After a whole night of tossing, Xu Xinghe finally brought his brother back to the hospital after eleven o’clock at night.

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Little Lily was so sleepy that she fell asleep on the sofa in the ward.

The two brothers walked into the ward lightly, and the surroundings were silent.

The teenager put away his rebellious appearance, walked quietly to the hospital bed, sat down and held his mother’s hand.

“Mom, I’m back.”

Xia Roushuang’s1XXH’s mom. First time her name’s mentioned illness has reached an advanced stage, and she spends her days in a sleepless state lingering between dreams and wakefulness.

Sometimes awake, sometimes in a coma.

Unable to eat normally, she lost a lot of weight, and her mental state also deteriorated.

However, when she opened her eyes and saw her two sons appearing side by side in front of the bed, with her younger daughter still sleeping peacefully beside her, she still smiled softly.

A tear flowed out of those beautiful eyes without warning, half joy, half resignation.

“Mom, rest first, there is a long trip tomorrow.” Xu Xinghe looked into her eyes, and his voice was infinitely gentle. “Everything will be fine, trust me.”

“En, good night.”

“Good night.”

The woman closed her eyes again.

Chu Yufei sat on the bedside, then got up and put his mother’s hand back on the quilt.

Xu Xinghe watched from the side, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and at the same time he was slightly relieved.

He found that although Chu Yufei looked like an arrogant child outside, he was quite sensible in front of his mother at the moment.

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Then he saw his brother turn around and walk towards the sofa.

He bent down and picked up the blanket that fell on the ground, wrapped his sleeping sister with the blanket, and carefully picked Lily up.

A set of movements is visibly gentle to the naked eye, and there is absolutely no arrogance from back in the juvenile detention center.

Even so, the sleeping girl was still disturbed.

Lily yawned, lying on Chu Yufei’s shoulder and moving her eyelids.

Before the little girl opened her eyes, she had already called out in a daze: “Brother?”

“En, go to sleep, I’ll take you back to your room.” Chu Yufei said softly, and skillfully adjusted her into a more comfortable position.

“Oh…” Lily was so sleepy that she fell back to sleep.

The two walked out of their mother’s ward together and sent Lily back to her own bed.

Xu Xinghe looked at the small suitcase that Lily put aside, and said to his younger brother: “It’s late, you should go to rest as soon as possible. After getting up tomorrow, you should pack your things. I will pick you up at noon.”

“We’re going to the Capital Star? “Although Xu Xinghe had already shared the general arrangements, the young teenager couldn’t help but want to confirm it again.

After all, he has not left Pelpa Star since he was a child.

Suddenly being told that he’s leaving for another planet tomorrow inevitably didn’t feel real.

“Yes, we’re going to Capital Star, to accompany mother for treatment, and then start a new life together.” Xu Xinghe said.

“Okay.” Chu Yufei nodded and followed Xu Xinghe to the temporary residence arranged for him by the hospital.

“Go to sleep.” Xu Xinghe said goodbye to his younger brother. “Good night.”

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Chu Yufei opened the door and was about to enter the room when he suddenly stopped, took two steps back, and fell back in front of Xu Xinghe.

Xu Xinghe was slightly startled: “What’s the matter?”

Chu Yufei lowered his head, with an unspeakable expression, tangled for a long time, and suddenly choked out two words: “Good night.”

Then he flung the door open and entered the room as if he was running away.

Xu Xinghe stood outside the house, looking at the closed door, not sure if he had hallucinated-

His younger brother seemed to be blushing just now.

He was stunned for a moment, then suddenly shook his head and smiled, then turned to look for Ling Changfeng.

After such a chaotic night, Xu Xinghe was also tired.

Marshal Ling could tell his spouse was tired, so he very considerately did not ask to share a bed with him, but sent the person to the next room to sleep.

So, everyone spent their last night in Pelpa without any danger.

Early the next morning, Adjutant Qin, who was far away in Capital Star, turned on his phone bombing mode, calling them in person non-stop to confirm the return itinerary, flight route, and emergency plan.

Since there were two patients on the spacecraft – Qin Yuan automatically classified Ling Changfeng in the susceptible period into the “patient” column, as a patient with a high risk factor that needs special care – he arranged a special medical plane and a military medical team as escorts. Only after making a series of relevant preparations did he dare to let Ling Changfeng follow them into the spaceship.

Accompanied and supervised by her children and medical staff, Mother Xu lay on a mobile bed and arrived at Beidou No. 03 military airport in the north of Suker City.

Along the way, she rallied her energy to chat with her children for a while, trying to appease her little daughter who was traveling for the first time. When she got to the airport, she couldn’t hold it anymore and fell asleep again.

The military airport was not open to the public, nor was it displayed on the map, so it was the first time that Chu Yufei knew that there was an airport here.

Looking at the soldiers with guns and the fighter jets equipped with missiles in the distance, he couldn’t help poking Xu Xinghe with his elbow. “Is your man an officer? What about the others?”

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Until now, he still didn’t know Ling Changfeng is the famous Alliance Marshal of the five major galaxies.

Xu Xinghe: “…”

He was taken aback by this straightforward statement, but did not answer.

Chu Yufei turned his head to look at him. “Or should he be called brother-in-law?”

Xu Xinghe was silent for a while, and said, “You can also call him sister-in-law.”

Chu Yufei: “…”

Xu Xinghe continued: “The others have already boarded. Let’s get on the spaceship first, and we’ll talk about other things later.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly looked at his brother and asked curiously, “I remember you had tattoos on your arms. Why did they disappear after one night?”

Chu Yufei: “…”

The boy didn’t seem to want to answer this question very much, and planned to feign ignorance.

But before he could speak, he heard Lily ask: “Brother has sticker tattoos again?”

Xu Xinghe suddenly became very intrigued. “Sticker?”

“En, brother is afraid of pain, so he doesn’t dare get a tattoo, but mmm!” Halfway through Lily’s words, her brother covered her mouth.

“You talk too much!” Chu Yufei looked at his sister angrily. “What are you saying outside!”

“But Brother Xinghe is not an outsider…” Lily broke free from her brother’s claws, swayed her little feet, with a joyful smile on her face.

She turned her head and smiled at Xu Xinghe, “I even put a kitten tattoo on my brother before!”

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Xu Xinghe couldn’t help it, and finally burst out laughing.

He reached out and rubbed his younger brother’s little silver hair, and joked: “I can’t imagine… Our A Fei is really good. Your hair dye isn’t temporary as well, is it?”

Chu Yufei shook his head irritably, got rid of Xu Xinghe’s hand, and looked at the two of them angrily with fiery eyes.

Xu Xinghe smiled and boarded the spaceship.

Remember, but soon, he couldn’t smile anymore.

Because the moment Chu Yufei saw Ling Changfeng, he first smiled maliciously, and then opened his mouth and said, “Hello, sister-in-law.”

This kind of behavior of hurting the enemy eight hundred and self-destructing one thousand directly killed Xu Xinghe who was caught off guard.

Then Lily still tilted her little head, and repeated in her innocent childish voice: “Sister-in-law?”

Xu Xinghe: “…” 

For a moment, the entire spaceship was quiet.


LCF: …?

XXH: Sh*t, my social death scene has come. Is it too late to say it’s a joke?

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1XXH’s mom. First time her name’s mentioned

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