Sevens (LN)

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 – The First Love……’s Descendant

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An adventurer mustn’t commit an adventure.

They were words that Selphie-san taught us. Certainly that might be correct. Grasping what you can and cannot do and not doing anything reckless wasn’t a mistaken decision that would keep you alive. But, there was also the feeling that it was boring living too steadily. In fact, the me right now was in such situation.

「I, I’m finished.」

Receiving physical labor request right from the morning and doing it under the supervision of Selphie-san is my daily life. When it was a terrible day I would receive the same request two times within a day and worked on it. I would carry heavy thing without using magic with my own strength and piling them up. There was a lot of that kind of job.

「Good work. Look, the site foreman is handing the evaluation.」

The foreman who was commanding the workplace was handing over sheet of paper to the adventurers. It was the paper that had the evaluation of the client toward the adventurer written in it that had to be handed to the guild. There were five evaluation grades from A to E, normally if you received evaluation C and above that meant that the client was satisfied with your work.

But, Selphie-san wouldn’t tolerate that. Fundamentally with evaluation A the client would need to pay additional reward to the adventurer, so in reality evaluation B became the highest evaluation grade. Selphie-san targeted me to earn that grade. When I went to take the evaluation paper, the foreman handed the paper to me.

「You have worked really hard today. Here, your evaluation is B.」

I accepted it and said my thanks before heading toward Selphie-san. Selphie-san confirmed the B grade and got happy.

「C grade will get you seven large copper coin. If it’s B you will get eight large copper coins. You might think it’s small difference, but one day this difference will become large──」

While I’m in the middle of listening to Selphie-san’s explanation, an angry yell could be heard.

「Don’t screw with me! Why is my evaluation D huh!」

An adventurer with large build grabbed at the foreman’s collar. His physique was big and then he had a scary face. He was a man who embodied the saying that adventurers were a gathering of thugs. Selphie-san walked toward the foreman.

「That’s because I saw you slacking off. You pushed your work to other people didn’t you? Originally your evaluation should be E you know?」

The foreman was a civilian, but he didn’t show any sign of feeling scared toward the adventurer. After all this time Selphie-san was dispatched from the guild as overseer here.

Selphie-san approached the adventurer and,


「What you──」

When the adventurer turned his gaze toward Selphie-san, she grabbed his arm and released the foreman. And then she punched the man and threw him to the ground before stepping on his head. The adventurer screamed when his arm got pulled up and locked into place.

「Wa, wait! His evaluation of me is wrong, so──GYAAAA!!」

Selphie-san broke his arm without hearing his excuse. Everyone shut up seeing that sight and hearing the unpleasant sound. And then, Selphie-san released the adventurer and kicked him flying. Seeing that, the first cackled loudly. As for me I really couldn’t understand at all just what was so funny about this.

『What, this guy is pathetic even with that big body. Even so, that Selphie girl is also quite something.』

「……Do you think I didn’t see you slacking off? You should be thankful that you didn’t get evaluation E. Furthermore you dare to lay your hand on the client. You, are you planning to throw mud on the guild’s face?」

Different from before, Selphie-san threatened the adventurer with a low voice. The second seeing that sigh,

『Well, if the request to the guild decrease, the adventurers would lose their place to earn money. An overseer is also necessary when sending out this many people.』

It seemed only the fourth who was unable to fully accept it.

『……I don’t think it’s right though to accept request from the guild while she is still doing the request as an instructor. Selphie is Lyle’s instructor. A large amount of money had already been paid for her.』

It was Novem who paid. And that Novem was receiving different request because she was a girl. Her writing was beautiful, by making use of that she was doing writing request at the guild. Unlike me, her reward would be decided by how satisfied the customer was. Selphie-san told other adventurers to carry away the troubling adventurer before returning toward me.

「My bad. That kind of idiot never stops appearing. Recently ill-bred guys are also increasing in number, so I’m also busy with my work.」

I decided that I too needed to be careful to not make Selphie-san angry.

「Now then, let’s go bring this paper to the guild and receive the reward. With that it will be over for today. Tomorrow show up at the guild properly on time too, okay.」

Hearing that, I headed to the guild just as Selphie-san instructed.


