Sevens (LN)

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 – The First

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In the middle of way of heading to the mining site where the bandit group was lying in wait.

I was riding on a wagon and lying on my side, sleeping. No, I was showing my face inside the Jewel. I was called by the First. There was only the awkward looking the First waiting for me in the room of round table. The other ancestors couldn’t be seen anywhere. Everyone was holing up inside their respective room.

「E, err……」

While I was looking troubled, the First showed his back to me and headed to his room. And then, he looked back and said to me.

『Get over here. I’ll teach you my second Art.』

The second. In other words, the second stage of the Art. The First’s Art was strengthening type, the second stage must be the strengthened version of it. But, was there any need to enter inside the room?

「You will teach me? Also, why are we entering the room?」

The door behind the First’s chair was a door made from wood with bad looking fitting. Compared to the other ancestors, it looked the cheapest.

『It’s more convenient this way. Also you know……I’ll show you various things.』

Hearing that I followed behind the First and entered the room. What spread out inside was a scenery that was unthinkable to be inside the Jewel. It was a townscape I had seen somewhere. We came out on a street where a lot of people were walking. The door vanished when I looked back.

『This way.』

When I started walking just as the First told me, I crashed on a man who rushed in front of me.

「I’m so……eh?」

I apologized thinking that I crashed on the man, but my body slipped through the man. And then, there was no touching sensation despite my shoulder getting into contact with the surrounding people. The First looked at the surprised me and,

『We are in a hurry so move quickly!』

I chased the First in panic where he entered a small path from the large street. We advanced through path that was like a labyrinth and came out of the cramped path where buildings crowded close to each other. There we arrived at a place where houses were lined up. The atmosphere was different from the place we had walked through until here. And then, the First walked until in front of a house and stopped.

『Here. This was my home.』

I looked at the house. It was small and worn-out. The First talked about his time to me in front of such house.

『I was poor since I was a child. At that time it had been around fifty years since the founding of Bahnseim Kingdom I guess? There were wars everywhere through the continent. Bahnseim was also in war and thing like skirmish was your everyday thing. Perhaps that was why……I also thought to become a knight and go to war.』

Apparently the First who became independent and became a feudal lord at first didn’t plan about becoming something like a feudal lord at all.

A youth came out from the small house. The look of his eyes was a bit sharp to call him a good young man, but he was tall and muscular.


『That’s me.』


I looked at the youth. Certainly, now that he said that I got the feeling he looked similar with the First, but I never even imagined that at the beginning the First looked like this. I keenly realized how months and years could change someone. The youth who left the house──Basil looked around and started walking.

『My house has knight peerage in the capital. The title was inheritable, but I was the third son. The eldest son inherited the house so he stayed in the house. The second son was his spare. As the third son, in order to become independent I went to battlefield several times. I wanted to raise accomplishment and got promoted in the capital. After all if I stayed like that, I would end up becoming a knight with the title limited only to my generation. Besides……』

The youth Basil went to a certain place and hid. Ahead of him, there was a woman with long red hair. She had appearance like a noble lady and was about to board the horse coach standing by in front of her mansion. The youth Basil who was watching the woman made a guts pose and headed somewhere with a smiling face. The woman──looked similar with Aria-san.

『……I was glad even with just looking at her figure from afar. After looking at Alice-san’s figure, I would feel I’m gonna do my best too today! Looking back again, at that time I looked completely like a suspicious person huh.』

The surrounding scenery changed. Basil who fought in a battlefield as a soldier apparently defeated a monster alone. The monster was quite big and cheers rose from the surrounding.

『I forced myself really hard. I thought all the time that I’ll be successful and go to receive Alice-san. But then』

The surrounding scene was suddenly dyed gray and the time stopped. The scenery was slowly changing, and then when its color came back it had become a different scene. There, Basil was snapping at his superior.

『You bastard steal my achievement! It was me who defeated that!』

Basil’s superior that he punched flying pressed his bleeding nose while telling his subordinates to hold down Basil.

