Sevens (LN)

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 – Idiot Noble Son

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I caught Zelphy-san who came to the guild early in the morning and we went to a café. Zelphy-san refused to talk with us saying that she was busy, but I asked her that I wanted to talk with her no matter what and she agreed in the end. I started talking while enjoying a cake.

「Zelphy-san, I have a request for a different matter. I wish to have a meeting with Dalien’s feudal lord, so can I ask you to convey it to him?」

Zelphy-san almost spurted out her drink at my sudden request. And then, she wiped her mouth while looking at me.

「……I don’t know what you mean. I’m busy right now, so excuse me already.」

Zelphy-san stood up and moved to exit the café to escape, but I continued my talk.

「I have a way to save Aria-san. Also, please tell the lord, that I have a way to solve this troublesome situation.」

Zelphy-san’s movement stopped at those words. And then, she turned toward me and released her anger. It felt like I would sweat coldly, but the Third inside the Jewel encouraged me.

『Lyle, don’t back down. She won’t attack you at this kind of place anyway. Rather, think of it as you turning into an existence that Zelphy cannot ignore to the degree she is threatening you. Now, this is just starting. Let’s enjoy it more!』

Novem beside me moved her hand to her staff, but I stopped her with my hand. Zelphy-san is scary, but my composed expression didn’t falter.

「We will stand out if you are looking that angry. There are nother customers here, we will be bothering them.」

Zelphy-san quietly sat down again and I took a sip of my drink. I was worried whether my hand would shake, but it’s unexpectedly alright. Perhaps I’m distracted by the ancestors getting noisy. Zelphy-san said briefly.

「……You understand what you are saying right?」

I continued my talk with a smile.

「Of course. I’m not thinking that it will be over with just rescuing Aria-san. Right, how about I ask Dalien’s lord to pardon Aria-san’s punishment if I solved the problem this time.」

Zelphy-san looked at my face while,

「So you understand. The current situation isn’t involving Dalien only, even the surrounding territories are involved. If we are careless it will seriously become a war. Our side also has to take responsibility. It cannot be concluded with the family of the guy who cooperated with the bandit group getting overlooked.」

Zelphy-san must have her own circumstances with her position. I spoke to such Zelphy-san condescendingly.

「Right now you aren’t acting as our instructor aren’t you? Then……enough talking, I’m telling you to let us meet the feudal lord. Tell him that Lyle Walt……the former heir of a house of count want to meet him. I’ll take care of the bothersome problem of the surrounding along with the annoying bandit group sneaking into this city.」

Zelphy-san looked at me and made a twitching smile.

「……An immature brat, putting on airs.」

Novem was about to make a move hearing those words but I halted her with my hand. And then, I traced the words that the Sixth thought up inside the Jewel while saying it to Zelphy-san.

『Don’t underestimate me. Even though I’m an amateur as adventurer, I came from the feudal lord noble house of Walt──』

「Don’t underestimate me. Even though I’m an amateur as adventurer, I came from the feudal lord noble house of Walt──」

I didn’t avert my gaze from Zelphy-san’s eyes. And then, I declared confidently. Boldly, like it was only natural──.

「A mere bandit group is just a tool for me to obtain fame. Just like how adventurer hunts monster, this is just a daily work for me. Do you understand?」

──I said it. I said it but, would it be fine with this? I’m really uneasy. And then, Novem was looking at me from the side with a slight blush. I myself completely didn’t have anything to do with the plan to defeat the bandit group but, will it really by fine for me to bluff like this? The Sixth looked at Zelphy-san who was feeling shocked in front of me and,

『Nice! Keep going until you get the meeting with Dalien’s lord! Lyle, you’ve got to obtain fund for defeating the bandit group too while you’re at it!』

──he sounded terribly happy.


The mansion of Dalien’s feudal lord.