In the guild, Novem had finished her work and waited for me to return.

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She was talking with someone near the reception at the second floor. Looking closer, it was Rachel-san who was holding a wooden staff. Both of them were talking while laughing. I went to the clerk to receive the money first.

As expected there wasn’t that many people lining up in front of Hawkins-san, so I went to finish the procedure there. My turn quickly came. I handed my guild card and the evaluation paper.

「Evaluation B is it? You have worked hard Lyle-kun. Now then, your reward will be eight large copper coins. Please check and accept it.」

Eight large copper coins were placed on a tray. Normally, an adult would earn from ten until fifteen large copper coins per day. Considering that, receiving request with the guild as the intermediary felt really troublesome. After all the guild could obtain money just by sending people. It would be pointless even if I said that to Hawkins-san, but it was hard to accept it. No, I understood that it was that kind of system but……

「……Thank you very much.」

Perhaps I was seen through how I wasn’t accepting the situation in contrast with my words, because Hawkins-san gave me explanation regarding the reward.

「The reward is little because it also get deducted to pay the tax for Darion. Adventurers are special after all. It’s not like they are permanently living here like Darion’s citizens so that’s why it’s necessary to pay tax each time they accomplished a request like this. Well, though certainly there is also the commission for the guild included.」

I forcefully convinced myself and accepted the reward from Hawkins-san, then I headed toward Novem. I was worn out from the unaccustomed work. I wanted to get back to the inn, took bath and dinner and laid down right away.

「Lyle-sama, thank you for your hard work. You must be tired too today, let’s return quickly and take dinner.」

Then Rachel-san looked at me.

「Lyle also seems energetic.」

「Yes. Well, somehow……by the way, Rachel-san was also doing writing work today?」

When I asked feeling that it was unexpected, Rachel-san nodded. She was answering me with a smile was her way to be considerate as a magician.

「Rondo and Ralph are vanguard who put their body on the line after all. In our case we are only going out for a bit and fight troublesome monster around this area, but because of that the exhaustion of the two vanguards are great. Even if I only need one day to rest, I want the two to rest for two days.」

Novem continued the explanation.

「And so she is doing writing job the whole day like this. She wants to save money as quickly as possible even if it’s only a bit no matter what.」

It felt like she was working slightly too hard. Even if she wanted money, I thought that perhaps there would be better way than that.

「You aren’t going to increase your party member? Selphie-san said that it would be safer like that.」

Rachel-san’s expression turned complicated.

「Yeah, we are also thinking that. We are but……. Look, the three of us came from the same home town and aim ahead even from here on. We are thinking to be adventurer at the free city Beim, in that case we will want someone who also has that much motivation but……quite a lot of rookies are gathered in Darion, but there are work and it’s also easy to live here, which also caused many of them to decide to stay here.」

Now that she mentioned it, the city itself was in the middle of expansion to become bigger. Even the physical labor that I was doing was construction of new rampart. Apparently in Darion where manpower was needed, a lot of youngsters who aimed to become adventurer decided to settle down here. Even I, if I found an environment where there was work and I could eat without working too hard, then I would want to choose that.

「Even people who want to aim even further will have difference in where they are aiming at. We are thinking to gather comrades for real after going out of Darion. Well, if we can find comrade here then we will invite them though.」

Each person had their own thinking and acted based on it. It was the plan of Rachel-san and the other two so it would be no good if I meddled.

「Is that so.」

Then Rachel-san suddenly looked at Novem.

「On another topic, Novem is really amazing you know? It looks like she was doing writing work these several days, but her writing is beautiful and her sentence composition is also amazingly skilled! We were talking about that just now.」

Novem was strictly educated as the second daughter of a baron house. Naturally she could read and write, she wouldn’t be troubled with writing work. But Novem was flustered.

「Rachel-san, it’s, about that──」

「Just today she earned eleven large copper coins. Her work was fast and neat! Her customers were also satisfied and a lot of people lined up in front of her. I also want her to teach me various things……e, eh? Lyle, what’s wrong?」

Hearing what Rachel-san said, I looked at Novem. Every day she told me that she was earning six or seven large copper coins. The sixth spoke to cover up for me──or rather for Novem.

