Xu Xinghe has no kissing experience, nor does Ling Changfeng.

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However, at this moment, the two discovered that this kind of thing does not seem to need to be learned.

Everything happened naturally and logically.

Xu Xinghe closed his eyes.

The scene in front of him darkened, and his remaining senses magnified infinitely…

He heard Ling Changfeng’s heavy and rapid breathing, and the other party’s strong heartbeat.

He smelled the fragrant delicacies on the table, as well as the saltiness of the majestic sea and surging waves.

He also felt the other person’s lips.

Warm, slippery, soft beyond imagination…

It felt unreal.

How can the lips of a person carved in ice and stone be so soft?

With such a question in mind, Xu Xinghe once again pecked the lips lightly.

Ling Changfeng’s breath instantly became messy.

Xu Xinghe’s eyelashes twitched slightly, and then he quietly lifted his eyes…

Only to learn that Ling Changfeng didn’t close his eyes!

At the moment when the four eyes met, a certain electric sensation rose from the spine, causing the two of them to tremble in unison.

Something exploded silently in their eyes, creating colorful fireworks amidst the shining sun, moon, and stars.

It seems that everything in the world can be condensed in a lover’s loving eyes.

Ling Changfeng’s mind was blank for a moment.

His eyes widened slightly, and his whole person fell into a strange state of stagnation.

He stared at Xu Xinghe motionless, and saw countless flowers blooming one after another behind him.

The wild flowers blurred his eyes, blooming all over the world.

In an instant, a spark ignited a prairie fire.

When the illusion of mottled flowers and shadows faded, he still clearly saw Xu Xinghe’s two rows of small brush-like eyelashes trembling in front of his eyes, like the wings of a butterfly, fluttering and tickling his heart.

The scent of springtime flowers in bloom overflowed indoors, isolated from the outside world of ice and snow.

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Xu Xinghe was unable to concentrate on the kiss with his eyes open. Besides, maintaining his posture of stretching out his neck and sticking his head out is quite tiring.

So, Xu Xinghe stood up still, and licked his lips. Seeing Ling Changfeng, who had not recovered from the unexpected delight, he muttered in a low voice, “I’m not medusa… You’re not petrified are you?”

Ling Changfeng raised his head. Dual orbs of gold and sapphire slowly turned to him, still with the appearance of his three major and seven minor souls missing.1as in LCF is mind wandering / spaced out

Even though he didn’t have any expression on his face, Xu Xinghe had already captured enough information from the pheromones scurrying around.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at him with a half-smile. “Is this all right?”

A hint of doubt flashed in the dual-colored eyes. Ling Changfeng pursed his lips without speaking, and his sluggish brain finally resumed functioning after looking at Xu Xinghe a little longer in confusion.

“I mean, can this be considered a response?” Xu Xinghe sat down opposite him again, his eyes sparkling. His eyes were pure and clear, like a mountain stream shining in silvery bright moonlight.

He stared into Ling Changfeng’s eyes, afraid that he wasn’t enlightened yet, and simply added: “You said you like me, I think, I do too.”

As soon as these words came out, Xu Xinghe felt everything else came out smoothly. The words that were stuck in his throat rushed out immediately: “Didn’t you ask me why I’m dressed so grandly tonight? Because I am here to confess. I want to tell you that from now on, let’s always be together.”

“Actually, I prepared a lot of words on the way here, but before I could speak, I heard someone start to criticize himself. So I think it is better to speak with practical actions.” Subconsciously licking his lips, Xu Xinghe asked, “Knowing this, can’t you tell my intentions now?”

Gold and blue orbs flashed. Marshal Ling’s eyes swept across his lover’s pink lips, and then stared straight into his eyes.

Seeing that he remained silent, Xu Xinghe pretended to be regretful and said, “If this doesn’t work—”

Ling Changfeng finally moved. He was about to speak, but heard Xu Xinghe continue: “Then I can only let you bite once more.”