『Getting successful was just a pipe dream. Making connection and giving out money……even if I work hard like that, it’s still doubtful whether I’ll be able to become heredity noble or not. That was why, I wanted to manage somehow.』

And then, Basil volunteered into a reclamation group. It seemed he thought that way would be simpler rather than rising up as a capital noble.

『I thought it would be simple. That something like reclamation group is a piece of cake. I thought it would go well if I just defeat all the monsters. Well, if it was that easy, no one would have to go so much trouble though.』

Such Basil picked up a blue Gem that he found in the warehouse of his house. It was placed together with junks and didn’t look like it was treated importantly. The First looked at that scene while,

『You see, alone Gem doesn’t have any value. It’s just a junk if it doesn’t record any Art. I found it at the home of Walt House but……apparently it was my grandpa who owned it. But, my father didn’t have any Art, and both my big brothers were also the same. I told them that if it’s just going to sleep uselessly in the pile of junk, then I’ll take it. Though thanks to that it was considered as replacement for my independence money from the house.』

The Gem──no, Jewel of Walt House that was treated terribly made me felt like crying. It crossed over time and now it became a Jewel that recorded seven Arts, that was why it was incomprehensible. And then, I tried asking something that bothered me.

「Why is Jewel able to do something like this? Besides, why is the First showing this to me? The reason why the Gem became Jewel is also still unknown……」

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Then the First tilted his head.

『Who knows. I don’t know anything like that. To begin with, I wanted a red Gem. But you know, that one was popular and I couldn’t buy it. There was no other choice so I brought out the blue Gem.』

It looked like he really didn’t know the reason. And then, at the same time he also wasn’t interested. I realized that it was pointless even if I asked the First and looked at the continuation of the memory.

The scenery of the surrounding changed again. There was the figure of Basil there going through hardships leading the reclamation group. A village was taking shape and a provincial noble house with knight peerage──Walt House was born. Then with the money that he saved Basil headed to the capital. He must be going in order to receive Alice-san.

However, I also knew the result after this.


Basil who was falling on his knees was looking at Alice-san who was congratulated by her surrounding. Alice-san was wearing the white dress of a bride. As expected Basil was pitifully in low spirits, but if I could say something…….

「Err, I’m sorry to say this but, something like marriage with someone you never goes out with or even talk with, it’s really impossible.」

The First also understood that and averted his gaze from me.

『Shu, shut up! Even I when I later reflected on it thought that I did bad. But you know……I was desperate at that time, there wasn’t anyone around me who would give me advice. In fact I was going to save money for a bit more if not for uncle telling me……』

The uncle he said must be the head of Forxus House at that time who Basil was indebted to.

The scene changed again. Basil who was drinking alcohol and lost his temper was transforming into a barbarian. At that time, apparently there was a small tribe that wasn’t ruled by Bahnseim Kingdom near the territory of Walt House. Basil rampaged and subdued that tribe with strength, taking the appearance of a splendid barbarian──which was the current the First.

He carried a large sword that was like a lump of metal on his back, and wrapped monster fur on his neck. Surrounding such Basil, the villagers and the tribe members spoke to Basil in the party. Quickly take a wife, they said. But, Basil’s reaction was cold.

『Wifee? Who need something like that! If you guys want me to marry no matter what……e~rr, it’s that. What is it again? Right, precepts! Walt House has family precepts! First she gotta be a beauty!』

Basil who was red faced started saying that Walt House had family precepts for taking wife.

『Next she gotta be healthy! After that……she need strong body……smart……and pretty skin! Right! I’m not gonna marry if it isn’t with a woman that fulfilled these five requirements,!』

Basil said such thing and drank alcohol, so I unconsciously turned my gaze to the First.

Basil clamored while holding alcohol. Beside him the head of Forxus House at that time who he called uncle looked troubled while rubbing his eye. The people around were seriously conversing whether there was any woman who met Basil’s requirements.

「……That’s terrible.」

『You idiot! Do you think anyone will accept something said by someone drunk at face value and then continue it as family precepts? Normally that’s unthinkable. Or rather, someone stop it, that kind of family precepts!』

The surrounding scenery was dyed gray, and then there was a large bear from the vanishing scenery. It had brown fur and red eyes. Drool was dripping continuously from its mouth. It looked like it was going to charge forward even now. In front of such bear, the First casually approached. In front of the bear that was standing threateningly, he lifted the large sword that he had taken out with one hand when I noticed.

