Cheating Disputes (3)

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Ruan Qingmu only looked at Fang Li with a careless arrogance on his delicate features. “It’s because he thinks I’m worthy of it.”

The surrounding students became slightly dazed.

Fang Li quietly listened to him and there was a slight confusion in his amber eyes. Was it really like that?

Two people became friends because they thought… they were worthy of each other?

Ruan Qingmu waved his hand. “So, you guys can disperse. There’s no good show to watch, understand?”

Amidst the silence, Bai Jing raised his hand with fear. “Ruan-ge, it seems there’s some problem with you and Boss Qin’s understanding.”

Ruan Qingmu raised his brow.

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“Boss Qin, h-he seems to care very much…” Bai Jing swallowed his saliva with difficulty. “He just opened his mic in the post, appearing to be a little stir up.”

Ruan Qingmu felt like someone slapped him in the face and a crack appeared in the clouds. “…”

His face felt sore.

The class teacher usually supervised the morning self-study. When Old Jian entered the classroom, he noticed that the atmosphere in the class was a bit weird.

Usually, some students secretly played with their mobile phones, but they didn’t dare to do so during class time. But this early in the morning, they were all lowering their heads. It was evident at a glance that they were secretly looking inside their desk drawers. The hell if they weren’t looking at their phones!

He suddenly leaped up to the boys in the front row, seizing two phones instantly with a swift hand. “You brats. You’ve got some nerve, don’t you?!”

The class was in chaos, mixed with the cries of the boys whose phones were confiscated. “Ahhh. Teacher, we won’t dare anymore!”

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One boy was a little clever and hurriedly made a sheepish face, trying to curry favor with the teacher. “Teacher, please let us redress our grievances. We’re not playing. We’re concerned about a significant matter in the class regarding our sports representative’s reputation. We’re even more concerned for the honor of our whole class…”

Old Jian used the phone to knock his head. “You can’t even speak clearly. What is all this weird thing about?

That boy seized the opportunity to take his phone. “Teacher, I’ll find it for you!”

Old Jian followed his lead and squinted at the phone he was holding out to him.

A hot thread that was posted last night was on the top. It was the one questioning Ruan Qingmu’s cheating.

He clicked on it and looked for a while, his face turning slightly green.

Why did these kids, who usually seemed so well-behaved, have so many bad ideas behind someone’s back?

Looking again, there was another hot thread… the person posting it was the Honors Class’ class monitor Qin Yuan?

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After looking for a while, his expression was slightly odd and he glanced at Ruan Qingmu in the back seat, waving at him. “Come, follow me out.”

The classroom resumed its morning reading. In the corridor, Old Jian stood there, reading that post by Qin Yuan from beginning to end again.

The time posted was just now. It turned out that Class 1’s three goods student also openly played with his phone during morning reading.

“I swear I’m not doing this for myself. According to my temperament, I won’t give a second glance at this matter. But if I really shut my mouth and don’t say anything, it will be too unfair to those who are innocent. So, I still decided to take out a little time and directly say three things.

“First, Student Ruan Qingmu’s English score. Last time during the monthly exam, he was absent during the listening for being late. He had tried to do it once more in the office later. Adding the listening score, he would’ve gotten 114 points. For this point, all teachers in the office at that time can testify for it.

“Secondly, Student Ruan Qingmu’s Chinese score. I’m afraid not many people know that Class 9 had madly monopolized five publicity drafts in the sports competition’s broadcast and Student Ruan Qingmu wrote all of them.

“Thirdly, if you say the broadcast draft can’t be considered, let’s look at the highest essay score in the whole grade for this time’s Chinese exam.”

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Below was a shocking picture aimed straight at a section of an essay paper.

The bright red 56 mark was emblazoned on the page.

“My overall scores in Chinese are higher, but my essay is only 54 points. This 56-point essay makes me feel ashamed and inferior. Everyone might also appreciate it and look at what is truly called a literary eloquence and wonderful model essay. Oh right, you are welcome to search word by word and phrase by phrase on Baidu. Check if you have any plagiarism doubts.

“Lastly, I want to make an official statement to these anonymous people hiding in the dark, who gauge the heart of a gentleman with their mean measure*: You guys will only reveal your despicability by slandering an excellent person. You guys will only show your darkness by attacking a brilliant person. Oh right, I’m talking about these bad people. You’re welcome to take this general comment as a personal attack.”

*T/N: gauge the heart of a gentleman with their mean measure (idiom): to be cynical; to be skeptical of the integrity, sincerity, or motives of others.


The author has something to say:

Qin Yuan: (blush) Actually, I also befriended him because he’s good-looking and intelligent. As for his grades improving quickly…

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