There was silence in the empty hall.

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The expressions on everyone’s faces were wonderful.

It’s like seeing a biological invasion from outer space, or hearing the news that the planet is about to stop spinning.

Shock, fright, disbelief…

Xu Xinghe stretched out his hand to rest his forehead, pressing against his throbbing head.

It wasn’t that he didn’t know how quick Chu Yufei’s mouth was. He was almost thrown out of the car last night, but he was so bravely seeking death again. Did he not think he might be thrown out of the spaceship?

The members of the guard on the side were completely shocked.

Colonel Lewis originally thought that the young man was just a little more courageous and a little immature, but he never expected he was really unafraid of death.

He stood silently behind Marshal Ling, trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible, for fear of being caught and silenced because he heard something he shouldn’t have.

In contrast, Marshal Ling’s expression was much calmer.

His susceptibility period is coming to an end, and his self-control is returning little by little.

Chu Yufei could clearly feel that the other party’s pheromone smell was slowly fading, and his mood was better than last night.

Even so, when the pair of different pupils turned towards him, Chu Yufei couldn’t help but feel a drum in his heart.

Although he acts brave, he isn’t really unafraid of death.

The reason why he’s so bold was because he noticed that Ling Changfeng isn’t truly angry. Second, it was probably because he knew that there was someone standing beside him who could speak up for him—although Chu Yufei didn’t want to admit it for the time being.

Under Ling Changfeng’s gaze, he subconsciously shrank behind his brother.

Then he made the effort to redirect the trouble eastward: “Don’t, don’t look at me, my brother said you can be called sister-in-law.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

Yes, blame him. He shouldn’t have made such a joke, and given this little bastard such an idea!

Anyway, he regrets it now, very much.

However, when he heard the boy say “my brother” so naturally, Xu Xinghe lost his temper.

Turning around, he saw his younger brother sticking out his head behind him, looking at Ling Changfeng vigilantly like a little hamster, as if he was afraid of being beaten.

He sighed and accepted the matter bravely: “Okay, I said it… I was joking.”

He touched his nose embarrassedly, and his eyes began to wander, avoiding direct eye contact with Ling Changfeng.

But out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the other party didn’t seem to have any response, so he planned to fool past this matter.

“Ah that, I’m tired, let’s go and rest for a while.” Escape is one of the best tricks in the 36 Stratagems, and Xu Xinghe took his brother and ran away, pretending that nothing happened.

Unexpectedly, when passing by Ling Changfeng, his wrist was trapped and lightly pulled by the marshal.

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Xu Xinghe: “…”

He raised his head and blinked at Ling Changfeng: “I’m going to rest.”

There was no emotion in Ling Changfeng’s eyes. “Resting so early in the day?”

Xu Xinghe replied seriously, “I didn’t sleep well last night.”

Ling Changfeng nodded and let go. “Then I’ll accompany you.”

Xu Xinghe: “???”

He still tried to play it off.

Xu Xinghe’s adam’s apple rolled hard, and just as he was about to refuse, he suddenly thought of another thing: “Are you feeling better now?”

Last night’s Ling Changfeng was clearly restrained and forbearing. Because he was afraid that his poor emotional control would affect his rest, he even offered to sleep in separate rooms. How did he become so calm all of a sudden?

A certain thought suddenly flashed in Xu Xinghe’s mind, and his face changed involuntarily. “You didn’t secretly inject yourself with an inhibitor, right?”

Everyone was shocked to see Xu Xinghe grabbing Marshal Ling’s arm in the next moment, pulling up his sleeves, holding his arm, and began to look back and forth like examining a pet’s paws.

Going from one to the other is like examining a large domestic pet.

Colonel Lewis: “…”

It’s hard to say which of the two brothers is more courageous.

The little one’s mouth is like a train running off, but at least he didn’t make any moves!

What’s even more bizarre is that the dignified Grand Marshal Ling did not show any resistance. He was really like a large domestic pet, cooperating obediently and letting Xu Xinghe play with his hands.

Xu Xinghe carefully checked several times, and after confirming that there was no needle hole in his arm, he felt relieved and let go of his hand.

Everyone else was worried that they would be torn apart by the sharp claws of the beast, but he was the only one worried about whether the tiger’s claws were injured.

Ling Changfeng looked down at him. “I’m fine.”

His tone was a little softer than before, his voice was low and slow.

“It’s just that the symptoms are not that serious.” Ling Changfeng said.

“Oh.” Xu Xinghe let go of his hand embarrassedly, and seemed to realize that he had overreacted a little.

“Then I’ll withdraw first…” After he said that, he was about to run away with oil on the soles of his feet.

Then he was gently pulled by Ling Changfeng again.

Ling Changfeng rolled his eyes slightly and asked, “What did you just say?”

“Huh?” Xu Xinghe was a little confused, and asked instead, “What did I say?”

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Marshal Ling asked slowly, “You just asked him to call me what?”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

Why isn’t this matter over yet!

He raised his head and glared at his brother who was not far away.

Chu Yufei, who was eating melons and watching the play, his face stiffened and he took a few steps back silently.1should the apostrophe be after the name or after the phrase? This sentence structure always trips me up

Under Ling Changfeng’s scorching gaze, Xu Xinghe had no choice but to explain with difficulty. “I am his brother.”

Ling Changfeng: “En.”

