Chapter 2 - Hometown (Part 1)

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"So, our class didn't win the lottery to open the food booth."

"What did you say?"

At that time, the after-school guardianship meeting was over.

When Shintarou, the organizer of the cultural festival, explained the situation to the class, I reflexively shouted.

"Koga-kun, you're too loud."

Someone behind me, Asagiri-san, threw an eraser at me.

Of course, I shouted. The problem is that we can't open a food stand, you know? When it comes to cultural festivals, it has to be a food booth, right? Whether it's an anime or a manga about high school teenagers, that kind of event is a must, right?

Uh, not really. In the anime Shintarou gave me a while ago, him class put on a drama performance. They stayed in the gor until late to practice and prepare the equipment. They were trying to create their stage with a story that the youth──

"I didn't win the lottery for the drama performance either."

"Dispel hope..."

"Hey, Koga-kun, you're really loud!"

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This time, she threw an entire eraser at me. It hurt a little, and then I picked up the eraser.

Next to Shintarou was a female committee member, Horie-san, who started writing on the blackboard.

"Make a monument.


"So after the committee meeting, it was decided that our class would do one of these two things."

"There are only two options!"

"Ah, never mind."

Asagiri-san said that with a resigned tone, and then didn't say anything else.

For your information, in the lottery, the first choice was to open a food stall, the second choice was to perform a drama, and our class got the fifth choice. But since it's the committee's decision, and in order to balance the event with other classes, it seems that we have to choose one of the two options.

In that case, it's better if we make a monument, right? No matter what we do, it will definitely be more fun than the choir.

Everyone would stay in class until late in the afternoon, with the setting sun shining on them, and there would be an uproar in the classroom: "Hey, please bring me the paint," or "Nih, I'll bring you the paint," or something like that. Isn't this like a scene in a drama about youth?

I thought so, but everyone in the class seemed to think differently.

"Well, I guess the choir performance is good too, right? That monument sounds boring."

"Exactly. The best is the easiest."

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These negative voices came up, and based on the most suggestions, we finally decided to do the choir.

Ah... These people don't understand anything. But the most fun part of festivals is the preparation. The harder the preparation, the more fun it is. Besides, what's with this "The best is the easiest" thing? I feel sorry for my youth.

...Well, since it's already decided, I'll try to enjoy it.

"Then for the accompaniment, can anyone play the piano?"

Our leader, Shintarou, looked around the class. No one raised a hand.

"I can play the acoustic guitar, is that okay?"

It was Seiran. At a time like this, people who can play the guitar should shine.

"If the guitar accompanist is only one person, it doesn't seem to be enough. Is there anyone else who can play besides Seiran?"

"Can't Yoru play as well?"

After Asagiri-san said that, all eyes turned to Narushima-san.

"E-E? I-I?"

"Yes. You used to play guitar with your Older Sister, right?"

"I-that... so... well..."

The other side of the quiet Narushima-san made the whole class surprised. I was too. I just found out that Narushima-san can play the guitar.

Well, she likes music after all.

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"If there are two people who can play the guitar, I don't think there will be a problem with the accompaniment. How about it, Narushima-san, do you want to do it?"

"Etto, etto..." She repeated the word like a shy little animal when Seiran turned and looked at her,

She nodded with a frightened expression on her face.

Then the five of us went to the music room, still in a state of shock.

It was after the class had finished, and Seiran said, "Let's give Narushima-san some time to play," then handed over an acoustic guitar that was in the school.

With her nimble fingers, she played some of her favorite songs with ease.

Although I'm a stupid person, I understand that Narushima-san is very good at this. Just now, Seiran taught me the key of C, but at first, I couldn't hear his voice at all.

"Great... You're very good, Yoru."

Not unlike me, Asagiri-san is currently struggling to play the acoustic guitar.

"Your finger length isn't much different from mine, but how did you do it? Holding a key is difficult, but you can change keys so easily."

Seiran sighed in admiration.

"Narushima-san can play better than me. When did you learn to play the guitar?"

"E...etto...probably around 4th grade. I played with my older sister and a tutor..."

"And since then you've only played acoustic guitar?"

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"Yes. And maybe electric guitar?"

"Hey Narushima-san."

Narushima-san was surprised because Seiran suddenly put his hand on her shoulder.

"I need someone like you. Please. Join our band!"

"Eh? Y-you mean the light music club, right? But no one plays drums..."

"If Narushima wants to get me a guitar, I'll play the drums. I can do it well enough."

Ah, she can play the drums as well. She is indeed a person who can do everything.

"Please, Narushima! Play like this! Of course, you can play any lau you want! Do you want to? Do you want to?"

"O-okay... B-but I..."

Narushima-san looked at me as if asking for help. She didn't show her cat form this time, and it looked like she was really scared. Ah, that's probably it. She must have stage fright.

Shintarou, who was watching from the corner of the room, seemed to notice this as well.

"If you don't want to, you can refuse. Of course, it's also about being a choir accompanist."

Narushima-san shook his head.

"Yes. I want to play for the class choir later, but about that band... I-I apologize."

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