T/N: Thank you LQ for sponsoring an extra release in this tense part of the MC’s past. We’ll get through it together!

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Ling Changfeng’s breath stagnated.

Through the slack back, he seemed to see Xu Xinghe’s slightly pale face and lightly trembling eyelashes.

Just like he did in those late nights when he was supposed to be in estrus.

Frightened, bewildered, uneasy, anxious…

Ling Changfeng’s eyes stayed on the scar on the back of Xu Xinghe’s neck, and his feverish mind finally calmed down.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to make his voice sound as calm as usual. “I was curious and investigated for a while… But then I thought, if it’s something you don’t want me to know, it won’t do us any good if I find out through special means. It’s better to wait for one day, when you decide to let go, or when you need my help, for you to take the initiative to tell me.”

Xu Xinghe put down his hand and turned slowly. He turned around and looked into Ling Changfeng’s eyes.

The warm power in the pair of eyes made him feel at ease.

“It may be that I haven’t let go yet. It’s just that I’ve been avoiding this problem before, and I don’t want to recall it. Now I think that these things should be faced sooner or later. So I should tell you… As for help, I probably need it.”

He had forced himself to forget everything and return to a normal life after countless thoughts of that powerless encounter.

He told himself that life had to go on, and the easiest way was if that horrific night never happened.

But to this day, when his glands are touched, he still can’t restrain trembling.

Any touch on his gland is like being scalded, making him feel unspeakable pain and fear.

Like an instinct, completely involuntary.

Even if the person who touches him is Ling Changfeng.

Even if he wants it.

“Everything originated in the early summer of my junior year…” Xu Xinghe explained in a low voice. “In late June of that year, the Lambda galaxy delegation came to Capital Star for a diplomatic and friendly visit, and one of them went to my alma mater, Capital University.”

After he finished speaking, his eyes drifted out of the window.

It was a snowy night with biting cold wind. In the inky black skies, neither the stars nor moon were visible.

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Ling Changfeng sat quietly beside his little spouse, never interjecting from beginning to end, but silently held Xu Xinghe’s slightly trembling hand and looked at him gently.

Giving him plenty of time to reminisce and think, patiently waiting for him to share the dark past in his heart.

After a long time, he heard Xu Xinghe continue: “A group of people held a two-day academic exchange and public lectures. As a top student and student representative, I took part in the whole process. On the evening of the last day, Capital University held a grand farewell party… Did you know that our school has a tradition of masquerade balls?”

Xu Xinghe’s eyes passed through the snowy winter outside the window and returned to the scorching hot summer.

Masquerade, one of the traditional dramatic entertainment programs of Capital University.

On that night, young students will dress in fancy costumes and exaggerated masks and dance on the dance floor to their heart’s content.

They can’t see each other’s appearance, and they don’t know each other’s identity. They can only communicate by feeling to find their dance partners.

“That night, a man in a white suit and a white wolf mask walked up to me. I didn’t know who he was. There were dozens of people from the Lambda galaxy that time. I was only responsible for showing them around campus, and didn’t have much of an impression about them. But I’m sure he wasn’t one of them that I showed around. I don’t know when he noticed me, but he held out his hand to me that night…




“Can I invite you to dance together? My little gentleman.” A tall man wearing a white wolf mask appeared in front of Xu Xinghe.

Xu Xinghe, who was hiding in the corner and secretly studying for the final exam, raised his head.

The young man who had just passed his twentieth birthday still had a bit of greenness in his eyes. He could only distinguish the identity of the other person from Lambda from the red flower on the man’s chest. If it was a teacher or student from Capital University, they’d wear a blue flower.

So he replied with a polite and apologetic smile: “Sorry, sir, I can’t dance.”

“It’s okay, I’ll teach you.” Probably because of the mask, the man’s voice was particularly deep and sonorous, yet gentle.

Although he can’t see his face clearly, his body is well proportioned and his movements are graceful.

Such a polite prom gentleman should be very popular, but for some reason, Xu Xinghe always felt that his eyes revealed a kind of madness that was completely out of tune with his voice.

The moment the gray-brown eyes turned to him, Xu Xinghe froze.

An indescribable feeling of unease rose from the bottom of his heart.

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Don’t know if it was psychological, but Xu Xinghe felt his skin tingle.

His omega instinct made him want to escape.

“Sorry, sir, I suddenly remembered that there is something going on at the student union, so I’ll take my leave first.” Xu Xinghe got up as he spoke, and ran out of the banquet hall without looking back amid the loud music and dancing.

Until he walked out of the door, he could still feel a sticky and terrifying gaze chasing after him.

Xu Xinghe fled to a crowded place and walked all the way to the snack street outside the school, before the uncomfortable feeling finally disappeared.

Finally breathing a sigh of relief, he looked around vigilantly, scanning the street full of college students who came out for a walk to buy supper.

