Ling Changfeng slowly opened his eyes.

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Saying he’s been pretending to be asleep is inaccurate; he’s just selectively closing his eyes and being a silent observer. After all, out of sight is out of mind.

It’s a pity that the ignorant young man in front of him didn’t give him this chance.

Under the gaze of mismatched pupils, Chu Yufei couldn’t help shrinking back. His back retreated, gluing to the seat behind him, until he could retreat no further.

OMG, this man’s eyes are so scary!

Ling Changfeng ignored the boy’s flinch, raised his chin slightly, and said coldly, “Get out of the car.”

This is the first time Chu Yufei heard him speak. HIs first and only impression is that this person’s voice is the same as his eyes – cold and quiet with a hidden edge.

But why is his pheromone so manic?

Like a tsunami!

Chu Yufei froze, pointed at himself, and asked incredulously, “Me? Get off??”

Is he kidding? They’re on the expressway. Does he really want him to get off?!

Unconvinced, the teenager justified himself with a bit of grievance: “Why are you driving me out of the car? What I said was not a lie…”

Ling Changfeng stopped looking at him, and turned to Lewis in the front. “Find another person to drive him.”

“Yes.” Colonel Lewis nodded quickly.

“Wait a minute!” Seeing that he was serious, before Lewis could find someone, Xu Xinghe quickly stopped him. He turned his head and said helplessly to Ling Changfeng: “What are you mad at a child for? Don’t scare him.”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

“It’s not called being mad, it’s called a guilty conscience.” Chu Yufei added in a low voice.

He didn’t dare to look at Ling Changfeng when he spoke. He was obviously afraid, but he just couldn’t keep his mouth shut.

What’s more, when he heard someone speaking up for him, his courage immediately grew.

“You stop too.” Xu Xinghe glared at him casually, signaling him not to add fuel to the fire.

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Ling Changfeng turned his head and looked at Xu Xinghe silently.

There was a hint of accusation in his eyes at his spouse’s behavior of favoring a younger brother and forgetting his husband, as if accusing him of being biased.

Xu Xinghe was caught by such eyes, and fell speechless for a moment.

At the same time, his temples began to pound again. He only felt that the two of them were more difficult to serve than the other.

In the front, Colonel Lewis also felt tangled.

Although he felt that things might turn around, he could only arrange for Chu Yufei’s “transfer” before the marshal had officially spoken.

Xu Xinghe also knew this truth. Seeing that Ling Changfeng didn’t let go, he could only reluctantly turn to pet the cat.

He sat beside Ling Changfeng, reached out and lightly touched Ling Changfeng’s right hand that was hanging by his side.

Chu Yufei watched helplessly as the big tiger in his heart fell on its side, revealing its fluffy belly, as if waiting for someone to smooth its hair.

But what happened in reality is that he lowered his eyes calmly, still maintaining a cold and silent appearance.

Chu Yufei: “…” 

Is he playing hard to get?

Xu Xinghe gently fiddled with the man’s fingertips. Seeing that he didn’t respond, he rubbed his fingers again, clasping their two hands together.

Seeing this, the face of the young man sitting across from him wrinkled, and he turned his head uncomfortably.

What’s the matter with this spicy picture of a fierce tiger acting like a baby?

It is probably some kind of greasy and crooked stinky couple behavior.

Finally appeased, Ling Changfeng opened his mouth to signal Lewis to let it go this time.

Hearing the reprieve, the young man who had just escaped from catastrophe jumped up, eager to try again.

“Can I ask a question?” Chu Yufei looked at Xu Xinghe, then at Ling Changfeng, swallowed, but still couldn’t hold back his damn curiosity, “What’s the matter with you two?”

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“I also want to ask a question.” Xu Xinghe sighed, and instead of answering, he asked, “Can you be quiet for a while?”

Chu Yufei: “…”

“Come on, I can guess without you answering anyway.” The young man looked dissatisfied as he sat back in his seat.

Xu Xinghe looked at him with amusement. “Yet you still ask?”

The boy snorted softly, and really quieted down.

In this silence, Xu Xinghe finally felt that the world was clean, so he also closed his eyes to rest.

After a while. Chu Yufei suddenly spoke again and asked, “A couple?”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

He opened his eyes and looked at Chu Yufei speechlessly and helplessly.

