Sevens (LN)

Chapter 16

Chapter 16 – The Jewel’s Strength

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Continuing after the First’s voice.

The approaching blade of Boraz’s battle axe──the eyes of Boraz that were visible from his helmet’s gap were convinced of victory, but I muttered.


The image of burning the mana flowing inside my body──then, thin blue line stretched out on my body like a pattern and emitted light. It was the light of Art just like Boraz. In contrast to Boraz’s red, mine was blue light. Boraz’s swinging down attack stabbed the ground and the impact possessed the power to make a small crater. The surrounding trees were shaken by the impact, the leaves rustled noisily. Boraz looked at me who was standing at his side and his expression was in disbelief.

「Wha, what? There is no way just now could be dodged……」

In front of the opponent who was making an expression of looking at an unbelievable scene, I took a stance with my saber. The ancestors──especially the Sixth talked reminiscently.

『That’s right. This is Slash. Lyle, this is an Art that instantly approached the enemy and then strike with full power attack. It will be dangerous if you get hit, but from his movement the opponent isn’t used to using it. It’s easy to dodge with how straightforward it is.』

He said how it was easy, but I’m in a dangerous situation where it would be dangerous if I got hit even by a single attack from an enemy that could rapidly approach me. Even if I moved carefully, the First’s skill ──Limit Burst──couldn’t be used for that long. A short battle would be desirable, but it would be difficult to finish the enemy with the weapon on hand. Boraz was protected by iron armor. It’s difficult to deal with using saber. The opponent seemed to know that too.

「How dare you looking down on me!」

He lifted his battle axe diagonally above. While the surrounding’s movement looked slow to me──I dodged the slash within a hair’s breadth. I unsheathed the short sword on my waist and showed a stance of two sword style. The opponent was indignant seeing that.

「……Two sword style? You are seriously looking down on me you brat!」

I couldn’t understand Boraz’s anger, but I parried his attack using the saber and the short sword. Sparks scattered from the saber and short sword. My weapons would snap if I mistook the strength adjustment even if only slightly. But, surprised voice came from inside the Jewel. It was the Second.

『Lyle, you……you can also fight with two sword style?』

I couldn’t understand what he was surprised about. I have two hands, so it’s also possible to hold two swords and wield them together. Was the Second making fun of me?

「You just need to hold and swing, them-!」

My concentration seemed to improve because the opponent’s movement looked slow. I redirected Boraz’s attack and then let out a kick at his side that became defenseless. Both of our body was strengthened by Art. The damage was little──however, it seemed that the armor he wore wasn’t included in the reinforcement.

Seeing the armor got dented with the shape of my foot, Boraz glared at me.

「Even though this thing is my favorite……I’ll absolutely kill you! I’ll kill you till you’re dead!」

While the opponent was getting nonsensical, I parried his attack, and when a slash was coming I dodged it with the minimum movement. When the moving around Boraz took a stance in order to use the Art Slash again, I moved around to disrupt his aim. It seemed he couldn’t stop his movement midway and crashed on a tree because of a poor change of direction. He caused damaged to himself, but Boraz didn’t fall even then. His dented helmet was blown away and the stomach part of his armor became uneven so he threw it away. The bearded man looking at me with rough breathing──Boraz held the battle axe with his right hand and his left hand gripped the red Gem tightly while he yelled.

「Hand me even stronger power! No way I’ll lose against this brat!!」

Then the red Gem shined. And then, the red lines that spread on Boraz’s whole body like a pattern became thicker and pulsed like blood vessel. Boraz’s muscle swelled out largely, blowing away his clothes and the remaining part of his armor.

「It come. IT COMEEEEE!!」

「This guy, he still keep going?」

Boraz who became powerful launched an attack to me with the battle axe that became light thanks to the Art. The battle axe was faster than before, and then rather than calling it sharp, it looked like a lump of brutal strength.


I concentrated, then jumped away. When I tried looking at the opponent’s movement, he used Slash and attacked consecutively with his battle axe. He would chase when I ran away, and when I took distance multiple slashing attacks would come flying at me. The trees around us were falling, and then got snapped and cut──it was a terrible situation.

Even when I tried to dodge his attack within a hair’s breadth, my body would be shaken by the impact. The blade of the saber and short sword I was holding was becoming worn out.

