Battle Invitation (2)

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He didn’t say anything and Qin Yuan also didn’t let down his guard. Instead, he led him backward and forced him to face upward suddenly.

He had already been subjected to many of this man’s dirty tricks in the fight just now. Not only had he been kicked in the calf, but one of his thumbs had been savagely wrenched to the point of pain. It was impossible to prevent any of this and it really seemed like Qin Yuan had the upper hand in this fight.

Ruan Qingmu stumbled as Qin Yuan led the fight and his breath was caught in his throat as extremely hateful feelings filled his heart.

Once in their previous life, their weapons had been knocked out of their hands in a brutal clash and they were forced to fight as close as this.

Qin Yuan was way stronger than him and he had suffered a significant loss after being beaten senseless by him a few times. That time long ago, he was directly pinned down by this person and almost got caught. It was the same now!

His face flushed red and he raised his elbow to hit Qin Yuan’s stomach behind him. But Qin Yuan had been prepared for him and he drew back his stomach, perfectly avoiding the blow.

But when he pulled back his stomach, the lower part of his body was a little unstable.

As Ruan Qingmu’s neck was choked, his thin eyelids glanced down and saw Qin Yuan’s foot.

He viciously lifted his foot and immediately stepped on Qin Yuan’s left foot. The blow was so unrestrained that Qin Yuan frowned in pain, his steady body finally lurching.

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Ruan Qingmu rapidly raised his snow-white wrist, clasped Qin Yuan’s pulse, and backhanded him in that instant. The two people tumbled to the ground again with a smooth sweep of Ruan Qingmu’s foot.

Ruan Qingmu pinned Qin Yuan from above with both his legs firmly clutching Qin Yuan’s knee joints and his elbows pressing against his throat in the exact same way.

He snorted and raised his eyebrows. “How about you then? Are you yielding or not?”

Qin Yuan lay on the ground and panted fiercely. His gaze landed on the boy on top of him, not saying anything.

Ruan Qingmu leaned down a little and Qin Yuan suddenly shook his shoulder with force, almost getting out from under him. Ruan Qingmu hurriedly gripped his shoulder with strength and pressed down. “Don’t move, ah.”

Qin Yuan’s collar was pulled down several inches in the tug, exposing the skin under his collarbone.

Ruan Qingmu’s gaze went down and he suddenly saw that tiny dot of red.

As he was slightly stunned, a drop of translucent sweat slid down from the tip of his brow to his chin, fell, and landed precisely on that red birthmark.

Qin Yuan shuddered as if he was just scalded.

He looked down at that place on his chest and his breathing suddenly became heavy.

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The chirping of cicadas in September was less noisy than in August, carrying a hint of dispiritedness and sadness due to the knowledge that their end was closing in.

The sunlight was sparse but still dazzling.

Ruan Qingmu slowly released his hand and reached out a finger as if he was aiming at that red dot where the sweat had fallen. Qin Yuan’s body went rigid and he didn’t move as he let go of his grip on Ruan Qingmu but firmly stared at that fingertip that the other boy was holding out.

The sun shone fiercely and roasted Ruan Qingmu’s back and Qin Yuan’s still icy, cold face.

Ruan Qingmu suddenly laughed, his voice carrying a bit of temptation. “Hey, you should admit defeat. I will tell you why I was late if you admit defeat.”

Qin Yuan immediately said, “Okay, I lose.”

Ruan Qingmu froze and seemed to doubt his ears.

It was just a casual remark and this guy, who would never admit defeat before no matter what, unexpectedly did it so quickly? This was so unlike him, ah!


“Class monitor, I’ve come to help you!” Fu Songhua’s high-pitched voice sounded from afar.

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“Ruan-ge, don’t be impulsive!” Bai Jing’s mournful shout also could be heard.

The two boys abruptly turned their heads and looked at the school building in astonishment.

Several people rushed together in a group and dashed madly toward this side. Along with the ringing of the exam bell, more people ran out of the classrooms at this time. People from other classes also looked in their direction.

“Sports representative, don’t do it.” The class monitor, Tang Tiantian, fell behind several boys and mustered up the courage to shout with an anxious red face, “You can’t fight again…”

Ruan Qingmu lowered his head and quickly met Qin Yuan’s gaze, jumping up almost simultaneously.

The corner of Qin Yuan’s mouth was lightly bruised and Ruan Qingmu’s neck had been clenched so that now into was a dark red color. They turned to look at each other and Ruan Qingmu softly asked, “What are we going to do now?”

Qin Yuan quickly looked behind, reached out to touch his mouth, raised his sword brows, and looked in the direction of the school gate.

They simultaneously broke into a run and madly dashed toward the school gate together.

They both had a pair of long legs and dashed out from the huge camphor tree shade with an astonishing speed, like two frightened deer in the woods.

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The group of people running behind was totally stunned. Why did they run just now?

Fu Songhua stared and looked at them. Fuck, the class monitor ran in the front while Ruan Qingmu ran behind. Was this bastard chasing after his class monitor to hit him?

He scratched his head and ran after them with his long legs, shouting, “Class monitor, make a turn and run back. I will do my best to rescue you!”

Fang Li stopped down and then hesitated. “They… don’t seem to be chasing each other?”

Fu Songhua sharply braked to a stop. “They don’t?”

Bai Jing and the others also caught up to them, blankly looked at the two figures disappearing outside the school gate, and nodded their heads while panting. “I think they seem happy while running?”

Fu Songha scratched his head. “Why did they fight then?”

Tang Tiantian finally caught up to them and frantically said, “No, it’s not true. Who says it was a fight? I see that they seemed to be practicing taekwondo or something.”

Since it couldn’t be firmly determined, it should be just a playful fight among peers. Their class’ sports representative had been in the office a few times in the first month of school because of fighting. He couldn’t go back there again!

Fu Songhua suddenly realized and nodded his head in approval. “That’s right. Class monitor Tang, what you said seems to be right.”

The class officers from Class 9 were more experienced than Class 1 in handling this kind of thing, whose lack of self-awareness made them less likely to shrug it off and cover up this matter immediately!

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