Sevens (LN)

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Ignorant Of The World

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The morning of the next day.

I was terribly tired, but when I woke up I endured the sleepiness and took breakfast. The breakfast that the inn provided didn’t look delicious even if it was flatteringly said, but it was warm and my body was demanding it so it felt delicious.

Novem was relieved looking at me who was like that.

「Lyle-sama looked terribly tired yesterday, but you seem to be fine today. Your complexion I also not bad.」

After I woke up Novem helped me with my morning preparation. From washing my face, brushing my teeth, until setting my hair. I kept being a bother for her. I could hear Basil’s angry yell many times, but most of the times he was telling me to not rely on Novem.

For some reason he was really concerned of Novem. And it wasn’t just Basil.

──Basil, Clasel, Sorey, and Max, these four felt like they was harboring respect somewhere inside them toward Novem.

The family heads from the generations starting from Fredericks considered Novem’s house as retainer of Walt House, so they didn’t say anything even if Novem was taking care of me.

「For some reason my fatigue won’t go away, but I think I’m in better condition than yesterday. More importantly, you mentioned about shopping before the departure today?」

「That’s right. I wish to buy the necessary things beforehand.」

Things like the traveling tools I had were prepared for me by Zel. But, it didn’t mean that I had everything necessary assembled. In contrast Novem had almost everything necessary in her disposal.

Everything that should be bought was all for me.

「Let’s buy what we can buy here, also I wish to obtain weapon for Lyle-sama as soon as possible.」

Novem looked at my waist. Right now I am unarmed. My favorite saber was destroyed by Celes. Perhaps Novem had heard about it from somewhere. When she mentioned the weapon, her expression turned a bit sad.

(As expected it might be hard if I stay unarmed.)

Thinking that, the first thing that came to mind when thinking about weapon was saber.

「Are they selling saber here?」

Novem made a slightly difficult face.

「I think there will be if it’s not something with great quality. But, I’m not that knowledgeable about the good or bad of weapon……apparently Orlan will be better in regard to weapon around this area.」

Novem who was acting apologetic was a magician. It couldn’t be helped that she didn’t really know much about weapon.

Among nobles, magician──introducing themselves as one would need courage in a sense. If someone was a noble they would be able to use magic. But, few people were in the level where they could introduce themselves as magician.

Among those few, Novem specialized in healing magic, but she had also sufficiently learned magic other than that. She was a splendid magician.

「Novem has that staff so there is no problem. On the contrary I’m unreliable with my unarmed state.」

「No, Lyle-sama is reliable enough.」

「Is that so? Isn’t Novem who has a magic tool more amazing?」

I looked at the staff Novem placed beside her. The staff that was even said to be the heirloom of Forxus house had a simple make. Despite it being a lump of expensive rare metal, it had the appearance of a simple silver colored staff.

But, that staff was a magic tool that was carved with several Arts. It was a magic tool that was engraved with multiple Arts where human could only manifest one Art. Speaking of its price, there would be no doubt that it would cost a hefty price.

「Someone like me still have some way to go yet. My magic too doesn’t compare with the talented Lyle-sama. After all Lyle-sama is wonderful in everything.」

「……I don’t feel like I’m praised.」

The great five heavenly two. That was the foundation of magic.

There existed five great elements of fire, water, earth, wind, and lightning. In addition was the elements of holy and dark that were called the heavenly two. Each people would have element that they were good and not good at, even so fundamentally everyone could handle all element. But, being able to handle and being able to skillfully use were two different things.

Novem had no element that she wasn’t good at and could use all of them skillfully. Even if someone like that told me that I was amazing, I couldn’t honestly accept it.

「It’s fine. Because, Lyle-sama can do anything. I too can keep up with Lyle-sama only after using everything that I have.」

『How really devoted. What a good girl. And yet this good for nothing whose eyes are like dead fish is……』

I could hear Basil’s voice. When he knew that Novem was a member of Forxus House that Walt House was greatly indebted to, he kept making remarks that clearly favored Novem. He said things like Novem was more important than me……was he really my ancestor?

When the story of Basil and others was concluded, apparently Walt House had been greatly indebted to Forxus House. But, perhaps due to the flow of time, such Forxus House got treated as Walt House’s retainer. That seemed to be unforgivable for Basil and others.