『Lyle, it’s not like Novem was lying to pocket up the money for herself, it was for the sake of you who went outside and worked hard drenched in sweat……』

The seventh too, he forced a cough while,

『Ye, yes. Be, besides, that. She also paid twenty gold coins before this. I think it’s not a problem here even if Novem reported that the money she earned is slightly less. Lo, look……she was just lying for your sake.』

However, the first’s words became the trigger.

『As expected from Novem-chan. But compared to her, when it come to a certain someone who is overly conscious of his cheap wage even though he is doing physical labor, and act like he isn’t the bad one even when cannot even earn satisfactory income……it makes me cry thinking that this is my descendant.』

──I ran away to escape from this place. Tears were going to come out, I didn’t want the two of them to see me like that.

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「Wait, what’s wrong!」

I blocked my ears toward the voices of Novem and Rachel-san that came from behind and continued to run through the city of Darion.


Darion city──.

I was walking totteringly on a street with few people. I was running around recklessly at random so I didn’t even know where I was. It was narrower than the main street and perhaps I was heading to a dangerous place.

But, something like that didn’t matter. I understood that Novem lied about the amount she earned in consideration to me. But, it was frustrating that the reality was thrust in front of me while I’m tired of various things. Since I left the mansion……no, even before that since I was in the mansion, I kept being useless until now. I hated myself who was like that.

「……damn it.」

Voices worrying about me came from inside the Jewel. But, the first’s voice could be heard mixed in.

『What? Acting frustrated when alone like this. Do it after you become capable of various things. The likes of you right now aren’t even worth getting frustrated about!』

Hearing those words the second yelled at the first.

『Just shut up! Even though you yourself aren’t much at all, you were only nitpicking from the side annoyingly! Lyle, I understand that it’s frustrating but, you too should──』

I took off the pendant that was embedded with the Jewel from my neck. The seventh called out to me.

『Ly, Lyle!』

「This kind of jewel……is just……」

Then the first provoked me even more.

『Aa? You are going to throw it away? Then throw it right away! Even us also don’t wanna to teach our Arts to ignorant crybaby like you! Just throw it away already!』

Originally it seemed that a Jewel’s role was to teach the owner the Arts of the owners it recorded. But, a tool that didn’t even fulfill that role and only loudly insulted what I’m doing while quickening the consumption of my magic power……was just a bother instead. I am also tired and irritated. I grasped the jewel tightly, then held it up and threw it. Then──.


The blue Jewel splendidly hit a red haired girl who came out from a small alley.

「I, I’m sorry!」

I ran toward the girl in panic and apologized for the Jewel that hit her. Even though the blue Jewel rolled to a slight distance away, a voice could be hear from nearby. It was the third.

『Lyle, sorry but the current owner is Lyle, so the Jewel is connected to Lyle with a magic power line. Even if you left it somewhere it will be a situation where you can only listen to the voice, if you throw it away you will only be able to listen to the voices. I think it’s better to carry it you know?』

Isn’t this like a cursed tool that only gives demerit? I was thinking that while apologizing to the girl in front of me, then the girl saw the fallen blue Jewel. When I looked closer, the girl’s neck also had a red Gem hanging down there tied by a string. She wore a short skirt and small apron. Her outfit was frilly overall and she was wearing high socks that reached until her thigh.

「Ouch ouch ouch……geez, just what are you doing even though I’m going to work after this.」

Being told that, I apologized.

「I, I’m sorry.」

「There is no way it’s enough with just apology……you, are you crying?」

It seemed I was crying without realizing it. I wiped my eyes. The girl picked up the Jewel on the ground and handed it to me. And then, the girl who was similarly possessing a Gem grabbed the red gem on her neck and looked at me.

「Isn’t that an important item? Mine is my family’s heirloom you know?」

Looking at the girl who possessed a red Gem, I felt slightly envious. Originally Gem wouldn’t talk to the owner. Besides, it was a tool that only taught Arts. Apparently it would only teach the first stage of the Art, even so it was still better than the cursed item I was carrying.

