Minor trigger warning this chapter

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Ten meters, five meters…

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the emergency escape, Xu Xinghe rushed out at the speed of a 100-meter sprint and ran forward.

However, when he finally ran to the door and even pushed the escape door open a crack, a hand suddenly stretched out behind him, grabbed his back collar, and dragged him back.

Xu Xinghe only felt that his neck was severely strangled, before he fell backward unexpectedly.

His back slammed to the floor with a slam, and bright lights filled his vision.

But the alpha in white didn’t stop.

He leaned down and grabbed Xu Xinghe’s collar again, dragging him all the way back to the center of the hall like he was dragging an abandoned rag doll.

Xu Xinghe was strangled so hard that he could hardly breathe, as he resisted with all his strength.

“Really disobedient.” The man stopped and suddenly kicked the omega’s soft abdomen.

Xu Xinghe’s eyes darkened, and he instantly curled up in pain, unable to stand up again.

He was also good at fighting when he was younger. Although he has restrained himself a lot over the years, he has never been unilaterally suppressed so embarrassingly.

For the first time, he intuitively felt the power disparity between alphas and omegas, making his resistance seem vulnerable.

The man crouched down, grabbed Xu Xinghe’s chin, and forced him to look at him.

The young man’s eyes are like a fawn, black and translucent, innocent.

However, at this moment, those black eyes were filled with panic and fear, as well as anger and resistance.

The man laughed quietly, and said in a relaxed, casual manner. “You know what? I have hunted a lot of prey. When facing a huge threat, people usually realize their weakness and incompetence, and give into their fear…” The man said, the strength in his hands gradually tightened, squeezing Xu Xinghe’s jaw painfully. “But eyes of resistance are not often seen. Do you still want to run, my little gentleman?”

Having said that, the eyes behind the mask became more and more excited, and even revealed a kind of manic joy.

The man leaned forward, and his voice landed in Xu Xinghe’s ear: “You will suffer a lot.”

The white wolf mask approached, pulled off his collar, buried his head and rubbed back and forth on the side of his neck.

In an instant, his hair stood up and chills ran across Xu Xinghe’s body.

Even through the mask, he could tell that the man was sniffing his glands.

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He wanted to mark him.

The man took a deep breath, and then began to whisper to himself: “You are different from them, you are so fragrant…”

He said, suddenly stretched out another hand, groping for the gland that covered Xu Xinghe .

Xu Xinghe shuddered violently, his whole body trembling.

The sensitive area on the back of his neck has never been touched before, and being squeezed roughly at this moment only made him feel extremely disgusted and resistant.

Not knowing where the sudden strength came from, he suddenly slammed into the man’s head.

The man didn’t expect that he would suddenly burst out like this, and because his center of gravity which was unstable because he was half-squatting on the ground, he was knocked to the ground.

Lights filled Xu Xinghe’s eyes from the forceful action, but he still tried his best to hold up and try to escape.

It’s a pity that he had just been kicked severely by the man, and his internal organs seemed to be in the wrong position. As soon as he stood up, he felt unsteady, making it hard to move.

The man grabbed Xu Xinghe again. This time, bloodthirsty fire flashed in his eyes.

“Why can’t you learn to be obedient?” His voice was still slow, but his movements were rough and fierce. “I think you need a lesson.”

He grabbed Xu Xinghe’s hair and turned his head to the long table beside him, then slammed his head down.

With a bang, the items on the table shattered to the ground.

Xu Xinghe fell into the fragments of the vase on the floor, and a whimper pressed down in his throat.

The next moment, blood filled his mouth.

The man stepped forward, hooked his toes, turned him over, and pressed him under him.

Xu Xinghe’s abdomen was pressed against the icy floor, and the broken glass caused pain all over his body.

His clothes were wet from the water splashed from the vase, and his head was pressed hard on the floor, unable to move.

The man’s low laughter sounded from behind: “I changed my mind, I’m going to mark you here.”

He said, and leaned down: “From now on, you will be my little pet.”

Xu Xinghe’s response was: “Go to hell.”

After speaking, he grabbed the fragment of the vase at hand and slashed it behind him –

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The man’s gray-brown eyes suddenly shrank, and he quickly ducked back…

Blood fell drop by drop.

The man’s eyes widened, and he looked down at his forearm in disbelief.

