Heterochromatic Bar (1)

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The motorbike rumbled and went along the road as fast as lightning, driving down to a cultural part of the city.

This area was well-known for its bar scene, with every kind of distinguished bar and cafe there. Some niche civil salons could also be found on this street.

The sky became cloudier and the neon lamps in the bars were lit up earlier than usual.

The two people pushed open the door to an unremarkable bar. The signboard “Heterochromatic Bar” kept changing from light to dark. After careful inspection, it would alternately change into rainbow colors.

“Aiya, Li-ge is here?”

The male waiter at the door had snow-white heavy makeup with a beautiful look and a weird-styled skirt tied on his waist as he smiled at the young men. “Your band members are already here. They’re backstage right now.”

The man called Li-ge responded, “Tell the kitchen to hurry and make us two simple dishes. Use several pieces of the steak I stored in the freezer earlier. Make sure it’s the steak I put in there.”

“Understood, the boss left a Tomahawk steak in the freezer..” The little waiter squinted, taking another look at Gong Sinian again. “Why? Is there also a share for this little brother*? Li-ge, there are only a few pieces of your steak left.”

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*T/N: A term for a young man.

Li Yuan kicked his butt. “Why don’t you give me less bullshit? The next order will come in soon. Tell them to make it quickly, two portions!”

Gong Sinian, with a cold face, almost wanted to turn around and walk away. Li Yuan hurried to pull him back and whispered, “Hey, hey. What kind of flying vinegar* are you eating again? He’s only a little fan of the band.”

*T/N: Eat vinegar: jealousy; flying eat vinegar: jealousy out of nowhere.

Gong Sinian glared at him and nodded, turning around to sit at a small table at the side.

Another male waiter smilingly came over, set up some napkins and placed down two glasses of lemonade onto their table.

“Li Yuan, let the past of your bullshit down the stove* be the past. Don’t let me catch you hooking up with people again,” Gong Sinian unhurriedly said.

*T/N: Messy or shameless behavior.

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Li Yuan retracted his smile, his face becoming solemn. “A-Nian*, what kind of shameful words are you saying? What do you mean by saying that? I will also say this again. I’ve lived for twenty-eight years and faced countless temptations in my life. I’ve always been steadfast and kept myself pure.”

*T/N: A –: prefix used before monosyllabic names, kinship term to indicate familiarity.

The male servant, who had been setting the western tableware, was delighted and desperately trying to hold back his laughter at the side.

Gong Sinian looked at his stifled laughter and sneered. “Look, your friend who is familiar with you is dying from laughter.”

The male servant hurriedly corrected his expression. “No, no. Our Li-ge is very pure. I can testify for him. He never randomly fools around with anyone. It’s always other people who hit on him.”

On a bar counter not far away, that little man with heavy makeup came out of the back kitchen, resentfully looking at their table and pouting, expression full of grievances.

The bartender looked at him and sighed. “Can you take away your resentful woman’s look? What does it matter to you if Li-ge likes someone?”

“Lao-Niang had chased him from the eastern city to the western city. If I can’t get him, it’s fine, but am I now not allowed to grieve?” That little waiter flew into a rage. “Do you think I want to work here? Lao-Niang can casually go to another bar to dance and the fee won’t be any lower than here!”

The bartender rolled his eyes at him. “It’s like you’ve sacrificed your life so much. Does Li-ge lack a pursuer like you? Once he goes up on the stage, won’t the little miss and little shou* all surround him?”

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*T/N: The receiver/bottom in a homosexual relationship.

The little waiter’s anger slightly dissipated and he slumped on a table, muttering, “I just can’t accept it. What’s so good about that person? He puts on a poker face all day long and nobody can get along with him!”

The bartender was at the end of his patience and spat at him. “There’s no logic in dating. Even a tortoise can look at a mung bean*! I advise you to give up sooner and don’t go around acting like a fool around Li-ge. You’ll risk being disliked by everyone if you continue this.”

*T/N: A tortoise can look at a mung bean: because a tortoise’s eyes are only the size of a mung bean. If a mung bean is placed in front of its eyes, it can only look at the mung bean. When you look at it, your eyes will not move, you will look stupid, you will be dumbfounded, and your eyes will be straight. It means that you are attracted to each other.

At that small table, Li Yuan scratched his head and flatteringly said, “I will go backstage for a moment to say ‘hi’ to the ‘Bronze Hammer’ and then come back.”

Gong Sinian didn’t even raise his head and focused on his phone. “Get lost.”

The school’s forum was a mess. It was just after dinner and before the evening study period. Qin Yuan’s clarification post this morning had not only failed to calm things down but had instead caused an even bigger raucous.

The person pointing out that Ruan Qingmu cheated on his essay was like a bomb, blowing up to the point where many top students who rarely appeared on the forum showed up to hash out the news.

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From junior to senior year, people came out to leave a message.

“A junior sister is coming to admire. It’s really very well-written. I like it very much!”

“The essay is very good, but it’s too overly good…”

“What the hell is going on? Did he really write the broadcast drafts and this essay? For the entire junior year, was his Chinese this remarkable? How did he advance by such leaps and bounds?”

“I don’t care how. I believe in Boss Qin. He said he didn’t pass on answers. I will believe in him unconditionally till the end of my days.”

“This isn’t necessary. Wasn’t there a video recording of his actions before? He would rather harm himself in order to help Ruan Qingmu out on the racetrack.”

Amidst the unnecessary racket, a particularly offensive comment suddenly came up.

“I won’t believe in anyone. I only believe in the cold-blooded school doctor! He called out Ruan Qingmu for stealing a glance and many people heard it on the spot. We shouldn’t ignore this. Hehe!”

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