「This guy, how is he this tough?」

Was I too optimistic? Was I mistaken in my evaluation of him? While I was thinking of such thing, the First’s loud voice came from inside the Jewel.

『Don’t get cold feet! Your body won’t be able to move if you become timid. Also……Lyle, can you see the opponent’s movement?』

I nodded silently.

『Then it’s simple. Throw your weapon.』

The words of the First caused the opinions inside the Jewel to be split. The Fourth objected.

『What is he going to do if he threw away his weapon here!』

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The First laughed. And then he talked about his past.

『You know, something like this once happened to me too. There was a guy from a savage tribe who was excessively tough. We both tried to kill each other, but I was unable to suppress him at all. The other guy also had an Art. It was the same strengthening type like mine. And then, I got really furious……and we fought each other barehanded.』

Barehanded──is he telling me to get into a fistfight? However, that wasn’t what the First meant.

『Listen, match your opponent’s movement. When he rushed at you, used his strength against him. Slip into his bosom──』

Right after that, Boraz slashed at me. It seemed to be an attack that was filled with a lot of strength even compared to all his attacks until now, soil whirled up from the ground that he kicked. I followed what the First told me and threw away the weapons in my hands.


I wonder how many times I have seen Boraz’s expression getting convinced of his victory with this. I gauged the distance of Boraz who was approaching me and then I also deeply stepped forward toward Boraz with low posture as though I was crawling. The surprised Boraz moved his body slightly strangely.


I matched the movement of the enemy’s body, dodged the battle axe and slipped into his bosom. Without a pause I grabbed the belt on the enemy’s waist and with all my strength I directed Boris’s movement──the direction his strength was heading to toward the ground. In other words, I flung him away.

『Drop his head to the ground like thattt!!』


Following the First’s voice, I threw Boraz’s head to crash on the ground. The momentum was too great that a big crater was created on the spot Boraz’s head crashed to. Soil flew up and I went away from that spot as though getting blown away. I suddenly felt pain at my body and stopped using the Art.

「Perhaps I forced myself a bit too much.」

I adjusted my breathing and watched Boraz’s body slowly falling to the ground. Then I stood up and approached Boraz. I picked up the battle axe that his hand let go and observed his state. Boraz couldn’t move. However, his muscles were still inflated, the red line pattern hadn’t vanished. The Fifth told me.

『Look carefully, the reason why we didn’t teach you the Arts carelessly. You will turn out like this if your body isn’t used to the Arts or you continued to use them until over the limit. Gem fundamentally will teach its Arts to anyone but, if the user blundered──』

Before the Fifth finished speaking, Boraz’s muscles bloated and a part of his skin tore, blood was spurting out. The lines were vanishing from Boraz’s body that was dyed red. The pattern on my body had also vanished when I noticed it because I had stopped using Arts.

「This is, the reason I wasn’t taught Arts……」

My whole body felt painful, even so I was in a better state than Boraz in front of me. I recovered the red Gem from Boraz’s left hand.

「……With this, I only need to return it……」

While my footsteps were unsteady, I stood up on that place using the battle axe as cane replacement. Then, adventurers came running from the surrounding.

「Sorry, we are late……that’s horrible. Looks like he is alive though.」

The adventurer leader saw Boraz’s state and he gave instruction to his subordinates.

「Apply medicine and wrap him in bandage. It will be troubling if he dies here.」

Several people carrying luggage surrounded Boraz and applied medicine on him roughly. If he was conscious, surely his whole body would feel pained from the medicine seeping into his wounds. Perhaps he was lucky he fainted.

「Now then, with this let’s talk about the hereafter. We will take care of Boraz and his gang from here.」

The leader took off his hood. Beneath it there was a knight with shapely features. The man who was a knight from the neighborhood territory received the order from his feudal lord and participated in this subjugation from the shadow. He gathered soldiers and also adventurers from the neighborhood territory. There was no time so their number was limited, but it was enough considering the scale of the bandit group.

「We will hand over the bandits to your side. We were simply chasing them out after all. Please handle them as you like.」

The knight made a slightly dark smile and glanced at Boraz.

「That helps. After all it will affect the credence of our territory if they get away after rampaging there. I am sure the punishment for these guys will be a pleasant show. Also one more thing……that battle axe Lyle-dono is holding.」

I looked at the battle axe I am using as cane replacement.


