Sevens (LN)

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 – Aria

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It was a shop with many pink color and frilly thing.

Inside the shop, it was a place where females wearing mini skirt and frilly clothes served customers that were mostly man. Rather than coming alone here, since I was invited to come here at first by Aria-san, I also invited Rondo-san and Ralph-san, my few acquaintances here at Darion to come together to the shop.

Rondo-san was a bit reluctant, but Ralph-san’s insistence was strong. With that he had no choice but to come.

When we entered the shop, it was at the time when Aria-san was working. She smiled when she saw me.

「You come again, welcome.」

Saying that she guided us until our chair. Rondo-san muttered.

「Somehow, I feel bad toward Rachel.」

But, his comrade Ralph-san persuaded Rondo-san.

「There is no way we can invite Rachel here. Besides, I too if I know about this kind of good out-of-the-way place, I’ll visit it frequently already from before.」

This place was located in a small path from the main street. Certainly this shop was a good out-of-the-way place. It seemed that due to his concern with the bad location of his shop, the shop owner worked hard using various methods to attract customer.

After the three of us sat down, Aria-san came with the menu so──.

『The usual.』

Even though the first’s voice couldn’t be heard at the outside, he was trying to order something that was relatively expensive in the menu. No, certainly the expense of two large copper coins was big, but it wasn’t like it was a price that was outside my capability. I completely saved up the rest anyway, so it should be alright for me to splurge a bit.

「Err, the usual please.」

Rondo-san was also the same.

「I’m also fine with the same thing from before. Ralph, what about you?」

「Wait a bit. I plan to conquer all the items in the menu here, but as expected the one I ate before is also hard to abandon. Shit-! If it’s like this than give me two. This cake and tart.」

Aria-san wrote up the order with a smile.

「Two of the recommended set today, one slice of chocolate cake, and then the specialty frau tart of this shop. Thank you very much for your continuing patronage.」

Aria-san received the order and headed to the counter. Looking around, females wearing miniskirt were receiving order with a smile and brought the cake to the customers with smiling face.

The male customers in this shop had scary face or dressed like adventurer. There were also those who were sending glances at the female waitresses, but there were also beardy adventurer who was eating sweet things with happy looking expression.

This place was like a secret hideout. The owner created sweets and sold it in this shop. But, this kind of shop grew in number at Darion, and so he searched for different route of selling, as the result…….

「Here, the ordered recommended set. As for the honored customer there, please wait a bit more for your order.」

The filling of the pie today was cheese and jam. The drink was a tea with slight bitterness to balance the flavor. Ralph-san looked at our pie and,

「……That looks good.」

He looked frustrated. Ralph-san was tall and looked slightly thuggish, but it seemed he was extremely fond of sweet things. His family was poor and he was unable to eat anything like sweets. When he tried going outside, that kind of shop mostly had female customer. Even if he got the chance sometimes, apparently Rachel-san would eat most of it so he was only able to eat a little. For males who had that kind of problem, this shop was a hideout for them. The entrance of the shop made it looked like an indecent place──the shop’s appearance was made so that only adult would enter, so the male customers could enter inside brazenly.

At that day, Aria-san brought me to this shop. My heart beat fast due to misunderstanding. But when I entered inside, there was sweet aroma and Aria-san treated me to sweets. After that, unexpectedly……the first told me to visit Aria-san’s shop. I was worrying whether I should take Novem along, but this was a shop that served as hideout for men. They would be troubled if woman visited this place.

「……Ah, this pie is delicious.」

Rondo-san was eating while nodding. However, looking at the amount,

「However, for the amount to be like this with this price……normally thinking it’s too small. No, I understand that sweet things are expensive but……」

The set consisted of only a fourth of a round pie and tea. Looking at that, certainly it was a large expense to pay two large copper coins for it. However, sweets were fundamentally expensive.

People like Ralph-san used five large copper coins just for today.

「This is the chocolate cake and the special frau tart set of this shop. Then, enjoy. Ah, welcome.」

Ralph-san’s eyes shined after Aria-san brought the remaining order. As for Aria-san, a customer came so she headed there to serve that customer. Ralph-san was looking delighted thinking from where he would eat.

「No, this is really a good shop. Certainly just one large copper coin would be enough to eat until you’re full. But as expected, this kind of sweets is also good! Now then, which one first……it should be chocolate cake first in this situation!」

Ralph-san reached out toward the small chocolate cake with his large body. But, that enjoyment of Ralph-san was interrupted by a small hand that came from the side. The chocolate cake was grabbed and stolen, and then it was brought into the plunderer’s mouth.

