T/N: Thank you Wildziva for the ko-fis to sponsor an add’l release! We got a week of fluff (and a cliffhanger) coming up~

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Xu Xinghe felt a little angry seeing the wicked smile celebrating a successful plan in the other party’s eyes. “You’re despicable! I was still thinking about how to comfort you!”

“Thank you, you really comforted me.” Ling Changfeng’s voice was as low as always, but there was a relaxed and happy satisfaction in his tone, like a cat that’s full and basking in the sun.

Glaring at him angrily, the little man in Xu Xinghe’s heart waved his fists wildly in the air.

Can’t wait to grab the tail of this big cat, pull it close, and rub it at will.

It is a pity that Marshal Ling isn’t a real cat and has no tail.

If there is, its big tail must be raised high because of its master’s pride at the moment, and swinging leisurely.

“What comfort, you big-headed bastard! You clearly did it on purpose!” Xu Xinghe was brooding about how easily he was deceived and gave away his first kiss foolishly. “I thought that if you were allowed to continue your self-examination, you would take the initiative to file for divorce! In fact, you didn’t mean it at all, did you?”

The eyes that were still smiling just now stopped laughing.

When Ling Changfeng heard the word “divorce”, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression suddenly became dangerous.

“Not. Possible.”

He said word by word, with a voice seeming to freeze the surroundings.

“I have already burned the divorce agreement, and will never sign it in my life. If you want to divorce one day, you’ll have to go directly to the Union Court and sue me.” Marshal Ling said with a stern face.

The surrounding temperature plummeted and the air pressure dropped.

The pheromones coated with an icy chill made Xu Xinghe shiver uncontrollably.

When he raised his head, he met someone’s direct gaze.

Facing the relentless stare, Xu Xinghe shrank back subconsciously, but was still a little unconvinced. “Why are you looking at me like this? Didn’t you bring this topic up first…”

Ling Changfeng asked straightforwardly, “When did I say I was going to divorce?”

The alpha, who was in love, couldn’t stand that word at all, and was very concerned.

Xu Xinghe hesitantly said: “I thought…”

Ling Changfeng: “That I want to divorce?”

Xu Xinghe: “…” Who the hell is emphasizing this word!

“Why do you think like this?” Marshal Ling’s face was indifferent, but the words that came out of his mouth were very aggrieved. “I neither drove you out of the room, nor refused to share the same bed, nor did I shove you a divorce agreement on our wedding night.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

Ah, the cat is angry.

Helpless, Xu Xinghe felt the topic couldn’t be continued. He had to smooth the hairs on the anxious cat first. “Okay, my fault, I won’t mention that word in the future…”

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His tone was like coaxing a child. Gentle and patient.

At the end, Xu Xinghe leaned forward slightly, swept across the table full of petals, and held Ling Changfeng’s hand on the table. “Don’t worry, we will not be separated. We will be together forever.”

The world fell silent. Ling Changfeng raised his eyes to look at Xu Xinghe, and all kinds of indescribable emotions poured out of his eyes.

He recalled that once upon a time, when he was young, he seriously refuted the message in Qin Yuan’s love letter: “You haven’t even lived one-fifth of your life, don’t you think it’s too early to say forever?”

In his opinion, those promises made between young lovers are too naive, too childish, and even a little irresponsible.

Even the stars will burn out one day – who can guarantee forever?

However, when facing these things himself, he realized that there was probably no one in this world who could refuse the forever promised by their lover.

He didn’t care whether Xu Xinghe was coaxing him on a whim, because at this moment, he fell into those words.

“Yeah.” Ling Changfeng nodded, clasped his hand back, lowered his eyes and said, “We will be together forever.”

The low pressure around his body gradually receded, and his cloudy mood turned clear with this mutual promise.

Xu Xinghe was stunned for a while, as if seeing a big cat pursing his ears with satisfaction, and then starting to roll around in the sun.

Xu Xinghe breathed a sigh of relief, however, there was one more thing that made him very concerned.

He observed Ling Changfeng’s face, and after confirming that the other party’s mood had improved, he couldn’t help but speak again: “What, you burned that thing?”

