Sevens (LN)

Chapter Epilogue


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──Inside the Jewel.

Lyle who lost consciousness didn’t show up in the room of round table. That was how fierce the battle was, the person used multiple Arts at the same time and got completely exhausted. The seven people inside the room didn’t particularly consider Lyle’s absent a problem. There was some problem with Novem’s misunderstanding, but right now there was more important talk than that. Because of that, all the seven people were conversing. The Fourth who acted as the facilitator fixed his glasses’ position while starting the talk.

『Now then, Lyle has created a great achievement with this. Well, he gathered people with other people’s money and also pulled manpower from other territories behind the scenes though.』

Looking back at the end, what Lyle did was only readying the stage. However, that was something really important. The First who didn’t understand that looked around at the other family heads while,

『What? In the end he got treated as an idiot son right? Isn’t that nothing but a large loss for him? And who knows how many gold coins now remained in his possession.』

The advance payment of 200 gold coins. It seemed the First considered it as mostly used up. But, the Fourth immediately replied.

『28 gold coins still remained. Well, if we want we can give back the loots and take reward from it in order to earn more. But Lyle was really tired already, so this time it’s only this much. Though we already obtained accomplishment which is what we want the most, so it’s fine like this.』

The Fifth muttered as though to make fun of that opinion of the Fourth.

『He didn’t kill even a single bandit though.』

The Sixth made a statement to cover for Lyle.

『That’s the condition in order to obtain the cooperation from other territories after all. The surrounding feudal lords will be able to judge the bandit group in their own territory with the bandit group captured alive, so it will also allow them to keep face. They wouldn’t be able to laugh it off if the bandit group got away. For Dalien too, now they can feel relieved because the suspicion from the neighboring feudal lords is cleared with this.』

The Seventh also nodded. He nodded but, he looked slightly unconvinced.

『The achievement of defeating a bandit group. Putting aside the actual happening……no, if possible I want Lyle’s first campaign to be something grander with the full attendance of Walt House’s retainers though. Anyway! With this Lyle too has created a big achievement.』

Achievement. It was the achievement of Lyle defeating the bandit group. If he had that, the rumor would spread eventually and Lyle’s name would be widely known. But, the Second muttered slightly uneasily.

『Will Walt House overlook that? If Lyle stand out carelessly, it’s possible they might even send assassin. That kind of thing happened a lot at my era.』

In respond to the Second’s words, the Fifth sighed while,

『Even the method of assassination isn’t simple. Besides, this is only a banished son making achievement somewhere else. If Walt House would move because of this, then Lyle would be killed already since a long time ago.』

The Third thought about Lyle’s survival.

『Lyle has luck with him isn’t he? There are times when luck is more important than strength, so I’m envious to the people who have it. I died in war after all. Among everyone here I was the only one who died like that you know?』

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As expected the First didn’t seem to understand.

『So what if he has achievement? I don’t think there will be any big difference though? Besides, Celes is someone charmed by the evil god. It’s possible that she might come to kill Lyle just for fun……what?』

Everyone looked in exasperation at such the First. The Fourth represented them to explain to the First.

『No matter what kind of path Lyle will choose after this, an achievement will be greatly useful. This kind of fame is necessary even to become first class adventurer. Even if he aim to become a noble it’s better to have achievement behind him. It’s also fine if he lead a reclamation group at other country somewhere and become independent.』

The Fifth spoke that there was also merit for Lyle in the aspect of experience.

『This kind of practical experience is precious. He will also become adult quickly if he experienced something like this. The ”growth” will also come quicker. That guy, from how his mana is so little, is he perhaps a specialization type? I saw how he handled a saber and short sword at the same time with two sword style. He was really dexterous.』

Growth──by experiencing that, human would surpass a large wall easily. And then, they would surpass their limit until now and stepped into even higher level. The Fifth continued.

『His own Art too, if he experienced growth it will surely manifest properly too. But, no matter how you think about it, that Art specialize in technical aspect. That’s not a bad thing but, Lyle’s mana scarcity is a bottleneck.』

The Second also evaluated Lyle similarly.

『Specialization type huh. It’s better to have something that surpass other. Even if you grow evenly on the whole without anything distinctive, you will be troubled to establish your own style. There are a lot of guys like that. It will be fine if Lyle just train at the aspect he is lacking at but……his mana is just too little.』

Lyle’s biggest problem was how his mana was drained by the Jewel and his own incomplete Art. He was unable to keep enough reserve of magic power inside his body. If he could conquer that problem, Lyle would be able to become stronger drastically. The Fourth took off his glasses while,

『As expected, let’s make him steadily grow by burdening him to consume his mana until nearly the limit every day. If we don’t go that far, Lyle won’t be able to even use the Arts satisfactorily.』

Then the First was surprised.