『Rather than that, the second stage. This is my Art’s second stage……Limit Burst』

Thin blue lines spread and enveloped around the First’s body. No, the lines that looked like blood vessel emitted light from under the skin. The First’s muscles expanded. The great sword that was like a lump of iron he was holding with one hand was swung down. Then the bear was bisected vertically. It was already abnormal to handle a great sword with one hand, but what was even more unbelievable was the First’s strength. Even though he was displaying strength that surpassed the limit, the First was making an unconcerned expression.

『That’s brown bear. There were a lot of them around at my era, so I went through hardships fighting these guys. They are faster than they look, and on top of that they are also strong. That was why, when I thought that I just gotta have stronger strength than them it came out……the second stage of my Art. That was Limit Burst! Uncle said that it manifest strength that surpass the limit while also recovering the body, something like that. I don’t know the detail but, it seems normally there would be demerit where the body would reach the limit and break but……I don’t know the detail of that.』

I felt faint at the First who said don’t know about the important matter.

「Isn’t that important? Or rather, Art has demerit?」

Then the First shrugged and looked at me.

『What, you don’t know something like that? You’re idiot huh. You’ll get blown off if you forced the usage.』

I didn’t want to be told that by the First. I spoke back to him.

「Didn’t you speak just now as though you don’t even know about your own Art!? What’s more, what do you mean idiot! If I’m an idiot, then the First is also an idiot……」

After saying that my right hand covered my mouth while I’m thinking ‘no good’. The First looked down and his shoulders shook, looking like he was angry. However──.

「Kukuh, kuhahahah! That’s right, it’s fine like that. You are just too good behaved. It’s fine to just talk back if someone said something to you. It’s not going to be worth it if it isn’t like that. Try looking at the Second, he is completely merciless at me. Well, the other guys are the same though……but, it’s that. I, spoke a bit too far. It was my bad.」

The First’s right hand awkwardly scratched his head and he looked at me. He seemed to be embarrassed and immediately averted his gaze. A brown bear that was the same like before appeared ahead of the gaze of the First who acted like that.

『Look, the next one came. Try fighting it. The feeling is like burning all the mana piling up inside your body. Strength will come out like that.』

I couldn’t really understand with the way the First said it. The second brown bear ran this way. When I noticed the corpse of the brown bear that the First defeated couldn’t be found anywhere. While I searched for weapon and looked at the surrounding,

『Come on, think more. This is inside the Jewel. Everything is recording……and then, it depend on your heart. It will be fine if you are wishing for weapon.』

This place was inside the First’s record──no, the First’s memory. In other words, it was illusion like how I couldn’t touch the people I passed through before this. Even though I was told to wish for weapon inside this place, I felt impatient seeing the brown bear approaching in front of me.

「Tha, that kind of thing──」

When I was thinking that I couldn’t do it right after getting told, the brown bear stood up and its front legs attacked me. I immediately leaped back, but the brown bear continued its attack with a tackle. Toward the brown bear I──.

「This guy!」

When I tried to fight, when I noticed my saber that was once destroyed by Celes was inside my right hand’s grip.


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When I opened my eyes, Novem was in front of me. She was shaking my shoulder, and when I saw that the shaking of the wagon had also stopped, I believed that we must have arrived at the destination.

「Lyle-sama, we’ve arrived. The preparation is already finished. We can start anytime.」

I lifted my upper body and stretched. The light shining in from the gap of the tent that was put up on the wagon was colored orange. I rotated my neck while asking Novem.

「Did Novem also sleep? We’re going to be busy after this.」

Novem looked at me and smiled.

「Yes. I have rested enough. More importantly, Lyle-sama……did you atmosphere slightly change?」

Being told that, I tilted my head. But, perhaps I’ve changed. No, rather was I changed? My feeling felt slightly lighter after the talk with the First.

