Viper And Snake Venom (2)

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Qin Yuan closed the QQ and dialed a number after thinking it over for a long time.

The call immediately went through and Secretary Gao’s respectful and courteous voice sounded out, “Hello, Young Master. Is there anything you need?”

Qin Yuan let out an “mm.” “Uncle Gao, I have a small request for you. I just met an impoverished deaf child. I want to take some money from my card to subsidize his education. But I’m afraid his family won’t accept it if I don’t give them a good enough reason. Please see if you can think of a way around this?”

Secretary Gao was stunned and hurried to say, “Young Master, the money in your card is for living expenses. How can you…”

“I won’t be able to spend it all.” Qin Yuan indifferently cut him off. “Uncle Gao, you know this all too well.”

Secretary Gao was rendered speechless. Of course, he knew. The boss had never been stingy when giving this excellent son money. He also knew for a fact that this man couldn’t give his son anything else other than money.

He sighed in his heart and solemnly said, “Young Master, I have a method and you don’t need to pay. Our Qin family also has a small position in this local Chamber of Commerce and that organization has a charity fund. I will look into this. I guarantee you that I’ll handle this matter beautifully. What do you think about that?”

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The Chamber of Commerce’s charity fund was a regular donation by famous local entrepreneurs to better their reputations and they had to donate the funds to something every year. It wasn’t difficult to get things done this way, which only required slight effort.

Qin Yuan calmly nodded. “It’s good then. Uncle Gao, thank you for your trouble. I’ll send the specifics over to you.”

Secretary Gao, on the other side, hung up the call. His wife at the side was working in the kitchen and curiously asked him, “Is that the Qin family’s little young master? It’s rare for him to look for you like this.”

Secretary Gao accepted the dumpling skin rolled by his wife in passing. “He was called a little young master in the past. You have to call him young master now.”

His wife laughed. “That’s true. He has become an adult in a flash.”

Secretary Gao had worked for the Qin family for ten years. He watched as Qin Yuan grew up from a six or seven-year-old little boy to a green* teenager. It was indeed wrong to call him a little young master now.

*T/N: Green teenager: refers to teenagers around 16-20 years old.

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Secretary Gao sighed instead. “It’s not because of that. Think about it. The boss’ new madam is going to give birth soon. If the child turns out to be a boy, he will be the actual little young master.”

Her wife’s mouth twitched. “Boss Qiu’s new madam, ah. On the surface, she appears welcoming and gentle. But slowly her true colors are indeed showing. At that time, she solemnly vowed she wouldn’t have kids and would raise the child left by the deceased spouse as her own. Now, she wants to have more children with the boss.

“After entering the family, she birthed a daughter at a top speed. Now that she isn’t so young anymore, she still wants a second child. It looks like she won’t give up before giving birth to a son.”

Secretary Gao objected, “Isn’t that because women strive for family property and only feel secure only when they have a son?”

His wife’s almond-shaped eyes were opened wide. “Bullshit. It only happened because Boss Qin approved of it! If he remembered his dead ex-wife and his motherless child early on and firmly refused to have any more children, would that vixen be able to break the condom?”

Secretary Gao hurriedly hissed. “Don’t speak nonsense. We’re only temporary workers. What’s the use of making fun of the boss behind his back?”

His wife resentfully mumbled. “Didn’t we say it behind closed doors? Besides, your boss’ son is truly pitiful.”

Secretary Gao shook his head. “Enough. Boss Qin gives his son several thousand yuan every month. That child is like a little adult. I reckon he’s not someone who would readily resent his father.”

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His wife snorted. “What do you know? Even if he’s like an adult, he’s still a child in the end. That child lives alone in a big house without his mom and dad at his side. Will he really feel at ease in his heart?

“Let alone not having a mother since he was little, he was also criticized by those who knew about his past, saying he was a kemu* and an ominous child. It was already a big miracle he didn’t grow crooked and waste away.”

*T/N: Saying the existence of this child will kill the mother and shorten the life of the mother.


After the National Day’s three day holiday, the disciplinary announcements were read on the first day when school started again.

The fight incident between several people in sophomore year Class 9 at the night after the sports competition had alarmed the entire school.

The teacher on duty made a detailed explanation immediately. During the national day holiday, the Dean of the Teaching Department and the class teacher had already reached a decision during the vacation.

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The Dean of the Teaching Department’s voice creaked with anger from the big loudspeakers. “First, we have to inform all students about a bad and concerning matter. The school’s robbery case a while ago has been closed by the police in the school area and we’ve been informed of the outcome.”

The students on the sports field became restless. Wow! Has the case really been solved?

“A recidivist on the run from a nearby construction site committed the burglary. After he was arrested, he admitted he had stolen two cellphones and several items of girls’ clothing. Comrades from the police station assured us that they would strengthen the surveillance and security around the school and create a good learning environment for everyone…”

Many people secretly looked at Class 9’s line.

The gossip in every class group had never been idle for these two days of holidays, secretly spreading the incident about Fang Li everywhere.

It was a fact that some girls’ items were found in his cabinet and pictures of his lipstick and skirt were spread all over the school. Although his class sports representative and Class 1’s Boss Qin Yuan defended him and the post of the incident was quickly deleted that night, the gossip still continued to spread throughout campus.

It was earth-shattering news and everyone talked about it with excitement and curiosity.

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