Sevens (LN)

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – The Past Family Heads

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Night. I who got out to the corridor and slept on a chair met my ancestors in an unknown room.

Even I didn’t know how did it become like this. After all the barbarian who said that my eyes were like dead fish was the founder of the provincial noble Walt House. He introduced himself as the first generation head Basil Walt of Walt House that had climbed until the rank of count. I heard he led a reclamation group, headed from the capital to a remote region and cleared up a forest to built settlement.

But right now he was grappling with my grandfather Brod Walt in a quarrel. Grandfather who was wearing a proper outfit looked like he was fighting a barbarian.

『It was you who educated him wrong! What’s with this delicate and fair skinned bean sprout bastard huh!』

『It’s not my fault! Besides Walt House is patriarchy, furthermore my grandson Lyle had been decided formally as the heir!』

In a glance the barbarian man seemed to be in advantage, but the surrounding’s reaction was cold. They ignored the two and returned to my talk.

The man who was dressed like a hunter was Clasel Walt. He had a beard on his chin and a bit of his grey hair dangled at the front while the rest was tied at the back of his head. Not just his appearance, even his gaze was like a hunter. Such sharp eyes──blue eyes were looking at me.

『Setting aside the noisy duo, let’s continue the talk. If that’s the case, the Lyle was planned to be the ninth, but he lost against his little sister, became disqualified as the heir, and got banished from the house. Even the story until this point is really problematic but, let’s set it aside for now.』

Then Basil Walt yelled angrily at Clasel.

『There is no way we can ignore it! A guy who lost against his little sister is the next head? Don’t screw around! It can’t be helped this guy got banished.』

My grandfather who looked like he was in his youth heard those words and,

『Just what are you dissatisfied with Lyle huh, this barbarian!』

He shouted that. Clasel was calm in this situation.

『The problem isn’t there. Both of you sit down. ……Now then, it is our opinion that normally girl cannot succeed the house head position. At the very least I won’t make a girl into the head no matter how excellent she is, I also didn’t teach anyone to do something like that.』

Agreeing to the opinion of Clasel was the third generation Sorey Walt. His silky blond hair stretched down until almost reaching his shoulder. His hair was split at the center and he had red eyes. His outfit was relatively simple. It looked like the outfits of the ancestors were getting more expensive as the generation advanced. Sorey’s outfit consisted of a shirt, a trouser, boots, and a jacket.

『Normally it’s the eldest son that inherit the headship, but I am a second on and I was the heir due to circumstance. I also had little sister but there was never any talk like that. Could it be this is the difference of the era? If in this era it’s normal for woman to be the head then I can understand it.』

Sorey Walt who became the third head was a famous person in the Walt House. After all he was the first person of Walt House who died in battle while also getting called as the righteous general of Vanseim. He charged an army of ten thousand with only a few dozen troops to buy time and led Vanseim to victory. He was famous as a knight but……looking at the actual person, I couldn’t see such impression at all.

『You are really carefree like usual. Or rather, Chichi-uefather don’t know anything about succession problem so please stay quiet. Good grief, just how much I was troubled because of that.』

The man who was wearing glasses had light blue hair. His yellow eyes were also peculiar, but his intellectual look was even more conspicuous. It must be because of the glasses.

Max Walt who became the fourth generation head was the head when Walt House became a baron house. Walt House obtained the rank of baron due to Sorey Walt’s achievement and for the first time Walt House became a genuine noble house.

I thought that he was just like in the image. I had heard that at the time he was greatly troubled due to the rank advancement. It even felt like there was an aura of worldly-wise man coming out from him.

『……If it’s trouble then I also experienced them. Because of someone’s fault that is.』

The fifth head Fredericks Walt who didn’t really talk was different from the impression in my mind. From what I heard, when he became the head he added four mistresses and created a lot of children. A lustful person. And then in the history of Walt House he was a head who didn’t really make any movement. But, from what he was seeing he didn’t look like such person.

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Then, the red haired wild sixth generation nodded. Fines Walt was a character who even took dirty method in order to become a count. Father was once grumbling complaint that due to the influence of the sixth’s image, it brought handicap for Walt House.