Forxus House was especially of great help for Clasel and Max, the two of them were really noisy telling me to treasure Novem. Clasel warned me of how I was dealing with Novem.

『……Lyle, you should be a bit more, how do I say it……how about you be considerate of Novem? Your hopelessness is standing out from what I’m seeing. It feels you are unreliable.』

Or rather, if in the past the ancestors were in the debt of Forxus House for generation, didn’t that mean that it wasn’t just me who was depending on them……. There was also no way I could talk with the ancestors in front of Novem. I continued talking with her while ignoring them.

「Passing through Remlraudt to Orlan huh……Haa, do we have to search for travelling merchant who is going until there? Won’t it be fine with just the two of us? That way will be faster right? I feel like it will be faster to buy horse or something.」

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Then, toward me Fines──.

『Aa~, Lyle, could it be you are a type whose money sense is no good? Something like horse is really expensive you know? Furthermore their maintenance cost isn’t a joke. Incidentally can you take care of them?』

Max sounded exasperated.

『Lyle’s money sense is completely no good isn’t it? I got the feeling that it can’t be helped he got driven out if he is like this.』

Novem was also disapproving.

「That’s also good, but if possible let’s depart together with a group of travelling merchant. We will stand out traveling with just both of us, we will get targeted by bandits and monsters. Also, in our financial state buying horse is……my apologies.」

「Eh, ah……is that so?」

It seemed my opinion was bad. Basil also cut in.

『Why didn’t you even know such basic thing huh! Oi, ain’t this guy got pampered too much growing up? The selling point of the man of House Walt should be more about wildness like this!』

……It was really noisy right from the morning.

After I finished breakfast, I departed together with Novem to go shopping. But, it went without saying that even during that time the ancestors kept finding fault on me.


We arrived in the city a few days after that.

The city that was at the edge of Walt House’s territory was also a relay point that connected Walt House with other territory. Because of that there was also a fortress nearby in consideration for defense. We arrived at the city in the evening. The traveling merchant said his thanks to us. That was because we helped out the travelling merchant at the village that we stopped by midway. Especially Novem who was helping out really skillfully.

As for me, I was only slightly……or rather, I was mostly only watching though.

「Thank you very much for your help. We encountered no monster, but please think of this as payment for your labor.」

Saying that the merchant handed a large copper coin. I accepted it.

「Thank you very much.」

I was the one who accepted it, but it was Novem who replied. She immediately replied back politely while I was in confusion.

「Young man, you too has caught up a nice lady for yourself huh. I’m really jealous.」

When the merchant looked at Novem and said that, I replied back vaguely.

「Ri, right……」

Then, Max who was irritated these few days said to me,

『Said something that can earn positivity level from Novem there! At least say something like, she is a woman who is too god for me! You are just too hopeless.』

But, there Fredericks whispered,

『Father was really in hardships because of mama, so you could calm down only after saying something like that right? Good grief……』

What’s with these guys. Or rather, are these guys really my honorable ancestors? It will be fine if they have more dignity won’t it?

There was also a feeling inside me that somehow didn’t want to recognize them as my ancestors. They were nothing but a bunch with a lot more problems than what I had heard. Toward us, the traveling merchant was,

「Which reminds me, your destination is Orlan right?」

He said that, so I nodded. Then Novem was,

「Is there something in Orlan?」

The merchant made a slightly difficult expression and,

「No, I heard that you two aimed to be adventurer in Orlan so I’m thinking to give you two a warning. In that place even if there are adventurers, but it is mercenary group that is mainly in demand. It might be harsh there for individual or a small group of adventurer. Besides, it’s near the border too. I heard that many times even adventurer got conscripted.」

He gave us information knowing that we are aiming to become adventurer. There would be definitely work for adventurer there, but he gave us a warning that there would be a lot of danger too. On top of that, the merchant taught us about a certain place.

「Near the capital Central, there is a territory that is in the middle of development. It’s a place called Darion, apparently it’s a place where even beginner adventurers are gathering at. This might be rude but, that kind of place might be good if you are aiming to become adventurer. I heard that recently a bandit group is rampaging at that area, but Darion has good public order and the feudal lord there is also working properly. It’s also a city that is generous to adventurer.」

I turned my gaze to Novem. Then, Novem looked at my face and talked to me even while she was worrying for a bit.