「……It’s something stolen from the house of my relative. That house was crushed because of their inability to protect the territory the feudal lord entrusted to them. But, there is survivor of that house. Come here.」

A person who was obviously a woman even looking from above the black robe appeared in front of me. When she took off her hood, long black hair smoothly fluttered. Strength could be felt from her black eyes.

「I haven’t introduced myself. I am a daughter of Rowley House……Sophia Lauri. I know this is rude but, can I ask you to please concede that battle axe which is a memento of my father?」

Being told that it was a memento and without any reason to refuse, I consented to her request.

「Here. It’s heavy so be careful……aa, you know that already.」

Then the man looked at me.

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「Sophia has lost her father, big brother, and her family. She has no ability to pay but, I will──」

The man said that he would pay in the place of the daughter of his relative. But, Sophia-san shook her head.

「No, uncle, that’s alright. I have been in your care this several months. There is no way I can make you pay for this too on top of that. There is also how my house has treated uncle badly. I will pay the price for this by myself.」

Sophia-san said that with a strong gaze. But, the man looked troubled.

「Sophia, I was in the debt of your father for various things. That’s why I’m helping you. Besides, the price in this case can be several dozen gold coins at the least. That’s not an amount that you can pay.」

However Sophia-san’s determination was firm.

「No, I will pay it. As a woman of Lauri House, there is no way I can do nothing after having my heirloom returned to me. Besides, it’s also no good for me to keep staying in that territory right now. Uncle, I’m thinking to make a success in life as adventurer. Lyle-dono. Pardon me but can you allow me to pay the price from the money of my work?」

The Fourth was troubled inside the Jewel at Sophia-san who was saying such thing.

『No, this girl doesn’t look like that she can earn money from doing dangerous request, besides her reimbursement plan doesn’t sound attractive at all……it’s better to just present the axe here and consider it as over. As expected it will be pitiful to turn this girl into something like adventurer. She seems trained, but no matter how you look at her she has never fought before.』

I followed the Fourth’s opinion and refused Sophia-san’s opinion.

「I don’t need any compensation. I’ll return this to you even without receiving money or anything.」

It was me who took down the bandit group. Because of that I had the right in regard to the ownership of the bandit group’s belonging. That was why these two tried to pay with money to take back the heirloom battle axe.

「I also plan to concede the loots. Please do as you like with them.」

Then Sophia-san made a disbelieving expression at me.

「Wha-! Then, what did you fight for!? Saying that you don’t need anything after doing this much……is it alright even if you were thought that you were doing it just as a pastime?」

The Third laughed.

『Ahahaha, her way of speaking is a bit harsh but she is a good girl huh. Well, she must want to return the favor to Lyle somehow. In the worst case let’s just compromise by receiving a bit of money.』

The Seventh was also feeling favorable at Sophia-san’s opinion.

『Well, she sounds cheeky but, her feeling of wanting Lyle to receive compensation is strong. She has a serious nature……she also has cute appearance. This straightforwardness……I hope she won’t lose it.』

Sophia-san wanted to pay compensation even though I said that I don’t need it. I’m tired, and there is also work waiting for me after this. I’m in a hurry so I wanted to finish the talk.

「Pastime? That’s fine. After all I am Lyle Walt. An idiot former noble son who was driven out from his house. Besides, I’ve obtained what I wanted.」

I said that while noticing Novem coming this way. I waved my hand to these two and left them.


──The two saw Lyle off.

「Can’t you said it a bit gentler? That sounds rude. He didn’t look offended but, that was your bad habit.」

Sophia who was holding the battle axe with both hands was watching Lyle’s back. And then she muttered to her uncle.

「Uncle, just what in the world I it that he obtained from this? He doesn’t obtain anything from this case.」

The man looked at such Sophia while smiling slightly. While looking at Boraz who was bandaged and tied up he,

「Although you have been educated in martial art, you are a girl after all. You weren’t taught that much about the battlefield.」

Sophia seemed to think that she was made fun of and glared at the man. No, she didn’t actually intend to glare, but her eyes were sharp so it looked like she was glaring. The man thought that it was a shame. She had beautiful look, but it instead added even more dreadfulness to the sharpness of her eyes.