Ling Changfeng glanced at him and nodded: “It’s burned.”

Xu Xinghe asked again: “When?”

Ling Changfeng: “Forgot.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

Ling Changfeng looked at him with a faint gaze: “Why are you asking this?”

“It’s nothing, I just want to confirm again… burning it is fine.”

Touching his nose lightly, the big stone in Xu Xinghe’s heart finally fell after receiving the firm answer. He quickly changed the subject: “By the way, it might sound like fate – but I’ve been to this restaurant before.”

Ling Changfeng gave him a meaningful look. “Yeah.”

“But at that time, I was eating below, and I didn’t know there was such a place above…” Xu Xinghe suddenly realized something when he finished speaking. This is a restaurant with a military backing that isn’t open to the public. Even the lower level isn’t something ordinary people can enter. Ling Changfeng wouldn’t think that he had eaten with Mu Qingyun last time, right??

Thinking of this, Xu Xinghe quickly raised his head and glanced at Ling Changfeng’s face, and added, “I came with my friends last time…”

Ling Changfeng continued to look at him and slowly hummed. “I know.”

Xu Xinghe was stunned. “You know? How do you know??”

At that time, his first marriage had just ended, and he had not yet had any intersection with Ling Changfeng.

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Xu Xinghe’s face suddenly became strange: “You didn’t open this restaurant, right?”

Ling Changfeng: “…” He was choked by the question, and didn’t know how his little spouse came up with such a wild idea.

“Of course not.” He slowly said in the other’s puzzled eyes. “This is where we first met.”

Xu Xinghe was stunned.

He swore his first time seeing Ling Changfeng was the night he entered the Marshal’s mansion.

But Ling Changfeng said, the first time the two met here??

Xu Xinghe was in a mess for a while. Suddenly he remembered that some roads in the western suburbs were speed limited, blocked off, and the numerous checkpoints that day, and realized something. “You were here for dinner that night?!”

“Class reunion.” Ling Changfeng nodded.

“But…” Xu Xinghe carefully recalled the scene that night, but did not see Ling Changfeng’s figure in those memory fragments.

So he said strangely. “Why do I have no impression at all? Were you peeping at me from the shadows??”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

Facing the silent gaze from the pair of mismatched pupils, Xu Xinghe tilted his head, suddenly feeling a little strange.

Remember that he simply stretched out his hand to support his chin, staring at his big cat recklessly.

“That night, there was a problem with the upper road access, so we finally had to take the VIP channel below.” Ling Changfeng explained.

“There I heard your voice and smelled your pheromones…”

To this day, the charming floral fragrance that amazed him that whole summer night still haunts him.

Ling Changfeng remembered very clearly that the rare appearance of the moon and stars that night, when the still water that had been silent for many years in his heart was suddenly disturbed unreasonably.

He didn’t even have time to react then the intoxicating aroma easily broke through the layers of barriers he had, and floated into the wall of his heart so easily.

Xu Xinghe raised the corner of his mouth and continued to tease him: “So, you fell in love with me at first sight?”

The pair of dark doe eyes were full of teasing.

Anyone seeing Ling Changfeng showing such seriousness towards personal matters, wouldn’t be able to resist ‘mocking’ him.

The adjutant, who has been with the marshal for many years, has long discovered this kind of fun, and indulges in it with ease.

And now, Xu Xinghe seems to have learned this kind of joy too.

Seeing a big unsmiling cat remove its aloof posture, and respond step by step – isn’t this much more interesting than teasing Xiaoqi?

Xu Xinghe rested his cheeks with his hands, intending to appreciate the embarrassment of the big cat.

Unexpectedly, Ling Changfeng’s expression was unexpectedly calm. He didn’t evade the question, and even thought about it for a moment, then lowered his eyes and said, “It’s not about love at first sight. However, it’s true that it’s unforgettable at first sight, or, in other words, a little tempted…”

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To say that it is “tempted” is actually not too accurate.

The moment he smelled the fragrance of the flowers, what moved before his heart was an alpha’s evil instincts.

Want to pluck that flower.

Take it completely for himself…

Ling Changfeng looked at those pure and pure little eyes and lowered his eyes slightly.