『Eh? You guys were thinking something like that? You guys were just normally making ruckus right?』

Then several people averted their gaze. Apparently it wasn’t just the First, there were also other ancestors who were simply burdening Lyle without any good reason. The Third laughed while,

『Well, isn’t that fine. This time the First has also recognized Lyle, from here on our Arts will support Lyle. Even so, I wonder why we are imparting the Arts in this kind of shape?』

That was a matter that everyone else other than the Third was also wondering about. The first stage of the Art could be taught easily. There was also ways to teach the second stage without any need to show memory. And yet, the ancestors were intentionally reproduced inside the Jewels in the appearance of their golden day. Not one of them knew the reason for that. The ancestors here were a mass of memory, they only had the memory until the time they let go of the Jewel. And then, they also didn’t understand the reason why rooms of their memory were expressly prepared. Certainly this method was convenient, and it was safe to use the room when teaching their Art. However, it was also possible to teach Lyle the way to use their Art with just their voice. Inside the Jewel that was falling silent, each one of them was worrying about their role. However, the First who got tired of worrying stood up.

『Aa, I had enough. It’s just a pointless waste of time thinking about something we don’t understand. We are resurrected like this──』

『Not resurrected, we are jut memory.』

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The Third corrected the First’s words. Then, the First coughed.

『Anyway! With we are here like this, we can teach various things to Lyle. Ain’t it fine like that? Do you guys have any dissatisfaction? I’m having fun though. I’m able to meet with Forxus House’s Novem-chan and Alice-san’s descendant too. This era also isn’t bad. Besides……I gotta train that bastard Lyle too. That guy is lacking wildness. He is too sissy as a man of Walt House and as my descendant.』

Then the Second clicked his tongue while,

『I’m telling you, you aren’t wild but just an idiot.』

『What did you say!? Is that your attitude toward your father! Get outside!』

『We cannot get out, you idiot!』

When the two adults started grappling with each other, the surrounding was watching the quarrel in exasperation. Inside the Jewel, something like wound would be healed immediately. No, in the first place they had no flesh body, so they had no way to get injured. The Third muttered.

『Just what is the objective of us being here I wonder. What’s more, the blue Gem that reacted to Lyle became a Jewel. Could it be that this……』

The Third was about to read deeply into the matter, but seeing the First and Second generation of Walt House quarreling before his eyes, he laughed.

『Well, as expected I’m over thinking it. Our lineage isn’t something that outrageous!』


A few days later.

I was looking at Aria-san and her father in the mansion of Dalien’s feudal lord mansion. My body’s condition is still not completely recovered. I was unable to move for a whole day. The day after that, I was summoned to the feudal lord’s mansion. Ventra-san talked to Aria-san and her father with knights around him as guard.

「The case this time didn’t end up becoming a serious matter. But, your crime is heavy. You bring them in knowing that they are bandit, and then you assisted them in selling their stolen goods. As a citizen you have the duty to report to me.」


The emaciated father looked down. But, he had cut his hair and shaved his beard. Unlike before his expression was slightly calm.

「Originally your family will also be punished, but this time your daughter is saved because of Lyle-dono’s kindness. But, I also have my honor to uphold. I will set a bad example to the surrounding lords and other citizens too if I don’t punish you.」

The father smiled slightly.

「I understand. I should have known better but……it seems, I’m a man who is nothing great in anything. I was foolish. I’ve greatly troubled you.」

Aria-san was shedding tears seeing her father like that. Her father smiled.

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「You are crying for me Aria? For a good-for-nothing father like this……for the sake of me who has been causing trouble to you and also Zelphy’s family?」

「Because, Tou-san is my Tou-san. I thought that you will come back to yourself someday……but, this is just」

The father scratched his cheek seeing Aria-san crying. And then he said with a refreshed expression.

「Thank you. But, this is fine. I am a weak man. That’s why, it’s fine like this. Also, Zelphy.」

The feudal lord’s mansion. We who gathered at its courtyard surrounded Aria-san’s father who would be judged after this. Among us, naturally Zelphy-san who was connected with Ventra-san was also present. She folded her arms and silently closed her eyes.

「It seems Aria want to become adventurer. I opposed her but, I also cannot say that in this situation. It’s wrong of me to ask this of you but, at least please help Aria. After that……」

The father looked at me with a conflicted expression and shook his head several times. And then, his expression turned serious.

「Please make my daughter happy. I beg you! ……Then, I’m going. It will be painful if I stay here too long.」

The father who was shedding tears looked slightly younger compared to before. And then he was taken away by the soldiers surrounding him. Aria-san crumbled on the spot and cried. There was no option of saving the father for me. And then, the surrounding also didn’t wish for that. I asked Ventra-san.