「What the hell are you doing! Come out……si…」

Ralph-san stood up angrily, but the one standing there was Rachel-san who tossed the cake into her mouth. She also licked the chocolate that was stuck on her fingertips before talking to Ralph-san and Rondo-san.

「That’s delicious. Now then, let’s hear the reason why two men are having fun in this kind of place while leaving me out of it.」

Rondo-san also stood up.

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「N, no, this is! Rachel, let’s talk it out. Ralph too say something.」

The shock of having his chocolate cake stolen and the shock of the side that he wanted to hide getting seen by a girl made him fell down on his chair and ate his tart mutely. A voice also called out to me.

「Lyle-sama? Just what is the meaning of this?」

When I looked up, there were Selphie-san who was making a really complicated face and Novem who was making a really conflicted face that was unclear whether she was worrying about me or feeling relieved.

「Ah, no, this is……that’s」

Then the first was also flustered inside the Jewel.

『No, Novem-chan……yo, you misunderstand! There is a deep reason for this, it’s for the sake of protecting Alice-san’s descendant from the idiots who are visiting frequently with ulterior motive!』

The second coolly said to the panicked first.

『She cannot hear you. Or rather, it’s you who made Lyle who has guilty conscience toward Novem and his acquaintances to visit this shop. Aa~aa, Lyle is troubled because of your fault.』

The third also spoke similarly to the first.

『Horrible. This is just too horrible, first.』

It was only the fourth who watched the shop’s atmosphere while,

『But, well……you cannot bring woman here though.』

「Err, that……we also have things to talk about between only us men, because of that meeting in an inconspicuous place is……」

Selphie-san looked at the menu while,

「I see now. It’s like a café but, the main is sweets. My, this looks delicious. You two, today it seems it will be the treat of these three so let’s sit down and order. Please give me this cake, a whole of it.」

Ralph-san returned to his senses hearing what Selphie-san said.

「The whole cake you said. Even I have never made that kind of order!」

Then Rachel-san also sat down and began ordering.

「This tart and cake, then this and this and this! Also, please give me this for the drink.」

Rachel-san ordered to a waitress who was nearby. Rondo-san made a resigned face at the situation where she ordered the amount of eight large copper coins for herself. I looked back at Novem.

「Then, I’ll have today’s recommendation. Ah, also one pie for takeaway.」

……My earning today and the pocket money of Rondo-san and Ralph-san became completely gone. Furthermore, I couldn’t see Aria-san. She was at the front until just now but, did she return inside?


After treating the girls, I returned to the inn.

When I entered the rented room, I was nervous in front of Novem. It wasn’t like I was visiting an indecent shop, but for some reason I felt guilty. Novem sat down on the bed and I could only stand up in front of her.



I was hiding something to Novem who I was greatly indebted to. I recognized that it was inexcusable. But, it wasn’t like I was doing something to feel guilty about──etc, while I was thinking of an excuse, Novem handed a silver coin to me.

She put a silver coin on my grasp. When I looked at Novem, she smiled. It was scary instead.

「Novem, this is?」

「From Lyle-sama’s daily reward, you must be unable to eat the food that you want, and most of all most of the customers there are male. It will be bothering the other customers if we are coming along. I will be expecting souvenir though. However, please pay attention to not visit there everyday.」

Far from getting angry, she was giving me money. How should I react at this kind of situation? While I was taken aback, Novem smiled and,

「Lyle-sama is working hard everyday, so you need to have some relaxation. That’s……I also know that there are shops that men visited. But, if you are going out please tell me beforehand where you are going.」

Inside the Jewel the first was rejoicing at Novem’s reaction.

『What a good girl. With this going to Aria-chan’s place is──』

But, the fifth muttered to himself.

『……Somehow, isn’t Lyle increasingly becoming more like gigolo sponging off Novem?』

When he said that certainly it was so. Novem earned more than me and had money. Furthermore, she even gave me the money to play.

「It’s not like I was doing something to feel guilty about.」

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When I made that excuse, Novem nodded with a smile.

「I know. Also, that money included the money for the trouble this time. Please treat Rondo-san and Ralph-san with it.」

My guilt became unbearable from Novem’s dealing with me.


The next day.

I showed my face to Aria-san’s shop.

When I entered inside, Aria-san saw me and turned her smile to me.


The first’s voice came from the Jewel.

『Aria-chaan is really cute too today』

He was fawning. I made my order.

「Err, can I ask a pie for takeaway? It will be great if I can receive two whole pies wrapped separately.」

Aria-san took a memo.

「Separately is it. Who is the present for?」

「Today Rondo-san and Ralph-san cannot make it, so I’m thinking to give them souvenir. The other one is for Novem──the one who came yesterday, she is like my comrade, or family……」

I could hear the second sighed listening at how I was getting troubled of how to describe Novem.

