You Teach Me (2)

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Lin Hua, who knew a bit more about law than his mother, turned red. “Qin Yuan has already gotten better a long time ago. Don’t just think that you have money and that you can scare people. The court won’t judge indiscriminately…”

“Who says I’ve gotten better?” A crane-like youth stood at the doorway, frowning his sword brows, expression extremely cold.

The teachers in the office were all stunned. Aiyo, Qin Yuan!

After Qin Yuan entered, he didn’t look at Lin Hua, only at his class teacher. “Teacher Huai, I’ve come here to tell you. My foot has been hurting badly the last few days.”

Teacher Huai was startled. “Ah! Why didn’t you tell me earlier? If it’s severe, quickly go to the hospital for an examination!”

This was truly a top student in the class. Except for having an occasional idea that was too big, he never caused any trouble with his teachers, making people feel worry-free and proud.

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Qin Yuan indifferently lowered his eyes. “Mm. I had been enduring it for the last few days, thinking it would pass away after a while. But seeing as other people are unyielding, I feel I should study from Student Lin Hua and shouldn’t forgive him easily after this thing.”

Lin Hua flushed and resentfully glared at him. “I knew it. You’re here to help Ruan Qingmu! I’m looking for trouble with Ruan Qingmu, so you’re looking for trouble with me, aren’t you?

Qin Yuan raised his head and expressionlessly looked at him, his face seemingly covered in ice. “What does he have to do with me?”

He turned his head. “Uncle Gao, I’ll trouble you for the remaining matters. Investigate what ought to be investigated.”

The Dean of the Teaching Department’s head was full of sweat and he awkwardly rubbed his hands. “Hehe. Student Qin Yuan, ah. You’ve always been friendly and generous towards fellow students. Look, this isn’t a big matter. How about you discuss it with your family…”

Qin Yuan indifferently looked at him, his previous courtesy and respect disappearing suddenly. “Teacher, I’m genuinely sorry. Friendliness and generosity are given to friends, not some nasty person like Lin Hua.”

Lin Hua’s mother shrieked. “Go ahead and file a lawsuit if you want. I don’t believe the court will make us pay for the compensation!”

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Secretary Gao looked at her as if looking at an idiot. “Does the Qin family care about that small amount of compensation money? We want to make it so your family cannot eat or rest in peace. Just wait to run to the court every day.”

“You’re taking advantage of your position to bully people and be unreasonable!”

Secretary Gao’s face sank suddenly. “We’re not unreasonable. As for taking advantage of our position to bully people, you can say what you want. If there’s no satisfying statement for this matter, we will go look for a newspaper that will publish a scathing article on you. Let’s see once this video recording is released outside who the public will side with!”

The Dean of the Teaching Department became truly anxious. “Hey. Hey, Secretary Gao. The Qin corporation and our school have a deep friendship. You see, is it necessary to make such a big fuss and damage the reputation of Experimental No. 3?

Secretary Gao secretly glanced at his family’s young master and saw that he was still indifferently not uttering anything. He had an idea in his heart.

“Dean Xu, it’s not that we’re not sensible. Our Qin family only has this one precious son.” He smiled insincerely. “Since your school doesn’t want to care about him, we will seek justice by ourselves.”

He looked at Lin Hua scornfully and sneered. “I heard this student plans to take the physical education course in a teacher-training college. When the college entrance examination is over next year and every college enrolls new students, we will definitely remember to look for some news outlet that will expose him. Those schools must not be so blind as to accept such a ruthless child as a worthless teacher!”

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During the break time in Class 9’s classroom.

Ruan Qingmu looked at Bai Jing, completely stunned. “Qin Yuan limped to the office building?”

He was still fine when he stood in front of everyone in the morning. Why did he pretend to be crippled again?

Bai Jing whispered mysteriously, “I heard Class 1’s people say that someone from his family was looking for him during the break and he jumped there!”

Fang Li sat in front and uneasily turned back to look at Ruan Qingmu, asking in a whisper, “Student Qin Yuan… did something happen to him?”

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Ruan Qingmu frowned. “He’s just…”

He was on the verge of saying what was on his mind but held it back. What if… could there really be some recurrence of the condition, or maybe something happened in the past two days?

As he suspected things, Huang Ya suddenly rushed in like a gust of wind, his voice very loud. “Breaking news! Breaking news!”

“What happened? Say it quickly!” A boy in the first row asked anxiously.

“I just went to the office to make up for my chemistry homework and passed by the Dean of the Teaching Department’s office. Hell. It was so lively inside!”

Huang Ya spoke with flickering bows*. “Everyone knows Class 1 Boss Qin is a rich second generation. Damn. I just had an insight into how much money they have! That fool Lin Hua pulled his mom here to make a scene. In the end, Boss Qin’s family sent a manager and two lawyers directly. They said their family’s young master was deliberately harmed and wanted to sue him immediately!”

T/N: Flickering bows (idiom): Describes the way people speak incessantly, very happy, proud, and excited.

“Wow~~~” The class exclaimed in admiration. The boys and girls pricked their ears, laughing in complete awe. “Is he really called a young master? Big shot Master Qin!”

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