Cheating Disputes (2)

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Qin Yuan extended his hand by the fence and handed the last tanghulu to Ruan Qingmu. “I’ll give you one more.”

Ruan Qingmu felt amused by his action. “Qin-shaoxia, are you coaxing a child?”

Qin Yuan held his hand out without saying anything.

Ruan Qingmu squinted his eyes at Qin Yuan and slowly lowered his head to suck one, whispering, “Enough. I’ll eat one. Don’t overdo it.”

He had eaten the whole two skewers and would get a toothache at night if he didn’t stop.

Qin Yuan bit into another one, his cheeks puffed up slightly, and his handsome face looked like a hamster’s. He spat out a few hawthorn seeds after a long time. “Got it. This is the last one.”

Ruan Qingmu felt ridiculous and slightly sad as he looked at him, softly muttering, “Why are you so disobedient?”

Qin Yuan glanced at him quietly, his usual imposing and indifference dissipating in the night, leaving only quietness and softness.

He carefully wrapped up the rest of the tanghulus, tucked them into his arms, and went up the wall with a light flip.

Sitting on the wall, he looked at Ruan Qingmu from above and said softly, “I’ll listen if you care about me.”

Ruan Qingmu looked up at his handsome, gentle face. He could only feel the sourness of hawthorn mixed with the sweetness of icing sugar in his mouth that seemed to spread to his heart with an indescribable taste.

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He supported himself up with both hands and climbed up too. Then, he stared at Qin Yuan and suddenly approached him. “Are you really listening to me? Then, be good and call me father.”

Qin Yuan’s gentle face froze and the light in his phoenix eyes shifted. For a moment, he didn’t know if it was a shock, shame, or something else.

Ruan Qingmu’s pair of peach blossom eyes were devious as he laughed triumphantly in a small voice. “I won’t tease you anymore. Why is it so easy to tease you?”

The leaves of the giant acacia tree swayed lightly in the night breeze, brushing against them. Ruan Qingmu’s smile was arrogant and vivid, seemingly glowing in the bright moonlight.

Qin Yuan watched with unblinking eyes and suddenly averted his eyes.

He took a stronghold of a large branch and jumped with it, a soft and angry voice coming from the wind as if he was gritting his teeth.

“There will be plenty of chances for you to call me father in the future.”

Ruan Qingmu’s feet went askew and almost fell from the tree.

Damn. He was clearly only trying to be brave with a retort. Why did it sound so weird when this guy said it with a low and magnetic voice? It made people’s legs indescribably go soft!


Early the following day, at the morning study session, Ruan Qingmu slowly carried his school bag and entered the classroom.

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As he walked, he lifted his head and his eyes slowly swept the surroundings.

This quiet surrounding and these flickering eyes, what was going on?

The little class monitor, Tang Tiantian, met his gaze, wanting to say something but then hesitating. Bai Jing rushed a step and quickly ran in front of his seat, squeezing Fang Li and sitting down.

“Ruan-ge, have you looked at my WeChat messages yet?” Bai Jing lowered his voice.

Ruan Qingmu was flabbergasted and took out his phone. “What?”

When he came back last night, he went straight to 106. After a friendly chat for a short while, the two of them went to bed. He hadn’t paid any attention to his WeChat at all.

After opening it and hastily taking a glance at it, he turned it off.

“Ruan-ge, don’t be angry, ah.” Bai Jing looked into his calm eyes with fear. “Calm down!”

Ruan Qingmu looked at him in shock. “Why would I be angry?”

It wasn’t a big deal to be accused by other people. If he flew into a rage just from being accused and slandered, he would have been angry to death several times in his previous life.

“Ah?” Bai Jing blankly looked at him. Did he not mind such a big problem?

Fang Li also carefully turned his head from in front, whispering, “But… they’re slandering you.”

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Ruan Qingmu stared fixedly at him, earnestly saying, “Who are they? Anonymous idiots. Besides, I’m not living for them.”

The classroom was extremely quiet. The students stopped their morning reading and secretly pricked their ears up.

Ruan Qingmu shook his head and asked Fang Li, “Will you believe in those things and hate me?”

Fang Li hurriedly shook his head. “No. Of course, not!”

Ruan Qingmu looked at Bai Jing. “What about you? Will you think I’m bad and despicable?”

Bai Jing was startled. “How can it be? Ruan-ge is my idol.”

Ruan Qingmu smiled casually. “Look. Isn’t it enough that you guys are still the same? Who cares about that rubbish.”

Huang Ya suddenly shouted from the front. “What if an idiot believes in it?”

Ruan Qingmu looked at him in astonishment. “That’s why they’re idiots, ah.”

“Hahaha!” The boys burst out laughing and the girls also secretly covered their mouths.

The gloom in the morning self-study was swept away and the atmosphere improved instantly.

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The midterm exam results had just come out and students who lagged in some subjects had a sense of crisis again. Ruan Qingmu said a few words light-heartedly and everyone immediately felt it was a trivial matter, so they went back to reading their books.

Those who recited Chinese recited it and those who were memorizing the vocabulary memorized it. The classroom was filled with the buzz of reading sounds.

Fang Li sat in front and still felt slightly uneasy. After enduring it for a while, he looked back secretly. “Ruan-ge, If you don’t mind, what about class monitor Qin? H-His reputation…”

Not only was Ruan Qingmu splashed with dirty water, but Qin Yuan was also questioned for helping him cheat?

Ruan Qingmu unplugged the earphones from his ears and sighed. “Fang Li, why don’t you understand?”

Fang Li looked at him in confusion.

Ruan Qingmu said word by word. “First, he’s more formidable than anyone else and won’t even care about this rubbish either.”

“Secondly, Qin Yuan will also know I don’t care.”

Fang Li was stunned and his pale pink lips trembled helplessly. “W-Why?”

Ruan Qingmu unhurriedly spun the pen in his hand. “Because he’s my friend, not because he thinks I’m good-looking or intelligent with greatly improving grades.”

The clear reading sound had stopped since who knew when and many people secretly listened to him.

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