『Sheesh, just say lover there.』

Aria-san’s hand stopped. And then, she looked at me while,

「He, hey. Yesterday, you know……there was a purple haired adventurer wasn’t it? That’s……is, is she your acquaintance?」

I tilted my head. I didn’t think that she would ask about Selphie-san. But, I answered honestly.

「Yes. She agreed to become our instructor. That’s, we are beginners so, we asked her to teach us various things.」

「Is that so. I see……」

She looked slightly relieved. And then, Aria-san made a slightly lonely expression, but she noticed my gaze and smiled.

「Sorry for that, I was only slightly curious. Today I’ll at least give you a drink as service. After all yesterday you ate a lot and contributed to the sale. The owner also seemed happy.」

I recalled the gusto of the girls’ eating manner yesterday. When they ordered more, the three of us men almost cried. No, it felt like Ralph-san was actually crying then.

「Something like yesterday was a bitter experience though.」

Aria-san faced me.

「Well, cheer up. Let’s work hard, both of us.」

She said that to encourage me. Her smile looked really dazzling.



I who was called inside the Jewel saw the listless first being surrounded by the other ancestors. The reason of his listlessness was mainly Aria-san. The other ancestors were denouncing the first who made me visited Aria-san’s shop and caused Novem to act in consideration of me.

Those like the second didn’t even hide his anger.

『She has the exact resemblance with your first love and the same surname? In other words, because she might be the descendant of your first love, you are trying to attract her attention by contributing to the sales, is that it?』

The second interrogated in irritation. The first who was sitting on the chair with his large body shrinking down nodded while saying.

『……That’s right.』

The fourth used his index finger to slightly push up his glasses. The lenses shined eerily.

『The expense everyday cannot be made fun of. Besides, it caused Novem-chan to worry and even made her to give Lyle money.』

The first looked at me,

『That’s because this guy didn’t refuse it!』

The third’s attitude was carefree as usual but, his words contained criticize somewhere inside.

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『It’s not manly to blame other. Or rather, Lyle has responded to the first’s demand to the best of his ability using his little income hasn’t he? And yet the first who was the main cause accused Lyle like that, isn’t that mistaken?』

……I see. It would be fine if I returned the silver coin that I received from Novem for buying sweets. I didn’t realize it at all. Even while I’m thinking that, the ancestors were continuing to persecute the first persistently. Like the sixth who shrugged and shook his head while,

『Didn’t you talk about treasuring Novem? Good grief, you’re the worst.』

The fifth looked at such sixth in surprise while,

『You are saying that? Just how much do you think you have……no, right now this is about the first. As expected, looking at your attitude right now after having criticizing Lyle to that extent, I cannot think goodly about it.』

Around the time when I started meeting the ancestor inside the Jewel, there was that one time when the seventh punched the first. Furthermore perhaps because the era they lived in was too far separated from each other, he might be the one with the coldest attitude toward the first.

『It’s the fact that you aren’t in the position to say anything about Lyle. And, you will properly explain what is this about won’t you?』

The first stood up and hit the table with both his fists. I jerked in surprise, but the ancestors didn’t even look shaken.

『Shut up all of you! You guys, I’ll say this first but without Aria-san, the provincial noble Walt House won’t even exist today!』

The third was listening to those words with great interest.

『……By that do you mean that she was a sponsor or something? But, I had never heard of Lockwarde House giving us support. It was a baron house was it? At my era they were a house that carried the duty related to religion in Central it seemed.』

The seventh nodded at the third’s words. It seemed he had recollection about it.

『Certainly Lockwarde House managed the religious matter. They arranged various things for ceremony regarding the goddess, like the program of the ceremony and so on. But, they didn’t look like a house with that much power though.』

What it meant by managing religious matter was mainly doing the preparation for the event. It was a house that had the duty to manage the tools that were used in the ceremony and being in charge of various arrangement. But, if that was the case, it was strange that Aria-san was in Darion. Perhaps she was a relative or she simply had the same surname. The first yelled toward us.

『Wrong! I……wanted to marry with Alice-san, that was why I wanted to become independent. At Central I was just the third son of a lowest rank capital noble. Someone like me had no choice but to become independent if I want to be equal to Alice-san! That’s why, without Alice-san the likes of you wouldn’t even be born!』

The second’s gaze turned cold hearing the first’s words. Guessing from that attitude and from the flow of the story until now……the first should be unable to get married with that Alice-san. In other words, the second who was the first’s son just got forced to listen to his father’s first love story.

