Chapter 1 - Promises to Meet (Part 3)

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I can only come to Koga-kun's room at night to make him food.

So the morning of that day, I baked bread in my room to eat by myself.

After that, I styled my hair and put on just enough makeup, then went to the coat rack and put on my shoes.

It was Saturday, and school was out.

In the afternoon, the five of us would meet in front of the train station to play together.

Even though we gathered to give Tanaka-kun advice on his love problems, it would be a bit harsh to say that we gathered just to play.

But for me, who didn't have any friends before, I never had a friend who wanted to talk to me about love problems.

To be honest, I was a little nervous. Ufufu.

I went out the door, locked it, and walked through the door of Koga-kun's room.

Although I thought it would be good if we went out together, since Koga-kun lived next door to me in the same apartment. But Koga-kun avoided going out alone with me as much as possible.

If the others see him, I'll feel really guilty─── that's what he said.

But I think it would look more suspicious if you acted strangely.

But even though he said that, I'm very happy.

Because even if he doesn't say it, it's the same as him saying he likes me.

No problem. We definitely won't get caught.

We can still go out without anything changing between the five of us.

That day, I realized that I was in love with Koga-kun, and I forced myself to kiss him.

I told him that.

For the first time, I learned the importance of friends, and at the same time, I found the true love I had been looking for for so long. So this was the only way.

I couldn't throw away my precious friends and my precious love. That's why I wanted to secretly go out with Koga-kun.

But it seems that Koga-kun still refuses, and I don't know why. But if we go out secretly, the relationship between the five of us won't change.

My self, who thinks it will be fine, seems a little strange.

But if that's the case, I want you to tell me. What we should do...

Before afternoon, I went alone to the train station and entered a large CD store to pass the time.

Ufufu. Oh yeah, if I'm not mistaken, Koga-kun said: "Why do you still use CDs in this day and age?

No problem, right? I like it better than using a player with data storage. The album cover is cool to look at, the feel of putting the CD in the player, and the texture of the tape. It's all very nice and elegant.

Next time, I want to take a CD player into Koga-kun's room and listen to it together.

Whether it's slow ballad R&B or melocore with intense riffs, anything is possible.

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As long as we can listen to music that Koga-kun likes, it doesn't matter.




"A-Asagiri, you really did it right, didn't you? Isn't that lame?"

"Damn it! I was so serious... Aargh, I made a mistake again. Don't talk to me now!"

"Ahaha. It looks like the final position of the sixth "Koga Cup" is going to be Asagiri-san."

After everyone arrived at the station, we visited a nearby game center.

Koga-kun and Honoko-chan were playing a game that sounded like a washing machine. Next to them was Seiran-kun, who was cheering them on.

Ah, rather than cheering, it would be more accurate to say that he was mocking them. But Hinoko-chan really sucks.

Behind the three of them, Tanaka Kun and I sat on a bench and watched them.

By the way, the "Koga Cup" that Koga-kun mentioned earlier was a game the five of us used to play occasionally when we visited the arcade. Each of us would pick a game he or she was good at and challenge the other four to play against him or her. Then there would be a ranking at the end.

Why the name Koga-kun was used to name the competition remains a mystery.

"When I arrived at the arcade, I already thought it would end like this... Ahaha..."

Tanaka-kun, who was drinking hot lemon tea next to me, smiled wryly.

Ah, that's right. Even though they said yesterday that today's meeting was to discuss Tanaka-kun's love problem, they were playing games instead. Maybe we'll go out for dinner after this, but I want to hear about his love problem right now...

It's been a while, so I think I'll just ask him now.

"Hey, how was what you said yesterday about Senpai?"

As expected, Tanaka-kun was a bit surprised by this.

Well, in front of others, I'm the type of person who often stays quiet and doesn't say much, so naturally, he was surprised.

"Etto, um... Konishi-senpai is a good person."

Tanaka-kun replied with a simple smile.

"But yeah, she cares about me a lot, how can I say, maybe she thinks of me more as her older sister.」"

"Ah... Tanaka-kun is really like a mascot character... Ah, I mean in a good way. Eto... So-sorry if that bothered you."

Because I'm so afraid of people hating me, and I'm afraid of saying unnecessary things, so I always lower my voice. This is an old habit of mine.

There are only a few people, including Koga-kun, that I can talk to without worrying about anything.

Well... Koga-kun was the first to say that anyway, so it's probably not worth thinking about now.

"It doesn't bother me anyway. It's just that I wonder if Konishi-senpai feels the same way about me."

"B-but that means you're a friendly person, right? Tanaka-kun is easy to talk to, kind, and always calm... I'm sure you're a popular person..."

Of course, that's true. Not only Tanaka-kun, but all the people I get along with are very nice. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a girlfriend soon.

Actually, there is one damn virgin boy in this group who I don't think is popular at all.

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I think I must be crazy to be head over heels in love with this damn boy.


As if Tanaka-kun wanted to say something, but it got stuck in his mouth.

"Can Narushima-san see me as a man?"

"Huh? Yes, of course."

The thing is, Tanaka-kun is really a boy. He may be small and have a cute face, but he's really a boy.

"That's right... Ahaha, since Narushima-san said that, I feel a little more confident."


I don't know why my sentence made him more confident. Anyway, Tanaka-kun seems to have regained his composure. Then that's good.