「Don’t be angry. Perhaps what he did is incomprehensible from a woman’s view. But, he acted the fool and splendidly solved this complicated problem between territories. I think his talent is the real thing. Besides, his strength that took down Boraz who possessed Art is genuine. It’s unfortunate. If he doesn’t originate from Walt House, I’ll recommend him to the lord.」

Sophia listened to the man’s word and turned her gaze toward Lyle again. And then, she looked at Boraz. Vengeful thought and killing intent surfaced in her eyes. That was why the man stopped her.

「Sophia, I think you understand but, it’s not just you who have grudge toward this guy. And then, there is no meaning even if he is killed here. There is only meaning if he is judged under the lord. I should have taught you that. I also permitted you to come along after you accepted that.」

Sophia looked down. And then, she bit her lower lip and tears gathered in her eyes.

「I understand. I know that. But, I couldn’t take revenge by myself. I cannot forgive myself for being that weak. I want to be strong. I want to become strong, uncle.」

「……I see. You’re right. I also feel the same.」

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Sophia who lost both her parents, and then her big brother──all her family and became alone, and also lost her status and territory as a noble shed her tears──.


By borrowing Novem’s shoulder, I was able to meet with Aria-san among the rescued women. Her clothes were dirty, but Aria-san was healthy.

「Lyle, you look really worn out.」

She was a bit emaciated, but she sent me the same smile like before. Just with that I felt rewarded for my effort this time. I borrowed Novem’s shoulder while stretching out my right hand to hand over the red Gem.

「It’s an important heirloom right?」

「Eh, this……ye, yeah.」

Aria-san who received it with both hands shed tears. And then, she wiped her eyes with her sleeve while,

「It’s an important heirloom. But, even though I cannot use it, it got used by a bandit……I’m, sad」

Seeing the crying Aria-san, the First inside the Jewel started to make a ruckus. In this state where I had a little mana left, even a single yell of the First was really painful. I grasped the blue Jewel while praying for him to be quiet.

『That’s not true! Alice-san was……Alice-san was surely not letting Aria-chan to use it for her own good! It’s still too early for her! That’s right isn’t it, you guys!』

The First asked for the opinion of the other ancestors, but they seemed uninterested and didn’t bother about it. The Fifth spoke as their representative.

『Yeah sure. Surely it’s like that.』

The First rejoiced. I too spoke that kind of speech to console Aria-san.

「……The bandit leader who used that ended up into a terrible state. Surely it’s still too dangerous so it doesn’t allow Aria-san to use it. Aria-san is important, so surely the Gem is waiting until Aria-san is prepared. That’s what I think.」

There was also my feeling that wanted it to be the case. Hearing that Aria-san nodded while wiping her tears.

「Thank you Lyle. But……when I return back surely I will be punished together with Tou-san. There is no meaning even if I hold on to this heirloom.」

Aria-san might have been told about what her father had done. She looked like she had given up on various things. There were also Rondo-san and others around, they were watching Aria-san who was like that sadly. But, Novem said.

「Please don’t worry, Aria-san. Lyle-sama has made arrangement to receive Aria-san. After all the reward for the bandit subjugation this time is Aria-san.」



It wasn’t just Aria-san who was surprised. I was also surprised. Certainly, my reward──the advance payment was 200 gold coins, but the rest of the reward would be Aria-san. There would be no meaning in saving Aria-san if she would just get punished later, so I said that to the feudal lord Ventra-san. But, I didn’t hear anything about receiving her or anything. The turn of affairs inside the Jewel also turned strange. Starting from the First by turn they,

『……Oi, what’s the meaning of this? Did Lyle say something like that?』

『He didn’t. We were looking at that talk, so there is no doubt about it.』

『Receiving? Does she mean that……like freeing a prostitute using money in order to receive her?』

『No, there wasn’t any talk of that. What Lyle said was that she wanted to save this girl.』

『Oi, more importantly isn’t Novem’s reaction strange?』

『Yeah. She doesn’t have the atmosphere of a woman whose man will receive other girl right in front of her. Well, she must be talking about the surface appearance of the deal just now.』

『She would be sold as prostitute at first, where Lyle would receive her using the reward, that kind of flow? She thought up a troublesome process huh.』

I see. So it would be that kind of flow. Come to think of it, Novem was talking about various things with Zelphy-san. She might heard about such talk from the feudal lord at that time.