I and Novem who were led by Zelphy-san met with the feudal lord Ventra Rodornia. We sat on the sofa with a table in front of us. Ventra-san, the blond haired feudal lord with small stature and hair parted to one side was sitting in front of us. He was a person who gave heartwarming impression, but according to the ancestors he was a capable person. They seemed to make that judgment from looking at the retainers around him and the city of Dalien. And then, I also thought that evaluation wasn’t mistaken.

He really didn’t look a simple kind looking middle aged man at all. His narrow eyes were slightly droopy and his body built was plum[. But, the sharpness of his gaze sometimes showed up. Ventra-san began the talk.

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「I heard the story from Zelphy. Certainly Zelphy was keeping an eye on you two due to my request. I’ll apologize if that injured your feeling. But, I am also a feudal lord. I can’t do nothing else in order to protect my people. After all, the eldest son of Walt House was barging into my territory. It’s not strange even if I’m on my guard correct?」

He deliberately didn’t mention that I was driven out from my house. I better saw it as he had obtained quite a lot of information about me. I was only making a living normally but, it seemed my surrounding was moving around greatly. I nodded at Ventra-san.

「Yes, it’s not strange. If I’m in the same position, I will also react suitably. Now then, how about we enter the main topic now.」

A retainer stood guard diagonally behind Ventra-san. He was a middle aged man, but he had a trained build, and he seemed ot be accustomed at using the sword hanging on his waist. Surely he was someone skilled. That retainer who was serving as guard was vigilant. Ventra-san straightened his posture slightly.

「Let’s hear it. Although, if this is just a child’s nonsense, I intend to have Lyle-dono to leave this Dalien. There is no one who would want to hold a large explosive on their chest.」

I reacted with a smile hearing the declaration that I would be driven out if this talk wasn’t beneficial. Novem who was sitting at my side didn’t particularly show any sign of making a move. But, she was paying attention to the knight who was guarding Ventra-san.

「Now that’s harsh. I will be troubled if I’m driven out from here. After all I’m planning to make a success in life as adventurer.」

Ventra-san’s eyebrows moved.

「Is that so. And? I wonder what kind of benefit Lyle-dono can bring me as an adventurer. A bandit group that rampaged around the surrounding territories. They became really quiet and hid their track after coming to my territory. Thanks to that the feudal lords of the surrounding territories might misunderstand me as the one pulling the string behind the scene. Although, I’m also not in a state of being able to send soldiers. Even though I want to act right away to correct the misunderstanding. Really, what a troublesome bunch.」

With the appearance of several dungeons in the area, soldiers were sent to deal with them. Ventra-san was an excellent lord that was why he reacted quickly, but the bandit took advantage of that opening and sneaked in. From a glance, it was like the bandit group had seen through everything and took action. That was why the feudal lord Ventra-san was also wary. However, the conclusion of the ancestors differed. The Fifth who was harassed by bandits at his time made this conclusion about the opponent.

『That’s wrong. The opponent was haphazard. Even how they used Aria’s father wasn’t because of any planning ability. If they had something, it was “luck”. They simply changed the location they were rampaging and came to Dalien where they laid low in order to gather fund. This lord is overestimating the opponent too much. If the opponent is really that smart, soldiers from the territories around Dalien would be invading here around this time.』

I explained to Ventra-san following what the Fifth said. I told him that he overestimated the bandit group like that and on top of it,

「……Ventra-san. I don’t intend to settle down in Dalien. Eventually I’m going to aim at the city of merchant and adventurer──the free city Beim. I’m currently learning the basic as adventurer in this place. After all I had never received education as adventurer.」

Ventra-san looked at me and put his hand on his chin. I wanted to try touching his flabby chin just for a bit but I restrained myself.

「Hmm. Certainly that’s convincing from that point of view. Our side is also lacking manpower and got too wary. But, the situation haven’t changed even after knowing that. The bandit group is still at large out there.」

I looked at Ventra-san’s eyes while,

「……Won’t you hire me not as Lyle Walt who was banished from a house of count, but as adventurer Lyle Walt? In return I’m asking for a reward of 200 gold coins as advance payment.」

Ventra-san’s thin-slitted eyes opened and glared at me.

