Late Night’s Suspicion (1)

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“I didn’t see your message.” He softly said, “I also never wanted to have a cold war with you.”

Ruan Qingmu: “…”

“I’m a little angry, but… it’s because I was really worried about you.” Qin Yuan looked at Ruan Qingmu’s bright pupils and quickly averted his gaze as if he had already used a lot of strength to say these words.

“I was afraid you would get punished again. And I was  afraid you’d be impulsive and do stupid things.” His voice was distressed. “When I think of these things, I can’t help but become very impatient.”

Ruan Qingmu quietly listened, his body stiffening.

The hell… this wasn’t the Qin Yuan that he knew. This boy before him was completely different.

Qin Yuan let out a soft sigh. It was incredibly soft but heavy. “Ruan Ruan… It’s not worth it for you to get into trouble for such scumbags.”

This person in front was so good and bright, making him unable to look away and unable to let him go.

When he heard him doing those things, he didn’t feel refreshed from venting his anger but felt fear instead.

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When Ruan Qingmu realized he must have made a mistake, he became distraught and couldn’t breathe easily.

At night, he no longer dreamed that intermittent dream inside the cave. For some reason, he now dreamt of some unexplained fragments where he was always fighting at close quarters with the young man in brocade clothes, but that man’s face still couldn’t be seen clearly.

What accompanied the dream was an unexplained sharp pain and anxiety that forced him to wake up suddenly and now it seemed to be spilling over into reality again.

Ruan Qingmu moved and slowly extended his hand, clasping Qin Yuan’s wrist around his own waist.

“That –” He sidestepped the topic, gaze drifting. “What did you just call me?”

Qin Yuan was silent for a long while before softly saying, “Ruan Ruan.”

Ruan Ruan: soft.

He had been calling him this for a long time in his heart but didn’t dare to call him such a thing to his face.

“Oh…” Ruan Qingmu mumbled and seriously pondered. “It’s not ‘ruan’ as in weak, right?”

Qin Yuan looked at him. His usual cold face looked like the early spring when the first snow melted for a moment, bright and fresh.

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Why was this person so smart? He could guess just about everything.

“Isn’t that the same thing?” Qin Yuan ambiguously asked.

“Of course, it’s not the same thing!” Ruan Qingmu fiercely glared at him. “Who allowed you to randomly call me this? I’m not soft at all!”

Qin Yuan didn’t say anything, lowered his head, and placed his chin on Ruan Qingmu’s shoulder, embarrassedly muttering, “Mm, got it… I won’t call you this anymore.”

It was fine to call him in his heart. Ruan Ruan was very soft.

“Hey!” Ruan Qingmu’s heart became increasingly flustered as he was being hugged gently like this. “Do you still want to…”

Qin Yuan moved his chin and looked at him with a heavy gaze. “Want to do what?”

Ruan Qingmu opened his mouth and nervously swallowed his saliva. “Want to teach me how to solve the math problem?! I still can’t answer that question.”

Qin Yuan’s arms seemed to tighten suddenly in that split second, extremely angry.

“Fine. Let’s work on that math question.” His white teeth seemed to grit fiercely.

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This Ruan Ruan wasn’t soft at all. He was made of a stone and his entire heart hadn’t been enlightened yet!

The two people tried to be calm and finally sat down at the long table.

Time passed in an instant. Ruan Qingmu looked at his phone and reluctantly tidied up his bag, sighing.

Qin Yuan took the math papers he had just finished and attentively glanced at them. “Why are you sighing?”

Ruan Qingmu looked discouraged. “I still can’t figure it out.”

This set of math papers wasn’t that difficult and could be figured out with a basic knowledge of math. He worked on it quickly for half an hour but still came across a few that he couldn’t do.

Damn. He regretted reading too few books, making his vocabulary today outdated and poor.

In these past two months, he would often memorize words while walking and eating and he had reviewed his junior year’s Chinese textbook again, but it was impossible to make up for the other subjects overnight.

He had always had an excellent memory and even if he couldn’t have everything imprinted in his memory, he could still be considered clever and resourceful.

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He was sure that his grades would improve in the short term, but he really didn’t have the strength to improve quickly in all subjects.

Qin Yuan stood up and helped him pack his bag, carrying it in his hand. “Don’t worry about it.”

Ruan Qingmu’s expression was sick. “Don’t worry? I’m still not happy with my grades.”

Qin Yuan earnestly said, “It’s already enough. Do you want to get to the level of the honors class in every subject in just two or three months?”

Ruan Qingmu unhappily snorted and reached out to take his bag, but Qin Yuan didn’t let go. “I will reward you by carrying your bag for you after you obediently work on the questions for a night.”

Ruan Qingmu glared daggers at him, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. “Are you coaxing a child?”

Qin Yuan carried two heavy bags by himself, but his expression was relaxed. “Is there any difference between you and Xiao-Zhuang? You’re even more of a worrywart than him.”

As the two people exited the door, Ruan Qingmu suddenly strangled him from behind and jumped on his back with his entire body, threatening in a whisper, “Qin shaoxia, I’ll give you one last chance. Take back your comment about me being a worrywart.”

Qin Yuan was slightly pushed backward by his force but didn’t say anything. He only tilted his head slightly to the side and gave him a sidelong glance with his bright eyes.

Ruan Qingmu hung on his neck and suddenly felt a little guilty from being looked at with his condemning look.

It was too bullying, wasn’t it?

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