「Ah, I see. Through such process, Aria-san’s freedom will──」

Surely what Novem mentioned about receiving Aria-san was just for form’s sake on the surface, in reality I wouldn’t be receiving her for real or anything. That conjecture of mine was smashed by Novem’s smile. Novem said to Aria-san with a smiling face.

「Aria-san is a girl who fulfilled the conditions of Walt House’s family precepts. She is suitable for Lyle-sama. Right, Lyle-sama?」

Novem directed the talk to me smilingly. The reaction of the surrounding somehow turned into something strange. Aria-san’s face turned red.

「Eh, wait. That’s. No, I don’t hate it but, that’s too sudden I don’t know how to reply! N, no! I don’t hate it okay. But, I think there is more step for something like this……besides, things like my heart’s preparation is still not done, like is he really alright with me, that!」

Aria-san didn’t seem to be that opposable. What does it mean? The talk advanced to a completely unexpected direction. I looked around. Rondo-san and Ralph-san were looking at me with a cold gaze.

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「Lyle-kun, something like that, I think that’s a bit problematic as a human.」

「A second girlfriend even though you have one already? Is that insinuation to me who don’t have girlfriend?」

And then Rachel-san took distance from me with a smile.

「Ahaha, as I thought men are animal. But, Novem is my important friend, that won’t change even from here on. Ah, not Lyle though.」

The three’s reaction was only natural. I was greatly indebted to Novem, I couldn’t betray such Novem no matter what. I grabbed Novem’s shoulders to confirm what she was thinking. My feet were unsteady, but right now I couldn’t be bothered about that.


「Yes, what is it, Lyle-sama?」

Novem looked at me and tilted her head smilingly. She was really pretty. Her side ponytail shook when she tilted her head, and her hair looked sparklingly shiny. No, now wasn’t the time to pay attention to that.

「Look, when did I say anything about receiving──」

「What’s the matter Lyle-sama? Isn’t that Lyle-sama’s wish? Besides, Aria-san is a woman who is suitable for Walt House. Just as expected from someone Lyle-sama fall in love with.」

I couldn’t understand what she was talking about. The inside of the Jewel also became noisy, baffling me. And then, I didn’t understand what she meant by my wish. The Fourth was noisy.

『What is the meaning of this! Lyle, just what kind of wish you are harboring!?』

I stared at Novem while shaking my head.

「Wait. Wait a second. I never said anything like that. I didn’t.」

Then the Third’s voice came from the Jewel.

『You said it. You said it before, Lyle! Remember, at the beginning. Before you met us face to face, you left your house together with Novem-chan right!? It was that time!』

I slowly traced back my memory. Certainly when I left the house together with Novem──.

《I’ll become adventurer and live as I pleased with women serving my whim》

──I said that. But, that was to make Novem returned to her house Forxus House. I thought that if I said that Novem would be disgusted and returned even though I said that without meaning it at all. The First yelled. The Second was also flustered.


『No, but, you know! That was just Lyle’s like to make Novem-chan go home!』

I turned toward Novem and,

「Novem, that was──」

「Lyle-sama, you don’t look good. Besides, you are unsteady on your feet since some time ago……Lyle-sama!」

──Even though I tried to tell her that it was a lie, my body reached the limit here. My magic power was completely drained by the noisy Jewel. It’s harsh. And then, the timing was too bad.


The yelling Novem was seriously worried about me. Just when I thought to give up already, her eyes weren’t gathering tear for my sake. Someone tell me that it’s like that……. I was thinking that but, the inside of the Jewel was still noisy.

The Third pondered.

『But, if it’s Novem-chan she would notice Lyle’s lie at that time wouldn’t she?』

The Fourth was really flustered at me collapsing while,

『Lyle, you have to hold out here! It will become a disaster if you don’t solve the misunderstanding right away! Listen, it will be a disaster if this kind of misunderstanding isn’t quickly cleared!』

The ancestors from the fifth generation and below were a bit composed.

『……Is it because of that? Because she came from a baron house, as I thought mistress or the like is normal for her?』

『That’s possible. But, I feel like that with Forxus House’s style they doesn’t really keep mistress.』

『Well, it will be fine if it’s Lyle. He will able to support them if it’s just two people.』

──You guys, I beg you give me advice a bit more seriously. Ah, no good……my consciousness is getting father…….


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