Battle Invitation (3)

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Ruan Qingmu and Qin Yuan ran out of the school gate in one breath and aimlessly ran along the road for a while before finally slowing down their steps.

Ruan Qingmu stopped first, still heavily panting as he leaned against the trunk of a tree on the roadside. “Where are we going?”

Qin Yuan came to a stop next to him, propped himself up against the tree with one hand, and tried calming down to take a breath. “Wherever.”

Ruan Qingmu looked at his face and suddenly sneered. “We both seem a little stupid.”

Qin Yuan indifferently replied, “Speak for yourself.”

“Who didn’t properly do the exam and handed in the paper to run out? Who agreed to fight without asking the reason? Who, regardless of the consequences, immediately ran outside the school gates aimlessly without thinking things through?”

“Aren’t you talking about yourself?”

Ruan Qingmu squinted his eyes. “I happen to be the underachieving student. It’s perfectly natural for me to do these things. But big class monitor Qin, you are the Three Goods Student.”

His eyes seemed to be smiling at this point and there was a little pink color on his porcelain white skin due to the strenuous exercise, dying the tail of his peach blossom eyes. Qin Yuan glanced over and suddenly thought of a picture.

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“Is there any meaning in your WeChat profile picture?” he suddenly asked.

Ruan Qingmu was stunned for a while.

His original profile picture was too sad and depressing. He had never used WeChat before, so he didn’t think of changing it. But after adding Qin Yuan, he also slowly added some new friends.

There were some students from Class 9 and even some silly guys from Class 1 such as Fu Songhua and several students that usually gathered around Qin Yuan.

He felt a bit strange chatting with other people using that old profile picture. He casually searched the internet the other day and happened to see a watercolor painting of a peach blossom branch swaying in the wind.

When he died, the last thing he saw was the fallen peach blossoms from the brilliantly blooming peach blossom tree that he was lying under.

However, he only casually downloaded and uploaded that peach blossom picture to his profile and didn’t bother to think about it again.

He, Ruan Qingmu, was the young master of the demonic sect who was rumored to be ruthless and killed people like killing flies. Many people in the Jianghu wanted him to be dead. It was only natural that many of the younger generations of the righteous sect criticized him and that he ended up being captured and killed by several of the victims’ families who joined hands together to defeat him.

Since he was being conspired against like that, it was a given that his body would be exposed in the wilderness and his bones broken beyond repair.

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It was said that the more a person held grievances and hatred when they died, their soul would linger after they died. However, he didn’t seem to have anything he couldn’t let go of.

The only thing he kept thinking about was an appointment that he had missed.

Qin Yuan gazed at his dazed expression and reached out a hand, waving it in front of him. “What happened?”

Ruan Qingmu dazedly returned to his senses and looked at his face, sighing in his heart.

When he died in his previous life, he had thought of everything except that this person would be the first person his lingering soul would think of. He still owed him a meeting under the shade of the peach blossom tree.

“Ah, I casually searched for it on the Internet,” he wanly replied, feeling a little disinterested.

Qin Yuan looked at his suddenly sad face. “It’s better than the previous one.”

But it was also slightly not good. When he saw this branch of gorgeous peach blossom, he seemed to see ten miles of a spring breeze on one side and on the verge of withering on the other side.

But this feeling made no sense and couldn’t be voiced out loud.

Ruan Qingmu nodded. “I will keep using it then.”

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He looked around at his surroundings. “Are we going to continue chatting like this?”

This place was a bit far from Experimental No. 3 High School’s gate and there were stores and restaurants on the roadside. It was noon and the aroma of food coming out of the air-conditioned room in the restaurants attracted the hunger pangs of many.

Qin Yuan looked to the side. “If you want to eat in the cafeteria, we can go back and swipe our cards. If you want to eat outside –”

Ruan Qingmu squinted at him. “How?”

“You have to treat me.”

Ruan Qingmu was shocked and at a loss. “Why?”

“You are the one who proposed to fight.”

Ruan Qingmu almost laughed out of anger. “Don’t you feel shameful?”

Qin Yuan nodded. “Shameful, ah. You treat and I’ll pay.”

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Ruan Qingmu was finally satisfied. “This is better. It’s clear that you’re a rich second generation in the school forum.”

Qin Yuan expressionlessly gave him a faint glance. “You looked up my information in the forum?”

Ruan Qingmu paused, his face was burning up again. “Do I still need to look? Your special post is being pushed up every day. It’s everywhere, okay?”

Qin Yuan turned around and pushed open a door of the nearest small restaurant. He was directly hit by the cold air from the air conditioner and turned his head around. “Isn’t it the one with both of us on the front page?”

Ruan Qingmu directly stumbled on the door threshold. “…”

Fuck, he also looked at that post!

It only recorded their conflict and fight at first, but it slowly became weirder and weirder. The picture on the bulletin board and cafeteria meal gathering were also posted.

Every girl talked about weird things – something of “double A confrontation” and “gear of fate.” Everyone on the side in the picture suffered from being cut out and they even scattered little stars and hearts in between them.

It was a lot of nonsense – something about “top student Qin was both A and lustful” or “Ruan Qingmu could be A or O.” They were full of slang similar to Jinaghu’s secret code, making him spend a long time searching on the Internet for information on how to decode the language.

He didn’t have money. If he had money, he would find a killer – no, a computer expert so that he could hack all those who said he was an O and only leave all those who said he was an A alone!

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