You Teach Me (1)

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Old Jian widened his eyes. “What to do? Cold salad*! Our class’ Ruan Qingmu is a good child. He was in the classroom for night self-study on Friday night. Several boys in the back row can testify for him. There was no time for him to commit the crime!”

*T/N: Cold salad (Internet term): put it aside and leave it alone.

“But Liu Jun and Li Zhiyong from your class said he was not in the classroom for a long period of time.”

Old Jian’s face turned ugly. “Both of them have personal grudges against  Ruan Qingmu. Anyway, I wouldn’t believe them.”

The Dean of the Teaching Department glared daggers at him. “Old Jian, ah. It’s not that I want to be biased. If we’re talking about personal grudges, I’m afraid Ruan Qingmu has the ability and motive, isn’t that right?”

Old Jian strained his neck. “Dean Xu, since you’re talking about motives, let’s talk about motives.”

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He shook his phone in front of him. “That video isn’t a fake, right? If a child was angry about Lin Hua’s actions and did stupid things for revenge, I feel like we should punish both parties.”

The Dean of the Teaching Department impatiently stomped his feet. “I won’t beat about the bush. That troublemaker in your class set this entire thing up. Call him here to admit his mistakes actively, and then tell his parents to come here to compensate for Lin Hua’s medical fees. Let’s hurry up and resolve this so that we can drop it!”

Old Jian was anxious. “Why should we force him to admit it? Has the school done an investigation? We can’t randomly accuse a child without any proof. Furthermore, why don’t we also investigate Lin Hua’s matter?”

“Comrade Old Jian!” The dean raised his voice. “The point is nobody came here to make a scene for the things Lin Hua did. The one coming to make a scene was his parent!”

As he said this, the next-door headmaster’s office door was opened and the headmaster politely sent several men out the door. “Don’t worry. Don’t worry. Because this is such a big matter, we will undergo a thorough investigation and give you guys an explanation soon.”

The middle-aged leader had a refined appearance and looked intelligent and capable, smiling politely. “We’ll be troubling you then. Our President Qin is very anxious now, saying he will immediately send his son out of town for a re-examination. It would be very bad if he ended up seriously injured.”

When the headmaster saw the Dean of the Teaching Department, he hurried to beckon to him. “Dean Xu, please come here! This is Secretary Gao from the Qin corporation. They want to investigate the matter of Qin Yuan being injured at school. Please receive them immediately and explain the situation to them.”

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Secretary Gao reservedly turned around and nodded at the Dean of the Teaching Department. “Hello, I’m the secretary from the Qin corporation. I came here on behalf of President Qin to deal with his son’s matter.”

He pointed his finger at the two strict-looking men at his side holding suitcases. “These are the lawyers specially hired by our corporation to handle such civil cases. We intend to bring a lawsuit against one of your school’s students for the intentional harm of our young master and file a civil claim.”

The Dean of the Teaching Department said, “Ah?!”

Old Jian: “…”

The matter had indeed gotten very big.

Old Xu just now had said nobody came to make a scene for the things Lin Hua did. In a blink of an eye, it became a big deal. Old Xu was indeed a crow’s beak*!

*T/N: A crow’s beak: boring person who constantly caws about disasters.

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Lin Hua’s mother was still making a scene while crying in the office. “The school shields a murderer and indulges in campus violence! I want to go find a newspaper and a reporter so that I can expose this school. I don’t believe there’s no justice in this world!”

A few teachers were in the middle of frenzied persuasion when they heard a man at the door sneering.

“Want to find newspapers and reporters? Fine, ah. Let’s go together.” Secretary Gao entered the office and looked at the woman with messy hair haughtily before turning to look at Dean Xu.

“Is this the parent of the child who hurt our Master Qin? Just in time.” His expression was slightly arrogant. “This will save our lawyers the hassle of looking for her.”

Lin Hua’s mother was stunned and looked at his imposing manner, becoming slightly timid in her heart. “Who… who are you?”

Secretary Gao sneered. “Your family’s child has hurt one of ours. He’s the only young master of the Qin corporation. This child was generous and his parents didn’t know he encountered this matter at school. They finally knew it now. How could they casually turn a blind eye to this after they found out.”

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Lin Hua’s mother became anxious. “Children fight with each other. There’s no harm in that. Don’t slander people viciously!”

Secretary Gao’s face was stern. “Dean Xu, you guys showed her the video of their child throwing things at the race track and intentionally harming people, right?”

Dean Xu hurried to smile apologetically. “She’s seen it.”

The lawyer behind Secretary Gao spoke in a strict, businesslike manner. “There’s nothing to discuss. There’s a video and sound record of the things their child did, causing a severe injury to our young master. Wait in your home for a lawyer’s letter and a court summons.”

Lin Hua’s mother shrieked. “Nonsense! Your family’s baby’s ankle was only sprained. Are you blackmailing people?”

Secretary Gao sneered. “Our young master’s body is delicate and precious. Whether it’s a sprain or not, we must get a famous doctor to examine it before deciding. We will see how the court decides on the examination, medical, and nourishment fees. If the court’s decision isn’t suitable, we will appeal. Our President Qin had said it doesn’t matter if the lawsuit goes on for years. He will accompany you to the end.”

He imposingly looked at the dumbstruck Lin Hua at the side. “Some children have no family education and are bad-hearted. They lack a social beating*.”

*T/N: Social beating: refer to “recognizing the cruel and ruthless reality” or “being taught a lesson by those around you.”

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