He Han, the steward, who has always been very good at observing words and expressions, discovered that some kind of change was quietly taking place in the marshal’s mansion.

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Since that night when the Marshal1capitalizing since this section is like a monologue / to reflect the steward (He Han)’s respect to the Marshal and Mr. Xu came back holding hands, something changed.

For example, in the past, after Mr. Xu cooked, he would directly bring out the food and distribute it to them to eat together.

But now, he will take out a portion before that and keep it for the Marshal alone.

For example, the Marshal comes home after work regularly now. Every time he enters the house with wind at his heels, as if his wife and children are waiting for him at home.

Moreover, Mr. Xu also takes the initiative to greet him, and hugs him in front of everyone.

For example, after Xu Xinghe resumed work, the Marshal began to send him to and from work frequently. Sometimes during pick up, the two of them would disappear, and wouldn’t come back until the middle of the night.

Another example, they sometimes do morning exercises together. Ling Changfeng used to prefer high-intensity physical training, but Xu Xinghe obviously can’t keep up with such harsh training intensity. His morning exercise is basically running, and he runs very slowly.

Therefore, Marshal Ling also made some adjustments to his routine. He moved his high-intensity training to other times and set aside early morning to jog with Xu Xinghe.

The two often ran side by side across the lawn in the morning.

Also, they share a bed more often.

One night, He Han even saw that Xu Xinghe first went to the Marshal’s bedroom with a pillow, and then came back with a pillow in the middle of the night, complaining as he walked, “Why is your bed so hard??”

Marshal Ling followed behind with his hands behind his back. He followed Xu Xinghe into his room, and was even discussing before the door closed: “I told you that my bed is very hard. That said, a bed that is too soft is not good for the spine…”

In short, if he had to describe it, the atmosphere between the two is ambiguous and greasy.

It’s like there are heart-shaped pink bubbles wherever they go.

If he hadn’t been with the Marshal for so long, He Han would probably have thought that they had begun to fall in love.

However, they’re obviously already legal spouses!

Isn’t it absurd to only start dating after five months of marriage?

The two began to express their love generously and no longer shied away from the gazes of others, as if they gradually became an old couple.

In his eyes, this type of change is welcome. Compared with the Marshal’s previous state of being a war machine, the current Marshal Ling has become more like a living person.

However, this change also brought some minor troubles.

For some intimate actions, if the parties involved do not shy away, the subordinates can only make sure to avoid them.

The patrolling guards bumped into them hugging on the forest path more than once, but they could only embarrassedly pretend not to see it, bite the bullet, and divert around.

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Chu Yufei has suffered even more these days.

He didn’t understand how two big men with no prior romantic experience could be so greasy after falling in love.

Sometimes when eating, the pair would suddenly start serving each other, and even inexplicably trade glances across the table. Even if they get rolled eyes or blank stares from the side, they don’t restrain themselves at all.

This kind of staring usually ends with the two smiling at each other, before the cycle starts over and over again.

Not to mention the overwhelming pheromones filling the room enough to wake the dead.

As long as his dear brother and sister-in-law are at home, images that are not suitable for children will automatically play in his mind from time to time.

Chu Yufei admits that he has a thick skin, but even he suffers from second-hand embarrassment and has to avoid the couple on occasion.

What’s even more frightening is that Ling Changfeng’s domineering and powerful pheromone can’t be stopped at all!

He can still smell it even if he locks himself in the room.

Therefore, when Mother Xu was finally discharged from the hospital, the boy with five naturally sensitive senses breathed a sigh of relief to learn he and his sister would move in to live with their mother.

He doesn’t want to be chased and fed any more dog food!

At least his nose can rest.

“I thought that Valentine’s Day was enough. After all, the streets are full of couples in love.” Before leaving, Chu Yufei looked at his elder brother, and shook his head again like a little adult. Then he sighed again. “But you guys are even more exaggerated. Every day is like Valentine’s Day! Are you trying to make up for the lack of love experience in the past few decades?”

Xu Xinghe just smiled slightly and took out the special gift he prepared for his younger brother. “For you.”

Chu Yufei’s eyes lit up. “What is this? A new tablet computer?”

“It is a type of computer. For learning. I personally improved it.” Xu Xinghe’s tone was a little smug. “Although it can’t connect to the Internet, it contains more than 500 sets of test papers. If you complete a set a day, you’ll be prepared to pass the university entrance exam.”

Chu Yufei: “…”

The boy was shocked, how can anyone be so bored and waste time creating such an anti-human thing??

“Aren’t you busy after returning to work? Can I refuse this…”

“No.” Xu Xinghe replied with a smile. “I suggest you finish them. I did the same thing back then, and finally got admitted to Capital University’s ace major.”

“But I’m only a freshman in high school, and I haven’t finished studying yet!”

“So you have to preview in advance, step up your learning, and start on these questions early.”

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“Oh, by the way, here’s a gift for our little Lily.” Xu Xinghe turned his attention to his sister, and took out the prepared child-sized violin. “I remember you said that you can play the violin?”

“Yeah!” Lily’s eyes lit up, instantly in love with her new gift as she jumped up and down.

She learned violin for a while before her father’s accident, and has always loved the bright and beautiful tone.

“I’ll go back and practice, and I’ll show it to my brother next time!” Raising her head, Lily’s eyes curved like the crescent moon in joy.

Xu Xinghe instantly felt a wave of brother love; his sister was so worry-free.

Chu Yufei cast an envious look and protested: “Why is Lily’s gift a violin, and mine this??”

