Late Night’s Suspicion (2)

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“Liar. Why did you pretend to be lame during the day?” he embarrassedly asked. Speaking of which, this person ran like a gust of wind just now. Where was the slightest look of a sprained ankle?

Qin Yuan indifferently said, “Lin Hua’s matter was settled thanks to me pretending to be a cripple.”

The Lin family’s mother and son were scared out of their wits during the day in the office and repeatedly begged for forgiveness, promising continuously never to look for trouble again and accepting all disciplinary actions from the school. Besides, they were willing to make a public investigation and admit their mistakes, only begging the Qin family not to make a big deal out of the situation.

Ruan Qingmu had wanted to jump down from Qin Yuan’s back, but the youth in front was laughing. “Don’t come down… I can carry you.”

Ruan Qingmu was stunned and really didn’t make a move to get off.

The tall, upright teenager with two school bags on his shoulders and a person hanging off of him just stood there. Didn’t know why, but Qin Yuan suddenly added another line again, “You’re so light, ah.”

Qin Yuan’s voice was in front and came through his chest, carrying a little outstanding resonance. The apparent voice characteristic of a teenage boy seemed a bit deeper and a little more magnetic than usual.

Ruan Qingmu slumped on his back and became still. He suddenly felt sour, soft, and extremely aching.

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Was he really light? It couldn’t be lighter than when he was attached to this man’s back in his previous life.

In his previous life, he died a miserable death and was trapped under the peach blossom tree where he passed away. But somehow, when this man came and helped him collect his corpse, he suddenly lost his resentment and was able to float and follow him. The experience was very strange.

Sometimes he would float behind him and watch him look for his enemies. Sometimes when he was bored, he would lie on his back, not realizing that he was carrying a ghost who could not be reincarnated.

But he just wanted to look at him more and didn’t think of following him until he died.

The last thing he saw was the man falling while covered in blood.

His handsome face was so cold it looked like ice and his always bright eyes were bloodshot. As they slowly closed in, their sparkle dissipated a little.

Such a proud and tidy man had fallen in the sandy desert. He clearly had a bright future and should have the best life ahead of him.

It was said that the soul did not have a heart, so he should not feel any heartache, but he still felt as if his three immortal souls and seven mortal forms had been torn apart at that moment.

God was truly cruel but quite good to them in this life.

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He had initially wanted to look a few times and leave, but at the same time, what he ended up wanting the most was to look at him for a lifetime. What should he do?

He summoned his courage and softly rubbed his head against the youth in front’s neck.

“Qin Yuan… Wait for me,” he said in a low voice. “I will somehow go to the same city as you.”

Just like that senior brother and sister, let’s continue to attend university together.


The school had irregular dormitory checks and they would be reprimanded and heavily punished once it was discovered they were late. So, nobody dared to return after the dorm was closed.

It was almost time for lights out in the dorms. Qin Yuan and Ruan Qingmu quickened their steps and sprinted out of the cultural and sports building.

The dance room was by the side of the first floor’s staircase. Ruan Qingmu casually looked back at the corridor while walking before suddenly halting in his steps.

Qin Yuan also stopped. “What?”

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Ruan Qingmu slightly pricked his ears. “Did you hear a sound just now?”

Qin Yuan was stunned and carefully listened again.

Sure enough, a soft thud could be heard in the quiet night, sounding with a rhythm. It came from nearby.

The two people looked at each other and their gazes happened to land in the nearby dance room.


The corridor and every activity room were pitch-black without any sort of lighting. Carefully listening, it was like the sound of a person’s footsteps landing on a wooden floor.

Why would there be a sound coming from there at this late night? They instantly thought of the rumors that had spread in the boy’s group before.

It seemed that more than one person had said they heard a sound coming from the dance room at night. Moreover, there was also a beautiful girl’s figure?

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Ruan Qingmu’s heart stirred, whispering beside Qin Yuan’s ear, “Didn’t they say there’s a ghost here at night?”

Qin Yuan shot a glance at him. “Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no such thing as ghosts in this world.”

“There is,” Ruan Qingmu mumbled to himself and sighed. “Forget it if you don’t believe it.”

He stood on his tiptoes and pulled Qin Yuan to walk over to the dance room. “Shh – Let’s go take a look.”

The closer they approached that dance room, the sound inside became clearer. It was actually very light but seemed a little scary in the very quiet building.

Sure enough, it was the sound of a person’s footsteps landing on a wooden floor.

Ruan Qingmu believed in ghosts and he couldn’t help feeling slightly scared in his heart. At this time, Qin Yuan tightened the hand grasping his. “Don’t be afraid.”

Ruan Qingmu: “…”

Standing by the window outside the dance room, they quietly poked their heads in a little and looked inside.

Both of them had slight goosebumps instantly.

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