「I cannot trust you. Are you intending to take the 200 gold coins and run away?」

Certainly I am a man who was banished from his house. It couldn’t be helped if he thought of me like that.

「Then please put a watcher at my side. If I tried to betray you, you can kill me. What, if that happen then it will be just an adventurer Lyle who is killed, it won’t be a murder of the former heir of a house of count.」

Ventra-san joined his hands together on his lap.

「Lyle-dono, let me ask you frankly. Do you have experience in real battle? Not against monster. Have you very killed human with those hands?」

I honestly shook my head at Ventra-san’s words.

「I haven’t. Besides, this time the objective isn’t to kill.」

The knight who served as guard turned an exasperated gaze toward me. Ventra-san also made a disappointed face.

「Haa, I understand. If you are going to live as adventurer then I’ll allow you to stay in this city. I will also give you 50 gold coins. But, I’ll ask you to not get involved with my house from here on.」

I’ll give you money so don’t do anything. That was what he said. However, I smiled.

「Oh? Certainly I don’t have any real battle experience but, is that alright? We talked how it won’t end with just killing the bandit group wasn’t it? Besides, will the surrounding accept it just because you said that Rodornia House has taken care of it?」

Ventra-san’s expression didn’t really change. But, he must have finished taking my opinion into consideration and didn’t need to be told that at this point. That’s why, I settled it.

「I believe that I understand your position as a feudal lord. You also cannot borrow the hand of your surrounding carelessly. There is also the power relationship with the surrounding that has to be taken into account after all. But……what if the one asking for help, is just a rich idiot noble son who was driven out from his house?」

Ventra-san’s thin-slitted eyes snapped open wide.

「Let’s hear it.」

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「It’s simple. As you know, I am an idiot noble son who was driven out from his house after all. A brat ignorant of the ways of the world, who even if he died it will because of his own doing.」

And then when I talked about my plan, Ventra-san laughed loudly and promised to pay 200 gold coins as advance payment.


──In front of Dalien’s adventurer guild.

Lyle who stood on a wooden box raised his voice.

「This Lyle Walt! Although I was driven out from my house, I have the spirit as noble! I will hand down the judgment to the bandit group who kidnapped lovely maiden and committed atrocity to the extreme! Those of you who believe you have what it takes to accompany me, step forward!」

He made gestures, and then the way he raised his voice was truly picturesque. But, the content of his talk was optimistic and naïve. The people gathering at the surrounding opened their mouth.

「Defeating bandit group? That kid is dreaming.」

「Leave him alone. He must be an idiot noble son who is ignorant of the world.」

「Even though he is just a rookie, he paid twenty gold coins to hire exclusive instructor. He must have a lot of money piled up. He became adventure too surely just for his pastime.」

Zelphy and Novem were watching Lyle’s performance. But, the reaction of the surrounding was cold. They knew just how troublesome bandit subjugation was. They laughed seeing Lyle confessing that he was driven out from his house.

Zelphy watched such Lyle while talking to Novem beside her.

「Your lover is getting laughed there, is that alright?」

Novem looked slightly troubled at Zelphy’s words. But, it seemed she would follow what Lyle decided even then. No, to Zelphy it looked like she was watching over him.

「It’s something that Lyle-sama decided. Besides, Lyle-sama, he……since coming here, this is the first time he said that he wants to do something. Then, I will simply follow him.」

Zelphy pressed her head with her left hand.

「Boss Hawkins was really surprised you know? After all adventurers who won’t even fight will still get paid three silver coins just from participating. That’s really extraordinary reward right there. What’s more he is going to hire 200 people……the money he ripped off from the lord was used like it grows on tree, I’m feeling complicated as a citizen here.」

Novem explained to such Zelphy with a smile.