「Yep, I think it’s that. Perhaps I’ve been too good behaved until now.」

Novem tilted her head at my words. Looking at Novem like that, I laughed slightly and stood up before getting down from the wagon.

「Now then, let’s start the main event.」


──Night came, and the bandit group subjugation force fell asleep.

After confirming that the pair who should be watch-keeping were asleep, three adventurers looked and nodded at each other before distancing themselves from the subjugation group. They entered the nearby bush and kept going from there until the entrance that connected to the mining site, then they entered inside while vigilantly watching the surrounding. They called out to their comrades who were standing guard and then got inside. They arrived in front of Boraz who was waiting for them.

「Chief, those guys are starting to sleep carefreely in front of us. That idiot noble son said they are going to launch attack first thing in the morning tomorrow and treated everyone with alcohol.」

Boraz sat down on a wooden box and put his hand on his chin.

「I see. Even so, you guys were able to slip out easily huh?」

The bandit who entered the subjugation group as adventurer spoke while laughing.

「I guess they don’t even imagine that the enemy would infiltrate as ally and stole information from them. Those guys are really amateurish. After all the idiot noble son really just took them along to here without even checking their number or anything. There are several of them who can handle weapon but, we’ve finished checking the tent where those guys are staying. Should we return back to them?」

Boraz stopped his underling with his hand.

「Idiot. Why do we have to wait until tomorrow morning huh. We’re going to launch night attack just like this. All of them will run away if we just crush the head. Besides, there should be those who will switch side to us. With that our number will shot up──」

Boraz and his underlings were grinning from their confidence of their victory. Unlike Lyle and his group who didn’t even have satisfactory equipments prepared, the bandit group was fully armed. Boraz was especially wearing iron armor that he scraped up together. It was an unshapely armor from the loot that was forcefully repaired, but there was intimidating air when the huge Boraz was armored. However, even that atmosphere of the bandit group completely changed when one of them noticed the abnormality.

「……O, oi! What’s this smoke!」

Boraz stood up.

「What? Is something burning? Sheesh, you guys are really sloppy. It will be disaster if the fire moved to the treasure. Oi, put out the fire quickly.」

The smoke was gradually filling the room.

「Wha, what. This smoke……something strange!」

Boraz who had experience in setting fire noticed that the smell of the smoke was different from that time. He couldn’t open his eyes. Furthermore the smoke was suffocating, it was obviously not normal smoke.

「Oi, check the outside right──」

When Boraz was about to give order, his underling who was guarding the outside entered the room unsteadily and collapsed at the entrance. Several arrows were sticking out on his back. He said to his allies.

「E, enemy. Those guys, they fucking attacked.」

The bandit group turned speechless at that──.


The Arts of the ancestors. They had been inherited through generations of Walt House. And then, there was one merit of inheriting Arts. That was, an Art that had been recorded wouldn’t manifest again on other user of the Jewel. Because of that none of the Arts of the ancestors was the duplicate of other.

Night. Standing in front of the entrance of the mining site, I, Novem, Rondo-san, Ralph-san, and Rachel-san were burning the bundle of hay we brought. Smoke came out from the hay that was burning well. Novem and Rachel-san held their staff and sent wind. Furthermore, it wasn’t just us who were here. Around twenty adventurers wearing black robe were waiting for the bandits to rush out. Rondo-san came to my side. He had cloth wrapped around his mouth similar like everyone else so that the smoke wouldn’t get inhaled.

「Lyle-kun, don’t tell me this grass……」

Rondo-san sounded uneasy. Perhaps he thought that I was even using poison. But, as expected I also wouldn’t go that far. Unlike the Fifth.

「It’s stimulating, but it will only cause tear and snot to come out. It’s not poison.」

The Fifth sighed inside the Jewel.

『Well, there is also someone we want to save inside though, as expected poison won’t be used this time. Actually it will be better to use ingredient that will make human unable to move and wait until inside the cave become quiet before marching in.』

The Fifth said that if we are going to seriously aim for annihilating the bandit group, then he got any amount of plan to do it. I heard several of the plans, but those plans made me even felt pity toward the bandit group. The Third laughed loudly.

