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Vincent: “Friendly reminder, the restaurants may be very busy and it will be difficult to make reservations. Special means can be used if necessary”

Xu Xinghe: “You mean hacking into their ordering system?”

Cheryl: ” Brother, can you be a little bit more conscious of being the marshal’s partner! Can’t you just let the people below help you book it?”

Xu Xinghe: “…Not good :)”

Lin Qi: “Stop, I think you are targeting me.”

Lin Qi: “Have you ever heard that a wise man doesn’t fall in love?? If you fall in love too much, you will lose your wisdom!”

Lin Qi: “Say no more, the wise man is going to write a paper!”

Xu Xinghe: “Off you go, maybe you’ll be inspired and write more seeing the first snow of winter :)”

After sending the message, he clicked on the articles sent by Cheryl and Vincent, and looked at the various restaurants that were talked about.

From airborne cloud seating, suspended in the sky, to the elegant and chic waterfront pavilions, there is no shortage of romantic and beautiful high-end restaurants in Xingfu City. Xu Xinghe read the menu introduction one by one, and finally selected one and dialed their reservation number.

However, as expected by Vincent, the customer service agent on the phone gently informed him that all the tables were fully booked tonight.

Xu Xinghe could only look for another restaurant, but after calling each one, one after another, there was no availability!

As Vincent said, tonight is the first snow of Xingfu City.

Since the day that the first snow was forecasted, all popular restaurants in the city have been booked out by young couples one after another.

Xu Xinghe went all the way from TOP1 restaurant to TOP10, and finally gave up.

He can’t really hack into their system and squeeze out the places reserved by others…

Xu Xinghe turned off the communication depressed, comforting himself in his heart, anyway, Ling Changfeng may not be free tonight… and even if he is free, from a safety point of view, he may not necessarily go to a public restaurant with him to eat.

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Forget it, he can make it at home.

Ah no, he should first ask him if he will be back tonight…

Just thinking about it, the terminal on his wrist suddenly sounded.

Xu Xinghe raised his hand and saw the three characters “Ling Changfeng” on the screen. He couldn’t help but inhale sharply, almost thinking that he had accidentally dialed it.

Until he saw the answer button in the lower left corner.

This kind of consonance made him suddenly firm up his thoughts –

It was tonight.

There are some things he will say tonight.

Xu Xinghe took a deep breath and pressed the answer button.

“Are you coming back for dinner tonight?”

“Do you have time tonight?”

As soon as the communication line was connected, their voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Xu Xinghe blinked: “You speak first.”

The other end of the phone paused for two seconds before hearing Ling Changfeng’s magnetic low-pitched voice: “Tonight, do you want to come out for a meal?”

Smiling silently, Xu Xinghe’s eyes flashed brightly as he said: “Ah, okay.”

Hanging up the phone, Xu Xinghe glanced at the time, it was 3:15 in the afternoon.

He rushed into the bathroom quickly, washed himself from head to toe, then brushed his teeth again, and even flossed his teeth twice.

After coming out wrapped in a bathrobe, he began to choose carefully in the cloakroom.

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First, dress formally.

Xu Xinghe ran his fingers across his shirts and suits. In the end, he chose a white shirt with a simple style and exquisite tailoring, as well as a traditional and versatile black suit.

After putting on the shirt, Xu Xinghe began to choose bow ties, square scarves, collar clips and cufflinks.

He glanced up at the display cabinet, caught by a pair of cufflinks made of sapphire and amber.

He remembered that they were originally two pairs of cufflinks of the same color, but he disassembled them into a pair with mismatched colors. One pair was given to Ling Changfeng, and the other pair he kept.

Looking at the beautiful color matching someone’s mismatched pupils, Xu Xinghe’s lips curled upwards as he reached out to take the pair of cufflinks from the cabinet.

By the time everything was ready, the numbers on the electronic clock had jumped to 5:15PM.

It was forty-five minutes before the agreed six o’clock in the evening.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out of the room, he ran into Chu Yufei in the corridor.

