death, he had also experienced the life of a young master who lived a life of gold and jade for several years. As such, even if he was not familiar with the model in front of him, he could see at a glance that the car was expensive.

With the doors open, one can see that the  interior of the vehicle is also very luxurious. A curved wine bar, large television, and an office workstation are all available.

Chu Yufei couldn’t figure out, how did his life intersect with the kind of person who travels in this kind of car?

On the side, Colonel Lewis, was having another headache.

Frankly speaking, he didn’t really want to stuff this kid who liked to talk his mouth off into the car-

Having this guy in the same enclosed space as his boss… such a scene is a disaster waiting to happen.

However, the choice wasn’t his to make.

Just as he was thinking about it, Xu Xinghe stuck half his head out of the car. “A Fei, come and sit with us.”

Chu Yufei’s mouth twitched slightly, fighting the urge to say ‘we’re not familiar with each other, don’t call me that.’

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly looked passed Xu Xinghe, to the alpha behind him who said nothing from beginning to end.

Marshal Ling was already sitting in his seat with his eyes closed and resting. His attitude seemed calm, but at that moment, Chu Yufei clearly saw the scene of a big tiger shaking its head in dissatisfaction, and slapping the door.

It seems that he’s not very welcome in the vehicle.

A provocative smile bloomed on his face, as Chu Yufei raised his feet and walked up.

Then he sat down opposite the two of them unceremoniously, tucking himself into the large and comfortable seating, and looked up at the two of them vigilantly.

To be honest, even after hearing Lily’s voice, he still didn’t trust these two men who appeared out of nowhere.

What if Lily was misled by this omega’s rhetoric?

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Wait a minute… omega?

Chu Yufei suddenly realized something. He moved the tip of his nose and sniffed in the air, and finally realized something was wrong—

Why can’t he smell the other party’s pheromone?

Generally speaking, as long as they are not in the susceptible period or the estrus period, alphas and omegas will consciously control their pheromones not to leak out, but this doesn’t mean they don’t emit pheromones.

In fact, apart from betas, everyone will emit some traces of pheromones, but it is often below the level the general population can detect.

And Chu Yufei happened to have the ability to catch such traces.

But at this moment, he could clearly perceive an omega sitting across from him, but he couldn’t smell the scent of the other party’s pheromone.

Does this man’s pheromone have no smell??

Maintaining this scrutinizing, pondering attitude, the teenager’s eyes stayed on Xu Xinghe for a long time.

Xu Xinghe didn’t mind being looked at by his younger brother a few more times, but he was worried that the big cat beside him would sharpen his claws again.

So he opened my mouth first, intending to end the awkward situation. “Do you have any questions to ask me?”

Chu Yufei retracted his gaze, but just leaned back and refused to answer.

“Okay.” Xu Xinghe nodded, looking like he was negotiating. “Then let me ask a question—”

His tone was gentle, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he asked a question that Chu Yufei didn’t want to answer: “Why were you arrested today?”

Chu Yufei sneered, “Because they caught me.”

This time, the boy didn’t protest with silence. He really isn’t the type of person who likes to remain silent.

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Xu Xinghe shook his head: “You know that’s not what I’m asking about.”

“You don’t care how I got in!” Chu Yufei felt very irritable, and his voice couldn’t help raising a bit.

“If you talk now, I won’t tell mother about this.”

“What? You dare to threaten me!?” Chu Yufei almost jumped up.

Like an angry little wolf cub, he tried to hide his panic by baring his teeth. “Whose your mother? That’s my mother!”

“She’s also my mother.” Xu Xinghe replied calmly.

“Huh?” Chu Yufei suspected that he had heard wrong.

A “you’re kidding me” expression froze on his face, and he didn’t move.

Without giving his brother the chance to restart his brain, Xu Xinghe repeated: “I said, she’s my mother too.”

Chu Yufei looked at him as if he was looking at a mental patient. “Did you find the wrong person?”

Xu Xinghe responded with an expression of kind patience as if dealing with a young child. “I went to a juvenile detention center for you. Do you think I’d pick up the wrong person?”

Chu Yufei’s face switched back and forth between blue and purple, and he asked again, “Mom accepted you as a foster child? Why did she do this? No, why did you do it?”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

He doesn’t understand the brain circuits of teenagers very well.

“Did mom say… she had a child before marrying your father?”

Xu Xinghe was also observing Chu Yufei’s expression when he said this.

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When he saw the boy’s eyes widen gradually, he knew that his mother should have mentioned this.

As for Chu Yufei, he was completely taken aback.

What a joke!

He was vaguely aware that he had a half-brother. However, shouldn’t that “brother” be far away on Capital Star? Didn’t he live with his father?

How could a stranger who should never be seen in this life suddenly appear here??

Chu Yufei waited for a long time to find his voice, still refusing to accept it. “You say you’re my brother? How can you prove it? Are you trying to take advantage of me?”

Xu Xinghe chuckled lightly and joked: “What do you have for me to take advantage of?”

After he asked this sentence, he suddenly realized that the conversation was going off topic, and sighed helplessly. “Don’t change the subject, answer my first question first.”

As he was speaking, he casually pulled up the teenager’s electronic file. “If these records are left in your file, it will affect your future development.”

Although records can be deleted and modified, he has to understand what happened first.

Chu Yufei snorted coldly, stubbornly refusing to answer. “So what. Even if what happened today isn’t recorded, there are still two times from before.”

“En, thank you for the reminder.” Xu Xinghe nodded, and then asked, “So, what happened the previous two times?”

Chu Yufei: “…”

The other party’s inquiring attitude made him suddenly feel like he was digging a hole and jumping in by himself.

“Speak.” Xu Xinghe urged him gently.

His voice was never harsh, but with a gentle tenacity and patient persistence.

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Chu Yufei looked away from such a voice and looked down at the carpet under his feet.

It took a long time to speak, but he said, “You can’t tell mom about this, she is still ill…”

Xu Xinghe looked at him. “You know she’s ill, so why did you go pick fights with people?”

“I didn’t!” The young man raised his head suddenly and stared at Xu Xinghe fiercely, but his eyes were a little red.

In those black eyes, there was the stubbornness, grief, and helplessness unique to youth, and there was also a little familiar grievance.

It lasted a moment before he gave up, finally breaking the jar to say: “Okay, I admit it, I beat people, it’s all my fault anyway.”

Xu Xinghe didn’t know what to think. Eyes flashing, his expression gradually softened.

He coaxed him like a child: “A Fei, believe me, I’m here to help you. No matter what misunderstandings or other secrets there are, can you tell me about it?”

Chu Yufei raised his head and looked at him, trying to find a hint of hypocrisy or mockery in those eyes, so that he could logically refuse to speak.

But he only saw sincerity.

Chu Yufei lowered his head again, was quiet for a long time, and finally opened his mouth.


This chapter was a wee bit long so I split it

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