Viper And Snake Venom (1)

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Though the street lights in the familiar small alley were all severely damaged, this did not go on to affect the liveliness of the residents residing in several of the houses.

A lot of the small shops along the street were still open. The smell of barbeque and meat from half a block away blended in the early fragrant fall night.

Ruan Qingmu led the little mute with one hand while holding his phone with the other hand with the snack plastic bag Qin Yuan had given him, hanging off of his wrist.

He was too entranced in the past events of his previous life and didn’t notice that person had already sent him a message.

“Pay attention to the ground when you take Xiao-Zhuang back. The street is dark. Pay attention and don’t let him trip.”

A sentence followed behind that message, “You too.”

Ruan Qingmu looked at that string of words and his throat suddenly felt a little constricted.

He slowly led Xiao-Zhuang home, feeling both soft and sour in his heart.

“Hey, I will give you a Chinese question too.” He halted his steps and lazily leaned against a street lamp post. “Use poison to poison poisonous snake and poisoned the poisonous snake to death*. From all the ‘poison’ here, how many are nouns, verbs, and adjectives?”

*T/N: A tongue twister: 用毒毒毒蛇把毒蛇毒死

Qin Yuan walked out of the bathroom. He had just finished taking a shower but didn’t put his phone outside, taking it in with him into the bathroom instead.

He was immediately stunned the moment he saw this WeChat message.

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Viper… snake venom?

He was stunned for a moment there, his heartbeats increasing little by little.

He absent-mindedly picked up a snow-white towel and slowly dried his hair, replying hesitantly, “One noun, two verbs, and two adjectives. Isn’t that way too easy?”

Ruan Qingmu looked at his reply, slightly raising the corners of his mouth. “You’ve answered correctly and I have a prize for you.”

He shifted to a simple drawing app on his phone and used his finger to make several strokes, drawing a freestyle peach blossom flower.

He looked for an appropriate color and smeared a bit of light red and dark pink on it. Then, he cut the picture and proudly sent it to the other party.

Qin Yuan: “???”

“There’s nothing in this life, so let’s talk about spring instead.” Ruan Qingmu seemed to be joking. “This is my gift to you.”

Qin Yuan looked at this line and the hand drying his hair suddenly stopped.

Was it <there’s nothing in this life>? Wasn’t it <there’s nothing in Jiangnan*>?

*T/N: A poet from <聊寄一枝春嘛> by Lu Kai. The original line was <江南无所有, 聊寄一枝春> (There’s nothing in Jiangnan, so let’s talk about spring.)

He looked fixedly at the peach blossom for a long time before saving it. Then, he touched the screen and changed his WeChat profile picture.

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He changed it into this tiny peach blossom, then indifferently replied: “Mm. Just received it.”


The door was wide open and Mu Wanli wiped her hands on her apron before coming out of the house.

After seeing her son, who was leaning under a street lamp not far away, she was stunned.

She had already gotten used to her son’s gloomy face before. Even though her son had changed a lot recently, this was the first time she had seen such an expression on her son’s face.

His pretty face was calm and focused, even vaguely glowing with vigor.

She didn’t know what pleasant thing he saw on his phone. Her son stood there, the dim, broken streetlight drawing long shadows all around him. His usually sharp look lost its hostility, revealing a gentle smile instead.

Xiao-Zhuang silently clutched the hem of his shirt at the side like a stubborn little tail.

As if he had searched for a long time for this person and was afraid of losing him again in a moment of inattentiveness.


Qin Yuan held his phone and looked at his new WeChat profile picture for a long time. He suddenly thought of something and also changed the QQ profile picture on his phone.

After changing it, he felt dazed.

He finally couldn’t resist sending a message to his class QQ group. “There’s way too much homework. I’m tired of working on it.”

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There weren’t many Class 1’s students playing on their phones during break, but someone immediately expressed their shock after seeing Qin Yuan participate in the class forum. “Class monitor?”

Immediately afterward, another student popped up too. “You’ve changed into another profile picture. I didn’t even recognize you!”

Someone hesitatingly typed out a question. “?? His account must’ve been hacked…”

His profile picture, which had always been dark, was suddenly changed into a soft pink and flirtatious peach blossom. Moreover, he even took the initiative to complain about too much homework?

The picture wasn’t right and there were too many doubtful points to focus on.

“@administrator, please come out and take a look. Be sure you kick him out once he goes around asking for money from everyone!

Qin Yuan: “…”

He casually aimed his phone camera at the physics papers on the desk and took a picture of the first half of the last big question, sending it to the group chat.

This time, the group became lively and all the online students gradually came over to watch.

“Fuck. Is this really the class monitor?”

“Class monitor, you’re going too far. You only took pictures of the first part. Where is the later part of the solving process? I’ve racked my brains, ah. I nearly died from excessive ejaculation* from working on this question…”

*T/N: A metaphor, exaggeration

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“55555. Boss finally came down from the god’s altar and showed us his humanity. He – also came down from his pedestal to complain that there’s too much homework!”

Someone began to gossip. “Class monitor, class monitor, what is the meaning of your profile picture? Why did you change it?!”

“That’s right, ah. Late autumn is about to arrive and springtime is still far away. What is it with the peach blossom?”

The top-student class monitor, who had been silent after sending a sentence, finally humbled himself to reply, “Mm. A friend drew it, so I decided to use it.”

Class 1’s top students, who were known for their self-control, also couldn’t control themselves at this time and several people sent meaningful noises:


“Peach blossoms are pretty. Peach blossoms are rewarding. A bunch of peach blossoms to welcome the spring!”

“Cough, cough! Where is spring? Where is spring~~? ~~ Spring is in the eyes of that child~~~ Seeing the red flowers. Seeing the green grass*~~~.”

*T/N: A children’s song with the title <春天在哪里>

After that, they saw that their class monitor lord, who was always as cold as an iceberg, didn’t get angry and instead, amically posted a smiling expression.

Everyone: “…”

The hell. They still felt their class monitor’s account had been hacked!

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