「Certainly the money we received came from the tax after all. I can understand that feeling. But, the bandit group problem will be solved with 200 gold coins, and the money will be given to adventurers of Dalien who will spend that money back in this city, so it’s not only bad things. If this succeeded then we can obtain result that will worth more than the money spent.」

While they were talking ill-bred adventures were arriving. Zelphy checked them out and their features matched the adventures that Hawkins investigated.

「……Looks like they have noticed. Now then, I’ll start working too. You guys, don’t make any blunder no matter what okay?」

Novem saw off Zelphy while waving her hand smilingly.

「There is nothing to fear from bandits if this Lyle Walt is fighting! They will shake in their boots with the swing of my sword! And then one day my legend will──cough-cough!」

Zelphy became worried seeing Lyle choking in the middle of his speech──.


──The site of mining mountain that was developed in the past.

There was an entrance to the inside at the foot of the mountain. The previous feudal lord of Dalien developed the mining area, but in the end nothing came out from the mountain. The feudal lord who realized he was tricked by the speculator tortured and killed him. Since then goblins settled down inside the mine and didn’t approach the surrounding villagers. Inside such place, the bandit group who drifted to Dalien chased out the goblins and occupied the place. The bandit group with 35 members repeatedly pillaged and committed brutality at the surrounding area before running away across the territory border to shake off their pursuer. But, after doing that this time they were troubled of how to sell their loots.

After entering Dalien, the chief of the bandit group, a large man called Boraz planned. Rather than continuing as bandit like this, he would use the money they obtained to start up a mercenary group. Boraz was a man who was blessed with luck, as could be seen how he was able to continue as bandit until this far without getting caught. He had unkempt hair with thick green color. His blue eyes were muddy. His height surpassed two meters, making the room looked small.

Right beside Boraz there was an axe that was stolen from a feudal lord’s mansion. Its handle was long with wide blade that spread out like wings. Its making was solid and using this axe──battle axe he had slaughtered several knights who came for him. Right now this weapon could be called as Boraz’s partner.

A new partner was gripped inside Boraz’s hand. A string was wrapped around his left arm with red Gem connected to its end.

「This thing is awesome. I thought magic tool was better but, this one fit me perfectly!」

While Boraz’s good humored laughter was echoing inside, his subordinates who returned from Dalien continued their report.

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「Chief, this ain’t the time to say that. An adventurer called Lyle is gathering soldiers at Dalien to crush us.」

Boraz listened the full story from his subordinate and laughed. They are scared of an idiot noble son? For Boraz who had killed several knights until now, it was nothing but a joke.

「Hee, is that guy strong? I want to fight a guy who got some fight in him now.」

His subordinates looked at each other and made slightly bewildered look.

「But, as expected against two hundred people……」

Hearing the number Boraz stood up.

「Two hundred huh! That’s great! Think carefully……if we defeat those two hundred people, our fame gonna spread far ain’t it!」

Boraz laughed ‘gaha gaha’, but he was also a chief of a bandit group. There was no way he could make his underlings to follow him with just physical strength. People who stood above others had to be able to use their brain to some capacity or it would be no good. And then, Boraz was also human. It would be over for him if he got betrayed and killed in his sleep.

Because he understood that, Boraz had survived until now.

「Although, we need information on the opponent. It will still be a while till we can sell the woman we got.」

A man who infiltrated Dalien as adventurer talked about it.

「It seems the slave trader also won’t come here for a while because they got wary of the commotion in Dalien. Chief, what are we gonna do with that woman?」

Boraz thought about the girl──Aria who they captured.

(The girl said that she is a virgin. She will fetch a high price if we can sell her. ……What’s more, if it’s a girl this pretty, then just how much the price will increase……but, right now I want as much money as we can get. Even the loots still haven’t been sold completely.)

「……Use her as hostage. That way is gonna be effective against that idiot noble son. Well, it might be unneeded though. Besides, is there any tough guy staying in Dalien right now?」

The underling put his hand on his head and thought.

