Nothing To Do With You (2)

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Dragging his legs, he bumped into Qin Yuan in front of him, and was about to dash out. But before he could run out, the man behind him had already caught up with him in one gigantic stride and grabbed him fiercely.

“Stop right there.” Qin Yuan fiercely pushed him to the door and pressed his shoulders with both hands. “Try to leave if you dare.”

Ruan Qingmu angrily turned his body and frowned. “Why wouldn’t I dare?!”

Qin Yuan’s gasp became slightly heavier and the look in his eyes as he stared at Ruan Qingmu was different than usual.

The students still chatted excitedly outside in the corridor, chattering continuously. In this quiet dorm room, there was a weird atmosphere.

The light in the dorm was turned off suddenly and darkness surrounded them.

In the darkness, Qin Yuan slowly approached Ruan Qingmu, his bony hand letting go of Ruan Qingmu’s shoulder and propping himself up on the door by his shoulder, still in a forbidden position.

Outside the door were the gradually dissipating noises while outside the window came the light of the moon.

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The moonlight covered Qin Yuan’s face with autumn frost and his eyes looked like broken ice floating in a cold pool.

Maybe the light of the moon was too cold, but his handsome face went on to lose its usual youthfulness at this moment and had a vague, dangerous look that only young people would have.

“Ruan Qingmu… do you have no heart?” He extended his slender fingers and wrapped a strand of hair in front of Ruan Qingmu’s forehead behind his ear, asking softly, “Why would you think I’d have nothing to do with your matter?”

Ruan Qingmu gritted his teeth, not saying anything. “…”

The matter in the previous life was already unforgettable, enough to make him become overly fearful and treat everyone as an enemy.

No matter if it was a life-death situation or this kind of childish campus trick, he couldn’t implicate this person again, whether in the past or now.

He shook his head vigorously and drove those distant matters away from his head. Looking at Qin Yuan’s face in such close proximity, he suddenly felt a little sad.

He didn’t want to be stubborn with him again and didn’t want to start an unreasonable war.

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He raised his hand and lightly tapped Qin Yuan’s chest. The dark-red birthmark was covered underneath the clothes, but its position was still on his heart.

This person was as bright as the sun and moon and his nature was like the blazing sun. Why should he be affected by this vicious and merciless plan?

“Qin Yuan, you’re so good. So –” His smile seemed indifferent, but his gaze was gentle. “You do your ‘Three Good Student’ well. These things, just let me handle it.”

Let him do all the bad shady things and things that could never see the light of day.

Lightly pushing Qin Yuan away, he opened the door and walked out without looking back.

Qin Yuan quietly stood there and closed his eyes, powerlessly leaning against the wall.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and reached out to make a phone call with a heavy look in his eyes.

The call went through quickly and Secretary Gao’s eager voice sounded out. “Young Master, are you still awake at this late hour?”

Qin Yuan softly said, “Mm. Uncle Gao, I have something that I need to trouble you with. Please prepare yourself and make sure to be available at all times, can you do this?”

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Secretary Gao was stunned. “Oh, what happened?”

Qin Yuan gave a brief explanation and Secretary Gao laughed on the other line. “Aiya. Young Master, don’t worry about it. Your school’s sports field and the physical garden were donated by our Qin clan’s cooperation, only that was done anonymously and no one knows your family was involved. This small matter will be done after I make a phone call.”

“It’ll be best if these are just some of my groundless fears.” Qin Yuan’s tone was indifferent. “But if I say it’s important and a phone call won’t do, please come here personally.”

“Okay, okay. I will!” Secretary Gao’s heart trembled and he hastily agreed with a laugh. “Oh right. Young Master, regarding the matter about the deaf child you told me about last week, I’ve been handling it these past few days and it has been settled. The matter will be finalized in two days at the latest.”

Qin Yuan’s voice softened a little. “Okay. Uncle Gao has definitely worked hard.”

Secretary Gao put down the phone and his wife at the side curiously set down the ebook reader in her hand. “What did Qin family’s little young master say?

Secretary Gao felt a little moved. “He’s really not a little young master anymore and very imposing!”

Just now, he had only faintly said “done with a phone call” and the young adult had directly changed the word “you (respective)” to “you (informal).” He almost broke out in a cold sweat hearing the young master’s commanding tone.

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His wife nudged him on the forehead. “Serves you right! See if you dare to neglect him again?!  After all, he’s still the only young master of the Qin family!”

Speaking of this, she smilingly curled her lips. “Your boss’ new madam still did her utmost to give birth to a second child. Isn’t it because she wants to have a son, who will vie for the family property? Unfortunately, heaven only gets in the way of human wishes. She still gave birth to a little daughter. I feel like she should just give up!”

Secretary Gao shook his head. “I think Boss Qin will still leave this promising family business for this eldest son even if she gave birth to a son!”

His wife snorted. “It’s not that I look down on this new madam. With her educational background and IQ, wouldn’t she spoil her son into a loser even if she gave birth to one?”

“That’s right. That’s right. Such an excellent son can’t be found under the lantern*.” Secretary Gao agreed.

*T/N: Can’t be found under the lantern (idiom): hard to come by.

His wife pondered and added again, “Furthermore, his late wife died so miserably. If he dares not to treat this son well, I think his wife’s soul will go on to haunt him at night!”


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