「I see. Based from what you say, it might be good to go to Darion first.」

If that was what Novem said then that must be the case. I nodded in agreement. An irritated voice came. It was Basil.

『Why are you leaving the decision to others huh! Decide it by yourself, this bastard!』

The travelling merchant taught us various things after that.

「Then it would be better if you two head to Central from Remlraudt. After all the connecting coach from Walt House’s Vise territory is packed. It’s also really difficult to make reservation for empty seat.」

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I didn’t really understand the reason, but connecting coach from Remlraudt? It seems it would be fine if we rode that.

「Tha, thank you very much for teaching us various things.」

When I said my thanks, the travelling merchant nodded with a smile.

「Please do your best. I’ll pray for the success of you two.」


We traveled together with the travelling merchants toward Remlraudt and when we arrived there at the evening, the place was bustling. We are walking around searching for inn in Remlraudt. It was different from everything so far, the scale of the city was large so there were also many splendid buildings. Amidst that, I found a stone monument that was erected at a plaza. I walked toward that place and I found that it was packed full with names written on it. I touched the stone monument with my hand and my finger traced the name that was written at the topmost spot.

『Remlraudt’s miracle? Vanseim’s hero……Sorey Walt? What’s this!?』

Sorey’s voice came. Sorey’s son Max explained to him.

『Look, the battle where Tou-san died was a big one wasn’t it? That was why, you were treated as a righteous general from your accomplishment of winning it. Sorey Walt, the one who caused the miracle of Remlraudt they said.』

I thought that the person would be happy knowing that, but it was a disagreeable voice that came out.

『Ee~, that kind of treatment? For me I’ve got complaint about it though. Besides, you called it miracle but, I think Vanseim was the one who was completely in the wrong there though. Well, this is the example that in this world the victorious side is the right one.』

How unexpected, I never thought that the person himself would be dissatisfied with this treatment. Furthermore, apparently behind the scene of Vanseim’s victory there were various truths that couldn’t be said. But, what I was thinking was……even being able to talk with people of the past like this was an abnormal situation. I left the stone monument and Novem walked at my side.

「Lyle-sama will surely become a splendid person like Sorey-sama too. Please have confidence.

Perhaps she thought I was feeling dejected and consoled me. I myself didn’t know what to say, but Sorey who Novem called as a splendid person was──.

「Oh man~, it feels good because it looks like I’m praised.」

──He was being bashful. Is this person really that righteous general Sorey Walt? Such doubt was surfacing in my heart. He was too different from the image in my head. The image of a military man was rapidly crumbling down loudly.

Novem was following behind me who was leaving the stone monument. Like that when we arrived at the area where inns were gathered that we heard from the traveling merchant,

「Lyle-sama, it seems this inn still have an empty room.」

Novem pointed at the plank of the inn. As expected from a place with a lot of traffic, there were several inns that were putting up a plank saying that they had no empty room.

「Let’s stay here. ……I won’t ask for a bathtub, but it will be great if there is a shower.」

Then Novem looked at the plank while she apologetically,

「My apologies. This place is also a type of inn that only lend hot water.」

「Eh, is that so?」

Basil’s yell came from inside the Jewel.

『You are too extravagant! Or rather, there isn’t anything like inn with bathtub at my era!』

Clasel’s exasperated voice said,

『Could it be you are jealous……』

Fines cleared his throat while explaining to the two. It seemed there was large difference depending on the situation.

『In my era that kind of inn increase fairly well. There are also convenient tools like magic tool, I think it was a fixed type large device that used magic stone as energy. It became possible to use that to boil hot water.』

My grandfather Brod also agreed.

『It was expensive even at my era, but inn that provided bathtub was increasing in number by quite many then. Though from the way Novem talked, there seems to be no doubt that it’s still expensive even at this era.』

Basil was in admiration.

『Hou, that’s amazing. Or rather, this is a good era huh. At my time it was really hard.』

Fines laughed while,

『Well, it made it convenient, but there are also a lot of aspect that doesn’t really change. It seems even war is still happening after all.』

When I was lending my ears to the voices inside the Jewel, Novem peered at my face with a worried look. She leaned forward for a bit and looked up at my face. That gesture made my heart beating a bit fast.


