Female Ghost (1)

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Afternoon classes were physics and biology, with the math teacher having to take over the art class due to lack of staff.

Everyone dizzily attended a class for their monthly math exam review and returned to self-study after eating dinner, feeling slightly dispirited at the amount of work they still had to do.

The grades for every course in the monthly exam had been announced and nothing was out of the ordinary. Qin Yuan got first place again, forty points ahead of the forever second place, Li Jianquan.

During night self-study, most of the students were reviewing their exam papers at this time. Some went over their mistakes while others took scissors and directly cut out the exam papers to highlight the wrong answers.

“Ruan-ge, do you want me to help you make a collection of your wrong answers?” Bai Jing eagerly turned around, shaking the scissors and glue still in his hand.

Ruan Qingmu put on earphones while his eyes attentively studied his papers. After Bai Jing shouted twice, he finally raised his head and loudly said, “What?”

Bai Jing passionately ran over. “Ruan-ge, I’m telling you, whether for English or math, you should collect all the wrong questions and glue them into a book. Trust me, it’ll be very effective once you have all the main points for your review.”

Bai Jing’s grades were considered quite good in their class and he distinctly remembered Ruan Qingmu saying he wanted to improve his grades.

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This time, Ruan got over 90 points in both English and Language and his overall score went up from the bottom 100 in the year to the bottom 280. It was only a month, but his innate ability looked to be very strong.

He wanted to think of another method. Maybe he could help Ruan-ge catch up some more!

Ruan Qingmu looked down at the book in his hand in shock and loudly asked, “Do you use notebooks?”

Bai Jing, who was crestfallen, looked at him. “Who fucking likes to use notebooks?! This was because I had no other choice!”

Ruan Qingmu was listening to some English audio with his earphones on and he didn’t realize that the volume of his voice was too loud. His bright and clear voice could be heard throughout the self-study classroom. “Why? Can’t you remember your mistakes after seeing them only once?”

The students in the classroom all went silent for a moment. Bai Jing had a hopeless look on his face.

Ruan Qingmu was good at everything, but he would die if he couldn’t brag for a day.

The girl beside Niu Xiaoqing stuck out her tongue and whispered, “Our new sports representative is awesome.”

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Niu Xiaoqing immediately glared at her. “It’s also considered to be a skill to be able to brag so fiercely.”

That girl hurriedly nodded her head. “I agree, I agree. And we also like to hear it.”

Suddenly, the boy in front of Huang Ya cried out in shock. “Fuck, what is this?”

His voice was out of tune, immediately attracting several boys. “What is it? What is it? Is there something interesting?”

That boy held out his phone. “Hurry and look at the school forum. Someone says they met a ghost in the cultural and sports building. The ghost was dressed in red, had long hair, and looked very pretty!”

The girls in front of him instantly shrieked, “Ahhh, don’t scare people!”

The boy’s voice was even shriller than theirs. “Look at it for yourselves. Anyway, it’s not only one person who says it!”

A group of remedial students simultaneously took out their phones. Even Tang Tiantian and the other girls hesitated and gathered together to open the post, feeling afraid and curious all at the same time.

“The appearance of a female ghost dancing in the Cultural and Sports Building – did this mean the halls of Experimental No. 3 are haunted??”

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The post was made by a sophomore boy from Class 3, using his real name. Moreover, several classmates testified that they also saw the ghost and all of them grew extremely excited.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m not going to lie. I almost peed myself from being scared shitless. She was really dressed in red and stood inside the pitch-black dance room. Moonlight happened to shine inside when we passed by and we saw a red shadow floating around!”

“That’s right. We’re really not lying. My legs grew weak and I even screamed. That female ghost suddenly twisted her head as if turning 90 degrees over. That neck was very flexible like that of noodles…”

The replies below instantly built up and all of them were scoldings. “Pah! It must be a lie. What female ghost? This is just clickbait.”

“Was there any blood on her face when she looked over at you guys? What about her tongue? Was it stretching out very long?”

“Hahaha, did she wear a traditional Han dress or an ancient costume? Pretty or not?”

Several boys who claimed the post was real were furious. “Fuck! Whoever made up lies will run 50 yards immediately! That’s the truth!”

With this fierce pledge, the students watching the post became quiet.

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Inside Class 9, a group of students gazed at the dark sky outside. Someone’s voice suddenly sounded out loud while carrying sobs.

“Why do I suddenly have goosebumps all over my body?”

Finally, someone replied below the post, “Could it be a girl practicing her dance? Just look at your terrified appearance.”

A boy from Class 3 immediately replied, “Damn! Which girl would practice her dance without turning on the lights, with no music, and dressed in red like that?”

His partner followed suit. “It couldn’t be a girl from any class. She’s so pretty. She must be a class flower if not a school flower. We would recognize her, right? I’m telling you guys, her oval face is snow-white and her eyes are especially dark. It’s especially terrifying at night!”

Inside Class 1, Fu Songhua and several boys gathered together and looked at the post. They burst into loud laughter while casually replying, “A bunch of fools. It must be a child brought in by the teacher on duty. Didn’t you guys think of this?”

He was anonymous, so the boys from Class 3, who didn’t know who he was, retorted back, “Shut up, you’re the fool! Would your family bring a little girl to the school and put her inside a pitch-dark dance room?”

Instantly, several hundred discussions filled the post. At the end of the night self-study, many people got the news from the QQ group and rushed over to have a look.

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