Ling Changfeng’s eyes changed immediately.

Pheromone swept through every corner of the house instantly, and the whole sea boiled.

In this delicate atmosphere, Xu Xinghe suddenly realized that he seemed to have made a terrible joke.

The very aggressive aura unique to alphas began to spiral out of control, aggressively clamoring to possess.

Xu Xinghe almost bit his tongue as he stammered: “That, uh… Is it too late for me to take back what I just said?”

Ling Changfeng got up with an indescribable expression. “It’s too late.”

Carrying a body full of dangerous pheromones, he pressed near, as if to swallow the other party alive.

Xu Xinghe instinctively wanted to back away.

But as soon as he took a step back, his waist buckled.

Ling Changfeng gently circled his waist, and pulled his little spouse into his arms.

“What are you running for?” Marshal Ling’s big hand clasped around Xu Xinghe’s sensitive waist. A tingling shock jolted the moment his fingertips pressed down lightly.

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The numb and itchy feeling expanded from the small spot on his waist. He subconsciously wanted to hide, but he fell into his arms and directly hit Ling Changfeng’s chest.

Ling Changfeng wrapped his hands around his waist and directly pushed the person against the corner of a wall.

Xu Xinghe only felt that his feet were light, and before he could resist, his back was stuck to the cold wall.

There was no going back.

It’s worth mentioning that the walls are made of a single piece of bulletproof glass and are completely transparent.

Xu Xinghe turned his head to see the falling snow, the gradually lowering clouds, and the eternally bright starry sky hidden behind the clouds.

The city under his feet condensed into an electronic map stretching boundlessly for hundreds of miles, full of surging lines and endless brilliance.

The field of vision in front of him was extremely broad. Even if he knew that they were at a height of 100 meters and that people outside could not see inside, Xu Xinghe still blushed.

There is a sense of shame about flirting openly under the bright sky.

But the person holding him was obviously not ashamed.

On the contrary, every pore on the alpha’s body exuded an air of pleasure and contentment.

Xu Xinghe’s teeth itch with anger: “Let go.”

Ling Changfeng lowered his head and looked down at his little spouse. A slightly hoarse voice sounded in Xu Xinghe’s ear: “Are you going to say if I don’t, I should bite you?”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

A small smile appeared in Ling Changfeng’s eyes when he saw the cute appearance of his little spouse gnashing his teeth. His voice was very low as he said, “Didn’t you say that we’ll always be together in the future? Why don’t you give me a hug? “

He deliberately pulled the final syllable to be soft and hoarse; it even resembled a grievance in the lingering atmosphere.

He originally just wanted to tease him, and had no intention of forcing his little spouse.

He was even ready to let go if the situation went wrong.

But unexpectedly, Xu Xinghe raised his head and glanced at him when he heard the words, then lowered his head again, and silently snuggled in his arms.

The omega put his chin obediently on his lover’s shoulder, and his soft hair swept across the other’s side face.

Ling Changfeng’s breathing suddenly stopped for half a beat.

Immediately, his waist tightened, as his lover’s arms looped around.

Xu Xinghe stretched out his hand and hugged Ling Changfeng back, but he still muttered: “You’re a bad person to complain first… Who didn’t hug who? Haven’t we hugged for five minutes?”

Ling Changfeng looked down. His eyes were full of affection, but his voice was still low: “But you asked me to let go…”

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Unable to bear it, Xu Xinghe shot back: “Huh, but did you let go?”

Ling Changfeng continued to look at him. “You told me to take a bite, but I didn’t.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

Outside, snow continued to fall.

Silvery white flowers danced in the wind as they drifted towards the earth.

At this moment, they were far away from all the hustle and bustle of the mundane world, embracing quietly in the first snow of winter.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Xinghe asked in a low voice, “Have you finished hugging?”

Of course it wasn’t enough, but Ling Changfeng still let go reluctantly.