“Because you have to focus on your studies now.” Xu Xinghe took on the appearance of an older brother, as he patiently explained. “In addition, I’m not worried about Lily’s studies.”

At this point, he glanced at Chu Yufei regretfully. “To be honest, I think Lily may have read a few more books than you. “

Chu Yufei: “…” You can get rid of the “a few”.

“Okay, get in the car first, let’s go pick up mom together.” Xu Xinghe smiled and hugged his younger brother and sister. “If you ever need me in the future, please feel free to contact me. I will visit every week.”




After his younger brother and sister moved out, Xu Xinghe and Ling Changfeng’s crooked behaviors stopped for a while.

It’s not that the novelty has passed, nor that they have entered a period of burnout from being so in love, but because their workloads picked up.

In December, Nebula City began to snow frequently. The whole city was covered with a layer of frost. Snow fluttered in the air, like silver butterflies flying in the air, and finally landed on the ground. Long streets were covered with these white flakes.

On this day, Xu Xinghe worked overtime on the Ark to perform troubleshooting and system maintenance.

Due to the large number of issues at the end of the year and the investigations that needed to be handled, his workload was quite huge.

His entire team busied themselves for two days. Xu Xinghe’s feet barely touched the ground, and even turned off his private communication to focus on work. For example, Ling Changfeng emailed him several times during the day, but didn’t get a reply until late at night.

“Xinghe, come with me.”

Xu Xinghe was correcting some data parameters as part of the QA process when he was suddenly interrupted.

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“Boss Liang?” Xu Xinghe was stunned at the surprise visit. When he turned around, he saw Liang Shilei, the boss of the department, standing at the door. The boss actually came to him in person?

Xu Xinghe put down the terminal in his hand, and asked as he walked over, “What are you looking for from me?”

“I’m not the one looking for you.” Liang Shilei took him through the corridor and used his card to swipe through a set of doors Xu Xinghe had never gone through before. On the other side is an exclusive elevator not open to the public to go upstairs.

“Have you been so busy recently?” Liang Shilei turned his head and looked at the capable subordinate he admired most.

“Of course, it’s been crazy.” In front of Mr. Liang, Xu Xinghe stopped pretending and sighed. “It’s foreseeable that things will be even busier at the end of the year.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head and smiled: “Being so busy… does Ark consider paying more overtime pay?”

Liang Shilei smiled: “Do you still need overtime pay?”

As he was talking, a “ding–” sounded, and the elevator stopped steadily on the 100th floor.

Xu Xinghe was stunned. “Huh, Director Wang wants to see me?”

Liang Shilei shook his head. “You’ll know in a while.” 

The elevator door opened, but Liang Shilei did not get out. Instead, he pointed to the elevator door and said to Xu Xinghe, “The door is open, go in.”

Xu Xinghe got off the elevator in a daze and knocked on the door.

There was no sound. Taking a deep breath, Xu Xinghe pushed the door and walked in.

“I’m here.”

He saw a small well-equipped conference room when he entered. It is probably a place for the top management of Ark to discuss and make decisions.

Surprisingly, there was no one in the room.

Xu Xinghe looked around suspiciously until the holographic projector in front of him suddenly lit up and shot a beam of light towards the opposite side…

When he saw Ling Changfeng’s face appearing in front of him, Xu Xinghe was completely speechless.

“I’m at work!” Team Leader Xu, whose head was full of work, expressed his dissatisfaction with the forced meeting. But he still calmed down to ask, “What’s the matter?”

On the opposite side, Marshal Ling was slightly startled at his spouse’s reaction, and generously explained: “I sent you a message, but you didn’t reply…”

“Of course I didn’t reply! You don’t know how busy I am today!” Xu Xinghe, who was already irritable at work, interrupted angrily, and shouted at his big cat. “You can’t come and disrupt my work because I ignored a message! This will affect my work!”

After that, he raised his head again and asked through gritted teeth, “What the hell are you looking for me for?”

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Ling Changfeng was speechless for a while.

In fact, he didn’t have anything important, but he suddenly finished a certain job at hand and had a moment of leisure.

He missed his little spouse.

As the Alliance Marshal who holds great power, finding someone isn’t difficult.

It’s just that he forgot that his little spouse has been as busy as him lately.

He’s free now, but Xu Xinghe isn’t.

Ling Changfeng was silent for a while. Originally he wanted to answer him truthfully, then apologize, and then coax him with a few words. But seeing the other party’s resentment and an expression of “it’d better be serious for you to find me”, he suddenly couldn’t speak.

“Aren’t you okay?” Xu Xinghe gave him a vicious look.

Those dark doe eyes were actually not lethal at all, and were even a little cute when they were angry.

Despite Marshal Ling’s momentary panic, his face was calm. Brain running fast, he finally glanced at the schedule at hand, and opened his mouth: “The Lambda galaxy delegation I will come to the capital for a visit in a few weeks, which probably requires you… as my spouse, to come with me.”

Since this is a public itinerary that has already been set, it’ll soon be on the news. There is nothing that can’t be said, and the matter was directly pushed out by Marshal Ling as a shield.

However, Ling Changfeng also knew that his reason was a little untenable.

This is not an urgent matter. The visit will only take place in mid-December. There is really no need to forcefully meet today and make a special call to talk about it.

Ling Changfeng sighed silently in his heart, and finally said, “I’m sorry, but I’m actually…”

He raised his eyes, intending to confess, but was suddenly stunned.


He saw his little spouse standing in the middle of the conference room, his face pale…


Sh*t’s getting real

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1capitalizing since this section is like a monologue / to reflect the steward (He Han)’s respect to the Marshal

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