The matter originated from the beginning of this year, when he accidentally peeped at the dirty mind of a scumbag classmate at the school gate and exposed it.

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Later, the two scuffled together and punched each other a few times.

Although the fight did not cause any substantial harm, the problem was that this scumbag classmate happens to be the son of the local police chief, and has a bunch of dog-legged followers in the school.

So this group of people began to appear in front of Chu Yufei every now and then to make trouble. Naturally, he wasn’t able to tolerate them.

After his father’s death, the sudden changes in life slowly made the former young master Chu give up on himself. He often skipped classes and went to Internet cafes with his friends. He also made friends with dropout youths, often hanging out with them. Slowly, he began to believe in the street rule of “fists first, questions later”, and would always use his fists to solve problems first when anyone came asking for it.

Until a certain time, one of them suddenly fell down in front of him.

Initially, he really believed it was because he hit too hard, which is why he was taken away by the police for investigation.

Until his ‘good classmate’ showed up at the police station and told him with a smile, “see you in fifteen days.”

In the end, as the other party said, he was detained in the juvenile detention center for fifteen days.

A month after being released, something similar happened again.

Chu Yufei tried his best to tolerate it as much as possible. But those bastards stole his schoolbag, tore up his homework, and even blocked the door to the toilet. From provocation to hitting, they became more and more unscrupulous. It was impossible for him not to fight back.

This time, someone else “fell down”, but that person’s acting skills were too poor. Chu Yufei remembered that he was clearly kicking the opponent’s left knee, and didn’t use too much force, but the other party covered his right knee after falling to the ground.

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So Chu Yufei asked to see the other party’s injury appraisal report, and tried his best to argue that he didn’t do anything serious, but even so, because of his extremely uncooperative attitude, what awaited him was a month-long stay with the trainer’s baton in the juvenile detention center.

“This time the situation is similar.” The boy shrugged, as if he didn’t care anymore. “It’s ridiculous. When it happened for the first time, I thought I would be expelled from school, which is fine cause I can go to work instead. But in the end, the school didn’t even expel me… It’s probably because of that guy, he’s deliberately toying with me. I thought about dropping out, but my mother wants me to go to school and graduate.”

There was a layer of frost between his brows as Chu Yufei explained calmly, “So I’ve made up my mind to bear with it these days. If one day my mother is gone, I’ll take a knife and go die with that guy.”

It was impossible to describe his feelings as Xu Xinghe listened to his younger brother say all of this so calmly.

Silence pervaded for a long moment.

He also thought that with the strength of the Alliance’s protection of minors, even on a planet like Pelpa, his younger brother and sister’s lives wouldn’t be too bad.

He was utterly wrong.

At that moment, he seemed to understand why his mother would rather endure separating with her own flesh and blood than bring him back to Pelpa.

“What, did I scare you?” Seeing his expression,  Chu Yufei raised his eyebrows, and made a very hollow smile with his lips. “Are you trying to comfort me?”

“Indeed.” Xu Xinghe also twitched the corners of his mouth, and released a helpless chuckle.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then looked into his brother’s eyes, and said gently and seriously: “But before that, A Fei, I want to tell you three things first. First, mother’s illness may not be untreatable. There may be a way to treat her on the Capital Star, Changfeng has already arranged everything. We will set off together tomorrow afternoon, and will follow her back to the Capital Star for treatment.”

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“Really!?” The boy’s black eyes gleamed brightly, with a few streaks of redness.

“Really.” Xu Xinghe nodded. “I can’t promise too much. But I can say that there is still hope.”

“Second, about what you said…” Xu Xinghe turned his head and called the person in the driver’s seat, “Colonel Lewis.”

“Understood, this subordinate will immediately send someone to investigate and deal with it.” Colonel Lewis immediately nodded and replied. “If the situation is true, and they abused their power, fabricated evidence, and framed minors, they will not be able to leave prison for three to five years later.”

Chu Yufei was stunned for a while, then stammered: “But, but his father is the police chief…”

“Public officials knowingly breaking the law face stricter punishments.” Colonel Lewis answered. 

Seeing that the other party didn’t seem to be joking, Chu Yufei couldn’t help but ask Xu Xinghe, “Who are you?”

“Your brother.” Xu Xinghe smiled and reached out and touched his head.

Chu Yufei shrank his neck uncomfortably. He still seemed a little unconvinced, but did not dodge this time.

“Third, A Fei.” Xu Xinghe’s hand fell on the boy’s shoulder, “Mom didn’t give up, neither did Lily nor I. So no matter what happens, please don’t give up. Keep on living well, okay??”

Xu Xinghe looked at him tenderly, but his tone was solemn: “As long as you live, there will be a tomorrow.”

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Chu Yufei was silent for a while, then nodded. Then he looked up at him, and a sentence popped out: “You’re weird.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

“Okay, let’s change the subject.” Xu Xinghe withdrew his hand and sat up straight again. “By the way, you just now said you can see… uh, people’s pheromones? And infer what they want to do from that?”

Xu Xinghe thought it was amazing.

“Almost, but it’s not that mysterious. Because most of the time, people can control their pheromones. If the spillover is too weak, it doesn’t appear as a picture. I can only see those when someone has strong emotions.” Chu Yufei explained.

“Then can you see mine?” Xu Xinghe pointed to himself.

Chu Yufei was depressed: “You’re rather strange, you don’t have any smell…”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

Seeing his indescribable expression, the teenager thought he didn’t believe him.

So in order to prove himself, he boldly stretched out his hand and pointed at Ling Changfeng: “I can see his!”

“Huh?” Xu Xinghe turned to look at Ling Changfeng beside him.

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Marshal Ling has been sitting in the seat with his eyes closed since he got in the car, without any expression on his stern face.

He didn’t move the whole time, as if he was asleep.

“What about him?” Xu Xinghe asked.

“He’s not asleep at all. His pheromones have been around you all the time, wanting to entangle you, eat you, and possess you!”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

Ling Changfeng: “…”


And this is why I love Chu Yufei. His outspoken-ness is needed between XXH & LCF!

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