However, from what he was seeing the sixth was like a delinquent middle-aged man who looked friendly. He was tall with bulging muscles, rather than specializing in scheming he looked more like rough fierce general.

『Ain’t that right. But, for the reason of making the daughter to be the head to come from the result of word match……Brod, is your education really not mistaken? Normally such thing will not be done.』

The seventh Brod Walt was my grandfather. His grey hair was in swept back style. The surrounding people had rough atmosphere, so he looked like a gentleman. I recalled how grandfather was concerned of his forehead widening as he was aging. He was wearing the most expensive looking clothes, and from the atmosphere it was also the seventh my grandfather who looked the most like a noble.

『My son is excellent even seen from my bias as a parent. Besides, even from what I remember at the end, Lyle was the heir to be the next head, and Celes should be only receiving the education worthy as a daughter of Walt House……』

The previous heads were before my eyes and the scene of them talking about my situation was unfolding. Furthermore everyone’s appearance was around their late twenty until their early thirty which could be said as the golden age of their life. My understanding couldn’t catch up about why this kind of thing was happening. Clasel listened to the chronology of how I got driven out from the house and made his conclusion.

『So from what I gather, there isn’t anything like woman being a family head is common due to the flow of time. It ended with the house even holding a match and drove out the eldest son who was the heir but……that’s impossible to happen in my era.』

The surrounding was in agreement with those words. Normally it would be impossible to decide the head of the family with sword fight in Walt House. That was how it was.

『Right. Even for me that kind of option doesn’t exist.』

『I’m also in objection. I don’t understand the meaning of doing that.』

『That stupid son……I’ll punch him flying.』

And then the talk returned back to me. This time Max who was wearing glasses and giving off a worldly-wise man aura asked me.

『Could it be, this girl called Celes is so overflowing with talent that Lyle cannot even be compared? If it’s judged that Celes is more important for Walt House rather than Lyle then it might not be so impossible. How is it in that area?』

I looked down when I was asked about Celes. I didn’t even want to recall it but, this was something that I couldn’t avoid talking. If I had to do it, then I might as well finished saying it here.

Thinking that, I talked about Celes. She was a little sister two years younger than me, able to do anything skillfully. What’s more she could learn in a few hour things that I needed a few hundred hours to learn──.

And then, the most important thing was──.

「My little sister is perfect. She is good in studying, but even more than that should I say it’s her atmosphere……」

『Atmosphere? Besides what do you mean by atmosphere huh! Say it more clearly!』

The first who sat cross-legged on the table with his barbarian appearance snapped at my story.

「……Everyone is attracted toward her. Even my parents, at first they were paying attention to me. But, after I turned ten years old the atmosphere turned strange──. With that the atmosphere of the mansion was gradually getting centered on Celes.」

After speaking that far, the first fell silent and pondered. Max took control of the place.

『In other words, the surrounding also recognized that she has more talent than Lyle? Now then, can we hear from you about the circumstances regarding that, the seventh head Brod-kun?』

Grandfather tilted his head. It looked like from his viewpoint my story was unbelievable. He put his hand on his chin and thought.

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『No, certainly she was adorable because she was my granddaughter but, if you asked me if it was until that much……as I thought that’s impossible. Even if I am biased as a grandfather, Lyle is truly excellent. The possibility that something happened after that can be considered but……in my memory there isn’t really anything that come to mind.』

Grandfather was in denial. When grandfather was alive, the atmosphere inside the mansion wasn’t bad. My parents were strict but kind, and then Celes was also a normal──a normal? Eh, what……my relationship with Celes should be that bad but……. Since when it became this kind of situation? Again. I couldn’t remember. While I was falling into thought, the quiet fifth head Fredericks opened his mouth.

『……If the atmosphere changed since around the time of the seventh or eighth, there is also the possibility of she manifesting her Art.』

Sorey spoke negatively at that opinion.