『What adorable bunch, even though we already realized that they are sending their underlings to infiltrate our side. But, it’s their misfortune turning us into their enemy. They should just let themselves get caught obediently this time.』

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I used the First’s skill that raised up my ability on the whole──Full Over──as the base while using the Arts of the other ancestors. I was still unable to use them in a long period of time, but I was using Full Over at the same time with the other Arts. When not using them I frequently deactivated the Arts to economize the mana usage while observing the opponent’s movement. I could understand the opponent’s movement like the back of my hand was thanks to the Arts of the Fifth and the Sixth. The Fifth’s Art, Map──it could perceive the surrounding as map inside my head. It was like I was looking down from a high place, an accurate map surfaced in my mind. And then, the Sixth’s Search──this was an Art that made enemy, trap, object, etc. to be distinctive. Red showed that they harbored hostility toward me. If they weren’t then their color would be yellow. If they were friendly then it would be blue. The Art displayed everything divided by color like that.

In other words, in my mind the movement of my enemies and allies were drawn clearly on the surrounding’s map. And then, I could also see the enemies running to search for the exit through the paths that were laid on in this place that was unable realize its role as mining site. I took my weapon into my hand and said to everyone.

「They’re coming. Four of them!」

I paused the usage of the Arts and concentrated to in front of me. Then, the Sixth talked to me strongly.

『Lyle, give instruction to the people around you more! Prepare Novem and the magician to be able to attack anytime!』

The bandit group was heading here with deathly desperation. The ancestors weren’t underestimating them who were like that. The other side wouldn’t have any future if they didn’t kill us. The ancestors instructed me to not let my guard down because this was an advantageous situation. The armed bandits rushed out from inside the smoke. There were also bandits who carried sword, axe, or even shield.

「Novem, magic!」

「Yes! ……Wind Bullet!」

Novem immediately pointed her staff to the enemy and fired her magic. However, she decreased its power. The bandit carrying a shield was blown away and he crashed on his back. He groaned and became unable to move. The adventurers wearing black robe immediately attacked the other bandits.

Rondo-san and Ralph-san too were fighting one bandit with the two of them. The three remaining bandit were immediately tied up with rope.

「Le, let go!」

「Damn it, you guys……wa, wait! Who? You guys, I never saw you before at Dali……-!」

A bandit who infiltrated Dalien as adventurer looked surprised when he saw the black robed man who was pushing him down. He was surprised that he had never seen the black robed group I was leading here at Dalien. That was only natural. The bandits were hit with sword handle and they fainted, then the adventurers gathered up the captured bandits to one place.

Ralph-san watched the movement of the surrounding adventurers while wiping his sweat with his hand.

「This is really, the ones coming here are very skilled aren’t they. Just how did you make them come here?」

Ralph-san was surprised seeing the killed movement of the black robed group. Honestly speaking, they weren’t Dalien’s adventurer. Skilled adventurers in Dalien were all out, so I borrowed them from other place. The places I borrowed them from were places related to the bandit group.

Ralph-san looked at me. Looks like he was asking for explanation, so I explained while slightly smiling.

「It’s not just us who cannot stomach this bandit group. Rather, the other places have bigger grudge compared to us.」

I said that while tightly grasping the Jewel. I used the First’s Art──Full Over──to also use the other Arts at the same time. My head felt a bit painful from a lot of information coming in all at once. The Sixth said to me.

『You must have it hard because you still aren’t used to it. Narrow down the information more. It’s fine if you can just decide who is ally, enemy, and everything else.』

I tried doing what I was told, but I wasn’t used to it so it didn’t go well. Then, the bandit group seemed to notice that the other entrances were blocked, so they moved toward this way. The guard at the other entrances had been dealt with by Zelphy-san and others beforehand and the entrances were blocked using magic.

At best there would only be hole for the smoke to flow in easier……the bandit group could only exit through advancing through the narrow path connecting to this entrance. Just in case, adventurers were also placed at the entrances that were blocked. The preparation was perfect. In the map of the mine inside my head, mixed among the red reactions, there were multiple dots with yellow color that held neither hostility nor good will to this side. There was only one dot that showed blue reaction. It must be Aria-san. I could see the red dots moving about in confusion, tormented by the smoke. Surely the situation inside the mine was terrible.