「……None. A second dungeon was discovered just a while ago, so many of the adventurers who can fight went there.」

「Right? It seems they are thinking to face us somehow using number, but we already sneaked into Dalien. Then, we’re gonna take care of that idiot noble son and then run from Dalien. After that we’ll sell that girl with high price and partied hard for the start up of our mercenary group. With that money, we’re gonna buy prostitute for everyone and have fun.」

Boraz said that if they laid their hand on Aria right now then they wouldn’t get any alcohol or woman to make them controlled themselves. Although, there was also a lot of guys who wouldn’t be able to control themselves even with that.

(Well, I’ll think about it at that time. We’re gonna become a mercenary group. In order to discipline these guys, I can just execute them to make example for the others.)

「And also. We gonna bid farewell to Dalien anyway. Tell the guys sneaking in the city to mix themselves with the group coming to subjugate us.」

The bandit group was lying in wait for Lyle──.


At the gate that was the entrance to Dalien City.

The adventurers who gathered there since early morning were a bunch who didn’t even have equipments satisfactorily prepared. They were people who had only done odd job requests. People who wanted to save up money to prepare their equipment. People who got no choice but to become adventurer for the time being to survive. But, this gathering at least had their number going for them.

But, there was also work that would have to be done when they arrived, so additional adventurers with proper equipment were also hired. The party hired was the party of Rondo-san and co. They were promised a considerable reward and also got paid in advance. Behind me who rode inside a wagon while checking the equipments and tools, Rondo-san said this uneasily.

「Lyle-kun, as expected this is problematic. They are just armed with wooden plank and wooden club. From afar it might look like they are armed, but these guys will be troubled if they are told to fight like that. Besides, what is this bundle of withered grass?」

Rondo-san checked the inside of the wagon and felt uneasy at the operation that would be carried out after this. But, from my view it would be troubling if someone got injured from among the people I led here. In the first place, there is no necessity to have these two hundred people fight.

「They don’t need to fight. I only need them to stand around.」

I paid attention to the surrounding even while talking. There was a traveler sitting on a wooden box near the wagon. He was looking the other way, but it seemed he was listening to our talk. He looked suspicious. But, I pretended to not notice him.

「Are you going to threaten the bandit group by pretending to have a lot of soldiers?」

「I guess. I won’t have anything to complain if it can end like that.」

After checking the luggage inside the wagon, a voice came from inside the Jewel. It was the Seventh.

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『We also need to hurry, more than this and it will be dangerous. However, as expected there will be almost no adventurer left in Dalien with 200 people gathering here.』

The adventurers who gathered for the silver coins. Most of them were adventurers who couldn’t be counted as fighting force. If I felt like it, they might gather here even if I only paid them one silver coin each. But, the one who decided to pay three silver coins was the Fourth who was noisy when it came to money.

『The nonexistent ambition from the gathered bunch. If people like this are given money, they will immediately go drink, or gamble, or go to brothel……surely they would use up all their money grandly in a few days. Lyle’s rumor will also spread quickly.』

The Fourth who looked like he was having fun was waiting eagerly for the adventurers to grandly spread the rumor later. I didn’t understand what was the meaning of doing that. But, our budget was 200 gold coins. We had to subjugate the enemy with that budget, but half of it was used only for labor cost. After that there was preparing a wagon and then tools……it was really hard.

While I was confirming the inside of the wagon, Novem, Rachel-san, and Ralph-san approached. I asked them to check the luggage that was piled up in other wagon.

「Lyle-sama, the preparation is finished. We can depart anytime with this.」

Rachel-san looked at the lined up wagons and muttered. Her astonishment could be felt.

「Hey, do we need this many wagons? The distance won’t even take a day for going and then coming back. Certainly it might be difficult even to just travel with this many people but still……the luggage, isn’t it too much? You are bringing food and various things excessively.」

Rachel-san was also bothered about that.