Finally relieved, he realized he was near a dessert shop he frequented, so he simply went in and bought a bag of doughnuts and carried them back to the dorm.

It wasn’t until nine o’clock in the evening that Xu Xinghe, who was studying for the exam with a donut in his bedroom, received a message from the class monitor. “Where are you, Xingzi1nickname for Xinghe. Zi = “kid”? Mr. Curran is looking for you and wants to thank you personally for taking care of things over the past two days. He’s on campus!”

Mr. Curran was the squat, middle-aged diplomat he accompanied. But his role as escort was over by the morning, so Xu Xinghe replied casually: “I went back to the dormitory to review. Isn’t the farewell party over? You can tell Mr. Curran farewell for me, I won’t go.”

The monitor: “What!? That’s despicable! We’re all busy cleaning up the venue!!!”

Xu Xinghe: “…”

He suddenly remembered that cleanup is part of the student union’s responsibility, so he got up and replied: “Stop howling, dad will come help you. Let’s clean up together.”

At 9:30 p.m., there were not many students walking outside.

Most of the teaching buildings were darkened, except for the lights in the library and study room, which remained on all night.

The banquet hall is located in a small independent bungalow.

Xu Xinghe walked to the door and vaguely heard the loud music from the dance hall inside. Guessing that the squad leader and the others were tidying up and enjoying themselves again, he showed his credentials to the guard: “Student union member, here to help with some cleanup.”

The guard didn’t even bother looking and let him in.

Xu Xinghe didn’t think much about it, he collected his documents and walked in.

Colorful lights swayed on the dance floor, and an impassioned symphony reverberated in the hall.

Xu Xinghe walked into the hall, but saw no one.

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The ballroom was clean and had apparently been cleaned.

But for some reason, the music and lights were still on.

Xu Xinghe called the monitor in doubt: “Hello? Where are you?”

“I went back to bed to review, what’s wrong? My son misses his father?”

“F*ck! Are you still not human?!”

“What’s the matter? Demon King Luo’s exam is tomorrow! Have you finished studying??”


The sound of “zillazla” suddenly came from his terminal.

Xu Xinghe raised his hand and saw that the network was interrupted, and he had no signal.

He was stunned. This is the leading institution of higher learning in Xingfu City. In his past three years at school, he has never encountered the problem of signal interruption.

Xu Xinghe felt that something was not right, so he turned around, ready to leave.

The door slammed shut at this moment.

The man with the white wolf mask slowly walked out of the shadows.

Xu Xinghe’s body froze.

Unprecedented horror swept in.

He felt as if he was in a sea of ​​fire, engulfed, burned, ablaze…

A scorching sting climbed up his skin, slightly painful and slightly itchy.

Until a tingling pain came from his gland, Xu Xinghe finally realized that the man was releasing pheromones at him.

Pheromones belonging to an alpha.

Xu Xinghe’s eyes widened for a moment as he looked at the man in disbelief. “Who are you? What do you want to do?!”

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The man wearing the white wolf mask smiled softly and slowly walked towards him amid the chaotic lights and rhythm. “Who I am, you will know soon. As for what I want to do…”

The alpha pheromones grew more intense, surrounding him.

“Can’t you guess, my little gentleman ?”

The flame-like pheromone covered his glands recklessly, like a fiery snake spitting out its tongue, licking the omega’s forbidden zone covetously.

The alpha’s vile mind was plain as day.

“You’re crazy!” Despite the scent of flames everywhere, Xu Xinghe’s hands and feet were cold, and even his teeth were chattering. “How dare you… This is still during the exam period… You will be discredited, arrested, and sentenced!”

“Heh.” The man laughed, his eyes full of contempt and joy. “Too naive, little guy. I’m not the same as the fat-headed diplomat you brought…”

The man approached Xu Xinghe step by step, his eyes almost burning him inside out. “I won’t get caught, and I won’t be discredited. On the contrary, I’ll mark you and take you back to the Lambda system. I’ll imprison you day and night in my tower, until you completely become my person.”

“F*ck off!” Xu Xinghe gritted his teeth and burst out a foul language. “I don’t even know you! Who will go back to that ghost planet with you!?”

“Don’t be so stubborn.” The man stopped and smiled slowly. “Didn’t you notice? We are a natural pair.”

Xu Xinghe was stunned.

His glands are naturally underdeveloped, and his pheromones have no smell, so he was once jokingly called “a beta in omega’s skin”.

This was indeed the first time in his life that he could perceive alpha’s pheromones so clearly.

But they made him feel sick from the bottom of his heart.

“Bah!” Xu Xinghe spat, gritted his teeth, and said, “Only an idiot will pair with a perverted scum like you!”

Then he rushed towards the side door of the banquet hall.

There’s an emergency escape there – it won’t be locked!


Minor trigger warning next chapter

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1nickname for Xinghe. Zi = “kid”

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