Tidying up the messed up suit, Xu Xinghe couldn’t help muttering in a low voice, “I shouldn’t have said that!”

Ling Changfeng raised his brows slightly, looked at him noncommittally, and slowly said, “Spoken words is like spilled water that can’t be recovered.”

—Can’t be taken back.

Xu Xinghe glared at him and sat back in his seat angrily.

Ling Changfeng walked over calmly. “Would you like some wine?”

The corners of his mouth twitched as Xu Xinghe said with a smile, “No need.”

What a joke! In this situation, if he really gets drunk, he will really be bitten!

Ling Changfeng’s gaze swept across the small pair of pale pink earlobes, watching the blush extending from behind Xu Xinghe’s ears all the way into the neckline of his white shirt… His mood was instantly exceptionally good.

He didn’t force it, as he nodded and sat down. “Then let’s continue to eat.” 

The heat on Xu Xinghe’s face had not subsided, but his heart was still beating endlessly.

In order not to seem abnormal, he feigned irritability with his fork, and vented his emotions on the food.

The silverware slid across the china plate and shoved a piece of beef into his mouth.

Ling Changfeng gently pushed a glass of lemonade over with two fingers: “Don’t choke.”

Xu Xinghe snorted, but still took it and drank it.

Eyes sweeping across the flowers and candles arranged around them, he suddenly felt like something was wrong. Raising his head, he asked, “Did you ask them to arrange this place just to say those words to frustrate me?”

Holding his fork and knife to cut the steak, Ling Changfeng explained in an orderly manner: “It’s not meant to frustrate you – I just want to confess to you. I once wanted to wear this military uniform and greet you in the most solemn manner, but I missed the chance. And this kind of situation cannot be completely avoided in the future…”

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“Don’t sidetrack.” Xu Xinghe remained unmoved, his eyes full of doubts and inquiry. He then asked: “You originally wanted to come to me to confess a second time, right? Why did you change your words?”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

He put down his knife and fork, picked up a napkin, and wiped his mouth. Then, he threw out the familiar name of his capable adjutant: “The restaurant was selected by Qin Yuan.”

“Did he also arrange the venue?”

“En.” Ling Changfeng nodded without blushing.

Xu Xinghe looked at him speechlessly. “Do you know what is the most important thing between partners?”

He tapped twice towards the plate with the silver fork in his hand: “It’s sincerity!”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

His little spouse suddenly said such a big sounding truth. Marshal Ling hesitated for a while, but still confessed: “Yes, I originally wanted to confess again. But after coming here, I discovered that you were also intending to do so, so I decided to leave the opportunity to you…”

Xu Xinghe was stunned. “How did you know I was going to confess?”

Ling Changfeng’s eyes swept over his cuffs. “I saw that you were wearing our couple’s cufflinks, and sprayed cologne. The first sentence you said when you picked up my call was to ask me if I would go back to eat tonight. Obviously, you were looking for me for something… Of course, this isn’t concrete evidence, but the combined signs gave me this kind of conjecture. And this conjecture was verified after seeing you humming and hawing. At the time, I thought our hearts and minds were finally in tune.”

“Wait a minute! So you said those words on purpose. Right?” Xu Xinghe suddenly realized that he had completely fallen into someone’s trap.

This guy did it on purpose! Deliberately acting like a stray cat soaked in the rain to soften his heart, make him feel distressed, make him surrender, and finally throw away his armor and defenses.

What can be done?

He can only eat this loss himself.

Ling Changfeng’s plan was laid bare. He didn’t deny it, but said without changing his face: “I saw that it was difficult for you to open your mouth, and wanted to help you. But this—” He pointed to his lips. “Indeed I didn’t expect this…”

The beating candlelight and the lovely appearance of his lover was reflected in the mismatched pupils.

A smile dipped into his eyes a little bit, “Windfall.”


They kissed, and the baby hedgehog went first~

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1as in LCF is mind wandering / spaced out

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