「N, no……it’s nothing. Let’s enter quickly. It will be tro, troubling if the empty room got filled.」


Novem smiled at me. Seeing that smile, I felt how I didn’t know anything and was dragging Novem down.


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Inside the Jewel. At the hall of round table.

The past ancestors who forcefully dragged the sleepy me inside the Jewel were surrounding the table with quiet expression. The room inside the Jewel seemed to be an illusive room that my imagination created. My body was sleeping, but only my consciousness was dragged inside the Jewel and got shown this scenery it seemed…….

Like that, Basil Walt opened his mouth inside the heavy atmosphere.

『I have thought about it on my own but, something is my mind just for a bit regarding Celes──』

Clasel interrupted Basil’s talk seemingly like something had flashed in his mind.

『Ah, rather than that how about we decide the rule when talking? Everyone here is blood related and were parent and so and the like, it’s hard to call each other. Also it seems Lyle’s magic power is getting diminished drastically because of that.』

「……As I thought, this is really consuming my magic power. Somehow I got that kind of feeling.」

I comprehended it hearing what Clasel said. Recently I was terribly tired because of the ancestors making commotion inside the Jewel. Their racket was shaving off my magic power recklessly. They were really a troublesome bunch. Grandfather was yelling angrily at the surrounding in my place, but I got the feeling his yelling was consuming my magic power needlessly. Even though I’m already in a situation where my Art that wasn’t exhibiting any effect was stealing my magic power, what an annoyance.

『You guys are making too much racket! What are you going to do if my grandson collapsed!?』

The past ancestors here were their Art itself that was recorded by the Jewel. In other words, it wasn’t like the souls of the ancestors themselves were sealed in here. It seemed that they were existence that was recorded inside the Jewel alongside with the Arts.

And then, the ancestors looked youthful was because that was the age of their respective heyday, or something. Various puzzles were solved like this but…….

Sorey clapped his hands several times inside the noisy room, then he looked at his son Max.

『Come on, don’t talk randomly as you please. Lyle’s magic power is getting heavily consumed. He is going to collapse.』

That was the truth, but somehow I couldn’t accept it. Even though my magic power wasn’t in the category of the few, wouldn’t I get treated like a weak kid like this? Sorey put his hand on his chin while,

『Let’s decide who will be the facilitator. It will be easier if there is someone who manages the various things. Max, you do it.』

Sorey brought up the topic by himself but pushed the role as facilitator to his son Max. Then, the remaining six people agreed with Sorey. It looked like they were pushing the troublesome work to other people.

『Anyone is fine as long as it’s not me.』

『It’s impossible for you after all.』

『……No objection.』

『I think that’s fine.』

『Well, it suit the person.』

Max fixed the placement of his glasses with his fingertip and his anger was expressed from his trembling body. But, at the same time it also looked like he was resigned.

『……All of you, pushing this to me. Well, someone needs to do it though.』

He shrugged while accepted the facilitator role, then Max immediately made a suggestion.

『Let’s decide the fine detail of the rule later……honestly, calling each other by name is also confusing, it’s also hard for u to call each other. At this chance……how about calling each other based on their generation?』

Sorey……the third immediately accepted it. Someone carefree like him wasn’t really bothered by something like the way he was called.

『Isn’t that fine? It’s better if it’s easier to call each other. I don’t mind that.』

Fines……the sixth also folded his hands and nodded.

『Even though we look young and the same age, we are ancestors after all. Certainly, it will be easier if it’s put like that.』

Basil……the first looked indifferent. He was picking into his ear while,

『I don’t care whatever so quickly finish it. Don’t forget that there is still my talk.』

Clasel……the second glanced at the first while,

『I think it’s fine even if we only call each other’s name casually. Well, it’s important to conclude it in the way that makes it easier for the whole.』

Brod……the seventh nodded. It seemed he was agreeing while thinking about me.

『That way will be better for Lyle. I’m also in agreement.』

The quiet fifth……Fredericks also put his elbow on the round table and supported his head while,


At the end Max……the fourth concluded.

『Then, from now on let’s adopt the way of calling based on the generation. Incidentally please consider Lyle’s little magic power and keep your remark at the minimum.』

I felt like I got spoken ill of inadvertently and talked back in whispers while looking down.

「I don’t think my magic power I that little. If the Jewel and my Art doesn’t steal my magic power……」

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However the fourth smiled while cutting down my statement resolutely.