Such filthy thoughts, until now, he still dared not show it directly in front of Xu Xinghe.

Xu Xinghe didn’t know if these words were a different level of confession, but he did hear it.

There is a feeling of being seduced and irresistibly seduced.

He turned his face away silently, and whispered: “What tempting? Isn’t it still love at first sight…”

Ling Changfeng pondered for a while, and suddenly said: “Actually, I noticed you at that time, not only because of your pheromone.”

“Why? Because I’m handsome?” Xu Xinghe asked.

Ling Changfeng glanced at him, and shook his head. “Too far apart, I didn’t see what you looked like.”

Xu Xinghe: “…That’s a pity.”

“However, I heard you say—” Ling Changfeng’s eyes were faint, and his expression was light, “What was it… you said, even if you’re matched to the Alliance Marshal, it’s nothing special.”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

The world was quiet for a moment, and then Xu Xinghe burst out in loud denial. “Impossible! When did I say such a thing?! I didn’t know you back then… Don’t slander me!”

Ling Changfeng read his bluff through his guilty conscience, and he ‘kindly’ reminded him: “You seemed to have drank a lot…”

Xu Xinghe did not remember saying this, but he did remember drinking that night.

While he did scold Mu Qingyun many times, he really had no impression of whether he mentioned other people…

At the thought, he glanced at Ling Changfeng’s face, stuck his head out uncertainly to ask, “I really said these things? You’re not framing me?”

“It’s true.” Seeing him like this, Ling Changfeng wanted to laugh, but his face was still expressionless, “I’m not the only one who heard this. If you don’t believe me, ask Qin Yuan.” 

After hearing this, Xu Xinghe sat in his seat for a while, then muttered under his breath: “So what, I was drunk…”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

Marshal Ling looked at his little spouse speechlessly. After a while, he opened his mouth to say, “When you’re really drunk, it’s even better than this.”

“Huh?” Xu Xinghe raised his head stiffly and looked at him.

Ling Changfeng said casually: “When you’re slightly drunk, you only dare speak. But when you’re really drunk, you even move your hands and legs.”

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Xu Xinghe: “…Don’t say anything more.”

Eyes gleaming in the night, Ling Changfeng continued: “Not only did you dare to verbally attack the Alliance Marshal, but you also dared directly trap his body, such as clinging to his arm, or reaching out to hook…”

“Please shut up.” Xu Xinghe was ashamed to listen.

He probably knew what the hell he looked like when he was drunk.

“Again, I have no consciousness at all when I was drunk, and don’t remember what happens after waking up. So, the drunk me is not the real me.” Xu Xinghe tried to justify his own actions. “So, how does that kind of drunken nonsense count?  Besides, when I get drunk, I might hug anyone…”

Before he finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong.

“Hug anyone?” Ling Changfeng slanted his pupils, repeated these two words. His thin lips almost pursed into a line.

“That, it’s not like I hug everyone…” Xu Xinghe swallowed hard, and started looking for a way out. “I only hug people around me, I mean, people who are close… That’s what they said, but in fact I don’t know what I’m drunk like…”

No matter how he explained it, nothing seemed right, and his voice grew fainter and fainter. FInally, he got up and decided to escape the topic. “I’m full, let’s go and see the snow.”

After saying that, he ran to the viewing platform as if there was oil below his soles.

Ling Changfeng followed behind him and silently decided that he would never let his little spouse get drunk outside alone in the future.

The two walked on the glass bridge, as if they were walking on dark reddish clouds on a winter night.

The beautiful winter evening was unobstructed with the transparent windows.

Crystal clear snowflakes swirled around them.

Xu Xinghe was walking in front when suddenly his footsteps stopped.

Ling Changfeng also stopped.

Xu Xinghe took two steps back and slowly approached Ling Changfeng.

Then, under the surprised and stunned gaze of the pair of mismatched pupils, he took his hand.

“I just remembered that we’ve already confessed to each other.” Xu Xinghe lowered his head and said, “Let’s be together.”

Winter ice and snow slowly melted.

Ling Changfeng looked at his little spouse and hummed softly.

Then, the fingertips slid between his fingers and clasped them tightly.


More fluff~

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