「It’s a heirloom but……it’s irritating.」

The girl was slightly shorter than me. But, she was standing straight so she looked imposing and dignified.

「Then don’t throw it! If you throw it don’t hit people with it. You are lucky it was me but, if you are unlucky you will get beaten up because of it.」

「……I’m sorry.」

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My shoulders dropped while my gaze fell toward the cursed item that returned into my hand. Even if I threw it away the voice would still be audible without any benefit at all, it was nothing but a cursed item. I was thinking for a way to destroy the Jewel.

The girl looked toward me.

「If you feel guilty then……let’s see, won’t you come to the shop where I’m working?」


「I’ll give you service there.」

Saying that the girl threw out her chest. Her red long hair that reached until her waist was curly and pointed to the outside. Her almond shaped eyes slightly gave the impression of someone forceful. She had violet eyes and a balanced and trained body. She might have just taken a bath, the scent of soap came from her white skin.

「I am Aria Lockwarde. I’m working in a shop ahead from here see, I’ll forgive you if you come together with me. I’ll also give you service on this occasion too.」

I gasped and when I looked around, the number of people at the surrounding was starting to increase. Furthermore the number of male was a lot, looking closer women were calling out to passerby from the storefront. It seemed that without realizing it I had come to a place where indecent shops were lining up.

「I, I’m Lyle Walt. Bu, but, I don’t have that much mone──」

「Do you have large copper coin?」


「Then it’s fine. Come along.」

Saying that, Aria-san pulled my hand and we walked through the street with showy shops lining up. When I turned my gaze to the surrounding, my face turned red. Inside there were also women wearing risky clothing and called out to the passing men. The fourth’s panicked voice came from inside the Jewel.

『Lyle! Have you forgotten about Novem!? Remember how Novem sold her dowry for your sake! You mustn’t offer your important money that you earned from hard work to the like of prostitute! You guys too say somethi──obuh!』

The fourth suddenly fell silent as though he got punched. When I thought who was it, it seemed it was the first who punched him.

『……What are you doing suddenly』

『……Aria……also Lockwarde……furthermore, red Gem……the, there is no doubt. She is Alice-san’s descendant! There is no doubt! She really resemble her! I, is this……fate……』

The first suddenly raised his voice and I along with everyone inside the Jewel couldn’t react. The second asked the first.

『Who is that?』

The first declared boldly.

『Obviously it’s my first love Alice Lockwarde!』

──No, my bad but I don’t think anyone know her. I and also the ancestors inside the Jewel couldn’t react and could only stay bewildered.


──Hawkins and Selphie were talking at the guild’s reception desk.

「So, how is Lyle-kun?」

Selphie laughed while answering Hawkins’s question.

「A former son of noble who will work even if he doesn’t like the job. Just that fact alone makes him less objectionable. He is a diligent person I think? He doesn’t complain at all to me after all. But, his expression look dissatisfied though.」

「However, Selphie-san was expressly placed to monitor him. The feudal lord is that concerned about him.」

Selphie made a smile at those words and said to Hawkins.

「Oops, boss……I’m just a mere adventurer. It’s not related at all with the feudal lord. I accepted the request to be those two’s instructor simply for the money. Haha~, it’s really helpful that spoiled former noble kid has money. What’s more, he is ignorant of the world and obedient so the teaching is also easy.」

Hawkins shrugged.

「Pardon me. That’s how it is isn’t it. However, ignorant of the world and obedient, is it……it reminded me of a certain someone. Selphie-san too at the beginning also failed in various ways.」

Hawkins laughed slightly and Selphie averted her eyes and closed her mouth. Because of that Hawkins spoke the report about Novem.