“A brother’s other half, isn’t it… sister-in-law…” Near the end of the sentence, his voice faded bit by bit.

Unexpectedly, Marshal Ling nodded calmly. “En.”

Xu Xinghe: “Huh?”

He raised his head and saw Ling Changfeng’s eyes flicker slightly, and there was a hint of teasing and ridicule beneath his calm.

Xu Xinghe: “…”

It seems that only he’s embarrassed!

After suddenly realizing that Ling Changfeng was teasing him, he threw off his hand in anger, and ran into the rest cabin without looking back.

Marshal Ling flicked the hem of his jacket and followed him leisurely with his hands behind him.

Chu Yufei, who was on the side, had an “I don’t understand” expression on his face at first, and then he simply turned his head away and stopped looking at them.

Damn, he didn’t want to watch it again!

Only Lily continued to naively struggle with this question. “Brother, who is sister-in-law?”

Then Lily tilted her head and asked, “Why is he called sister-in-law?”

Chu Yufei was at a loss for words and pretended to cough twice. “This… don’t ask about such things.”

After speaking, he reached out and rubbed his sister’s soft black hair. “It’s not suitable for children.”

Not far away, a huge roar blasted out, and the engine spewed out a blue high-temperature flame. A beep sounded in the hall, reminding everyone to sit in a safe position and the spacecraft was about to set sail. Amid the thunderous roars of the giant ship, everyone finally set foot on the way back.

The spacecraft lifted off, broke through the atmosphere, and entered the vast universe.

Xu Xinghe let out a long sigh of relief.

When the spaceship passed the transition point and entered a stable course, he unbuckled his seat belt, lay down on the sofa in the rest cabin, and turned on his own electronic terminal.

Too many things have happened recently, and he hasn’t checked his mailbox and group messages for a long time.

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Hundreds of unread messages appeared in the group chat of Capital University F4. Xu Xinghe was too lazy to scroll forward, so he glanced at the most recent messages.

Lin Qi: “In the blink of an eye, Brother Xu has been out of contact for many days.”

Lin Qi: “I miss him.”

Xu Xinghe smiled slightly, and the sentence “I’ll be back soon” was entered into the dialog box. But before he could respond, the next message popped up- 

Lin Qi: “I miss his handsome appearance when he helped me write code”

Lin Qi: “Is there anyone else in the group who would like to learn from Brother Xu’s helpful spirit?”

Xu Xinghe: …

He had to emotionally delete the text in the dialog box.

Cheryl: “I’m working, I’m not free”

Vincent: “Walking the dog, I don’t have time”

Lin Qi: “? Have you heard from him?”

Lin Qi: “No, when I called him two days ago, I felt that he was not in a good mood. He said he wanted to be alone, so I didn’t dare harass him these two days :-(“

Vincent: “… You have self-knowledge.”

Cheryl: “Sigh”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

As soon as he spoke, a screen full of exclamation marks appeared.

Xu Xinghe: “Didn’t anyone kick him out yet?”

Lin Qi: “?”

Xu Xinghe: “He’s disturbing my eyes.”

Lin Qi: “Brother Xu, you’ve changed… we haven’t seen each other for three days, where did our old affection2as in friendship go?”

Vincent: “Please stop arguing”

Lin Qi: “?? “

Cheryl: “How is Brother Xu recently?”

Xu Xinghe: “Is it alright, I’m on my way back to the capital. I’m bringing my mother back for treatment. The doctor said there’s still hope.”

Cheryl: “Okay, then if there is anything you need to say in the group, we are always here.”

Xu Xinghe looked at the screen and smiled, and continued typing: “I won’t talk to you guys for now, I’ll go see my mother.”

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After that, he got up and walked towards the medical warehouse where his mother was still in a coma.

Little Lily held her rag doll and sat obediently beside her.

Xu Xinghe sat down beside her and asked, “Where’s your brother?”

“My brother said he didn’t sleep well last night, and went to make up for it.”

Xu Xinghe smiled and said, “Then Lily slept well last night?”

Lily nodded: “En, I slept well last night.”

“That’s right, Brother Xinghe.” Lily suddenly thought of a question and turned to ask him: “Have you brought that little sick cat on the spaceship?”

Xu Xinghe was stunned upon hearing her question. “What cat?”

“You said it before, you had to go take care of a little cat that’s sick. Is it healed now? Did you bring it with you?”

Xu Xinghe laughed awkwardly, and replied in a blunt voice, “Our Lily has a great memory.”

Lily tilted her head and continued to look at Xu Xinghe curiously.

Xu Xinghe pondered for a while, trying to figure out what to say, when he saw a figure walking in through the silver-gray metal door of the medical warehouse.

Ling Changfeng just finished the phone call with Qin Yuan, and then came to look for his little spouse.

After he entered the room, he slowly stood still, and first asked the military doctor on the side: “What’s the situation now?”

“Replying to the Marshal, the patient’s condition is temporarily stable, and there is no further deterioration. We will monitor her at all times and report immediately if there is a situation.”

“En.” Ling Changfeng nodded, then slowly turned his gaze to Xu Xinghe, and asked: “You raised another cat?”

Xu Xinghe: “…”


Lily: Can I see the other kitty?

LCF: You have another cat?

XXH: No! Uhh… *dies*

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1should the apostrophe be after the name or after the phrase? This sentence structure always trips me up2as in friendship

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