『You had a woman that you loved other than mother, that kind of reason isn’t something to feel angry for after this late. But. the reason you led a reclamation group and became independent was that? In order to marry with the one you love?』

The first who heard that turned slightly red. Bearded face, scary face──the figure of the first who was like that blushing wasn’t something that I wanted to see.

『Wrong! We weren’t like that……to begin with, we had never even talked with each other. Besides, that day when I came back to Central for her……Alice-san married into Lockwarde House.』

Looking at the first who blushed and looked seriously dejected, my feeling became really indescribable.

「……How did you plan to marry her when you had never even talked with her? That’s, I think it’s impossible without connection between the two families or talking it out beforehand.」

It was the second who answered my question.

『There is no way this guy can lay down the groundwork like that. You must be simply planning to intrude into their house and say let me marry her anyway. The other house too must be relieved that their daughter can marry into other family.』

The first once again yelled from his heart inside the room of round table where everyone was looking at him coldly.

『But, I can meet with Alice-san’s descendant──Aria-chan like this! This is the proof that my first love isn’t over yet! My first love isn’t over. And then, this meeting is fate!』

『That’s misunderstanding. Your first love is over, and it’s also not fate I think.』

The third cut down the first’s feeling smilingly. The first powerlessly sat down on the chair and grumbled his complaints. Everyone ignored it and conversed. The seventh looked at the first in exasperation while,

『Lyle, the person there right now is an idiot, but even rotten like that he is the founder of the feudal lord noble house of Walt. Without the first’s Art, the current you won’t be able to skillfully use Arts. Conversely speaking, if the first teach you his Art, we too will be able to teach you our Art.』

The Art that was recorded the first time inside the Jewel was a strengthening Art that could be said as common. Arts were divided into three types of vanguard, rear guard, and support, but strengthening Art could manifest in any of those three types. Body strengthening was Art that was the easiest to manifest, it was the fundamental Art. The third explained to me.

『It don’t have explosive power like the vanguard type or even specialized strengthening like the rear guard type. The strengthening of support type is an Art that raise the overall strength of the user. In addition, speaking from the feeling of the user the strengthening is around ten or twenty percent I think.』

The strengthening of support type seemed to be the most balanced. The second also nodded.

『Even if we teach our Arts to the current Lyle, you will immediately run out of magic power. That’s why, we wanted to compensate that using this guy’s Art to increase your magic power temporarily but……』

The ancestors too weren’t teaching me their Arts for no reason at all. It was simply because of the problem of my inability to use the Arts well even if they taught me. Running out of magic power──this became the biggest bottleneck. The sixth looked at me while saying.

『The Art that was manifested immaturely. In addition there is the maintenance of the line connected with the Jewel. Right now your consumption of magic power has increased while your usable magic power is small.』

The fourth returned his gaze to the first once more.

『Well, even taking that into consideration, the amount of magic power in your possession isn’t a lot. But, in order to solve all those problems all at once and make it so that you are able to learn Arts, the first’s Full Over is necessary. This is a convenient Arts that all generations of family heads used.』

I looked at the first. But, the first averted his gaze from me.

『Who is going to teach my Art to this brat.』

My shoulders dropped. The other ancestors were also shaking their head in exasperation.


It was at the third week that our instructor Selphie-san would finally teach the next step.

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After I finished my work like usual, received the evaluation and accepted the reward, Selphie-san called me just as I was about to go home. We headed to a café at the main street. There she treated us to drink while we listened to her talk. It was a shop with calm atmosphere. As expected from a shop at the main street, it even had a large window and the figure of people walking outside could be seen even from inside the shop. The tables and chairs inside the café were made from good quality wood and every single one was made carefully.

「The atmosphere is relatively calm, so it became my favorite. The cake here too is also delicious.」

Selphia-san smirked while making fun of me. She was cleaning up her cake with a small fork. And then, her expression changed slightly seriously when entering the main topic.

「Have some rest tomorrow. I think you have finished preparing your equipment, equip them and we will go outside the day after tomorrow. It’s slightly early but, you two have enough strength. And it seems you two also have the funds.」

We had completed any kind of odd jobs in general and then we also had saved fund to a certain degree, so Selphie-san told us that we would advance to the next step.

When I felt relieved that I finally came this far, Selphie-san said to me.

「Normally you will work for around three months until six months to prepare your equipment and save up money. You two have money so it’s unnecessary but remember it properly just in case. The other adventurers are working steadily like this to prepare their equipment. Supposing that you lose your equipment or your comrade is heavily wounded, you can also survive by working these odd jobs. There is no loss in remembering this.」

After I silently nodded, Selphie-san asked me to confirm.

