Female Ghost (2)

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Suddenly, someone timidly followed up with a reply. “I’m Liu Huanyan, the group secretary from junior year Honors Class 2. I swear what I say is true…”

“I went to the Cultural and Sports Building after night self-study last Tuesday to borrow the paint used for the blackboard bulletin the next day. When I passed the dance room, I also saw a shadow inside. She wasn’t dressed in red but white and had a lean back. However, when I approached the door, that shadow suddenly turned around and I saw a girl.”

The students waiting below for the post felt their blood run cold. The junior year’s honors class committee members all knew that this was the new student representative of the junior year. She was usually very old-fashioned and definitely wouldn’t lie.

“That girl was like the description above: her face was small and white, floating around. I was alone at that time and was scared out of my mind. When I retreated, that shadow flashed and disappeared! I didn’t dare to say anything after returning because I was afraid people would think that I was lying.” Li Huanyan typed out a long paragraph that was followed by, “Oh right. Her arms seemed especially soft. She also didn’t make any noise when she floated around.”

There was a lot of wailing in every grade’s corridor from the girls who gathered together to read the post. Each became louder than the others.

Niu Xiaoqing’s voice was louder than anyone else. “Ahhhhh, don’t pinch me!”

On her left and right, Tang Tiantian and another girl released their hands that were previously pinching her and their faces turned red. “Sorry. Sorry…”

Ruan Qingmu removed his earphones painstakingly and looked around to check the room. He extended his leg and kicked Bai Jing and Huang Ya, who were hugging each other. “Shut up. It’s fine if the girls scream, but why are you guys screaming too?”

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Huang Ya was extremely frightened. “I-I’m just following everyone’s lead.”

Bai Jing also embarrassedly stopped his screams. “Ruan-ge, ghost. That’s a ghost, ah.”

Ruan Qingmu snorted. “I’m a ghost. Why aren’t you guys afraid of me?”

The two people repeatedly nodded. “We’re afraid, afraid. Ruan-ge is scarier than ghosts.”

Ruan Qingmu smiled after being angered by them. “I think Fang Li is braver than you guys.”

Huang Ya scratched his head. “Oh right. Where’s Fang Li?”

It seemed that he showed up for a while during night self-study, but there was no sign of him now. His bag was also gone, leaving behind an empty seat.

Bai Jing wasn’t bothered by it at all. “Oh, he must’ve gone to the advanced class. That Class 1’s Fu Songhua always makes him go there.”

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Ruan Qingmu frowned. “What did Fu Songhua, that big idiot, do to Fang Li?”

Bai Jing hurriedly waved his hand. “No, it’s not like that. He doesn’t bully Fang Li. Didn’t Fang Li apply to the advanced physics class? Fu Songhua happened to be in that class and said he would privately tutor him. Anyway, he constantly forces him to go there.”

Ruan Qingmu could finally rest assured now. “Oh okay then.”

Night self-study finally ended. Someone sneakily invited others inside the span class QQ group. “How about we go to the dance room together?”

Someone immediately responded. “Let’s go together. Maybe we’ll find some evidence on the dance room’s floor?”

Huang Ya and the others hesitated. “Ruan-ge, do you want to go catch the ghost together? We will go if you go.”

Ruan Qingmu scoffed. “You guys are crazy.”

“Oh, we won’t go then. Ruan-ge, let’s go back together to the dorms.”

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Inside Class 1, Fu Songhua rolled up his sleeves. “Let’s go. We’ll go to the dance room and see if we can receive the yin energy.”

He turned his head and said to Qin Yuan, “Boss, do you want to go?”

Qin Yuan already carried his school bag. “No, I’ll return to the dorms right now.”

Fu Songhua regretfully scratched his head. “You don’t seem to be that interested. Fine, we’ll go then!”

Several boys swarmed behind him and ran outside. “Faster, faster. Let’s get there before the other classes do.”

Outside the school building, students walked outside in twos or threes. Qin Yuan followed the small path alone and returned to dorm 106.

The dorm room had returned to the quietness of its early days. The other bed was empty as if no one ever slept in it.

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He went into the bathroom alone. In the place where there had been two sets of toothbrushes and mugs on the sink, there was only his remaining.

When he got out of the shower, the room outside was bright and quiet. However, the table next to him was spotlessly clean and no longer had the messy appearance of books spread all over it.

He opened the set of competition questions his chemistry teacher had left for today and began to work on them in silence. The dorm room was quiet and cold. After he had worked on them for a while, he paused his pen movement.

After hesitating for a while, he grabbed his phone and opened up his WeChat app.

Ever since Ruan Qingmu missed the appointment to come to his dorm to study together, the boy had also offered an explanation as to why he didn’t show up that day. However, the topic of coming to 106 to study had never been brought up between him and Ruan Qingmu again.

He checked but his WeChat was extremely quiet with no new chat messages.

It should be very lively upstairs. When he went there last time, the whole floor was full of shirtless boys running around. Those who played cards inside their dorm rooms could be seen everywhere.

Although that boy looked lazy all day long, he seemed to fit right in.

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