Viper And Snake Venom (3)

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Fang Li stood motionless in Class 9’s line. His figure seemed lonely among the boys and his high spirits from the sports competition had suddenly disappeared.

“I will announce the punishment decision. On the night of September 30th, sophomore year’s Class 9 Student Liu Jun and Student Li Zhiyong damaged public properties and vandalized other people’s belongings, even suspected of stealing another person’s phone. Furthermore, they fought with the students rushing over to come to this student’s aid, creating a very bad environment.” The Dean of the Teaching Department’s voice became even stricter. “After the school had carefully considered it, the school decided to give these two students a demerit.”

“Wahhh –” An uproar sounded out among the students. This was the most severe punishment given out since the school opened this year. In the past, the school authorities would only give out a warning or a slap on the wrist at most.

Li Zhiyong’s face flushed red at the side, dejectedly bending his head down. He thought he had already helped the school catch a thief, but who would’ve imagined they actually got the wrong person?

But could they be blamed? It was obviously Fang Li who needed to be blamed. If not because he was so sneaky, who wouldn’t be suspicious of him?!

On the other side, Liu Jun’s face was extremely gloomy. His head was wrapped in gauze where Ruan Qingmu had injured him and his face was red and swollen.

It really wasn’t Ruan Qingmu’s work on his face either, but the slap marks left by his dad after a violent beating after the class teacher notified his parents about the fight he was in.

The Dean of the Teaching Department’s voice continued, “On the other side, sophomore year’s Class 9 Student Ruan Qingmu smashed another student’s head in the conflict of blocking, causing harmful consequences. He will be charged three hundred yuan to compensate for Student Liu Jun’s medical fee. We decided to give him a warning because Student Ruan Qingmu had been in fights with other students many times before this.”

Ruan Qingmu was the sports representative and he would stand in the front during the morning exercise. When students from other classes looked back, they would see him instantly.

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He still had a disheveled stance and an unruly look to him.

So amazing. He had hit people repeatedly until they were severely bruised. According to the incomplete calculations of the busybodies, he had beaten Li Zhiyong until a nosebleed once and smashed Liu Jun’s face with a basketball once in less than two months. This time, had he really risen to the occassion, using a glass bottle to hit people on their heads?

Even like this, the school still didn’t give him a more severe punishment. Could this be considered a lenient treatment?

… The morning announcements were over. Students walked to the school building in groups. It was messy and crowded.

Ruan Qingmu didn’t leave and his gaze landed on the neighboring class group.

Lin Hua was chatting with his classmates at the side and suddenly felt a chill run up and down his spine. He turned around and saw Ruan Qingmu’s deep and focused eyes on him.

He felt timid in his heart and glared back fiercely.

Ruan Qingmu coldly smiled and suddenly stretched his hand, using his hand as a knife and softly slashing it across his neck, gesturing a throat-cutting maneuver.

Without waiting for Lin Hua to respond, he had already turned around and walked away.

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Lin Hua’s classmate at the back asked in astonishment, “What’s wrong with Class 9’s sports representative again? He had just been disciplined but wanted to stir trouble again?”

Lin Hua angrily shouted, “Who cares about him? He’s just like a crazy dog.”

Ruan Qingmu had just walked several steps and was stunned.

He didn’t know when, but Qin Yuan had already stood at the side, quietly watching him with an inquiring look on his face. “What did you just say to Lin Hua?”

Ruan Qingmu nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t even open my mouth. What could I even say to him?”

Not far ahead, Fu Songhua hastily ran over with big strides as if he had wind-fire wheels* on his feet. He bumped into several people before finally catching up with Fang Li and grabbing his shoulder.

*T/N: A magical pair of wheels used by Nezha.

“Hey, wait a minute!” he whispered.

Fang Li was forced to stop, his face slightly turning pale.

Fu Songhua was anxious and fidgety as he softened his voice. “Why did you ignore me these past few days? You didn’t answer my call, didn’t reply to my messages, and didn’t even read my WeChat or QQ. I was getting very anxious.”

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The students beside them slowed down their steps and curiously stole a glance over at the two boys.

Fang Li struggled free of his hand and saw the jealous look from the students in the corner of his eyes, his face flushing. “I was busy at home and still had to get my homework done.”

“No matter how busy you get, you didn’t even have the time to reply with a short message just to tell me you’re okay?” Fu Songhua’s thick brows knitted up. “You clearly had the time to receive Ruan Qingmu’s call.”

The students peeping at them walked even slower and dilly-dallied, pricking up their ears to hear better.

What was Class 1’s sports representative doing getting involved? Wasn’t that person the center of gossip these days?

Someone standing afar whispered in the ear of the person at their side, “Isn’t he the cross-dresser? He really looks like a girl from up close.”

“Hehe. A femme fatale, ah. Because of him, three people received disciplinary punishments.”

Fang Li looked at the more and more people surrounding him, his face turning paler and his lips slightly trembling. “I…”

Before he finished speaking, a cold snort sounded from their backs. “Silly big guy, let go.”

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Ruan Qingmu stood lazily behind them with his hands in his pockets while Qin Yuan stood silently beside him.

Fu Songhua impatiently waved his hand. “Stay out of this. I’m talking to him.”

Ruan Qingmu’s brows slowly raised. “What? You lowered your voice when you begged me. Now, are you destroying the bridge after crossing the river*?”

*T/N: Idiom: to abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal.

Fu Songhua’s face turned red and his arrogance finally disappeared.

Ruan Qingmu sneered at him. “Enough. Even if you’re not planning to go to class, other people still want to attend class.”

Qin Yuan walked over and patted Fu Songhua on the shoulder, saying in a whisper, “Find some other time if you want to say something. Not in front of all these people, okay?”

Fu Songhua gritted his teeth. When he turned back to him, Fang Li had already sprinted to the school building.

He looked at Fang Li’s back feeling rather upset and suddenly bellowed at the peeping students all around, “What are you looking at? Each and every one of you isn’t going to class, ah?!”

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