Make Eyes At Each Other (2)

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He had chatted with Fang Li until late last night, but it was still okay and he didn’t feel very sleepy today.

As they secretly spoke to each other, Dr. Gong suddenly knocked the desk on the podium. “Those two in the back. Stop chattering. Can’t you see that the whole class is waiting for you guys?”

All the students in the classroom looked back in unison, half the original Class 9 and the other half guests from the other class.

Ruan Qingmu’s face was burning and he resentfully lowered his head immediately.

Fuck this big charlatan of a quack doctor!

The female teacher had an amicable manner. “Okay. No more nonsense. In short, everyone knows not to have any crooked ideas. Cheaters will have to think well about the consequences for cheating in a big exam like this.”

Dr. Gong sneered while saying, “I’ll say it first. I have good eyes. I can see every nerve and muscle in the anatomy class. When the corner of your eyes twitches or you pull your cheeks, I know which of your muscles will twitch next, understand?”

The students: “…”

Goddamn anatomy. Goddamn muscle twitching.

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The examination bell rang and math was the first subject tested in the morning. Soon, the classroom fell into silence and only the rustling of papers could be heard.

The female teacher supervised the overall situation from the podium while Dr. Gong walked to the back and directly dragged a stool, sitting behind Ruan Qingmu and Qin Yuan.

Ruan Qingmu took the paper and began to immerse himself in solving the problems

He didn’t put in the effort to study much in mathematics, but he did his homework with Qin Yuan every day and learned a lot as a result. He had a good understanding and could do a lot of basic questions decently after going through them once.

Of course, he would still have difficulty with any of the major questions.

As he worked through his problems, he ran into a question he couldn’t solve. After furrowing his brows while thinking about it, he decided to give up. Suddenly, Dr. Gong’s phone in his pocket seemed to vibrate.

Ruan Qingmu was a bit lost in thought when he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the cold-faced school doctor beside him silently taking out his phone and looking at it.

When he glanced sideways, there was a picture on the phone’s screen. The well-built pectoral muscles were eye-catching and that person didn’t wear clothes on his upper body, only a black necktie was on his body, looking bold and unruly without revealing his face.

A small section of the waist was revealed below the picture, with a hand resting arrogantly on his lower abdomen, just short of the private part of his body that would be exposed below.

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Fuck. Fuck, the visual impact was superb. The cold-blooded school doctor was looking at this kind of pornography in private! And it was even a fucking man?

Ruan Qingmu was startled and involuntarily tilted his body, wanting a better look. The man beside him detected his movement and raised his head to look at him coldly. “What are you looking at him? Keep your eyes on your exam paper!”

This little demon. He remembered him well. The last time he carried Qin Yuan to check his leg, this brat called him a quack as soon as he turned around!

The classroom was very quiet and his words spread to everyone’s ears. Many people stealthily turned around to look at Ruan Qingmu.

Wah. Ruan Qingmu was really brave. What did he do to get called out by the invigilator teacher?!

The cold-blooded teacher was sitting right next to him, but he also dared to make a move. Look, has he been found out?

Qin Yuan, who was focused on working on his questions, also turned his head immediately, looking over in bewilderment.

Ruan Qingmu angrily withdrew his gaze and pouted.

What kind of person was this? Not responsible at all. The invigilator teachers also had their invigilator rules. He had never seen a teacher dare to play with their phones during supervision.

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This subtle pout didn’t escape the school doctor’s piercing eyes and he grimly said to Ruan Qingmu, “What’s that look on your face? Behave yourself!”

After Ruan Qingmu turned his head, he finally swept over the nearby students, who were looking over at him. “What are you all looking at? Do you want to see the answers in the back?”

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads around. They didn’t dare to mess with him. He had even capped them as cheating. Such a ruthless guy.

After a little more than an hour, Qin Yuan, who was engrossed in writing, had already finished working on his problems. He secretly looked at Ruan Qingmu from the side. As expected, he was hard at work with his answers using his folding technique.

Ruan Qingmu bent his waist and squinted, seriously holding a ruler and aiming it at the central axis of a three-dimensional triangle. Ruan Qingmu bowed his back, eyes squinted, seriously holding a ruler, aiming at the central axis of a three-dimensional triangle. The sunlight from outside shone in, reflecting the fine hairs on his delicate face, and the edges of his usually dark eyes showed a bit of amber.

Qin Yuan quietly looked at him, feeling a sudden softness in his heart.

That guy, ah… wanting to strive to get those extra few points, right?

Seeing Ruan Qingmu finally put down the ruler and seriously fill in an answer on the paper, he couldn’t help but smile slightly and cough gently.

Ruan Qingmu immediately turned his head and looked at him.

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Immediately noticing that Qin Yuan had been staring at him using his dumb method, he was slightly ashamed and glared daggers at Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan, however, had a gentle look on his face and gently gave him a thumbs up.

Very smart, ah. He silently mouthed.

Suddenly, a bewildering question sounded from behind them. “There’s still forty minutes left until the exam is finished. So how long do you plan making eyes at each other like this?”

Ruan Qingmu and Qin Yuan suddenly looked back and stared at the school doctor at the back.

Too careless… They forgot that an invigilator was sitting there.

The class reacted and turned back in unison again. Who? Who did the cold-blooded forensic doctor say were making eyes at each other?

The last row was full of tall boys. Where was the girl?

In the last row, top student Qin and underachiever Ruan stood side by side, their bodies tensing and faces flushing.

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