“Why? You asked me to be quiet for a while, and ‘a while’ has already lapsed.” Chu Yufei has 10,000 reasons to defend his right to speak.

“Then how can I make you quiet for another hour?” Xu Xinghe asked sincerely.

“That’s not possible.” Chu Yufei refused very succinctly, “Unless you answer my question first.”

“Spouse, we are legal spouses.” Xu Xinghe replied generously.

This is a marriage announced in the five major galaxies and witnessed by millions of eyes. There is nothing to explain.

He even added a sentence: “We were matched by the mastermind four months ago, is that enough detail?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Xinghe suddenly froze slightly. Turning his head, he blinked at Ling Changfeng: “What’s wrong?”

It felt like Ling Changfeng wasn’t satisfied with his answer, but what’s wrong with what he said?

Chu Yufei also felt this emotional fluctuation.

However, the former is because of the connection of minds brought about by their high degree of matching, while the latter is simply because of individual talent.

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Chu Yufei watched strangely as the big tiger pricked up its ears first, then wagged its tail because of the word “spouse”, and finally, after hearing the words “matched by the mastermind”, drooped down with a sullen back and turned around…

What’s the matter with this guy, does he have a split personality??

No matter how unpredictable Marshal Ling’s inner world was, his physical appearance was always expressionless, sitting motionlessly in the seat. “Nothing, you’re right.”

Xu Xinghe: “?”

He knew that Ling Changfeng in the susceptible period was more sensitive than other times, and even had a little wayward temper of making trouble. So he patiently tolerated these petty behaviors as much as possible – just like the other party was patient with him when he was drunk.

“How do you want me to answer?” Xu Xinghe observed Ling Changfeng’s expression. Suddenly his heart moved, and he realized: “We are… lovers?”

He tilted his head and blinked at Ling Changfeng.

Although it was a questioning tone, the word “lover” inevitably made Marshal Ling feel better.

The pheromones scattered in the air were entangled again.

Filling the car full of small heart-shaped bubbles.

Chu Yufei, who was originally watching the excitement: “…” 

Come again?!

Xu Xinghe smiled and said warmly: “By the way, I suddenly remembered something. When your susceptible period passes, should we make up for our honeymoon?”

“Susceptible period?!” Full of surprise, a teenage voice suddenly inserted itself without warning. He opened his mouth wide and stared at Ling Changfeng dumbfounded. “You’re actually in the susceptible period??”

The teenager couldn’t believe it. If an alpha is in the susceptible period, ordinary people can clearly feel it, not to mention his keen intuition of people.

It’s not that he didn’t notice the abnormal pheromones, but he didn’t consider the susceptible period at all.

Because his current performance was very different from that of average alphas experiencing their susceptible period.

If pheromone fluctuation is quantified, the fluctuation value of non-susceptible average alphas may be between 1-10, while Ling Changfeng is only marginally higher, at about 10-20.

But for alphas in the susceptible period, this threshold can suddenly soar to 50-100, or even higher.

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In contrast, the man’s performance is still too calm.

What’s more, shouldn’t alphas be isolated at home during their susceptible periods?

“You even came out during your susceptible period?” Chu Yufei asked subconsciously.

After asking, he regretted it.

It was quiet in the car.

Colonel Lewis, who was sitting in the front row, didn’t dare to look back at his boss’s face.

Across the entire Alliance, I’m afraid that no one dares ask such a question in front of Marshal Ling.

The young man shrank his neck and hurriedly said: “Uh…I mean, it would be good if other alphas’ susceptible period can be controlled like this…”

This is true, and also why he didn’t think of the susceptible period at first.

He could feel the man’s annoyance and irritability, as well as the strong possessiveness.

However, at least the man can still maintain a calm appearance and can ride a car normally, which is very rare for an alpha in a susceptible period.

Besides, there’s an omega by his side.

It’s not that Chu Yufei hasn’t seen a susceptible alpha. As long as he accidentally smells such pheromones, a red-faced picture will automatically form in his mind.

Thinking of this, Chu Yufei looked at Ling Changfeng with a complicated look.

He thought to himself, when other people are susceptible, they’re thinking of crazy love, why is this man still stuck at touching hands in his susceptible period?


That’s right! Ask the big questions – why are they still stuck at holding hands!!

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