『I wonder. Even if she manifested an Art it would take time until she is able to use it skillfully. In that case, isn’t the time period too short? After all Lyle himself too, even though he is manifesting his Art, it doesn’t look like he is realizing it right now.』

Art──that was one of the blessings granted to the human living in this world from god that was different from magic. The general rule was that there would be one Art for one person, and human would polish that Art and fought with it. Although it was possible to reproduce that Art with technology. After all the Gem I received had the Arts of the past heads──wait a second. Didn’t I start hearing those voices since I was treated in Zel’s hut? Since then I became able to hear the voices clearly……since I received the Gem. When I noticed and lifted my head, the third opened his mouth seeing that I finally noticed. And then, he also informed me about me manifesting my Art.

『That’s right. This is inside the Gem──the Jewel. We called Lyle inside her. Also, it’s incomplete and isn’t showing any effect but, Lyle’s Art is manifesting. It looks like it’s a constantly activating type and consuming your magic power though.』

I asked regarding my Art to the carefree the third.

「Say, just what is my Art? Besides, it has no effect you said……」

『I don’t know what kind of Art it is. It’s just, we are connected to Lyle through the Jewel, so we are able to notice that kind of flow of magic power. Well, it will become clear sooner or later won’t it? Right now it’s just a pointless use of magic power though. It’s just, with this blue Gem──Jewel, there is no doubt that it will be a support type.』

According to Sorey’s story, Arts seemed to be classified into three kinds in general.

Art that was mainly for close range combat, the vanguard type. Red Gem would make this kind of Art manifest.

Yellow Gem was said to be for rear guard type Art. Mainly it would manifest Art that gave change to make it easier for a person to use magic.

Blue was support type. It didn’t lead to direct attack, but I heard that it had many convenient Arts.

The red, yellow, and blue Gems that were divided into those three types were also magic tool that recorded Arts of their respective specialization. But, at the same time by possessing a Gem, the owner would be influenced depending on the color and the direction of their manifested Art would be determined. Naturally Walt House that had inherited blue Jewel through the generations would manifest support type Arts and passed down those Arts until now.

「……Support type is it.」

When I muttered with a bit of disappointment, Sorey turned a cheerful grin at me.

『You seems dissatisfied. But, at my time support type was popular you know?』

At the present era, as expected rear guard type Art that focused on high firepower was preferred. Besides, vanguard type Art that could make the user stronger drastically was also popular. The support type Art was plain, that was the perception in our generation. But──when it came to different generation, the sense of values was also different.

『At my time it was vanguard type and support type, rear guard type wasn’t popular. My wife had yellow Gem, but she didn’t use it. However, in case of Celes, the chance of her manifesting Art should be extremely low.』

Grandfather muttered 「Art at my son……」 while falling into thought. Then Clasel also looked a bit interested.

『Rear guard type was also not popular at my time. It’s different depending on the era isn’t it?』

Then, Max attempted to get the diverted talk back on topic.

『Anyway, the possibility of this girl called Celes manifesting an Art and because of that Walt House made a mistaken decision is low. In that case, it will mean that Lyle is really lacking in capacity as a family head.』

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I couldn’t even say anything hearing that. I desperately worked hard all those time but, one didn’t become worthy to be family head just because they worked hard. If I was told that I didn’t have adequate talent to lead Walt House, then that was it. Amidst the air of the place that was attacking such me, Fines let out a sigh and offered a helping hand.

『Even so it’s unnatural isn’t it? Certainly Lyle also has an unreliable side to him, but right now Walt House is a house of count──thinking of Lyle’s bloodline too, it’s not even a problem that he is ignorant of the world. Besides, there should be demerit in making a girl as family head.』

Fines said that dispassionately. In reality there was also house that made a woman into family head. But, the main reason of such happening was for the woman to be a representative of a young boy or because of the house’s custom. For a house with matriarchy system to make a male into family head wasn’t a rare story, but the reverse was something that rarely happened. After all if something happened there was also the possibility of the family head heading into war.

There were few houses that would send female to such place. I wouldn’t say that there was none, even so such house would be in the minority. I wouldn’t say that all woman was weak, but no matter what the tendency of male as family head was strong.

『Brod, what about the retainers? Was there any schemer who would bring up Celes to take over the house?』

Grandfather pondered Fines’s opinion. Apparently he was thinking about the possibility of the retainers scheming.