「Are you planning to spend some time for this subjugation? But, even so the luggage is still too much. It’s like this is supply for a mercenary group.」

It was natural that Ralph-san felt doubtful. Normally this much goods weren’t needed. But, this was bait so that the bandit group wouldn’t run away. According to Aria-san’s father’s information, it seemed the bandit group intended to start up a mercenary group in Dalien. They even infiltrated the adventurer guild for that. The Fifth opened his mouth.

『Mercenary group, eh. Certainly, it’s somewhat better compared to be bandit. They want to exchange their loot into money, and then gather up the necessary equipment and item. For them surely wagons and materials that are lined up like this are a prey that they desperately want.』

What the enemy wanted was wagons to transport luggage and then materials. The items loaded in the wagon here were things that they would want if they were trying to start up a mercenary group. Materials necessary for two hundred people to travel, and then there were also things like tent and the like piled up inside. We intentionally prepared things the enemy would want. We had to hurry, so I asked a big favor from the feudal lord Ventra-san to procure them for me. From the view point of the bandit group, there was no option for them to run away from us with this. The Third muttered in delight.

『Soldiers with shoddy equipment just for show and no motivation at all. And yet only the supply materials are abundant……truly, it’s like this group is saying please attack us. They will bite for sure. After all a prey this delicious is intentionally heading their way. They absolutely won’t let this chance get away!』

I got down from the wagon and told everyone there.

「Now then, let’s depart. It will be all right, we will absolutely win.」

Then the traveler who was sitting nearby the wagon was already gone when I noticed.


──Inside the mine.

There, Boraz was drinking the alcohol his subordinate brought from Dalien. There was still a mountain of loot that hadn’t been exchanged into money. And then, several women who they took from the villages they plundered were made to serve the bandit group that consisted solely of men. Aria could also be seen. However, they were in shackled state so they wouldn’t struggle and because they were merchandise. Boraz was drinking alcohol while listening to the information from his subordinate who dressed as traveler. He felt like he couldn’t stop laughing.

「Wagons loaded with their ration and other materials……idiotic noble son is totally the best huh!」

In addition, the information about the subjugation force──the adventurers that Lyle was leading also relieved him. They consisted mostly of pretend soldiers who couldn’t fight. To Boraz right now they only looked like prey. He threw the cup that was filled with alcohol and took the battle axe that was nearby while making the red Gem wrapped around his left arm to shine. Shining red lines appeared on Boraz’s body, inflating his muscles. The red Gem recorded vanguard type Art, this was its effect.

「Weapon and Arts, and then armed allies at our side……there isn’t any reason of us losing!」

The underlings looked at Boraz and they were excited as though they had won already. Boraz didn’t have any deep thinking. He only knew from experience that it he acted like this his underlings would follow him.

And then, he tightly gripped the red Gem and turned his gaze toward the chained Aria.

「It seems your so called heirloom recognize me. Well, if it’s heirloom then this axe is also the same though. My bad……this thing is mine already.」

Aria looked down when Boraz showed her the red Gem his fingers were holding. Even though the Gem didn’t recognize her, it recognized a bandit leader like Boraz. She was frustrated.

「Kill……just kill me already!」

When Aria yelled, the bandits fell silent just for a moment. However, someone started laughing and even Boraz snorted at Aria.

「Don’t be that angry. You are an important merchandize. Your face also isn’t bad. Your style is also nice. Besides you haven’t experienced man. With all those in a set, the slave trader will purchase you with high price yeah. Well, I don’t know what will happen next after you get sold though……I’ll pray that you get bought by a kind master at least.」

Boraz laughed and told his underling to put a gag into Aria’s mouth. It was so she wouldn’t commit suicide.

Boraz laughed while placing the axe on his shoulder.

「YOU GUYSS! The prey this time is a big one! Put some spirit into it!!」

The mining site. There, the voices of the bandit group echoed with conviction of their victory──.

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