「The next is coming. Their number is seven……no, there are also four behind them! Novem, prepare your magic.」

When I gave instruction to Novem, the adventurers around me were also readying themselves. One of the adventurers──the one who acted as the leader looked at me.

「That’s really accurate information there. Is it your Art?」

I looked his way and slightly smiled, then the man shook his head. Asking about other people’s Art was a kind of breach of manner. Because it meant exposing the hand of the other party.

「Pardon me. Ignore what I said. Right now it helps that you are an ally.」

The adventurer said that and readied his own weapon. When the bandits rushed out from inside the smoke, magic and arrows flew from the surrounding toward them. The bandits couldn’t even make any decent resistance and got caught. The wounded people were taken away from this place and even got treated medically. But, the expression of the adventurers who were giving the treatment was bitter.

「Shit-, why do we have to treat this guys」

「Be patient for now. For now that is.」

While listening to those voices, I acted vigilantly to the surrounding while giving instruction. Fundamentally the adventurers and Rondo-san’s party were in charge of facing the bandits. Rondo-san fought the enemy with sword, while Ralph-san fought with spear. Rachel-san was preparing her magic from behind them……. It was a party with offensive ability where two vanguards protected the magician to display her power. Most of all, Rondo-san’s sword skill was quite something, while Ralph-san had big body that could be relied on. Rachel-san too had nothing to be criticized from her timing and accuracy in using magic.

When we had captured around half of the bandit group like that, the Second’s voice came from inside the Jewel.

『……Lyle, it’s coming.』

I gripped my saber and took a stance. A big man wearing iron armor roared while getting out from inside the smoke. He pushed away two adventurers and swung around a large axe──a battle axe. A red Gem was dangling down from the left arm of that big man. The First said.

『Bastard, he stole Aria-chan’s red Gem! Lyle, absolutely don’t let that bastard get away! That bastard is undoubtedly the leader!』

The Seventh spoke dubiously in respond to the First’s judgment.

『Even though there is no proof?』

The First loudly yelled.

『My instinct tell me that! That’s the proof! Believe it, my instinct is often right!』

I spoke to Novem, Rondo-san──and then to the man who acted as the leader of the adventurers.

「I’ll face that big man. Everyone else please take care of the ret. Also, inside there are the captured people. Please don’t attack them.」

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Rondo-san reached out toward me who was rushing away.

「Lyle-kun! It’s dangerous alone!」

He was worried for me. Novem turned a strong gaze toward me and only nodded quietly. Did she believe in me? I’m happy if that’s the case.

「The large man there. I’ll take you on.」

The large man who was swinging around a battle axe looked at me. The eyes that were visible from the helm’s gap were bloodshot, he was clearly agitated. And then he raged.

「Bring him out! The damn guy who did this……that damn idiot noble brat, bring him out here!」

The opponent seemed to be informed of me and he was looking for me. The surrounding entered a free for all situation and I moved to take distance from that place while,

「Oh, you are calling for me? I’m Lyle who you are looking for. So, are you the leader?」

Right after that, the red Gem dangling from the large man’s left arm shined red. He swung up his axe even though he wouldn’t hit me at that range. The First said.

『Lyle, dodge! Not to the back, jump aside!』

I immediately jumped aside, then a slash that was fired from the large man’s axe passed through the place I was standing at just now. The man seemed to be really excited, 「Fuuh! Fuuh!」 his breathing sound could be heard from the gap of his helmet. I trickled cold sweat. When I looked around, a forest was stretching out around the mining mountain. Thinking that inside the forest the enemy’s weapon would be hindered, I planned to lure the opponent into there.

「That’s really something……that’s the Art recorded inside the red Gem isn’t it?」

When I pointed my saber’s tip to him, the opponent seemed to think it would be his win after seeing my equipment and shouldered his battle axe. And then, he ran toward me and swung down the battle axe. I leaped to the side to dodge and gradually took distance from the center of the fight. The large man opened his mouth.