"I'll try to get along better with Konishi-senpai."

"Sure. Let me know if there's any progress."

"Hey, Shintarou! Next up is you and Seiran!"

The match between Koga-kun and Honoko-chan was over, and Honoko-chan came here to call him.

"Then I'll go first."

Tanaka-kun finished his lemon tea and stood up.

"Narushima-san. Most of Junya and the others won't be interested in my love affairs, so I'll ask for your advice again sometime."

"Yes. I'd like to hear it too."

He waved his hand with a smile and looked at Tanaka-kun, who was walking toward them.

"Ufufu, so this is how you consult your friends. This is fun."

I said quietly to myself, and then I realized.

I can't talk to anyone about my love problems.

"This is a game, Shintarou. I'm not going to lose in a musical game, you know?"

"That's too bad, but I'm in good shape right now. This time, I'm going for a win in the Koga Cup!"

"Hmm. What do the commentators think, Koga-san? It seems like Tanaka is very excited this time."

"I guess so. Tanaka-kun's favorite anime song has been chosen. Looks like Seiran is in danger."

It's very difficult to change the long-established relationship of five people by adding love issues.

If you add a new spice to a recipe and redo it, it will be a different dish. It may taste close to the original, but it's a different thing.

That's why if my relationship with Koga-kun became known to the others, the five of us wouldn't be the same.

Koga-kun was afraid of that. He was afraid that the warmth of the five of us would change.

I'm the same way.

So I can't tell anyone. I can't talk about it.

Actually, it's better if I don't know that there is love in this group of five.

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However, since I like Koga-kun, I have no choice but to strike at the last moment and keep it a secret from the others.




In the Koga Cup, which didn't have a specific prize, Koga-kun won again because he was very good at games. After that, everyone started playing the games they liked. When the atmosphere felt like everyone was free to do anything. I quietly took Koga-kun's hand and led him to the first floor of the arcade.

"Oi oi, where are you taking me?"

"Just come with me."

The first floor was filled with various prize games and a photo booth.

I found an empty photo booth.

I pulled Koga-kun into it (for some reason, I wanted to do something rather rude to Koga-kun), then went in after him and closed the curtain.

The secret place for the two of us was complete.

"Hey, how about we take a picture together?"

"If we take it with the others too..."

"We'll do that later. Right now, I want to take a picture with Koga-kun alone."

Because Koga-kun avoided being alone with me outside as much as possible. I won't get a chance like this unless I'm with others.

"If you get caught taking this..."

"No problem. They're still upstairs. Hey, come a little closer."

We said this in a whisper and in a low voice.

After operating the machine, I leaned into Koga-kun's body.

It seemed like Koga-kun was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't leave right away.

I was very happy about that.

"This is very dangerous. What if we get caught?"

"You say that, but you're nervous. If you don't shut up, I'll knock your teeth in.」"

We were alone in a small room covered only by a curtain.

Besides, we were hiding from the others, and I was very nervous.

My heart was full of happiness.

No one is watching us, what if I kiss him forcibly? No, you can't. Wait, wait, wait.

"Then we will take the first picture. Prepare a special style. Have you decided yet?"

Koga-kun looked annoyed when he heard the slow sound of the engine.

"Hurry up and take the picture. What the hell are you doing..."

"Too bad, Koga-kun. Look, it's just a machine and there's no one inside."

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"Ah, I see. I really... ah, never mind. I'm in a hurry."

"That troubled face of yours...I...I really want to tease you!"

"Ah, it hurts, it hurts. Hey, this really hurts!"

The shooter said as he pulled on Koga-kun's cheeks with both hands.

"Ahaha! Look, Koga-kun's face has turned into a frog! This is ridiculous!"

"You pinched me too hard. My cheeks aren't always soft, you know?"

"Ufufu. I'll write 'gekogeko' next to Koga-kun's picture. Ahaha."

"Then I'll draw an arrow on Narushima-san and write 'frog.'"

We used our respective pens to decorate the photo before printing.

I wanted to write something like "first date memory," but I decided against it because the timing didn't seem right.

When the decorating was done and the photo was printed as a sticker,

"Ah, there you are. There you are."

Seiran and two other people arrived. I quickly hid the sticker behind my back.

"What are you two doing?"

I replied to Honoko-chan who asked with a smile.

"Etto, I wanted to take a picture with everyone, so I've been looking for the machine since earlier."

"Ah. That's good, too. Is there a good model?"

When everyone moved away a bit, I whispered to Koga-kun, whose face paled.

"Thank you. This will be a treasure for the rest of my life. I'm so happy."

"...Narushima-san's heart is very strong, huh... I'm really freaking out right now."

"Ufufu. I'll stop by Koga-kun's room later and share the stickers."

I'm so happy that I can't put it into words.

I was so happy to find a sticker that suited both of us.

While looking at Koga-kun who was chasing after the others, I put the precious treasure in my pocket.

I really like you, Koga-kun. I love you.

I followed Koga-kun and said the forbidden words that I would never say in front of others.

At that time, I firmly believed that the best thing I could do was to keep quiet.

In fact, if I had to say it, I thought that the mischief in the group had eased.

But it didn't take me long to realize it.

The relationship between the five of us had reached that point.

And it was a point we didn't know about.

Even though it was a big change, we didn't realize it.

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