「Have you investigated what kind of monsters there are around Darion?」

Novem answered that.

「yes. There are slimes everywhere. Other than that I heard there are also killer rabbit and several types of insect monsters.」

The knights and soldiers periodically patrolled Darion’s surrounding and highway, so it was relatively safe. If the feudal lord was doing his work enthusiastically, the public order would be protected like this and the dangerous monster got removed. The work for adventurer decreased like that, but that was how it balanced out.

「Anyone can deal with them as long as they don’t panic. But, we are adventurer. ‘It’s fine to just defeat them’, that’s not how it goes for us. We need to collect the material. Tattered material will cause the merchants to beat down the price. We have to defeat the monsters while keeping in mind to not harm the part that will become money.」

It was simple to simply defeat monster. If adults surrounded a monster and struck it with stick, they would be able to beat at least one monster. However, it would be difficult to turn the defeated monster from that into money.

「The way to collect material, and also the tool to use……having them or not having them will cause the income from here on to greatly change. The amateurs think that it’s fine to just defeat them so it’s troubling. Show your face at the morning the day after tomorrow when you have prepared the necessary tools. Also, bring a bit more of the tools.」

We had heard about the necessary tools at the first day. And then together with Novem I would purchase it at our holiday. We had finished preparing.

「Well, I’ll teach about the little details on that time.」

I and Novem would finally be able to work outside the city along with Selphie-san. I felt relieved that I had finally became like an adventurer.


──Stands lined up at the back alley of Darion.

Aria who was wearing a coat headed toward one of the stand. In the stand she was going to, there was a dead drunk man, one of his hand was holding an empty wooden cup. His face was bright red, his hair had grown long, and then his unshaven face was snoring. His clothes was dirty. It seemed he had rolled on the ground somewhere again.

Similar stands were lined up at the surrounding. There were adventurers and Darion citizens drinking alcohol. When the stand owner saw Aria,

「You’ve it hard every time. But, I’m also doing business here. You have to pay five large copper coins.」

Hearing that, Aria took out her wallet from her coat. The salary from the place she was working at was good. There were a lot of woman who refused to wear miniskirt and dressed cutely, because of that the job’s salary was set to be higher compared to other place. But, Aria’s father drank alcohol everyday like it was water, he also turned his hand on gambling. Aria was the one paying his debt.

「I, I’m sorry. I can only pay three large copper coins today.」

The inside of her wallet was four large copper coins. If she didn’t keep one piece behind then she would be unable to buy food tomorrow. The stand owner made a face that seemed to say ‘again’.

「I’ll put it in the tab, but it’s already nearly 30 large copper coins you know? You also have tabs in various other stores right? I’m not saying that you are bad but, even so……」

Aria lowered her head. The owner’s gaze was directed toward the drunk man. He was Aria’s father and a man who was a baron just some time ago. A former noble. However, right now he was just an unemployed drunkard. He was a man who gambled and drunk alcohol with his daughter’s salary.

「I’m sorry! I will do something about the debt that’s why…」

The owner seeing Aria,

「……You might get sold as prostitute if things don’t go well. Do something about it before that happen. I too will feel pained seeing an acquaintance to meet misfortune.」

Aria who paid three large copper coins said thanks to the stand owner and shouldered her father to make him stood. He reeked with alcohol. And then an adult man who was completely limp was really heavy.

When Aria was going to take his father until their home, the stand owner warned her.

「Be careful okay. That guy, apparently he borrowed money from some shady bunch. He made them to fork out money with some skillful speech, but if he got that kind of talent he should just work more diligently, it’s a real shame.」

Aria smiled bitterly and then walked until her home carrying her father with her shoulder.

(……I know it’s no good at this rate. But, someday Otou-san will become serious again.)

He was formerly a noble. Before he was working diligently. Aria wanted to think that. However, they lost everything because of her father’s fault and drifted from Central to Darion. Lockwarde House was formerly a house with pedigree in Central. However, right now father and daughter were living in a cheap apartment at Darion. Lockwarde House lost everything because her father embezzled money. Originally the embezzler would be executed. And it wouldn’t be strange for his family to be heavily punished too.

He was dealt with without the matter going out to the public was because it wasn’t just Aria’s father who was embezzling money. Aria knew that only after everything happened. Though she wasn’t pleased that it was only Lockwarde House that got punished.

「Otou-san, we will arrive at the house soon.」

Her father didn’t answer Aria’s words. He was going to gamble using the money Aria earned almost everyday, and then he would drink alcohol even though he didn’t even have any money. He was living such days.

Even so, Aria believed that someday her father would return like in the past when he was an upright person──.

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