A long wound lay there, and blood gushed out.

Just now, in the blink of an eye, if he hadn’t instinctively stretched out his hand to block it, it would have been his neck that was scratched by the shard…

The man raised his head and looked at Xu Xinghe, his eyes became furious.

How dare such a weak and despicable creature do such a thing to him?

He licked his lips, and the strong fiery pheromone spread out, burning everything invisibly.

In addition to the anger, a feeling of wanting to conquer such a disobedient prey arose spontaneously.

When he first saw Xu Xinghe, he knew that the prey in front of him was different.

“Was the lesson not enough?” The man tilted his head to look at Xu Xinghe, and suddenly sighed. “You can’t just do whatever you want just because you smell good.”

Xu Xinghe stumbled and stood up, holding the bloody glass shards in both hands, pointing straight at the man.

His fingers were cut with blood, but he didn’t realize it. His arms were even shaking a little as he held them up.

The man smiled, as if admiring an already dead prey in his eyes.

He took a step and walked towards Xu Xinghe again.

When confronted head-to-head, the naturally weak omega has no chance of winning.

What’s more…

The man took out a device from his arms, pressed it slightly, and the sound of sizzling electric current sounded.

“You need to get a little punishment for trying to sneak up on your owner, pet…

“I’m going to mark you, violate you, and take you back to teach you slowly.”

“And you can only watch all this happen, without any way to resist.”

The man stood in front of Xu Xinghe, licking every inch of his skin with his fanatical eyes as he smiled. “You’re afraid.”

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As soon as he finished speaking, powerful and terrifying pheromones overflowed wildly from him, towards Xu Xinghe

Xu Xinghe gasped heavily, and half of his body froze.

His arms were shaking, his legs were weak.

He didn’t want to admit it, but he was really scared.

Even a little desperate.

He couldn’t control his trembling, not because of the pain in his body, but because he was clearly aware of the power gap between them.

The last blow with all his strength only scratched the man’s forearm.

So what’s next?

There is nothing he can do.

Xu Xinghe was forced to step back by him, and finally, his back hit the cold wall.

There is no going back.

“What should I do, little pet?” The man continued to approach, admiring his almost desperate expression.

The gorgeous lights in the ballroom were lit, and the mighty symphony continued.

“It’s useless to continue struggling.” The man smiled, “No matter how hard you resist, you will eventually return to the Lambda galaxy with me.”

“No, I won’t go back with you…” Xu Xinghe gasped for breath, his whole body soaked in cold sweat.

He took a slight step forward, pushing his back off the wall.

Then he raised the glass shard in his hand again.

“You’re a bit over your head like this.” The man shook his head and raised the shock device in his hand. “I’m running out of patience, so let’s end this quickly… Oh yes, you don’t mind being marked in a semi-conscious state, do you? I said I would mark you here, so we can only do it here.”

Xu Xinghe raised his cold sweaty eyes and stared at him stubbornly.

Suddenly he also laughed: “I will neither be marked by you, nor will I go back to that hell with you… Never.”

The man laughed jokingly, knowing that the omega in front of him had no way out.

What else can an ordinary college student do?

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The man was about to pull the trigger of the stun gun when his face suddenly changed.

The gray-brown pupils shrank sharply, as if he had seen a ghost –

He saw Xu Xinghe lift up the shards of glass and stab his glands with his backhand!

In an instant, blood splattered everywhere.

The shards of glass fell to the ground, and Xu Xinghe fell softly against the wall…

Xu Xinghe didn’t expect to fall into a coma for half a month.

Before starting, he thought about many possibilities – the worst outcome was that he would never wake up again.

But he really had no other way.

He would rather die than be forcibly tagged by a perverted man, taken to an unfamiliar planet, and imprisoned from then on.

He knew how dangerous his decision was. Stabbing glass directly into his glands might mean completely losing that part of being an omega.

But it didn’t matter to Xu Xinghe at all.

As long as the perverted alpha could give up on him, he would rather give up his glands.

He would either be sent to first aid or bleed to death – either way the man’s mark would be missed.

After all, that man isn’t from here. No matter how perverted he is, Xu Xinghe is willing to bet he won’t be willing to bring a corpse back across two galaxies.

Fortunately, he finally woke up.


… and it continues.

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