「……What will happen to Aria-san’s father?」

Ventra-san didn’t change his expression.

「He will be imposed with heavy labor as a criminal. Well, there isn’t any coal pit or the like in Dalien, at most he will do highway maintenance. Other than that he could be lend out too as manpower in case we open a new land, or perhaps he could be told to just do reclamation directly.」

I could do nothing except watching the father who was taken away. Zelphy-san put her hand on Aria-san’s shoulder and consoled her. The Seventh’ss voice came from the Jewel.

『Even this is still kind, Lyle. If it’s me I’ll execute him after all.』

Then the Third spoke a bit sadly.

『That’s because you have large territory. Dalien too is also not too big but, if it was me who was a baronet, it would be hard to execute him. After all the surrounding will be all acquainted with each other. But, thinking for the sake of the territory too, it would be necessary to hand down a strict judgment.』

Each one of them was watching over Aria-san’s father getting taken away based on their respective position. And then, Ventra-san turned toward me.

「Now then, Lyle-dono. Thank you very much for this time. I didn’t even imagine that the problem would really get solved and everything is settled amicably. You told me if you die then it will be fine if I just said that it’s unrelated to me, but it still gave me the chills even then.」

That was absolutely a lie. This person was someone who could easily cast away other when it was the time to cast away. While I was thinking that, Ventra-san smiled.

「If it’s a request from such Lyle-dono, then I cannot refuse it. About miss Aria, I will arrange it so it look like I gave her the punishment of getting sent off to brothel, where Lyle-dono later paid to free her. To think, that Lyle-dono has that kind of ambition……when I saw you at first you looked like an earnest young man but, human cannot be judged from their appearance isn’t it.」

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Ventra-san who dealt damage to my heart with smiling face was surely having fun inside his heart wasn’t he? However, to think that Novem was spreading the misunderstanding through Zelphy-san. When I realized that fact……. Thinking that it would become a troublesome matter if I don’t refuse here, I was about to refuse but──.

『……Lyle, give up. Have you forgotten that father’s wish? If you refuse here, it will be a slap in the face for a lot of people’s honor. Or rather, don’t refuse after it has gone this far.』

──The First told me it would be bad if I refuse. Previously he was terribly flustered, but he apparently had given up at this point. No, isn’t doing this rude toward Novem? When I looked at Novem thinking that, she was smiling and walked toward Aria-san. She consoled her along with Zelphy-san.

「Aria-san, it’s alright. If it’s Lyle-sama surely he will make Aria-san happy.」

While crying Aria-san,

「Ri, right. But, right now the matter of Tou-san……」

「It’s alright. There is still hope.」

I wonder why……even though it wasn’t like I was seriously aiming for harem, I ended up receiving Aria-san because of Novem’s misunderstanding. If pushed to say, I’m unable to mentally prepare myself. Novem is consoling Aria-san, so Zelphy-san walked toward me. Ventra-san bid his farewell and returned toward his mansion.

「……There are various things I want to say. There are also part that I cannot accept, but certainly you have saved Aria-ojousama. I’ll say my thanks. Thank you, Lyle. Also, can you allow me to say this too?」

Zelphy-san made a slightly scary smile and brought her face closer while placing her hand on my shoulder. Scary. Her face was smiling but it was really scary.

「This damn enemy of woman.」

Inside the Jewel everyone was showing different reactions hearing Zelphy-san’s words. Even I, it wasn’t like I was seriously trying to become an enemy of woman. But, this was simply Novem’s misunderstanding and there was no time to fix it. What’s more, I never even thought that Aria-san’s father would lower his head to me there. It was already too late even if I made excuse now, even so I couldn’t accept it. But, the ancestors inside the Jewel──starting in turn from the First,

『……I wish, that you will make Aria-chan happy.』

『Remember that Novem-chan is number one okay? I won’t concede that no matter what.』

『She called you enemy of woman! Certainly you’re enemy huh. But, for Lyle like this you won’t be lonely, so isn’t it fine?』

『For me I think two women is beyond your capacity though. Lyle, it will be difficult for you from here on.』

『Something like harem is envious when seen from outside but, if you look from the inside it’s nothing but hardships.』

『……Lyle, so you too will also walk a thorny path.』

『In the Sixth’s case you were reaping what you sow. Lyle, you were formerly from a house of count, a man who was the heir. If it’s just a mere one or two mistresses then protect and support them.』

──What to do, the ancestors inside the Jewel were also in resigned mood. I didn’t have a single ally around me or even inside the Jewel. I felt helplessly uneasy for the future from now on. At the same time, this blue Jewel hanging from my neck which was the beginning of everything……it might really be a cursed item. That was what I thought.

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