「Come to think of it, Novem-san is amazing you know? Her letters are beautiful and her communication is also polite, so she got popular and a lot of customers lined up for her. It will be really helpful if she will join as a guild staff.」

Selphie listened to Hawkins’s words of praise to Novem while turning her gaze to another counter that became noisy. The blonde haired blue eyed beautiful clerk Santoa was dealing with some thugs there. They were inviting her to drink, but she was refusing with a smile. Selphie stared at the adventurers who were obviously being a bother while,

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「Those guys, they are the lot who recently drifted to Darion right? The rumor about them isn’t really good but, how is it actually in reality?」

Hawkins put the documents in order while,

「The guild side cannot talk about personal information that simply. Now then, this will be the reward for today.」

Selphie received a considerable amount of money from the job of supervising the working adventurers. Although, if she went outside and fought monsters to earn money, she would be able to obtain greater sum of money than this.

(Boss Hawkins didn’t deny it, that means it just as the rumor said. Now then, what to do……I’m busy with another matter though.)

Selphie looked toward Santoa.

「Ee~, that’s troubling. I’m in the middle of work right now.」

The number of ill-bred adventurers who made a pass at her had increased in number than before. It already became a group of six.

「That’s fine ain’t it. If it’s money we got it.」

Looking at the man who seemed to be the representative of the group, his equipment was quite good. But, it didn’t feel like he was used to wear it.

(I want to investigate them but, we over here are holding even bigger bomb than that right now. As expected I cannot mistake the priority here……)

Selphie returned her gaze to Hawkins.

「Hey, boss. I heard that Santoa girl is the daughter of the top brass? She is still being a clerk even though there are various bad rumors about her?」

Santoa had nice appearance but she was a clerk with a lot of problem. Her response would change depending on the adventurer’s look, and sometimes she would even mistake the reward amount. The beginners and adventurers with ulterior motive would gather toward Santoa, while the others would line up in front of Hawkins or Marietta who did good work.

「I cannot answer that.」

Selphie laughed at Hawkins’s answer.

「Isn’t that an answer on itself. She is planning to ensnare a skilled adventurer for herself anyway right? Well, that kind of encounter happened a lot after all. From our view point the female camp, it’s envious how a lot of encounters happen for the males.」

Hawkins sighed at Selphie.

「What is the engaged Selphie-san talking about? You are planning to retire after earning some money before marrying correct?」

Selphie nodded with implicative expression at those words of Hawkins──.


──A few days later.

Selphie got consulted by Novem. Together with Novem was an adventurer named Rachel. It seemed that Lyle along with the men in Rachel’s party were making suspicious action. Selphie listened to the two’s story.

「I see. Lyle felt hurt that Novem’s earning is bigger than him and after that he ran away. When he returned, he was making a refreshed face, and then he invited the males from the party of this girl here and they went out playing.」

Novem affirmed at Selphie with a worried look. As expected she had already faintly suspected what was going on, but inside she must be wanting to deny it.

「Even when we asked where are they going, they only replied ambiguously. Besides, it also don’t look like they are wasting too much money. They would set out after finishing work to wander around and then returned a few hours later.」

Rachel continued Novem’s explanation.

「Somehow it looks like Rondo and Ralph were wandering around at the same time period when that Lyle was also wandering around. When I tried asking them……they said they were together with Lyle.」

Selphie wanted to tell Lyle and the other two to hide such thing a bit more skillfully. When she asked, Lyle had never laid his hand on Novem. But, thinking of Lyle’s age, as expected he obviously had desire. Furthermore, he might be slightly in a bad temper after receiving the fact that his earning was smaller than Novem. At that kind of time man would usually run toward alcohol, gambling──and then, woman.

「So you said, that the men in your place got invited by Lyle and then they also started to wander around? And, you are the lover of one of them right? How is he doing at night?」

Rachel got obviously flustered from getting asked that. Seeing that reaction Selphie didn’t ask further about it.

「Got it. It’s simple to investigate it. Or rather, you two have also realized it right?」

The two’s expression looked like they didn’t want to believe it, but Selphie wasn’t surprised. The male adventurers who she partied with before were also like this. Besides, it wasn’t completely a bad thing. Male who vented out their desire moderately was safer from Selphie’s point of view.

「You won’t know what man would do if they keep their desire repressed, that’s why let them vent it in moderation. Well, cheating isn’t a good thing though. Then, how about you tail them to catch them red handed and take it out on them?」

Selphie said jokingly, but Novem and Rachel’s eyes were serious──.

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