Make Eyes At Each Other (3)

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After the math exam finished, the students in front successively rushed to the back.

Class 1’s top students gathered around the first place in the grade, Qin Yuan, to match their answers while Class 9’s underachievers surrounded their sports representative to express admiration.

“Ruan-ge, Ruan-ge, have you copied the answers?” Huang Ya looked at Ruan Qingmu and winked.

Bai Jing and Fang Li had odd numbers and after they left, only Huang Ya and two boys from Ruan Qingmu’s dorm remained. Each of them glanced at Qin Yuan’s side, feeling extremely envious.

The cold-blooded school doctor had sent out warnings twice, indicating that even under the eyes of this famous catcher, Ruan Qingmu still dared to make small moves. The nerve of him, tch.

Ruan Qingmu raised his head to look at them, looking very solemn. “What are you guys talking about? It’s okay to say something about me, but don’t start a rumor about the other ‘three good students.’ If not, be careful of me chopping you.”

Class 9’s boys: “… Hehe!”

Ruan-ge was increasingly inscrutable now, holding a milk straw in his mouth and slurping it slowly, his face so gentle but his words so bloody.

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On the other side, Qin Yuan also turned his head and looked at Huang Ya and the others coldly and solemnly said, “Don’t talk nonsense. Your sports representative worked on the questions all by himself.”

The onlooking crowds desperately nodded. Understood! Bribing and giving bribes were both a crime. Cheating and giving cheats were also a crime. Only stupid people would admit to something like that.

That having been said, this was the first time Boss Qin actually broke his principle. He would never let anyone copy his answers in the past…

The midterm exams lasted two days and the students struggled for the entire two days. After the exams, they all walked lightly like a frosted eggplant*.

*T/N: Frosted eggplant (methapor): which means that the skin of an eggplant will be soft and wilted after being beaten by frost and is generally used as a metaphor for a lack of spirit and energy.

Early that morning, Old Jian had no classes for the first and second periods, grabbed the test papers, and started correcting them.

The papers he was holding in his hands was the language papers of the next class, Class 7.

As he was marking, he became slightly distracted and raised his voice to the teacher at the next table and said, “Old Yang, ah. Have you finished marking the papers for your class?”

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Old Yang smiled and raised a sack of exam papers. “Finished. I worked overtime last night. I just wanted to tell you. One of the essays in your class was really well written. I gave it a high score.”

When the papers were exchanged and corrected, the names and numbers were sealed, so there was no way to see who it was.

Old Jian released an “oh” and hurriedly took the pack of papers. “High score? Let me see.”

It must be the Chinese representative in their class. The kid’s essay had always been stable.

Old Yang lamented. “It’s quite interesting, not the model essay pattern. It’s quite a pleasant change – I gave it 56 points. Look at it and let me know if you have any objections?”

Old Jian was startled and hurriedly said politely, “Teacher Yang gave such a high score. Are you leaving the three sides of the net open*?”

*T/N: Leave open the three sides of the net (idiom): to be lenient and magnanimous with wrongdoers.

With 56 points, this was definitely a high-scoring essay that could be used as a model essay. Even for the students in the honors class, there would not be many who could get this score.

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After flipping through several pages of exam papers in the back, he was stunned.

This handwriting? This high-scored paper with 56 essay points and 129 overall scores?

He hurriedly opened the sealed names. As expected!

Who else could it be if not Ruan Qingmu?!

A teacher at the side curiously approached him. “Aiyo. Ruan Qingmu? Isn’t this the famous thornhead* in your class? The one who fought and was late for one of the monthly exams.”

*T/N: Thornhead: People who like to be picky, make things difficult, and are difficult to deal with.

Someone at the side laughed out loud. “The one reciting ‘red sleeves’ in the office last time? He also drew a pornographic picture, right? He’s very famous.”

After saying this, several teachers had a recollection. The class teacher of Class 1, Teacher Huai, was even more sensitive and turned her head, asking in doubt. “Old Yang is really willing to give 56 points? Isn’t it too random?”

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She had just received the marks for her class papers from the Chinese teacher and Qin Yuan’s flawless essay only got 54 points. What was wrong with Old Yang?

When she said that, Old Yang got a little upset.

He had taught Chinese for several dozen years and was still the most outstanding teacher in the grade. What qualifications did Teacher Huai have as an English teacher to criticize him?

His face went rigid and he directly called out to the work’s group chat. “Can a few teachers from the Chinese language teaching and research department come here? There’s a controversy over an essay’s marking.”

When Old Yang made the call, two Chinese teachers from the next room who didn’t have classes immediately came, excitedly asking, “What? What? We had nothing to do, so we came over to take a look.”

Old Jian didn’t utter a word at the side. After this short period, he had finished looking at Ruan Qingmu’s essay and his heart was full of shock.

The two teachers took Ruan Qingmu’s exam paper in high spirits and looked at it together.

For a moment, the office became slightly quiet.

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