On-the-spot Listening (3)

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The two boys walked out of the door side-by-side. Suddenly, a teacher in the office corner put on his glasses and looked at Ruan Qingmu from afar. “Hey, wasn’t this student late that day?”

Old Jian turned his head. “What?”

“This student in your class is not bad, ah. He waited in front of the door for more than ten minutes and didn’t enter since he was late.”

Old Jian bewilderedly asked, “Why?”

That teacher smiled. “Afraid to affect other students from listening to the audio part of the exam.”

Old Jian and Teacher Huai made sounds.

After a long time, Teacher Huai’s expression was slightly embarrassed. “This student’s grade has seen fast improvement.”

Teacher Wu, the PE teacher, carried a gallon of purified water inside and changed the water dispenser in the office while casually saying, “That’s right, ah. Old Jian, the new sports representative in your class is quite good.”

Old Jian snapped out of his daze. “Didn’t you blame me for choosing him just a while ago?”

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“He did like to be lazy when his leg was still in a cast. But he’s very serious now.” Teacher Wu grinned. “The boys in your class seemed to be quite impressed by him and the atmosphere during PE class is very good.”


When Ruan Qingmu returned to the classroom, Class 9’s students were on lunch break. Some girls chatted in whispers, occasionally letting out chuckles.

Bai Jing was engrossed in typing on his phone. He raised his head as he saw him entering and loudly shouted, “Ruan-ge, were you called in by Old Jian to be lectured again?”

Ruan Qingmu walked to the last row and lazily leaned down. “Old Jian couldn’t love me more.”

Huang Ya burst out in laughter. “Hitting and scolding is still love. Our Ruan-ge is doted on by Old Jian. Oh right, did your fight with the top student finally get exposed?”

Ruan Qingmu casually threw a lump of paper and smashed it at his head. “Who fought? It’s called exchanging martial arts moves, do you understand?”

“Ohh, understood! Then, why did Old Jian call you in his office?”

Ruan Qingmu sighed. “Old Jian said the three views of my essay are wrong since I proclaimed to use violence to curb violence. So, he gave me a lecture.”

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Before leaving, Old Jian also firmly stuffed a “High School Argumentative Essay Writing Examples” book at him. It was heavy and thick.

The boys at the side were silent for a while.

After a long time, someone finally sighed out of relief. “Ruan-ge, you’re so amazing.”

It wasn’t enough to use violence to curb violence – he even dared to write it in the essay?

Next to him, Liu Jun and a few others huddled together and whispered something, glancing over to that side.

Li Zhiyong scolded in whispers, “What a morality they must have for each of them to surround a cripple.”

Wang Li glanced at that side and sourly said, “He’s not a cripple anymore. I reckon he can run faster than a rabbit now.”

Liu Jun coldly glanced at that side. “He’s now a class officer.”

Over there, Niu Xiaoqing turned her head back from the front and shyly asked, “Sports representative, can you please give your guidance again for this week’s blackboard bulletin?”

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Ruan Qingmu looked at her and didn’t say anything.

Niu Xiaoqing embarrassedly said, “We really don’t need you to draw it. It’s fine if you can take ten minutes to guide us. I’ve made three or four drafts here. Can you help us out and look at them…”

Tang Tiantian secretly tugged on Niu Xiaoqing’s sleeves. “No need. Ruan Qingmu also has his own things to do. It’s not good to always ask for help from others like this. It’s fine if we come last in the rankings. There’s no way we have to get the first rank every time.”

Ruan Qingmu looked at both of them and sighed. “These two class officers, are you guys joining forces to blackmail me right now?”

Niu Xiaoqing’s face turned red, and she whispered, “Ohh, it’s fine if you don’t have the time. I-I will draw it myself…”

Bai Jing poked in and suddenly shouted, “Aiya, is Sister Niu crying?”

Niu Xiaoqing pitifully rubbed her eyes. “Get lost. There’s sand inside Lao-Niang’s eyes!”

Fang Li worriedly took a secret glance at her. It was true. Although Niu Xiaoqing was fierce, her eyes were indeed slightly red.

Ruan Qingmu tilted his head and looked at her and Tang Tiantian’s pitiful faces before finally painfully waving his hand. “Fine, fine, I’ll cover you guys from now on. But this is called emotional hijacking, understand?”

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Niu Xiaoqing and Tang Tiantian looked at each other in surprise. They let out a “pfff” and laughed together.

Huang Ya suddenly shouted from the side, “Hey, what did I hear? Is there an affection between the sports representative, publicity representative, and the class monitor?”

Niu Xiaoqing blushed bright red and leaned over to hit him with a stationery box. “You’re such a bitch! You don’t do anything and still dare to talk nonsense…”

Huang Ya quickly jumped up and ran to the back. “The publicity representative is trying to kill people!”

He just ran several steps when he directly met Ruan Qingmu’s feet.

His casually extended feet made Huang Ya stumbled, causing him to half-kneel in front of

Ruan Qingmu.

Ruan Qingmu casually picked up the thick book of “High School Argumentative Essay Examples” and slapped him hard on the back.“Do you want to die? I’ll fulfill your wish.”

Inside the classroom, Huang Ya’s mournful cry became one with the classroom noises. “Sister Niu, please spare my life. Ruan-ge, please spare my life. I will never interfere with your love life again!”

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