From Xu Xinghe’s point of view, at this moment, behind Ling Changfeng is a new moon half-covered by the red clouds of the snowy night.

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And he and the moon stand in the sky with the moon, and the beauty of the moon is unparalleled.

Xu Xinghe was stunned for a while before he found his voice: “Good evening.”

His eyelashes trembled slightly, and he got out of the car holding his hand.

The restaurant supervisor politely stepped forward to guide the two of them, and came to a gate. After verifying their identities with fingerprints and pupil recognition, he reached out and opened the door of the box.

Xu Xinghe let out a silent exclamation.

The private room is transparent on all sides, offering a magnificent unobstructed view of the world.

On one side are city lights flickering and shining like the Milky Way, and on the other side is a beautiful mountain forest. At this moment, the decorative lights in the mountain forest were lit up, like starlights falling into a dense forest, gorgeous and magnificent.

There was a dining table in the center of the room, surrounded by petals, and a candle was lit on the table.

Ling Changfeng beckoned to the supervisor and told him they didn’t want to be disturbed, leaving only two intelligent robots in charge of delivering the food.

After the supervisor left the room, he walked over to the dining table and held the chair for Xu Xinghe himself: “Sit down.”

Xu Xinghe sat down and asked casually, “Why did you wear this uniform tonight?”

Ling Changfeng looked at him faintly, and asked without answering, “What about you? Why are you dressed so grandly?”

Xu Xinghe moved in his heart, raised his head and stared at Ling Changfeng blankly, and suddenly had a certain premonition.

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At this moment, the intelligent robot came to serve the food.

“Let’s eat first.” Ling Changfeng said. “Do you want some wine?”

“En… let’s wait a bit,” Xu Xinghe bit his lip.

He actually wanted to have wine, but was afraid that if he got drunk, he would mess up tonight.

So he shook his head and decided to wait until he had finished speaking his mind before drinking.

The food for dinner is very delicate and very precious, and it can be seen that the chef has put a lot of effort into it.

However, facing the table full of delicacies from the mountain and sea, Xu Xinghe was a little absent-minded.

“What’s the matter, is the food not to your taste?” Ling Changfeng noticed his abnormality, put down his fork, and asked.

“No.” Xu Xinghe took a deep breath. He raised his head and looked at Ling Changfeng eagerly. “Well, there is something I want to tell you…”

“Huh?” The dual-colored pupils looked at him seriously.

Xu Xinghe opened his mouth, and his heartbeat suddenly went wild.

“I… that what…” He scrolled through the words many times in his mind, but for some reason they got stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t get a word out.

“That, that is that…” Xu Xinghe’s tongue twisted, and the topic suddenly went off the rails, “Isn’t my mother about to be discharged from the hospital…”

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After he said this, his whole body was like a deflated ball, listless and drooping.

He was full of things he wanted to say, but suddenly he couldn’t open his mouth.

However, since he opened his mouth already, and it was something to discuss, Xu Xinghe simply continued: “I want to leave my house in District 5 to them after my mother is discharged from the hospital. After all, It’s not suitable for them to stay in the Marshal’s Mansion either; it’s better for them to live with their mother.”

Ling Changfeng’s eyes swept across Xu Xinghe’s trembling hand that almost bent his fork, and nodded. “You can decide on these matters. If you think the location in District 5 is inconvenient, I can also arrange other accommodation for them.”

Xu Xinghe nodded, his heart still thumping violently.

He suddenly thought, did Ling Changfeng feel the same way the night he confessed?

“It’s snowing.” Ling Changfeng said suddenly.

Xu Xinghe was stunned for a moment, And then turned his head. Snowflakes were fluttering outside the window, like silvery flower petals, drifting down.

And they are sitting in the middle of the flying snow, with such a rare view, making time stretch infinitely.

The first snow of winter in Xingfu City fell silently around them.

Xu Xinghe took a deep breath and finally made up his mind.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard Ling Changfeng say: “I have something to tell you too.”

“Huh?” Xu Xinghe’s words got stuck in his throat again, and changed his words: “You say.”

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“You just asked why am I wearing this suit again?” Ling Changfeng said, and pointed at the medal on his chest. “This golden star medal was left by me on the 376 battlefield. The longest scar also came from this battle. This First Class Liberation Medal was awarded the year I was promoted to major general, and I still remember the glory of raising my arms and the army responding that day. There is also this Flying Pigeon Medal, The Golden Peony Medal… All these medals are the epitome of the military exploits and glory in my life, and I usually only wear them on occasions that I attach great importance to.”

Ling Changfeng said here, raised his head and looked at Xu Xinghe His eyes said, “For example, that state banquet, that was the first time I appeared in public with you. Another example, the day of the wedding.”

Xu Xinghe was stunned.

He remembered that on the day he first entered the Marshal’s mansion, Ling Changfeng did not attend…

It was Colonel Lewis who came to pick him up.

But that night, when he saw Ling Changfeng for the first time, he was indeed wearing this military uniform.

“I’m sorry, I was absent that day.” Ling Changfeng lowered his eyes and continued: “I was going to pick you up by myself that day, but I encountered something on the way, and I can’t even explain to you what it was. I can’t talk to you about my work, I can’t tell you who I met, and I can’t tell you my specific itinerary… At most, all I can say is I can’t go home for dinner.”

“I fully understand this, really.” Xu Xinghe felt his mood change, so he interrupted him gently, “Soldiers need to be on call 24 hours a day. I’m aware of the non-disclosure agreements, responsibilities, and obligations they need to fulfill. I’ve already been told before marriage…”

Ling Changfeng listened to him quietly, but still shook his head and continued: “And our first date, the one that failed… That night, I also missed our appointment.”

Peering at the beating candlelight on the table, Ling Changfeng continued in a low voice, “To this day, I still can’t explain what happened that night. When some extreme situations happen, my private communication will be inaccessible for safety reasons.”

Xu Xinghe’s lips moved, but he didn’t know how to comfort him.

He wanted to say something, but felt that words paled in comparison.

He felt the other party’s self-blame and even powerlessness… These were emotions he had never captured in Ling Changfeng.

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So much so that he was at a loss as to how to solve it.

“I can’t even guarantee that such a situation will never happen again.” Ling Changfeng’s voice was very low. “So, I occasionally wonder if you refused to accept my confession because the impression I left on you isn’t good, or that I really can’t be considered a qualified husband.”

Xu Xinghe couldn’t listen anymore.

He felt that Ling Changfeng might say something stupid like “If you really don’t like me, then when one year expires, I will sign the divorce agreement and set you free.”

God, then he’d be pissed off!

Why on earth are they talking about this on a snowy night??

At the thought, Xu Xinghe immediately got up.

Then, he kissed those pale lips directly.

After a long night and waiting, he finally responded to his confession-

With a kiss.


’nuff said

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