『I won’t say that there is none but, the social status of retainers is too different. It’s impossible to marry Celes and take over the house. The retainer house with the highest status is the baron house Forxus but, there was never something like that from there since the past……if such thing happen it would come from the branch house.』

Then Clasel reacted to grandfather’s words.

『Eh? Forxus House is retainer? Eh!? EEEEE!!』

And then, even Basil who was deep in thought stood up and panicked. His attitude wasn’t the brazen one from before, he was making an anxious voice. It seemed there was something about Forxus House.

『By Forxus you mean that right!? The Forxus House at the neighboring territory!? Uncle’s house is a retainer!?』

Uncle? Forxus Houe in the past wasn’t a retainer house? Since the past Forxus House’s position was like Walt House’s retainer. Although it was a house of baron it obeyed Walt House, and due to such relationship, Forxus House was even sarcastically called as the dog of Walt House that devoted their loyalty to Walt House rather than the royal family.

But, for me it was something normal, so I didn’t know why he was shocked.

Come to think of it, why was Forxus House that loyal to Walt House? Novem was also devoting herself to me. Until now I didn’t think that it was something strange. After all the relationship of Walt House and Forxus House was like that since I was born. Max was also flustered.

However, Fredericks was different.

『……What about it? The position of both houses changed with the advancement in rank. Even the other side was asking for that kind of treatment.』

But, Clasel yelled angrily at this.

『Don’t joke around! How much indebted we are to the Forxus House do you think we are huh!? You guys, if Forxus House wasn’t our neighbor then Walt House wouldn’t exist at this point of time!』

Clasel was talking insistently just how much they were in the debt of Forxus House. Max also pressed his question on Fredericks as though in agreement with him.

『What does this mean? I should have told you! We were greatly in their debt, so treasure your association with Forxus House, I told you that!』

Fredericks answered indifferently to that. He didn’t look like he was holding a special sentiment toward Forxus House.

『……That was why I told Fines to help with Forxus House’s advancement in rank.』

Fines who got the talk directed to him folded his hands while nodding. This person too seemed to not hold any strong feeling of obligation toward Forxus House among the past heads.

『Well, I did that. They had worked hard, and above all else they were really helpful, so I prepared a fitting reward for them.』

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Hearing this conversation I thought. Somehow this was really complicated. At the same time, I felt a terrible fatigue. Or rather, the voices were gradually getting further…….

Then, a voice of a person who wasn’t here came.



「Lyle-sama, I’m finished already.」


I who opened my eyes seemed to be sleeping while sitting on a wobbly chair. I seemed to be sleeping like a log from my tiredness. I rubbed my eyes and when I lifted my head, Novem’s face was there.

Novem who had wiped her body and washed her head looked refreshed. Her hair was slightly wet and she looked even more beautiful than normally. She smiled looking at me.

「You must be tired. I have washed the underwear with the hot water and hung it to dry. It should get dry by tomorrow.」

Looked like Novem had washed my clothes.

「Ah, my bad.」

My legs were staggering when I stood up. Novem immediately supported me who was like that. Like that she led me until the room. Was what I saw just now a dream? When I was thinking so, Basil’s voice came.

『Wait a second. Don’t tell me this girl’s surname is……somehow I’m curious now. For some reason her atmosphere……feels similar with the granny……』

Then grandfather’s voice came.

『She has grown really big but, she must be the second daughter of Forxus House. I remember. I never thought that she would become Lyle’s fiancée.』


Basil shouted. It was a really loud voice but Novem didn’t seem to hear it. I covered my face with my left hand and keenly realized that everything until now wasn’t a dream while looking at the Jewel hanging from my neck.

「……It wasn’t a dream.」

Novem tilted her head.

「What’s wrong Lyle-sama?」

There were various things that I wanted to confirm and made clear. However, the terrible fatigue I’m feeling surpassed that. I was even more tired than before and it felt bothersome to even walk. I didn’t think that I would be this tired. After Novem carried me until the bed, I lied down and fell asleep immediately. I heard Novem’s kind voice at the end.

She put the blanket on me who was lying down.

「Rest well, Lyle-sama.」

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