『Even with that taken into consideration your amount of magic power is few. After all if we are only speaking about the amount of magic power contained within, Lyle has the fewest amount among everyone here. Though that is also because everyone is in their young appearance when they are at the height of their heyday.』

Hearing that my confidence at the amount of my magic power was knocked down without any hope to recover. The seventh averted his eye while giving me a follow up.

『Ly, Lyle is in his growing period so……from here on he will also go through “growth”, so surely his magic power will also increase.』

‘Surely’, the seventh followed up with such hopeful calculation. I wished that he would declare it more confidently while,

「No, even if train things like magic power cannot increase by that much. Even if I have growth from here on the amount of my magic power will only have marginal increase anyway──」

When I asked the seventh if there was something that could be done, Basil……the first stood up from his chair.

『Your grumbling is annoying! Enough already let me talk!』

Then, the fourth fixed the position of his glasses while,

『There are also various other things I want to decide though. Then, please go on. Also please don’t be so loud.』

After urging the first to talk, everyone’s gaze gathered on him. And then, the first folded his hand and like that he sat down heavily on his chair and casted his gaze down. After a bit he opened his eyes──.

『Lyle, I’ll ask confirm one more time.』

「Ye, yes.」

The serious expression of the first made me caught my breath and I nodded. All of the ancestors had unique atmosphere, but as expected, in front of the wild air that was emitted by the first who was styled like a barbarian made me shrunk into myself.

『Your little sister began to have a perfect atmosphere, and since then your little sister became the center of the surrounding right? Wasn’t she bewitching despite her age? An atmosphere that felt like it was charming her surrounding.』

I thought back and then nodded slowly. My little sister Celes was a human who could be classified not as cute but as a beauty in spite of her age. She was proposed for marriage for the first time should be when she wasn’t even 10 years old. Furthermore, even the sons of noted family and the sons of wealthy person, and even famous knights asked for Celes’s hand in marriage. My parents refused them, even so they didn’t give up. The number of male asking Celes for marriage couldn’t be counted. And then, with such atmosphere the surrounding moved following her wish…….

『There is no doubt!』

The first’s fist hit the table, then he grandly declared with some kind of conviction.

『Your little sister……Celes is the 【evil god’s child】!!』

After mentioning evil god’s child, the first folded his arms again and stood imposingly. Seeing the first like that, the surrounding ancestors watched him in disgust while one person, than one more person stood up. It was the fifth who was the one standing up first.

『……It’s fine to end this already right? Then, I’ll go back.』

Saying that the fifth returned to one of the rooms behind the chair that were different in shape from each other. The fourth too, he saw off his retreating figure while,

『Let’s postpone deciding the details at the later day. Haa, it’s a pointless waste of time.』

The first was flustered seeing the reaction of the surrounding like that.

『O, oi!』

The second also stood up and headed toward his own door while,

『Just when I thought what you are going to say……it’s really something worthless. That’s just a fairy tale.』

The sixth also smiled wryly while standing up, then he lightly raised his right hand toward me.

『Lyle, surely you also have things you want to ask, but that’s it for this time. You can sleep soundly. Tomorrow will be busy too for you.』

The seventh put his hand on my left shoulder.

『Sorry. But, more than this and the magic power consumption will be great. Good grief, this is because the first got pointlessly excited.』

It wasn’t just the seventh who sent the first a cold gaze. The fourth was also the same.

『Then let’s breakup.』

The third looked at the first while,

『Well, it’s troubling even if evil god’s child suddenly got mentioned out of nowhere. Though certainly I think there is something about Celes.』

After everyone returned to their door, there were only me and the first who were left behind in the room of the round table. The first couldn’t accept the situation and yelled loudly. I understood his feeling that wanted to yell, but it consumed my magic power so please don’t do that.

『……YOU ALLLLLL!! Listen to my damn story seriously!!』

I got fed up with the place’s atmosphere. Evil god’s child──a person who was bathed in the maliciousness of the evil god who opposed the goddess, an existence from a fairytale. I’m amazed at the first who would mention such fairytale with a serious face.

「I, I also have to wake up early tomorrow.」

Saying that I returned my consciousness from the room back to my real body. I could hear the first’s voice at the end.

『YOU TOO HUUHHHH!! Listen to what I’m saying for a bit!!』

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