「The man who is going to kill you……it’s Boraz-sama. Remember that. My plan is ruined because of you. But, if I kill you……if I can just kill you who is the general, there is still possibility. I’ll make the other incompetents into my subordinates, if I can gather manpower then somehow……」

He still hadn’t given up his dream of starting up a mercenary group. I think only that tenacity of his is praiseworthy.

「That feeling is really something. But, if it’s like that then you should start up a mercenary group with honest method. Bluntly speaking……Boraz, it’s over for you. There is only the harsh reality waiting for you.」


Boraz who released all his rage all at once chased after me looking like a red light. And then, the battle axe that was swung around didn’t look hindered at all even though we were inside a forest. I thought that the large battle axe would be obstructed by the trees and it wouldn’t be able to be swung around. My calculation seemed to be wrong. The Second talked calmly seeing Boraz’s state.

『Body strengthening type. In addition his weapon’s power is increased I think? Also, firing slashing attack like that was also a threat. I don’t know whether all of them are from Lockwarde House’s Gem but, it’s filled with really good Arts.』

The First looked happy.

『Hehe, surely Alice-san’s Art is also there.』

I focused on the ancestors inside the Jewel who were acting like that.

「You guy, can’t you worry about me a bit more?」

Seeing Boraz was going to swing his battle axe in a large horizontal swing, I immediately stopped using the Arts of the Fifth and the Sixth. In exchanged I used the Arts of the Fourth and the Second.

The Fourth’s Art was Speed──it was an Art that simply increased the moving speed, but what was amazing from it was that it didn’t explosively increased the speed just for a moment, it was how it increased the speed steadily. However, it would continue to consume magic power constantly.

The Second’s Art was All──originally it was a support type Art. Its original usage method was to let other people to be able to use the Art that the user had. However, an ability was necessary to use it──it was to gauge the distance to the other party and create a situation to use the Art to the other party without fail. In other words…….

「This guy, he suddenly! What’s more he dodged without even looking!?」

I jumped and dodged the slash, then I caught a tree’s branch and forcefully changed my direction before landing. The side effect of the Second’s All was more useful than its original usage method, which was grasping the surrounding’s situation and gauged the distance toward the other party. Furthermore, it extended to all direction. I was able to comprehend the movement of my surrounding within a spherical radius with me at the center even with my eyes closed. But, I’m running out of breath. It was really hard to use several Arts simultaneously. Furthermore they were Arts that weren’t mine originally, in addition it hadn’t been long since I started using them, which exacerbate the problem more.

Boraz took a stance with his battle axe and warily observed my movement.

「……I’ve got no time to spend on small fry like you. I’ll return to my underlings right away and slaughter all of you.」

Boraz was impatient. Rather than saying that he was worried about his underlings, he was scared of his underling getting defeated which would allow the others to surround him.

「Haa, haa……don’t be that scared. It looks like you have rampaged really a lot, so I know it will be really horrible if you get caught but, you have rampaged enough.」

Boraz started laughing hearing my words.

「You, are you stupid? If I cross to other territory, something like crime will be like they don’t exist. I’ll only get judged of what I did in that territory. That’s why, my crime ain’t a big deal in Dalien.」

The Fourth spoke understandingly inside the Jewel.

『Well, certainly that’s true. One’s action before entering a territory won’t be investigated. It’s troublesome after all. I see, he was changing his sphere of activity with that thinking……well, certainly that’s not a bad method. But, as expected I cannot help but say that it’s a naïve thinking.』

In front of Boraz I stopped using most of my Arts. And then I took a deep breath.

「……What a happy-go-lucky fellow. That kind of excuse only work for those who committed lighter crime. Do you think someone like you will be let go scot free?」

Boraz seemed to be upset hearing my words and stopped talking before raising his battle axe over his head.

「Die already.」

The red Gem shined, then Boraz stepped forward and approached me with amazing speed. He must be trying to bisect me with the battle axe by accelerating. It seemed he was still hiding other Art. I heard the First’s voice while watching the approaching battle axe’s blade.

『Lyle……beat him hard!』

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