The latter slammed on the brakes and looked at him with his eyes widening a little bit with a horrified expression: “What are you doing… Are you going to a banquet tonight?”

“Sort of.” Xu Xinghe said in a relaxed tone, “You guys stay at home and be good. If there’s anything, ask He Han.”

“No, wait a minute…” Chu Yufei looked at his brother suspiciously, and his face became strange. “Are you going on a date?”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

He didn’t deny or admit it, but pretended to ask: “What makes you ask this? You can’t smell my pheromones.”

“But I’m not blind! I can see your face.” Chu Yufei was speechless. “You really should look in the mirror, my dear brother. People in love always have a smile on their face, and they don’t look very smart.”

The boy shook his head regretfully as he spoke. “Also, although I can’t smell your pheromones, I can still smell the pungent men’s perfume you’re spraying.”

“Is it pungent?” Xu Xinghe frowned upon hearing this. “This is C brand’s classic men’s light fragrance, and is something I can accept… Is it really pungent?”

“All perfumes are pungent to me… Wait a minute, is this the main point?? The main thing is that I have never seen you wear cologne!”

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“Then you have seen it now.”

“…” Chu Yufei looked at him with an expression of “you are finished, you are in love”.

Xu Xinghe raised his hand and glanced at the time. “Okay, I won’t bother you, I’m going to dinner. You should read more at home when you have time as you’ll go back to school in a few days. Also, let Lily go to bed earlier. “

Xu Xinghe went downstairs as he spoke, and quickly walked out of the gate of the Marshal’s mansion.

Outside, a low-key, luxurious military flying car was already waiting for him on the tarmac.

Ling Changfeng did not directly tell him where to eat tonight, but only said that he would send someone to pick him up.

Xu Xinghe got into the car, the engine spewed blue flames, left the ground, and departed.

The speeding car raced forward on the empty track, and gradually drove away from the city.

Don’t know where the dinner is, what the location is…

It better be by the window, so that he can still see the snowfall tonight.

Lost in thoughts, Xu Xinghe was suddenly stunned.

He leaned slightly and looked out the window, and always felt that the road to the suburbs out west looked a little familiar…

It was not until the winding and beautiful hillsides and a gorgeous manor appeared in front of him that Xu Xinghe finally remembered it. .

He was here before –

Georges Grolet restaurant.

It was the day his first marriage ended. Cheryl brought her father’s card to this members-only restaurant where they ate dinner.

In an instant, a very strange feeling floated up in Xu Xinghe’s heart.

It seems that somewhere, fate was already predetermined.

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But this time, their car was not stopped outside the manor, but drove directly over the manor.

Only then did Xu Xinghe know that there was actually a hidden area above the manor.

A floating manor, propped up by four large jet engines, was suspended in mid-air, hundreds of meters above the ground.

It is made of bulletproof glass on all sides and uses anti-detection technology, commonly known as stealth, which makes it difficult to be sensed by radar, light waves, and infrared rays, and the outside cannot see the scene inside.

The flying car connected to a specific track, drove inside the floating manor, and landed slowly.

The door opened, and Xu Xinghe was about to get out of the car, but he was stunned when he looked up.

It wasn’t a hotel security guard who helped him open the car door, nor the guard escorting him… it was Ling Changfeng himself!

Marshal Ling wore a dignified and gorgeous military uniform, with rows of dazzling medals symbolizing honor pinned to his chest.

Xu Xinghe rarely saw him wearing this outfit, but he had to admit that it was very suitable.

The man’s sword eyebrows, star-like eyes, thin lips… The deep and handsome facial features and the tall, straight figure are all set off by this military uniform.

Every time Ling Changfeng wears it, it makes him unable to look away.

“Good evening.” Ling Changfeng was also slightly startled to see Xu Xinghe dressed up for the occasion.

He immediately put his hand out.


Date time for our MC and ML!

Ugh, I’m running out of stocked chapters… Back to the grindstone I go.

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