Heterochromatic Bar (2)

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Gong Sinian frowned, his fingers quickly typing on the phone.

Suddenly, an unfriendly voice sounded in his ear. “Little brother, the steak Li-ge is treating you is here.”

Gong Sinian raised his head and carefully looked at the male waiter with large, round eyes, saying with an indifferent face, “What do you mean he’s treating me?”

The little waiter’s mouth almost tilted to the sky. “Li-ge has a share in this shop. The back kitchen is Li-ge’s family kitchen. If the eight hundred yuan piece of steak is not him treating you, than what is that?”

Pah! It looked like he had taken a fancy to Li-ge’s money. Unlike the waiter, who loved Li-ge for his music!

Gong Sinian looked at him and beckoned at him. “Here, brat. I’ll teach you to be clever.”

He took out his phone and opened a stand-alone overseas e-commerce APP. “The $108 steak you’re talking about is the one I paid for to treat your Li-ge.”

The little waiter looked at the advertisement for “Premium Original Cut, Kobe Wagyu Beef” on the page and then at the list of air shipments, becoming dumbfounded.

“It’s not like Li-ge doesn’t have money…”

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Gong Sinian put on a fake smile. “Yes, ah. So, he’s well-off and I’m also well-off. See, we’re really compatible.”

The little waiter felt ashamed and angry. “Being wealthy doesn’t mean compatible!”

Gong Sinian nodded his head. “Right. Maybe we won’t be compatible anymore after a while. It’s not that you can’t pursue Li Yuan, but you have to wait until I’m fed up with him and dump him before picking up the junk, understand?”

The little waiter was no match for him and ran back, panting with rage.

Li Yuan returned from the curtain behind the bar counter as he grinned and sat down. “What are you doing? You’re bullying people again. Look at Xiao-Ai’s tiny face already turning white from anger.”

“Heh.” Gong Sinian sneered. “Isn’t it white because of the three jin*  of powder he smeared onto his face?”

*T/N: 1 jin = 0.5 kg

“Don’t get angry easily. I’ve told you many times before, it’s only a kid who likes to listen to my singing. You even ate this kind of vinegar. When your husband goes on stage later, won’t you die from jealousy because of the omnipresent flowers and handkerchiefs?” Li Yuan burst out laughing.

Gong Sinian put down his phone and nodded. “I’m not angry at him, only scaring him.”

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Li Yuan grabbed the knife and fork and started to cut the steak. “How do you scare him?”

Gong Sinian picked up the steak knife and tapped it on the bone china dinner plate, making a few crisp sounds. “I told him if I catch my husband fooling around with other people behind my back, I won’t use a surgery knife and straightly use this blunt knife –”

He gracefully and carefully sliced the steak into several equal parts. The size was as accurate as if it were being measured with a ruler. “I can also cut you and your little adulterer brother into eight parts and peel apart your blood vessels, nerves, and lymphatic vessels one by one, understand?”

“Pfff –” Li Yuan looked at the sliced steak on the plate and before fresh wine started spurting out of his mouth.

It was only 6 o’clock and there weren’t many people in the bar. The sky outside became darker.

In one moment, the wind blew up, rattling the leaves on both sides of the street and hitting the decorative window panes of the bar “Heterochromatic Bar.”

A few servers were getting ready and Li Yuan’s band members were warming up on stage. It was chaotic and lively inside the bar.

After finishing the simple meal, Li Yuan ran to the stage and tested his equipment with the keyboard player and bassist. Gong Sinian continued to sit at the small private table. Having eaten and drunk to his heart’s content, he calmly opened the forum and posted a reply.

“Who said Ruan Qingmu cheated? Who said Qin Yuan passed the answers? Come out and let me take a look.”

He used an anonymous ID and casually picked the username ‘doctor123.’ Nobody took him seriously and someone immediately popped out and said, “Just who do you think you are? Want people to come out? I’ve come out. I suspect they are villains colluding together*. Why?”

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*T/N: Villains colluding together (idiom): to work hand in glove with somebody (to nefarious ends).

Soon, doctor123 replied: “You can choose not to trust them, but you’re shaming me by saying they cheated.”

“It’s none of your damn business!”

doctor123: “I was behind them. I said they didn’t cheat, so they naturally didn’t cheat.”

It was time for night self-study at school now. Most students had put their phones away and only the underachievers were still hopelessly muddling here. “Hahaha. (Howling with laughter.jpg.)  They sat in the last row. Were you embedded in the wall if you sat behind them? So ridiculous*!”

*T/N:  笑掉大牙: figuratively means ridiculous or jaw-dropping; literary means laughing until teeth fall.

doctor123: “You can come to my infirmary if your teeth fall. I’ll pluck them off for you. But it depends on whether it’s a broken crown or a broken root. You can have a full crown restoration if it’s just a broken crown. But if the fracture has reached the pulp chamber and the nerve is exposed, you’ll have to undergo root canal therapy first. If I have to extract the tooth of a little brat like you, I won’t use any anesthetics.”

The numerous onlookers and several underachievers: “o((⊙﹏⊙))o…”

What the hell was this?

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Amidst the shock and doubt, doctor123 posted a few more photos from his album of cold medical equipment glinting in a tin cabinet in the school infirmary, with neatly arranged drugs in order.

“Listen to me clearly. I was the invigilator teacher that day. I told Ruan Qingmu to look at his paper because my phone had rung then. I was looking at my phone and he looked at me, so I scolded him.” Gong Sinian typed out word by word. “From start to finish, he did all the subjects by himself. Saying that he cheated and Qin Yuan passed a cheat sheet, do you take me as some blind man?”

The onlooking students: “o(╥﹏╥)o… Dr. Gong has worked hard to supervise!”

Damn. Disperse! Disperse! Just wash up and sleep.

You could doubt anyone else but not the four famous catchers. Ruan Qingmu’s grades were one hundred percent earned by himself!

Lightning flashed outside with a sudden clap of thunder and the rain poured down.

Although it was raining, people kept entering the bar. One young singer running the show in the performance pool started to sing in a velvety voice. Li Yuan and his band were the final act and they wouldn’t come onstage until midnight. Gong Sinian turned off his phone in satisfaction and casually glanced at the door.

Suddenly, he squinted his eyes.

One thin, small boy shyly entered through the door, carrying a school bag. He didn’t bring an umbrella and shook his head after entering the door, the droplets falling all around him.

He hesitated before walking to the bar counter.

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